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 It's time to start our "You Write the Story" for August!

It goes like this:

1) Write down in comments or PM me your idea! (Both for "Just a Taste" and "Diving Deeper")

2)  On August, 20 we start the poll to choose the winner (Only Diving Deeper can vote)

3) On August , 24 the winner is announced and I start making the story.

4)On August, 29 we enjoy the story :)

I hope that this time we'll have even more great ideas, I can't wait to hear them! 




Jack won a Playboy flight ticket in the lottery, but he not know only good boys have a lot bunny stweardess and bad boys on the plane are transformed and brainwashed. Jack slowly becomes plastic busty airhead bimbo stewardess, who suck and fuck airline clients.

John Doe

Two friends walking through the mall find a purse laying on the ground. They try to return it to its owner but the purse has magic around it that makes them a mother daughter combo out shopping for her daughter’s date that night.


A guy goes on a game show. But every wrong answer turns him into more of a bimbo in mind and body with the studio audience voting on how each part of home changes.


A guy goes to a British pub and insults a British chav/bimbo for being trashy and looking ugly compared to American girls. As revenge she transforms the guy into a perfect British bimbo, accent and all.


Two friends explore Europe, accidentally discovered a strange monastery, where priests are muscular mans and nuns is busty plastic airhead bimbo dressed in fetish latex catsuits. Priests propose to young explorers to join them, but the rejection of the offer, results in imprisonment in the monastery and slow transformation into a new nuns.


Robert and Monica are going on their honeymoon to Transylvania. During the tour, a strange storm breaks out, the car catches a flat tire and the phone is out of range. They search help and find a psychiatric hospital nearby. Entering the hospital is no good idea but what they can do ? Inside the building they find plastic busty airhead bimbo nurses. They explore rooms and find in the cells women and men under transformation progress. After this discovery, they are captured by doctors and nurses, pulled into cells and subjected to the same process. Thanks to a special serum, their bodies transform into plastic busty airhead bimbo and thanks to special chairs, vr glasses and headphones, their minds are subjected to brainwash. Wife and husband are slowly becoming the next plastic busty airhead bimbo nurses in the hospital, where jobs like normal nurse and suck and fuck doctors and serurity guards.

Steve Piven

College student who gives his single mom a hard time for going to the club and going out on dates gets transformed by his younger sister into his mom's new best friend. The new cougar goes out with his former mom looking to pick up men while his sister follows them to the club and snaps her fingers to get her former brother to start flirting/dancing, especially with young men!


Up and coming indie music artist finally gets signed to a major record label, but they have a different idea for his music career and completely change his look and music


Michael's girlfriend is a wildlife photographer. One day she disappears somewhere in the jungle and Michael decides to find her. After a few days in the jungle, he comes across a strange tribe that kidnaps him and transforms into another tribal wife. Michael little by little turns into a ebony woman, grows large breasts, loses his ability to speak english and lose him mind.


Patrick explore USA and goes to Aspen. He finds a strange motel, which he doesn't pay with cash. After spending the night, overseer informs him that he has to pay off the debt by cleaning the motel. During of day, Patrick slowly transform into a bimbo maid.


John finds an old gothic mirror in an abandoned Hotel. When he touches it, he moves to the other side of the mirror. He has only 24h before the gate is closed forever and he will starts to turn into a one of several bimbo maid to serve the Master and Mistress of Hotel.


The newest partner at a law firm is assigned the task of interviewing a new receptionist for the firm. The girl who shows up turns out to be a complete ditz - spacey and sweet. And ambitious. As the interview progresses, she swaps first their bodies, then their skills, education, and abilities in response to the interview questions, leaving the law partner stuck with her body and life, knowing who they used to be, but unable to remember any specifics or tell anyone about it.


Wow! There are so many ideas from you. Which one will we set in the poll?


On Monday two high school friends (Jason and Mike) find a spell book. Mike tries casting one of the spells of which doesn’t seem to have any effect. They soon realize that Jason is slowly being transformed into Mike’s dream girl until Friday when Jason is stuck in whatever form he’s in forever. Jason gets furious as Mike’s desires change to being turned on by huge tits, big lips, and big hair. The worst of it comes when Jason aces a test that Mike fails and Mike soon desires an airhead to make him feel smarter.


Steve and Mark are visiting the Arab Emirates. They hear rumors of harems. Lucky, they meet a few young sheikhs at the casino. One of the sheikhs invites young men to visit his harem but warns not to surrender to the charms of his wives, because will be punishment. One by one, however, they have sex with beautiful wives. Then they are cursed and their bodies and minds adjust to being parts of the harem.


A witch walks in on a church service with a pastor preaching against the modern sex-crazed culture and how sinful it is. She casts a reality warping spell that turns the church into a strip club and him into a proud lifelong stripper.


Bully in a high school beat up the wrong kid. The older sister curses the bully to become his victim's loyal horny girlfriend the transformation happens in a repeating day where each day the bully becomes more girly and horny.


Kid finds a Necklace that is capable of changing people/reality as he wants.He's using that power to get revenge on the bully and his girlfriend at school.

Cole Oeste

Maybe this time I have a chance? We'll see. A kind and nerdy couple are in a loving relationship built on intelligence, mutually shared interests, and love. Both of them despise shallow and traditionally hot people. One day they find their realities changing, as the girl transforms slowly into a bitchy, popular party girl, with blonde hair and big tits, and the guy turns into a dumb jock meathead who's a total fuckboy and spends all his time in the gym. Their memories and personalities start changing to match, as the guy remembers the only things he likes about the girl is how much of a good fuck she is, and the girl remembers the only thing she cares about the guy is his muscles, his money, and his big dick. Both of them forget they were ever anything other than shallow, hot, rude people.


Evil witch casts a reality warping spell that turns the church into a strip club and pastor and other people into a proud lifelong stripper. (This is maybe better version ?)


"Metrobay Universe". Mad scientists kidnap males and females. In underground bunker, they slowly transforms humans into busty female Graybots, they follow the orders from masters.


Boy inherits an old brothel from his great-great-aunt. During the tour, he becomes possessed by his aunt's ghost and slowly transforms into a bimbo slut. His memories are slowly remove as his aunt's memories begin to dominate. And soon the brothel is reopens.


A 14-year-old boy breaks into his ex-girlfriend's house. Soon he is possessed by the ghost of 41 years old recently deceased mother. He tries to fight, but his body and mind gradually transform in to Bimbo MILF. When family returning from the crematorium, is surprised that the mother and wife are alive. (yes I know it is a bit of dark story)


Boy finds a cursed yellow bikini in the changing room on the beach. Does not realize that he unknowingly dresses them and walks along the beach, slow but gradually changing into Busty Bimbo.


Boy dives under the water, to his surprise he sees a mermaid who pulls his pants down, gives a blowjob and disappears. Shortly after that he stepping onto an empty beach and begins transform into busty mermaid and returns to the water to hunt down male cocks.


StevenC, if you want, you can modify my concept stories for your purposes.


I'm really glad that you submit so many great ideas, but we can set only one suggestion on the poll per patron. So which one do you want to go with?


Maybe somthing where a group of guys is playing grab ass with the waitresses at some hotters-esk place and when they grab the wing ass they find themselves getting fucked... just not the way they planned lol


I'm loving the nuance of the repeating day making it worse


A brother is constantly complaining about his sister making tiktok video's. He finds them stupid and only "airheads" make them. He gets transformed in a tiktok airhead who loves making tiktok videos. Quite some potential with images here ^^


Guy has a Men's Rights blog where he writes about how feminism is ruining everything and other such anti feminist garbage. A commenter, whose a woman, complains about his anti feminist ideology and the guy replies back about how women don't know about anything complex & important and only know about clothes, make up, hair and boys. Then the guy turns into a girl physically and mentally as his Men's Rights blog changes into a fashion blog and his sparse social media pages are now filled with selfies of her, like outfit selfies, gym selfies, selfies of her with girly friends, selfies with her and her boyfriend and so on. By the end, she's now a fashion obsessed girly girl who writes a fashion blog where she writes about clothes, make up, hair and girly accessories and so on, with a boyfriend who's also a blogger, blogging about workout advice. The commenter returns, posting a comment complimenting the fashion blogger on having a good fashion taste and the fashion blogger thanks the commenter for the kind words. With her latest post done, the fashion blogger then spends some sexy time with her boyfriend. And that's how the story would end. Late 30 something old toxic masculinity Men's Rights blogger to early 20 something old girly girl fashion blogger (Magical transformation; mental changes; age regression; macho man mentality to girly girl mentality)


An enthusiastic and passionate young math teacher is approached after class by a ditzy popular girl who’s in danger of failing. She offers to give him a blowjob to get a better grade, which he rebukes telling her she needs to pay attention in class. Feeling he needs to learn to lighten up, she transforms him into a bimbo party girl with a new “passion”


A college professor insults a young british bimbo chav for being a single mum so she turns him into a dumv chav like her