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Hey guys! Sorry for my absence, but I wanted to make sure I came back when everything was ready:

That's a record-breaker! Let me tell you, I've pushed the boundaries to the absolute max here! This one isn't just big; it's twice the size of anything I've written before. Can you believe it? It might sound crazy, but 'The Motel Room' is a whopping 330 pages long—and that's just the first chapter! It's the largest piece I've ever tackled, a story that's taken me months to craft. I really wanted to pack in as much detail as possible, and I hope you all will enjoy the result.

The second chapter is already in the works, but I want it to be just as good as the first, so I'm taking my time with it. Don't expect it anytime soon. In the meantime, we're kicking off some new projects as mentioned in the schedule, and there's plenty more to come.

Guys, make sure you're free tonight because we're embarking on one heck of a journey.
I can't wait to hear what you think about this one!

The Motel Room: Chapter I <=== Click Here

Google Video





I can’t wait to read this later tonight! Though I have a suggestion to keep people happy in between chapters you could post one or two stories that are 20-40 pages long a month.


Oh, glad to hear it! Be sure to share your impressions when you do! Regarding your suggestion, I completely agree with you. I've never wanted to sacrifice the story's flow for the sake of one big piece. It just happened to go that way. Though, I have to admit, I've wanted to create something really special. So, since I'm finally done with "The Motel Room," I'm itching to craft more stories, but they'll be more concise.


Hey can you take a look at your older posts? I'm unable to access anything before Not Good Enough for My Daughter.

Al Boudreaux

Nice story and loved the details.

Daniel Delahaye

Where’s everyone’s refunds from December till now?


I always offer refunds when people reach out to me, no questions asked. But, Daniel, you've never even DM'ed me about that. I understand that you may be frustrated by the lack of updates, but this story took a lot of work. I hoped you'd at least take that into account and say something about it. The refund has been issued to you.


Hey, M. Are you saying the links don't work, or can't you even see the post?

Daniel Delahaye

I mean you were inactive for ages how would I know I’d even get an answer but enough of that I’m very thankful of the refund and as long as your here to stay and keep up with communication with us lot I have no problems whatsoever. Thank you very much for hearing me out and I’m hoping that you’ve taken everyone’s words into account. I really do enjoy and appreciate your stories and as you’ve stated this is the longest you’ve done so far and I understand it’s taken the amount of time it has (especially with the trouble you’ve had that you’ve mentioned in previous updates) I’m here to stay and support you as long as we as a community who pays for your stories get our updates. I fully understand you might’ve had problems in your life whatever that was and I’m sorry for whatever happened much love.


Thanks for your kind words, Daniel. I'll definitely be keeping you all way more updated from now on. I've even been thinking about setting up a chat for everyone. Our community rocks, and seeing all those awesome ideas in YWtS puts a big smile on my face. We're on the right track, even if it's not quite at the speed we all want. Here's hoping things will pick up soon.

Martin J

Good to see you back finally! May I expect some student couple storys that includes mtm jockification as well? I have really wanted to see you writing such stories...

Martin J

And yeah, it's true that most of your old stories are inaccessible atm


Hey Martin! Thanks for the warm welcome back! I'll definitely keep your request in mind. I'm curious to see what my take on jockification would look like. Sounds like a fun idea. As for the old stories, I'm currently working on revamping some of them. Once the links are restored, I'll make sure to give you a heads-up. Thanks again for reaching out!