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Hello friends! Gotta talk to you bout stuff.

I've been hard at thinking about something and I want to lay it out for you.
And the gist of it is that there won't be any updates from me for several months.

It's a hard choice to make but I do believe it's necessary. January has already passed and it has shown me that is the correct choice of action.
You already know about the situation that I described to you before. I have been lucky so far and avoided any health or safety risks (can't say the same about some of my IRL friends tho).
Unfortunately, there are still issues on the mental and economic fronts.
One of those is actually a pretty heavy uncertainty about me being able to receive your donations on Patreon.

I'm now in a long, tedious, bureaucratic process of trying to fix things.
I also in a weird way want to take that opportunity (if you can call it that) to switch gears in my work approach.
For quite a while, I wanted to dedicate my efforts to learning other software but since it takes a long time to do so I couldn't because then I would be worried about not being able to provide you with animations or other things.
And now I think there couldn't be any better time to do so since this particular stress won't stack on top of all of the other stress that I already have.

I remember all of the unfinished stuff that I have, and I'll be constantly aware of it during this time. (Talking about the comic and the Gwen animation). So you can have my word that I'm not going to come back empty-handed!

Of course, all of the months that I'll take off will be paused in billing.

I'll end this post with my biggest thanks to all of you, I really appreciate everyone sticking around and putting up with my shit.

P.S. just to be clear, I'm not looking for advice on how to resolve potential risks with Patreon. I'm aware of the alternatives. Depending on future circumstances I may adjust my approach but now what I'm doing I believe it is the best way to move forward.



You take care of you, plenty or most I think will be here, focus on mending all aspects :>


bro never apologize for having to look out for your own well being especially if you plan on coming back we are here to support you as much as your art I hope you get to learn the things you never got a chance to before and can come back to what you want to do will be wishing the best for you

Adam Smith

when you will be back?