So about 0.8... (Patreon)
Unfortunately, version 0.8 got leaked just 3 days after its early access release.
I'm very sorry to all the Patreons that subscribed for early access. I'm very sad that the moderators just updated the thread on f95 by request of a third party without checking the publicly available version first.
This really screws with my plans as I worked hard to get a version ahead so I can can reward my Patreons for their great support.
I'm not yet sure on how to move on from this as not being able to do a public release in 6 weeks will hurt the game's visibility a lot.
I'll likely just bit the bullet and drown myself in work to do two 2-week releases, which of course still wouldn't give me any guarantee that the next update wouldn't get leaked right away again.
As always, thank you very much for all your support.
- hachi