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On top of a roof, under the starry sky, Yamato silently sat by Sin's side as he lay there with his eyes closed.

He had been lying there since evening, having skipped dinner, and she knew that he was using his Observation Haki to listen to everything that was happening in the city.

Yamato heard the pulsating electricity when Sin opened his eyes, and seeing the smile on his face, she smiled as well.

"Found it?" She guessed that he was looking for something particular, and nodded to her.

"Yes." He said and then sat up, stretching his limbs. "Kaku is an Assassin, and so are Lucci, Blueno, and Nero."

As soon as Yamato heard his words, her eyes widened in shock.

"Assassins? Who are they after?"

She had met all of these guys when Paulie and Kaku gave them a tour around Dock 1, and all of them were now working for Galley-La Company.

"They work for Cipher Pol, specifically CP9, a secret organisation under the World Government that specialises in Assassinations, and they are here on a mission to find the Blueprints of an Ancient Weapon, which they believe Tom entrusted to Iceburg before his death." He informed her. "I overheard the conversation that Kaku and Lucci just had with their boss, and he will likely give me his answer tomorrow after their boss consults the Government."

Yamato was quite shocked by his words and then searchingly looked into his eyes.

"You knew there was something wrong with him, and yet you offered him to join the crew." She frowned. "Why?"

"To test him. But I might keep the offer open." He smiled. "Interestingly, he did not lose his emotions under the cruel training of CP9. He was genuinely happy today until he met me. Unlike the rest of the agents who are here, he is the only one who is enjoying himself and having fun. There's a lot of empathy in his heart, and he also considers Paulie his true friend and peer and truly respects Den." He told her.

"You think he will betray the Government for us?"

"Maybe, maybe not." He shrugged. "For now, he will learn under Den and Iceburg for the next four years, and when the time comes, I will decide what to do with him. He probably hasn't known a life outside the clutches of Government, and the taste of an adventure can sway even the coldest of hearts. His heart still has a lot of warmth inside it."

"Is he worth the hassle?"

"He is skilled, talented, and as a CP9 agent, he is proficient in Rokushiki, something I am very much interested in."


"Yes. The Six Styles of a Superhuman Martial Art that is a Precious Government Secret..." Sin told her what Rokushiki was, and Yamato finally understood his true intentions regarding Kaku and why he was willing to go through the hassle.

"It's amazing how you can see through a person's intentions and emotions, deep enough to read their nature." She sighed.

"A blessing, indeed. So, don't worry about Kaku." He chuckled and then leaned over to kiss her on her cheek. "Go, get some rest. I need to pay Iceburg a visit."

She smiled and nodded to him before she stood up and jumped on top of another roof, and then another, heading towards the Hotel where everyone was staying.

Sin watched her leave and then rushed towards the direction of Iceburg's Mansion.

The guards were a little surprised when they watched him, but one immediately ran inside to inform their boss about his arrival.

He did not have to wait long before the guard returned and saluted to him, telling him that Iceburg and Den were inside the drawing room, and then led him to it.

"Sin?" Iceburg curiously smiled at him when he entered.

"Mind if I join you for some drinks?" He asked, and both Den and the Mayor of Water 7 grinned at him.

"Come! Taste the sake from Fishman Island." Den invited him to sit with him, and he accepted the invitation.

The three of them shared drinks for the next hour, talking about various things, and then Sin finally stood up and seriously looked at the two of them.

"Let's go for a ride down the canal."

The two furrowed their brows at his words, and seeing him nod to them, Den stood up first.

"Let's go." Iceburg too followed the old Merman's lead, and the three of them walked out of the mansion, towards the Canal.

Sin rented a Rabuka Bull from the shop, insisting that Den rides with them as well, and the Merman complied and soon they were sailing down the wildest canal on the Shipbuilding Island.

"What's going on?" Iceburg finally asked, now very serious, and a little restless in his heart.

"Do you have the Blueprints of Pluton on you?" He asked, using his Haki to block any prying ears, and both Den and Iceburg froze at his words.

Sin sensed Iceburg's emotions, and they confirmed to him that the Blueprints did exist.

"Kaku, Lucci, Blueno, Nero are Assassins." He revealed to them. "They are part of CP9, Government Agents. And their mission is to find the Blueprints of Pluton."

"What?!" The Mayor looked at him in disbelief, and Sin seriously nodded to him.

"Yes. And there's another agent, Jabra, who has opened a bar down the main street. In a few weeks, another agent of the Government will come and apply for the position of your secretary."

For the next few minutes, both Iceburg and Den remained deathly quiet.

"I can't fire them." The blue-haired man sighed, realising the consequences.

"No, you can't." Sin smiled. "You will only end up endangering your life and confirming their guess that you have the Blueprints that Tom entrusted to you."


"No point in lying to me." He shook his head. "I can tell when people are lying to me."

Iceburg looked at him uncomfortably and then met Den's eyes.

"Are they safe?" The Merman asked, and Iceburg tensed up a little.

"Where are they?" Den seriously asked, having a bad premonition in his heart. "It's fine. I trust Sin." He told the man when he glanced at the Captain of the Blackstar Crew.

Iceburg stayed silent for a while and then sighed.

"I entrusted them to Franky..." As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Den reached forward and grabbed him by his collar, dangerously looking into his eyes.

"You entrusted them to a madman who loves creating nothing but Battleships and because of whom Tom died?!"

The Merman was enraged, and Iceburg's face contorted in guilt.

"He's changed. And I know I can trust him with them."

Den pushed the man back in his seat and then angrily looked at him, almost ready to beat the life out of Iceburg or to, at least, smack some sense into his brains.

"Even if he would not give them to anyone, what makes you think that he won't create something inspired by them?! Why do you think Tom entrusted you with them and not him?!" He nearly growled, trying his best to keep his voice low, but it was hard for him as his body shook in anger.

His words made Iceburg feel even more guilty.

"He won't." He whispered. "Not after everything that led to Tom's death. I met him, Den, and I saw how much pain he was in. He hates himself..."

The Merman's anger subsided a little after he heard Iceburg's words, but there was still disappointment in his eyes as he sat back in his seat.

"You are a fool." He said and sighed, and his words cut deep into Iceburg's heart.

"Why do you even keep the Blueprints of a Weapon of Mass Destruction?" Sin asked and watched both Den and Iceburg sigh at his words.

"They have been passed down from generation to generation of Shipwrights in Water 7 for centuries. We are meant to protect them and only use them if the need arises..."

"It's a miracle that they have not fallen into the wrong hands so far." He chuckled. "But what do you think would happen if they do fall into the wrong hands?"

"I asked Tom the same question." The blue-haired man ruefully smiled. "He told me that we Shipwrights of Water 7 only need to protect them for 800 years, and are reaching the end of that time. Tom told me to protect them for another 11 years, and now 9 years remain."

"A prophecy?" Sin chuckled. "Well, the time has come then. Hand them over to me or destroy them. I can not let you keep them." He straightforwardly said, and both Iceburg and Den looked at him in surprise. "I am very serious." He coldly looked at the Mayor.

"What would you do with the Blueprints?" Den asked.

"I will hide them from the World and make sure no one can ever get their hands on them. Or I will destroy them."

"Do you know what Pluton is?" The Merman narrowed his eyes.

"It is a Battleship, created during the Void Century, and it still exists." He told them, making both of them look at him in shock.

"You know where it is?" Iceburg asked, looking right into his eyes, and Sin nodded to him.


Minutes passed in silence after his acknowledgement.

"Give them to him." Den suddenly said, making Iceburg look at him in surprise.

"The Blueprints are supposed to stay in Water 7..."

"It's no longer safe to keep them here." The Merman reminded him.

"I am leaving for the Island Cities tomorrow. Bring them to me before I leave." Sin told the blue-haired man. "Also, don't ever say the name Pluton again." He seriously warned, and Iceburg subconsciously nodded to him.

"You still want me to train Kaku?" Den asked, and he nodded to him.

"Yes. I have plans for him." He said and then stood up. "Good night."

The two of them watched him jump out of the carriage, onto the sidewalk, and then Iceburg turned to look at Den.


"I trust him with my life and the lives of all my race." The Merman seriously said.

Iceburg, of course, knew that Sin had saved Den's life six years ago, and the lives of dozens of Fishmen and Merfolk that were being taken to the Sabaody to be sold as slaves. He did not have to, and yet he did, and he was only a child at that time.

Even Tom had thought highly of him when he met Sin three years ago, and Iceburg remembered his Mentor telling them that Sin had the qualities of a King unlike any he had seen in his life. And it was because of this reason what they had decided to build Black Pearl for him, just as instructed in the Blueprints that the boy had shown them, knowing full well that the Government might come after them one day for creating such a unique vessel that could sail the Seas for centuries.


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