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Friday, June 16th, 2045

Somewhere in Al-Hajarah, Iraqi Desert, Iraq, the fiercest war cries, clanks of metals, and gunshots could be heard from even a mile away, and in an area surrounded by cliffs, the smell of gunpowder and blood contaminated the air.

"Ahhh!!!" A blood-curdling scream sounded out as a man was shredded into pieces by a Monster.

It was a creature well above nine feet tall, with appendages that resembled a wolf, and a body covered in thick grey fur.

His eyes were ominous red too, and from his beastly face, protruded two pairs of large canines that whispered fear in the hearts of his enemies.

The Monster rushed forward at a group of people who were busy reloading their machine guns, however, it suddenly stopped and turned around to book an attack from another Monster, who was taller and bigger than him in size, with thick black fur.

"Seth Greyback, Master Nergal has promised me a great reward if I bring your head to him." The black Werewolf spoke as it menacingly clashed against its enemy.

"Blackwood..." Seth seethe in rage as he recognised which pack this unexpected enemy belonged to, but he was not fearful of the enemy's bigger size and greater strength as he was the faster of the two.

Soon the two engaged in a battle, covering their bodies in their Auras, not holding anything back, and the forces of Zero, the Mercenary Organisation led by Hades, whom Seth was commanding, soon overpowered the enemies who has ambushed them in the middle of the night.

An hour later, the gunshots had quietened down, and all the metallic clangs had stopped as well.

The ground was littered with hundreds of bodies, and from the battalion of 300 Mercenaries, only 32 of the finest survived and now solemnly watched their Captain battle against a terrifying opponent.

Both the Greyback and the Blackwood had cuts and gashes on their bodies, and both were covered in blood. However, they were still ferociously fighting with each other, rilling and biting at each other's Aura Armours, breaking past them from time to time to land lethal blows.

Seth was suddenly sent crashing into the cliff when the Black Werewolf overpowered him, and his Aura Armour receded as he was seemingly totally spent of all his energy and reserves.

The mercenaries debated if they should step in to help their Captain, but the enemy gave them no time to think as he carved at Seth again to end him.

However, at the very last moment, the fallen Werewolf's Aura burst out, and then his jaw was gripping Blackwood's neck, sinking its canines into the skin.

Seth refused to let go even after his enemy sank its terrifying claws into his sides, and his resilience paid off as the Black Werewolf started losing his Hybrid form and then took his last breath.

"Aawooo!!!" The victory cries rose in the field after Seth howled to the night sky.


A strange sound was picked by a free people, and Seth's stopped howling as his eyes were wide in disbelief.

The Mercenaries watched in horror as their commander's head was cleanly separated from his body, with a fountain of blood sprouting up, and when the Werewolf's large body hit the ground with a thud, they finally saw the person responsible for it.

It was a figure clad in black, wearing a mask and a cloak, but they could guess that it was a girl who was about average in height from her stature and the strands of long black hair that fluttered in the air.

And before anyone could say or ask anything, the girl charged at them with her sword which had a very alluring silver blade that shined even in the middle of the night.

Cries rose again, and a Battle ensued as the girl charged straight into the group of enemies, cutting them into pieces and toying with them as of they were some dummies set there to practice her sword.

Some tried to run, and the others tried to contact the backup which was on its way, but they were all cut clean by her.

Those who remained had released that they were going to die, and they had lost all their fear of death now.

"Go to hell!" Someone bellowed as he charged at the figure in black, and the rest surrounded and lunged at her as well.


A deafened explosion resulted when the remaining members of the Battalion committed suicide, detonating the explosives they had on their bodies.

Had they lived, they would have ruefully smiled at seeing the result of their sacrifice.

The dust and debris settled, and in the crater the black figure stood completely unharmed, shielded by his Aura Soul Avatar, which was a shining red cat.

"Master, Seth is dead." The girl lightly spoke, and soon heard a reply from the earpiece she was wearing.

"There's another battalion rushing to your location. Eliminate them as well."

"Yes."Yingying acknowledged the command and then recalled her Aura Soul Avatar.

Exactly 15 minutes later, a battalion of around over 200 Mercenaries reached the location and their vehicles blocked the two entrances of the area that was situated between the two cliffs.

A tall man, who was wearing a white bandana on his head stepped forward, and under his signal, all the men on top of the two cliffs, raised their guns and weapons at the girl who was standing silently next to a large crater, amid all dead bodies and what remained of them.

"Who are you?" He solemnly asked after he looked at the decapitated head of Seth, and tried his best to get a grip on his burning anger.

However, the girl refused to answer him, and as if mocking him and everyone who surrounded her, she drew one of the swords she was wearing on her back.

"Fire!" He shouted, and then bullets started raining on their target.

To their dismay, the red Aura Armour around the girl blocked everything. There were not even ripples on it, and since it was covering all of her body, she was undoubtedly at least in the True Profound Realm.

The mercenaries decided to fire Rocket launchers at her since the bullets were not going to work, but the girl in black elegantly dodged them and survived the explosions that created another crater in the ground where she had been standing.

They all watched in apprehension as she started imbuing her sword with her red Aura, and then she seemingly blurred from her position.

The cries rose as she charged forward at the man with the white bandana. She wanted to take this man out first.

Yingying knew who he was. His name was Kemoo, and just like Seth, he was one of the Commanders of Zero and one of Qin Feng's most trusted men.

Iseul had given them all the details about all the commanders of Purgatory Island, and she was aware that this man was rather strong and in the late stages of True Profound Realm.

Losing him was bound to hurt Hades' organisation. Perhaps even more than losing Seth.

"Together." Kemoo was not an idiot to look down on the enemy and take her own by himself, so he called out to all the Elite Mercenaries around him.

A greyish-blue Aura burst out of his body, and he gripped his large battle axe and swung it to meet the enemy's sword.


A weird sound came out when the two weapons clashed against each other, and to Kemoo's sheer horror he watched the sword cut through his axe as if he was made of butter and then do the same to his Aura Armour.

Several attacks landed on the girl in black, her Aura Armour withstood them.

Her blade proceeds to diagonally cut Kemooo in half, and it was such a clean cut that those who watched the body separate blanked at the sight.

"Zoro, call send a signal to Master Hades!" A man who was standing on top of the cliff broke out of the trace and gave an order, but what he received in reply was a Dagger plunged into his heart from behind. "Zoro..."

"Sorry, Brother Han." The man named Zoro smirked at him, and then pulled the Dagger out, letting the blood gush out of the wound. "Your friend has been dead for while, but you will see him soon now."

The mercenaries could not believe what was happening there. Their Commander and the Vice-Commander were dead, and their numbers were falling at an alarming rate as the girl in black ended a life with every swing of her blade.

"Zoro..." A man apprehensively looked at their Intel Officer, but Zoro evilly smirked back at him, sending chills up his spine.

Before the group around him could respond, Zoro charged at them with his dagger, showing an expertise they never knew he was capable of.

Soon the sensible ones, mostly the people who were watching everything unfold from the other cliff, decides to do the wise thing and run for their lives.

The vehicles started as people filled them, and neither Yingying nor Zoro showed any interest or concern about it.

They went after those who were on foot, eliminating them, and then Zoro smirked as he started pressing buttons on his watch, detonating the explosives he had planted on all the vehicles that came with their battalion.

It was carnage, and when everything quietened down, only the two of them were left standing.

"Mission Accomplished, Master. There are no survivors." Zoro spoke into the earpiece as his body started morphing into his real form.

"Eliminate all the traces of the dead."

"Yes, Master!"

Yingying watched the black man get to work, still quite intrigued by his ability to change appearance.

Keith had not told anyone where Zor was, but now she knew what he was up to. However, she did not stay there to help him out. It was not her job, and she had her orders.

She blurred from her position, rushing to the location where Naomi was waiting to pick her up.


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