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“The Song of Arc’alaria….” Red mused.

“What is Arc’alaria?” Brown asked confusedly. 

The majority of the people on the table did not know about it. 

“It is a Constellation of Stars that takes the form of a bird with enormous wings that threaten to cover the entire world. The appearance could be similar to that of Phoenix, as there are clusters of stars making up its tail in the same design.” White recalled what she had learned about Constellations when she was younger. “If I remember right, Arc’alaria represents the Pride of Alphas, Magnanimity of Emperors, Immortality of Life and Glory, and… Chaos.”

“Yes!” Elena smiled brightly and nodded. “The constellation occurs once every 13699 years, and the last time it occurred was the day my brother was born, 18 years ago.”

“Awww….” The girls teased Elena, who then blushed and sipped on her wine.

“So, he is the Song of Arc’alaria?” Black smiled at her and asked. 

“Mhm…” Elena nodded. “And I am his life and his Song. Everything that surrounds him is the Song of Arc’alaria.”

“Hey, Erebus…” Red leaned in and whispered. “How did you make her fall in love with you? She sounds crazy…”

Aoun nearly choked on his wine when he heard the crazy part.

“I heard that!” Elena glared at Red.

“How?!” Red nearly had a scare. He had used sound isolation, so no one could hear what he was about to ask. “No, you didn’t…” He laughed lightly.

“Hmph…” Elena furrowed her brows. “I did not fall in love with him. I was born in love with him.”


Red leaned in near his ear again.

“She really is crazy…”

Aoun couldn’t help but laugh at his words now. Anyone who would hear such words would think the same if they have not experienced it for themselves. 

“But she is right. I don’t know how it happened or when it happened. We were inseparable since the day she was born.” He smiled at Red.

“I see…” Red nodded and then leaned back in his seat. 

“What do you mean by ‘but’?” Elena pouted and glared at him. “Do you think I am crazy, Brother?”

“Yes,” Aoun unhesitantly nodded. 

“If that is so, you are crazier.” Elena shrugged and happily sipped on her wine.

“She just can’t get mad at you!” Simca laughed heartily and many on the table joined in.

“That’s the same for me…” Aoun answered truthfully.

The dinner continued for hours. It was Red’s treat as he was splashing everything in from what he had earned in the Black Valley. 

“I am poor again…” Red laughed when they exited the restaurant.

His laughter echoed on the street that was now empty. There were no other people, and only a few carriages were parked outside the Restaurants. The Orange lights of the Street Lamps provided some illumination, and the soothing wind blowing about was comforting, well, at least for Aoun and Elena.

“Damn… It’s chilly out here.” Brown shivered slightly when the breeze kissed him. 

“The Wild North was colder…” Aoun reminded him.

“Yes, but there is snow almost everywhere, reminding you that it is cold. Here, it hits you without any warning.” Brown smiled.

The Kingdom of Dreams was quite warmer when compared to the Land of White Winter and The Wild North. Aoun and Elena were Zaryven, born in snow, raised in ice. Cold did not bother them. It provided them with familiarity and made them feel right at home.

“I love it here…” Elena took in a deep breath and let it out. The cloud that formed after she exhaled was not dense, and she loved to see such a change. The weather was not as pleasant as that of The Devil’s Paradise, but it was still pleasant.

The group was walking down the road chatting happily when Black announced their plan. 

“We will be leaving for Gulaya City in the morning.” 

His words made everyone turn quiet, and some sighed.

“So, this is a farewell…” Silver smiled at Aoun and Elena, and then at Rumi and Simca.

Aoun was surprised when she looked at Rumi and Simca as well. 

“For now, yes…” He nodded and then smiled at everyone. “I hope you see everyone at the Academies, safe and sound, and thriving.” 

“Of course!” The Twelve Shades answered him confidently. 

“Three years later, then?”

“Three years.” Aoun and Elena nodded.

“We will have a duel when you arrive at the Academies!” Gold smiled at him. 

“Sure…” Aoun chuckled. “I will work hard to give you a good match.”

The poignant atmosphere that was creeping in, vanished. They confidently wished each other the best and made some promises.

“Are you two not going with them?” Elena turned to look at Simca and Rumi.

Her words surprised everyone, but the surprise did not last for long. By now, everyone had realized that these siblings had keen senses.

“We wanted to recruit them,” Silver nodded and informed them about their plans. “However, it is best for them to spend more than a year out here in the world before joining the Academies. Our time limit of one year would hinder their growth.”

Simca and Rumi nodded to her words. 

“We did not have any plans of going to the Academies at first…” Rumi sighed. “But after meeting all of you, I do want to head to the Land of the Prestigious.”

“Want to come with us?” Elena asked straightforwardly with a sweet smile. “I will guarantee that you get into the Academy with us. And you won’t be bored!”

“We know that we would not get bored with you two.” Simca laughed happily. “And yes, we were hoping to join you guys!” 

Rumi nodded to her words.

“Yay!!” Elena clapped happily, and members of Twelve Shades cheered for them.

“That’s an interesting way to recruit, Miss Lunastasia.” Silver laughed her silvery laugh.

“I don’t make promises that I can not accomplish.” Elena confidently answered her.

“Go on!” Brown urged them. “Recruit! Recruit! Recruit!....” 

The group started cheering as well. 

It was the first time Aoun and Elena were going to do this, and surprisingly, they found it quite easy. 

The Runic Badge on their hands listened to their will. And then, Aoun placed his hand over the dominant hand of Rumi, and Elena placed her hand over the dominant hand of Simca. 

“Do you two wish to become the first members of The Song of Arc’alaira? We don’t have any rules yet, so be careful what you wish for…” Elena giggled.

“Yes!” Rumi and Simca looked at each other and smiled brightly at them.

The call of their Heart was caught by the Runic Badge, and then a light engulfed their hands. 

Rumi and Simca hissed in slight pain as the emblem planted itself on the back of their hands, but once it was done, the pain disappeared.

“No matter how many times I look at this emblem, it is still so mesmerizing…” Rumi mused as he looked at the back of his hand where the Runic Badge was shining.

“You are now The Song of Arc’alaria.” Elena smiled at him. 

“I can feel it…” Rumi closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. “Damn… I already feel the responsibilities of being part of a Guild.”

Simca nodded to his words and then looked at Aoun and Elena. 

“So, should we start addressing you two as Monarch, Leader, or Captain?”

“Don’t do that!” Aoun did not like the sound of any of them. “You can just call us by our names.”

“Aye aye, Captain!” Rumi chuckled and saluted to him, and Simca did the same. 

Elena burst out laughing at Aoun’s reaction, and everyone else around them joined in with her.

“Right…” He sighed and shook his head before laughing together with them.

The Twelve Shades went their separate way after arriving on the street where the Hotels were. 

“We will be waiting for you!” White cheerfully waved her hand from the other end of the street before disappearing with her Guild inside a Hotel.

“So,” Rumi asked hesitantly, “Should we head to the Outer Market?”

“What do you mean?” Elena asked curiously.

“The Hotels here are expensive…” Simca reminded her. 

“Well… We still have some money on us. So, no worries.” 

“We will talk about such things starting tomorrow. Today, let’s be a little extravagant for a while longer.”

Aoun brought them inside a Hotel and booked them in a suite for several Platinum Coins for a night. It pained Rumi and Simca to see him splash money like that, but they did not say anything.

“First of all,” Elena got their attention as soon as they entered the Suite. “Masks off!” She announced and started taking her half mask off.

Simca and Rumi did the same, and Aoun took off his mask as well.

Simca was a born lady. She was only 15 years old, but her features were striking and had a touch of maturity. Her eyes here brown, and her long chestnut hair matched with them and her fair complexion perfectly. 

“You are beautiful!” Elena complimented Simca.

“I should be the one saying that…” Simca answered with her eyes wide open. 

“You two are ridiculously beautiful…” Rumi blurted out in shock.

“Thank you!” Aoun laughed lightly and then looked at the little guy that was nearly a foot shorter than him. “You will grow more handsome in the coming years.” He spoke truthfully. 

Rumi had black eyes, and black hair, his complexion was fair, and then there was some effeminate touch to his features that could make even the girls envy him. 

“My name is Aoun.” He introduced himself to the group.

“I am Elena!”

“Our real names are Simca and Rumi…” Rumi answered them with a light smile.

“You did not keep Aliases when registering as Wanderers?” Elena frowned. 

“We don’t need to.” Simca smiled at her. “We don’t have family names, and so, we don’t have to worry about that.”

“Are you two Royals?” Rumi asked them curiously.

“We are…” Elena nodded at him. 

“Zaryvens?” Simca whispered the question.

Aoun and Elena nodded to her. 

The young couple was in shock for a while, before smiles crept on their faces. 

“Makes sense…” 

“What makes sense?” Elena asked Rumi.

“Your ambiance, manners, way of talking, the pride reflecting in your eyes, and your perfect features… I mean, a common person wouldn’t have all of them.” He shrugged. 

There was no envy in his words, and his eyes were still frank and excited. 

“Well… If that is how we must do, then Lady Simca has a story to tell us.” Aoun smiled at Simca. “You are from the Kingdom of Danroza, right?” His words shocked Simca. “I remember reading about what happened to a City Lord’s family after he lost the duel… But the accounts on his only daughter were missing. She had disappeared.”

Silence answered him for a while, but he was a patient person.

“My father should have never fought that duel. It was his mistake, and our family paid its price.” Simca lowered her head and clenched her fists tightly. 

“Do you plan on returning to the Kingdom of Danroza?” Elena asked with a smile. “We can help you in the future if you seek…”

“No,” She looked at them with her misty eyes. “I made a promise to my mother that I would never seek revenge for what happened. That place is not my home, and I don’t have any home now. I am with Rumi, and where ever we go, as long as we are together, we are at home.”

Elena went forward and hugged Simca. Despite the difference of two years in their age, their heights were nearly the same, with Simca only a couple of inches taller, and as Elena consoled her, it was not clear who the little one was.

“I am fine…” Sima answered embarrassedly but kept hugging back Elena. 

“If you guys are done…” Aoun brought out the Orb of Fate, “Shall we use it?”

“The Orb of Fate?” Simca smiled brightly, excitement reflecting in her eyes. 

“You used your family Treasure to awaken, and so you might have never got the chance to check on your potential, right?” Aoun smiled knowingly. 

Simca was not surprised that he knew about the treasure of her Family. Everyone in the Kingdom of Danroza knew what treasure her family possessed. And there were still some people out there looking for her, in hopes of getting their hands on the shard of Holy Relic.

“May I?” Simca stepped forward and took in a deep breath. 

“Mhm…” Aoun nodded. 

She placed her hand on the Orb of Fate and injected her Aura and Mana into it. The Orb that was silver started shining. 

First appeared the Red light, then Orange, then Yellow, then Green, and then Blue. It stayed on blue for a few seconds before emitting an Indigo light.

“Yay!” Elena happily cheered when the light turned indigo. 

People with Indigo Potential were Treasures of any Kingdom and Empire. 

“We are lucky that you chose to use that Shard to Awaken… Otherwise, you would have been claimed by the Kingdom.” Aoun sighed. 

Simca remained in shock at seeing her potential at Indigo. And soon her eyes turned misty again and tears dripped. She had not cried when they talked about her family, but now she was. 

“Eh...” Elena was surprised, and hurriedly hugged her. “What’s wrong?”

“I am the first person in my family to have Indigo Potential…”

She was happy, but then there was this aching sadness of not having her parents present here today. They would have been drowning in happiness if they got to witness this moment.

“Your turn, Mr. Rumi.” Aoun let the girls be and gestured the little boy to come over.

Rumi hesitated, and his nervousness was evident on his face. The Potential of Simca had scared him, and he was scared that his potential wouldn’t be able to match up with her.

“Please… be Blue…” He whispered and placed his hand on the Orb of Fate. 

Simca and Elena looked over as well, and the former wiped away her tears. 

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, and Blue. 

A bright smile appeared on Rumi’s face, and he started laughing, but then when the light turned Indigo, his laughter subsided, and he looked at the Orb with eyes wide open in shock.

“Is this broken?”

“No,” Aoun smacked his hand on his head, which made Rumi grunt in pain. “And you are not dreaming either.” He chuckled. 

“Rumi!” Simca rushed in his arms happily and caught him in a deep kiss. 

Aoun and Elena looked at each other and smiled. The potential of Rumi and Simca had surprised them. They had guessed them to have Blue Potential, considering their age and their Realm of Warriors, but Indigo was a shock. Even Black and Silver would have never guessed that Simca and Rumi both had Indigo potential.

“This is something to be happy about, yes,” Aoun called out to the young couple after a few minutes. “But you should be a little ashamed as well.” 

His words caused both Simca and Rumi to look at him confusedly.

“With that potential, you should have already been Knights by now.” He severely looked at them. “You guys have been slacking a lot. Do you not know that from thirteen to sixteen is the age where you can advance your Realm the fastest?” He was not pretending to be angry, he was a little mad.

Aoun was deprived of this propitious period by the designs of Fate, but Simca and Rumi were simply throwing away this golden time.

The young couple had no excuse. They have truly been living casually, sulking when it came to training for battles and control over their strengths.

“For the next year, I am not going to go easy on the two of you,” Aoun told them straightforwardly. “It will be a painful year.”

“We understand,” Simca and Rumi both nodded and smiled confidently. “We won’t let you two down!”

“Go get some sleep,” Elena told them. “We will have our Breakfast on the second hour of the day, and then we will head to the Guild Hall to get some suitable Quests.”

Aoun and Elena sat silently in the lounge, playing with Chino, who was hiding behind their backs, making them guess who it was holding onto. And if they guessed it right, they would never know if the Beast was there for sure. 

Chino had no weight and could use Blink at will. Unsurprisingly, Chino won every time and got more and more excited.

“Chino,” Elena called out to the little Beast.

“Eeno!” The little monkey appeared in her arms and lovingly looked at her with its bright indigo eyes. 

“Want to play with Mera?” She asked with a light smile and received an excited cry. 

Aoun smiled and called out Shuvi and Winter as well, and soon the four Beasts were all over the place, busy with their games. 

“How much do you have left?” Aoun asked. 


“So, we have 500k in total left on us.”

“Money first, and then training?” 

“We will try to look for something that gets us the training and the money.” Aoun nodded to her. “The first goal is to get to E-rank for the Guild.” He sank back on the couch and closed his eyes.

He heard Elena giggle and walk inside their room, and Aoun shot up on his feet when Elena shared her vision with him.

Aoun shut the door and picked up the naked girl in his arms. The scent of her body intoxicated him, and her soft, warm lips kissed him greedily.

The layers of clothes on him were taken off one after the other. The lust soon ruled their minds. Aoun pinned the girl in his arms against the wall and entered inside of her in one ruthless thrust.

“Ahhh…” Her moan was layered with pain, and she lightly bit on his lip in agitation.

His fingers dug in the soft flesh of her ass, and he pounded inside of her with long, deep thrusts. 

Elena gripped him tightly in her insides, milking him, and making the pleasure unbearable for both of them. 

Every single time his glans kissed on the door to her womb, a shivering moan escaped her, sending trembles all through her body. His grunts escaped in her mouth, and her moans unleashed under their carnal kiss when he picked up the pace.

She was like a doll in his arms, completely resigned to him, moaning seductively in pleasure that made his heart tremble.

It didn’t take long before she was carrying out in ecstasy of her orgasm and making it even more intense, he knocked hard on the door of her womb and burst out inside of her.

The warmth in her womb intoxicated her, and she hugged him with all the strength that she could muster up in that state.

“My turn!” Elena panted and looked him in the eyes with flames of lust burning bright. 

She pushed him on the bed and mounted him, as she caged him back inside of her. She swayed her waist slowly, and locked his hands above his head. Her focus was not on pleasing him, but pleasing herself. She commanded her rhythm, and it made it unbearable for the predator she had under him. 

Elena moved her waist faster on him when the pleasure started shrouding her hazy mind once more. She enjoyed hearing his grunt and moans that added to her pleasure, and suddenly, her mind went blank. 

“Brother….!” She called out to him.

Her hold on his wrists loosened, and Aoun grabbed onto her waist, not allowing her to stop. He kept thrusting inside of her until he reached the peak as well and poured all his love deep in her womb.

“Aaahhh…” A sweet, satisfied, yet seductive moan escaped her when she felt the warmth in her womb again, her insides clamped tightly around him, milking him to the last drop.

Elena leaned in and caught his lips, her saliva dripping inside his mouth, and he gulped it down before pinning her under him. 

Aoun opened her thin legs wide and started ravishing her once more. Her hands gripped tightly onto the sheets of the bed, and her moans resounded in his ears like a song of lust.

The night was long and full of love.


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