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Darkness; Timeless, Limitless, Silent, Cold, and yet he felt so warm inside. He looked at his heart that was lit in bright red light. It was the source of his warmth, his meaning to existence. He could feel the life dripping out of him, his heart was peaceful, but it was weakening in the timeless World. 

Aoun opened his eyes, and the familiar ceiling of his room gave him security that calmed down his nervous senses. He unintentionally tightened his arm around the soft waist of the girl that was peacefully sleeping, her head resting on his chest. He didn’t need to look at her to know who she was. Her scent, her warmth, and her peaceful breaths were all announcing her identity to his heart. 

Elena Zaryven, the only existence in the world that could force him to his knees, and make him yield to her. He felt stupid now that he recalled how wrong he was at deciding to go away from her. It was never in his mind to leave her alone. Maybe what he wanted to do was to give her time to distance herself from him. She was too dependent on him, his existence was the purpose of her life, and the weak him wouldn’t have allowed her to grow as a Master.

Only Aoun knew how selfish he was. He knew that no matter how many excuses he gave himself, in the end, he wanted to go away from her so that she could chase after him. His selfish heart wanted to feel content at seeing her yield to him. He wanted her to make him feel that no matter how weak he was, her love for him would never lessen. 

How different it was from the Love he held for Mellissa. With her, he was selfish, yet so selfless. He could make himself suffer just to see her happy. But with Elena, it was not the same. A mere thought of her not being with him and taking away all of her love, ached his heart and soul. He would feel breathless, and as if there was no meaning to his life, he would wish for his existence to cease. 

There was no selflessness when it came to her. It was all his selfishness. She was his selfishness. She was his Life. 

“Interesting thoughts… brother...”

A sweet voice broke his thoughts and made him look down at her enchantingly beautiful face. For a brief moment, he felt naked before her, a little embarrassed, but then the embarrassment just vanished away. There was no place for it in this love. 

“Have you figured out what was the third blessing?”

“No…” Elena shook her head and rested it back on his chest. “I checked the Grimoire, but the third blessing is hidden. However, there is some information on it. It says that time, space, and love are limitless, but a Soul is not.”

“I see…” Aoun frowned at her words. 

He didn’t know what to take of it. He concentrated on Elena’s thoughts and found her just as confused as him. 

The First Blessing, the seal of Life and Death, bound their Souls together and made them one. They could sense each other’s presence even from a distance, and share their senses with each other. The Seal of Life and Death, as the name stated, meant that they would live together and die together. The death of one would take the other with it as well. 

The Second Blessing, the seal of Love, bound their feelings together. The tests of time could never diminish their love for each other. They could read each other’s thoughts and memories, and they could feel each other’s emotions as their own. It was the blessing given by the Holy Relic itself, a sacred bond, and a marriage that would last forever. 

The Third Blessing; Time, Space, and Love are Limitless, but a Soul is not. 

“Time shall tell…” Elena said and giggled. 

The words she said were Aoun’s. The ones that he was about to say. 

“Aren’t you having fun with reading my mind… huh…” He squinted his eyes and tickled on her belly.


Her laughter echoed in the room and the two siblings played with each other as if they were little kids. 

The room dazzled with the liveliness, and when all of it had settled down, a knock on the door made them come back to their senses. The clock on the wall showed that it was the second hour of the night. And in the third hour, they had to have their dinner with the family. 

Aoun clumsily got out of the bed and stretched his arms as he yawned. He was glad that Mel had put him into his pajamas and had not left him naked for his mother to see him like that. She would have captured the moment in an Oculus and would have embarrassed him by bringing it up every now and then. 

He opened the door and found a maid standing outside. The red label under her collar announced that she was a personal maid of his Grandfather. And Aoun recognized her. She was also his grandfather’s concubine. 

“Good Evening, Lord Aoun!” The maid politely bowed to him before standing straight but with her head lowered. 

“What is it, Miss Arya?”

“Your Grandfather wishes to see you in his chambers.” She smiled and answered him respectfully. 

“We will be there in a few minutes. Thank you!” 

Aoun nodded and reached for the door to close it. 

“Prince…” The Maid called out.

“Yes?” Aoun frowned as he inquired. 

“Princess Elena has to come an hour later than you. He wishes to talk to you first.”

“Alright… You may go now. I will be right there.”

Aoun closed the door and looked at his little sister smiling at him. 

“Don’t worry,” She assured him. “He isn’t mad at you.” 

“And how do you know that?” He smiled and asked. 

“Just a hunch.” She pulled her tongue at him and got out of the bed in a similar manner as he did. She mimicked how he had stretched and even mimicked the yawn. 

Her playfulness never ceased when she was around him. And to the world and even to the other family members, she was never the same as she was with him. 

Aoun watched as she walked up to him. She stopped close to him and looked up to him expectantly, and he obediently leaned in and planted a kiss on her forehead.

Elena giggled contently before walking out of the room. 

“I will go see Erica now, and will meet you in an hour.”


Aoun stood there watching her leaving back. He had no secrets from her now, and he knew that she had seen the talk he had with Erica earlier. It was not like him that he would look into all of her memories, but Elena seemed to have no reservations whatsoever. And she was the only person in the world who could get away with anything like that. 

Elena turned around and pulled her tongue at him just before leaving the corridor. She had read these thoughts as well. 

“You are such a pain...” Aoun chuckled and shook his head. 

The Crystal Palace was mystically majestic. It was one of the oldest Palaces in the World of Aurora. The name was not for the show, it was indeed the Palace made of Crystals. The Palace had three Towers. The central Tower, known as the Sirius, and the section of the Palace under it were for the Emperor and the Emperors before him. The name Sirius was the title for the Emperor of the White Winter.

The left Tower, known as the Anora, and the section under it were for the Family Members. The name Anora was the name of the Winter Roses that were only found around the Crystal City and nowhere else in the world.

The Tower on the right, known as the Titania, and the section under it was where the loyal Powerhouses of the Empire resided. Anora and Titania were in front, and Sirius was the one guarded by them, standing higher than the two, and overlooking the entire City and the Death Sea that was on the Western side of it. 

Aoun walked his way up in the Sirus. The security here was more concentrated than that of the two other sections. He could feel the attentive gaze of Shadow Guards on him as he silently walked up to the top-most floor where his Grandfather’s chambers were. 

No one on the way stopped him, but he had passed several Golden Screens of Light on his way to the top. Each of the thirty-six floors had their own Scanners. His blood and identity were scanned over and over again to make sure that he was not an imposter. And finally, to enter his Grandfather’s chambers, he had to press the hand that wore the Blood-Ring on the door. 

A familiar scent, unique to the chambers of his Grandfather, assaulted his senses. It was one of his favorite places in the Palace. He had grown up being doted by his grandfather, but with every passing year, he had felt his grandfather becoming strict on him. He could still sense the warmth, but it soon felt like there was not much of it. He knew that his Grandfather loved him, and in the back of his mind, he knew why he was strict on him more than the rest.

The Old Man was capable of reading people’s minds. It was not a Rune or a Magic that he had learned in his life, it was his wisdom and intuition that were monstrously sharp.

The Chambers were decorated in black and red colors. And the living room spacious but had arrangenents to only accommodate a dozen people. Right next to the livingroom, there was the Plateau where you could stand or lounge and overlook the entire city before you. And his Grandfather was standing there, dressed in a suit and with his cloak draping over his shoulders. 

“Grandfather!” Aoun politely bowed and stepped forward to stand by his side. 

The city was lit up in shades of different lights. The Sky was clear as it could be, and it was full of millions and millions of bright stars that were shining proudly, yet desolately. The crescent was sharp and blessed the sky and the land under it with its beauty. It was a beautiful night. 

Aoun’s eyes were soon focused on scanning the city. The sky was beautiful, but the liveliness of the city was what made his heart warm. 

“Aoun” Klaus finally acknowledged his presence with a nod, but he didn’t take his eyes off the city.

The two of them stood there silently. They were in no rush to talk, and for now, all they wanted to do was save this beautiful night in their memories.

“What do you desire, Prince?” Klaus asked.

Aoun smiled at the question. There were several things that ran through his mind, but he knew that Klaus had asked him about the desires he had as a Prince. 

“Nothing.” He shook his head. There was nothing he desired as a Prince.

“What do you desire, Emperor?” Klaus chuckled and asked again. 

“Nothing.” He shook his head again. He didn't need to think over the answer. He had always known it.

Klaus nodded to his words and sighed. His crystal blue eyes glanced at Aoun and found him still focusing on the city. He chuckled again, but soon the sparkle in his eyes receded and the seriousness masked his expressions.

“What do you desire, Aoun?” This time, the question was directed at him. The true him that was full of desires...

He had always known what he had desired. The thoughts were always there, lurking in the back of his mind. He paid less attention to them, and over the years when he had felt that he would never be able to fulfill his dreams, he had paid even less attention to them. And now that he stood here, looking at the city of 5 million citizens of one of the most powerful Empires in the World, he had a sound idea of what he desired.

“Everything…” He answered and smiled. 

The words were low, but to both of them, they were heavy and loud enough for the entire world to hear. It was the declaration of an Empyrean. He desired everything.

“And do you need everything?” Klaus asked. This time, his words were not soft, and there was wisdom, love, and strictness of a Grandfather behind them.

“No…” Aoun shook his head. “No one needs everything, Grandfather…” 

“And yet they destroy themselves in their desires…” Klaus looked at the crescent that was shining brightly. It was as if he was reminiscing his past and recalling some beautiful yet sad memories. There was a mirthless smile on his hardened yet handsome face.

Aoun silently stood there not saying a word. He didn’t want to disturb the thoughts of his Grandfather. He had his own thoughts to think about. The questions of Klaus had made him ask himself what he needed to do now. He had to think about the road in his life that he wanted to take together with Elena. 

“Do you know what makes you different from Alexis?”

“Brother is wiser and tolerant. I am a little impatient.” Aoun answered unhesitantly. 

“But are you?” Klaus smiled. “I had asked him what he desired, and he answered that he desired to become a Magnanimous and Powerful Sirius that The White Winter and the Blood of Zaryven would be proud of.”

“He had always known what exactly he wanted.” Aoun chuckled and admired his brother at the same time. 

“What would he do if you tell him that you wish to become the Emperor of the White Winter?” Klaus turned to look at Aoun and observed him intently.

It was the first question of the night that had made Aoun uncomfortable. The mere thought of breaking his brother’s dream shrouded his heart in sadness. And he knew very well what the answer of his brother would be if he ever showed such a desire. 

“He would ask me to prove that I am worthy, and he would yield the Right to me.” 

“And are you worthy?” 

“I am…” Aoun smiled and looked again at the City. “But this City belongs to my brother. And I have no desire to become a Sirius, the Emperor of the White Winter. And if I am more honest, I do not want to be restricted to land. I desire the Power that the world revers. I want to be revered, loved, admired, respected, and remembered. I want to earn everything with my own hands. I want to make myself into what I desire to become and not be made into it by others.”

The words were serious, and it helped Aoun understand better what he truly wanted. And to his surprise, he heard Klaus laugh after years.

Klaus laughed heartily. He was not mocking his grandchild, but his laughter echoed in the night. And together with him, Aoun soon chuckled as well. 

“Let me tell you what makes you different.” Klaus took a deep breath after a good laugh and benevolently looked at Aoun. “Alexis would make a Magnanimous Emperor, a Powerful and Magnanimous Emperor. But you, Aoun, are ruthless enough to Rule the World. You would kill without hesitation if you see it right. You will stay true to your allies and friends, and if betrayed, you would make an example of them. Alexis would do the same, but he would hesitate. That hesitation is what makes you different from him. You would make a decision after thinking, and you would never rethink it after it has been carried out. But he would. He would wonder if he could have done it in another way. It does not make you superior to him at decision-making, but it does give you an edge. And it is the reflection of how different you are from him. You, Aoun, would make a Fearful Emperor. Feared, hated, despised, envied, revered, admired, respected, remembered, and loved by the World.”

“Isn’t it you?” Aoun chuckled and replied. His admiration was evident in his voice. 

For a moment, several emotions passed Klaus’ face. His wise eyes grew misty, and soon they were back to normal. 

“No…” Klaus sighed. “They fear me, hate me, despise me, but they don’t envy me. They rever me, admire me, respect me, remember me, but they don’t love me.”

“The people of White-Winter love you… And your enemies do envy you as well.”

“I am talking about the World, child…” Klaus smiled at him. “You will understand it with time. Your people do not make up the world. Other than Allies and Enemies, there will be people you would never meet or know. There will a part of the world that you would never see. You may visit every part of this world, but you wouldn’t see the truth of that side of the World. And the people there won’t be your people.”

Aoun silently and attentively listened to every word of Klaus. He could still understand some part of it, but he realized that he had not seen the World yet. He was too young to form a sound opinion of it. He had grown up in care, in the best of the environments, and he was raised by the best of the people. He didn't know the World.

“Sit,” A voice brought him out of the jumbled land of his thoughts. 

Aoun looked around and found Klaus sitting on the couch on the Plateu. He was pouring wine in glasses, and he gestured him to be seated where he had placed the glass of wine for him.

“What is it, Grandfather?” He asked as he sensed something was suddenly amiss. 

Klaus picked up his glass of wine and sipped it. He looked at Aoun and observed him with his keen eyes. 

The fear engulfed his heart as he started feeling that Klaus could now read his mind. The Rune of Purgatory started revolving, but to his shock, it stopped right away. His Darkness was gone. It was as if it had been drained away. 

He sat down, and his steady hand picked up the glass of wine and the sweet smell and taste of it made his nerves calm down. He wanted to figure out what had happened to his Element of Darkness, but right now, he had to pay attention to Klaus.

He was getting impatient under the gaze of Klaus, but soon his heart steadied and he collected himself. He knew that Klaus would never harm him, and the trust in his Grandfather was enough for him to let down all his guard. 

The change in Aoun’s demeanor pleased Klaus. And he placed his empty glass back on the table before pulling out a chess-board from his space ring. There was an embroidered red case with the board that contained all of the pieces, and just a look at the board brought a shine to Aoun’s eyes.

“Play with me…” Klaus said as he busied himself setting up the board. 

“The Emperor’s Chess…” Aoun whispered with an elated smile. 

Klaus had taught him all different kinds of chess, but he had forbidden Aoun to touch the Emperor’s Chess. Under the Order of Klaus, no one in the Palace was allowed to play this Chess with him. He didn’t know why his Grandfather was so strict on him when it came to this, but that strictness and desire that it burned inside of him had made Aoun more curious about it. He had spent years thinking of it, and forming its move and understanding it without playing it. 

Aoun had even asked Mel to teach this Chess to him, but she had shaken her head and refused him, and as always, she had said that he was not ready for it. 

“You are still not ready, Child…” As if Klaus could read his mind, he smiled at him and said, “but it is time that you play it for the first time.” There was a pale smile on his lips. “An Empyrean needs to have mastery over the game of Emperors.” 

The last sentence of Klaus brushed away the delight in Aoun’s heart, and fear hammered against his chest. His identity, an Empyrean, was not hidden from Klaus…


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