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The crystals and chandeliers in the ceiling were shining in spectral lights. The Hall of Seven lights lived up to its name and majesty. The audience today filled up all the stands in the Hall. There were tens of thousands of them, and for those that could not enter this Great Hall, illusory screens were placed outside, and at every Townhall in the land of White Winter. It was the most important day of the year for the Empire, and the people had to witness this auspicious occasion.

There was an aura of enthusiasm and hope that shrouded the entire land of White Winter. Everyone had their enthusiasm reflecting in the form of smiles on their faces, and some were even singing and cheering the youngsters that were participating in the ceremony.

Thousands of youngsters had come to the capital to take part in the ceremony. Some had come for the second or the third time to give it another try. One by one each participant stepped on the platform and placed his hand on the Blood Crystal that announced their identity to the world. They then bowed to the Royal Stand where their Emperor, his Empress, Queen, and the Crown Prince were standing. It was the custom that everyone had to follow.

Allistor Sirius ThornHeart Zaryven, the magnanimous Emperor of the White Winter, encouragingly nodded to each participant as they bowed to him, his wives, and the Crown Prince. His nod would rouse the hope in the hearts of the participants, and they would feel a lot more at ease. For some, who had high expectations for themselves, it was a boost to their confidence. 

Each participant then placed their hand on the Purple-Gold Crystal that hovered in the center of the Hall. It was the Relic of the Holy Grail and the symbol of each Empire and Kingdom. Those that managed to receive its blessing made the Rune on the Platform shine in a specific light from the spectrum. The light was the sign of their potential on the road of Masters. 

The red light meant that they had the least potential and would not manage to become anything more than a Master of Bronze Grimore, a Warrior. The orange light meant that they had a slight chance of evolving their grimoire and become Masters of a Silver Grimoire, a Knight. Violet light indicated the monstrous potential. It meant that the person could become a King or a Queen one day, and also had a great chance of becoming an Emperor ranked Master. 

White Winter had not seen one with a Violet Potential in over two decades, the Crown Prince, and before him, his wife were the only ones to light up the Violet light in that decade. Then again, though it was very rare in the world for such Masters to appear, to the Royal Bloods, it happened far more often than to the ordinary people. 

The Ceremony had been going on for the entire day now and was nearing its end. The festival would continue for days as long as there were some participants left. Usually, the ceremony would wrap up in three or four days, but this year, it seemed like White Winter would see the fifth day as well. 

The Announcer on the platform curtained the day for the participants and congratulated the ones that had managed to become Masters. To the glee of the Empire, they had seen nine participants that had lit up the blue Light. That was only one less than the total number of such participants last year, and it was only the first day.

The people with blue Potential had the potential to become Tyrants one day. Tyrants, the Masters of Platinum Grimoires, were indispensable assets of any Power in the world. Though the potential meant that they could become Tyrants, it didn’t mean that they would. Only one out a thousand managed to live up to their potential. The Great Empire of White Winter only had forty-three known Tyrants under its command. 

The Ceremony was now closed to the participants, but the people around the Empire cheered in joy at what was about to come. The Hall was singing the songs of Winter, and the crowd all over the city and Empire sang along with them. 

The Guards that had been hiding in the Shadows came forward. Alexis stepped down the Royal Stand and stood in command of the Guards by the Platform. The atmosphere in the Hall didn’t turn solemn when the audience witnessed it, rather the cheers turned louder and warmer. They knew what it signified.

The Announcer came forward and listened to the words of the Crown Prince before going back at his place. 

“Astlars, the people of Snow!” The Announcer raised his voice and called out the audience, “We have a guest here this evening who would take part in the Ceremony.” He stopped, smiled at the crowd and nodded to them. “Raise your cheers! Welcome the Second Prince of the Empire of BlackWood, his Highness, Caen Arthur Blackwood!” 

As instructed by the Announcer, the people stood up from their seats and clapped in welcome to the Prince. 

Caen was a 13-year-old boy with a good built for his age. His black hair waved as he stepped down the Royal Stand and marched to the Platform in a resolution. And when he reached it, he raised his head and revealed his cold grey eyes to the world. He respectfully bowed to the Royal Stand before greeting the Crown Prince with a hug. 

The crowd cheered his name as he took his steps to reach the Relic, and when he reached it, the crowd respectfully turned silent. Caen waited the moment there was pin-drop silence before placing his hand on the Relic. The Relic shined brightly, shrouding him in its light, and the Rune under him started to glow. First came the Red, then the Orange, it turned Yellow soon after, and then it was Green for a moment before it turned blue. The light stayed blue for a few seconds before it changed its color and turned Indigo. The light then brightened as it announced its significance to the world. The indigo light indicated the certainty of someone becoming a Tyrant, and a great chance to become a King. And if it was someone of the Royal Blood, they were destined to become a King or a Queen, the Master of Diamond Grimoire. The prince had lived up to his expectations, and as the light shrouding him subsided, the crowed witnessed his content smile and broke out in loud cheers. 

“My Greetings, the future King of BlackWood Empire!” Alexis was the first to congratulate him. 

“I am humbled,” Caen answered with a slight bow. 

“Congratulations, Prince!” The Announcer respectfully bowed, earning a gentle nod from Caen. “The World awaits to see the Element you have been blessed with.” 

Caen nodded to the Announcer and then turned to look at the crowd. He raised both hands on his sides and closed his eyes. It was the first time he was going to summon his Element, and the crowd waited patiently for a good minute before witnessing it.

A grey smoke emerged from his body and danced excitedly around his hands. The gasps of awe and surprise in the crowd rose. It was a rare occurrence. The Element of smoke was not seen every day. There were not many Masters in the world with the Element of Smoke, and those that were there happened to be quite famous and feared. There was another name that the Element of Smoke held. It was the Element of Poison.

The prince then opened his eyes, and the smoke vanished in a blink. He smiled in satisfaction as he saw the admiration in the eyes of everyone, and then he bowed to the Royal Stand before walking back to it.

Allistor patted his shoulder before the prince was embraced in a delightful hug by his Mother. She didn’t seem to care about the people around her as she showered kisses on his face. No one minded the sight of a mother showing her happiness at her son’s success. 

The BlackWood Queen then politely bowed to the Emperor in an apology for her behavior, but the Emperor just laughed it off. 

“Queen Alana,” She then turned to look at Alana Sirius Zaryven, “Is your daughter taking part in the ceremony today?”

The Queen of White Winter answered a smile and a polite nod. 

The intentions of the Queen of BlackWood, and of several other Royal Houses that were present here today were clear to everyone. It was not every day that so many Princes would visit another Empire to witness their Awakening Ceremony. They had all come here today to propose marriage to the Princess of Crystal Palace. Elena Zaryven was 13-year-old now and she still didn’t have a fiancée. It was rare for a Prince and Princess to not have a marriage set before they turn 13 years old. 

Alana didn’t say anything to anyone. The world had not known this, but she had set her marriage the day Elena was born. It was her wish that her Son and Daughter would get married, and no one in the Royal House had raised any complaints. They wanted the two siblings together, and even more so as they observed them grow up together. They seemed inseparable to everyone, and no one wished to tear them apart. 

The attention of the crowd was now back to the Crown Prince that stood on the platform. They were all waiting for his signal to the Announcer. However, to the surprise of the Crowd, they saw him frown before he kneeled down on the platform. 

The reason was soon evident to everyone as their hearts were shrouded in a pressure that announced the arrival of an Emperor Ranked Master who had not hidden his Powers. The Crowd stood up as a figure appeared out of nowhere on the Platform. 

It was a man with a Majesty about him that made the people lower their eyes in respect. There were no cheers or words of respect. Everyone politely bowed to the previous Emperor of the White Winter, Klaus Sirius RedHand Zaryven. 

Klaus was 485 years old now, an Emperor Ranked Master that was feared by the World. He looked to be a Middle-aged man, but the striking features of Zaryven made him appear as handsome as ever. He stood there by the platform with his eyes closed, and his body hidden inside a cloak. 

Alexis stood back up and was about to signal to the Announcer before he withdrew his hand. 

A wave of killing intent shrouded the entire Hall, and the temperature dropped drastically. The crowd had a bad premonition, but seeing that the Crown Prince had not instructed the Guards, and Klaus still stood there with his eyes closed, they didn’t turn impatient and stayed silent.

There was a cloaked figure on the Platform now. No one had seen where the person had come from, but they recognized the mask, the Silver Hair, and the Crown on her head. The Queen of Ice Coffins was here.

Seeing the restlessness in the crowd to finally present itself, Alexis gestured them to be seated and be patient. Mellissa had a reputation that sent chills down the spines of people. She had not even hidden her killing intent. She had announced to them that one wrong move would end their lives. The guests in the Royal stand were no different than the crowd in the other stands. Some of them were sweating even in the cold as they realized the scope of her Powers.


Allistor nodded to the Crown Prince, and it was only after his words that the crowd and guests felt relief wash over them. 

The Announcer on the platform stood back up as he was still kneeling to the Previous Emperor. He nodded to the crowd and then flashed a bright smile. 

“Astlars! Welcome your Princess, Elena Zaryven!”

His words sent the crowd in fits of cheers, and the sound seemed to rock the sky itself. The people of Snow loved the blood of Zaryven. The Royal House was their pride.

A Rune appeared by the side of the Crown Prince, and then a figure emerged from it. Dressed in a Battle-Suit with a dagger placed on her waist, a mask similar to that of the Ice-Witch, and a cloak covering her body, the princess bowed to the Royal Stand before greeting her brother and walking up to the Relic. She was different from the other princesses who would have dressed their finest on this occasion. But was there anyone who could question her choice?

Elena didn’t bother greeting the crowd. She stood by the Relic for a minute and waited patiently for the people to settle down. Her heart was pounding hard as her eyes shined in the glow of the Relic. And she whispered the name that was in her heart. 

“Aoun…” She closed her eyes and placed her hand on the Relic.

Warmth spread inside her body, and for a moment she felt as if she had arrived in another world. However, the feeling had vanished as soon as it had arrived. She didn’t know what was happening, but the silence from the crowd answered her. A gentle smile crept on her lips as she opened her eyes. The Relic was still glowing, as mystical as ever, and as cruel as ever. She reluctantly drew her hand away from it and clenched it tightly in a fist. 

“So this is what you had borne, brother…” Her tears welled up not in the pain that was rousing in her heart but to the idea that her brother had borne it for so many years.

The crowd remained silent. The guests remained in shock as they failed to fathom the reason why it was happening to the Zaryven. First, it was their prince, and now it was his little sister. 

“Has the Holy Grail taken away its blessings from the blood of Zaryven?” 

A little Prince failed to keep his thoughts in his mind. His mother was struck with horror at her son’s folly. She timidly looked at the back of the Emperor, and only after a few minutes did she take a sigh of relief. 

No one knew what to do there. All they could do was watch the helpless figure of Elena as she stood by the Relic with her eyes glued on it.

Alana was about to step down from the Royal Stand when another Rune lit up by the side of Crown Prince, and Aoun brisked to the platform as soon as he came out of it. 

“Don’t let my brother down, I will be happy staying like this, but don’t let him down again…” She whispered to the Relic before turning around to look at her beloved come to her. 

“Elena…” Aoun called out her name before stepping close to her and planting a kiss on her head. 

She giggled at her brother’s actions. It was the first time he had publicly kissed her like that, and the heaviness in her heart faded away. 

“I think the Relic doesn’t like me, Brother…” She looked him in the eyes and jested. 

Aoun sighed when he saw that she was not too depressed about it, but the anger inside of him was boiling out now. He looked at the Relic with grave eyes, but as soon as he looked back at his sister’s face, the graveness vanished as if it was never there. 

“Let’s go…” He whispered to her and patted her head. 

Elena shook her head as she heard his words. 

“You have a promise that you must keep…” She blushed and lowered her head, “Also, you promised Mother that you would give it a last try. So, that’s two promises that you must fulfill.”

Aoun palely smiled at her words. To him, the promises he had to anyone didn’t matter at this moment. He didn’t care about anything in the world, but he feared to see the sadness in the eyes of the girl who was expectantly looking at him. The blood in his veins was boiling, but he kept himself in control. He looked at the Relic again and kept looking at it. 

“Go on…” Elena urged him. 

A smile crept on his lips as he heard her words. 

“Let’s do it, together,” He said and grabbed her hand.

She didn’t know what washed over her at that moment, but she nodded to him and locked her fingers with his. The peace she felt at this moment was the same as one she had felt when her hand had touched the Relic. 


“Forever…” She answered and drew her hand forward. 

The Relic that had stayed silent before, brightened up in a glorious light that shrouded them. The crowd went euphoric as soon as they saw the light shroud them. The cheers seemed like war cries but still held the warmth in them. 

The Rune under their feet had not lit up yet, as the world witnessed a scene that came by once in thousands of years. 

“The seal of Life and Death…” 

Allistor ghastly looked at the seal that formed on the locked hands of his children. The best of the blessings came from the purest of the intentions and the greatest of the loves. He had read about it when he was a child, and now he had witnessed it for the first and perhaps the last time in his life.

“The seal of Love…”

A tear slipped down the eyes of Alana as she saw a second seal form on the hands of her children. The Holy Grail had wed them with its blessings and with the world as the witness.

The Rune lit up as soon as their wedding vows were sealed. The red was soon orange, yellow, green, indigo, blue, and violet. The crowd that was cheering turned silent in shock as the violet light was still not brightening up. 

“Another seal?” The Empress exclaimed in shock as a new seal started to form on the hands of her doted children.

The world, however, didn’t get to see the seal as a cage of Darkness enveloped the couple on the platform together with the Relic. It all happened in an instant, and blocks of ice fell on the floor of the hall. The crowd looked at the ice in shock. 

“Coffins…” someone in the crowd called out.

Yes, they were the coffins of the people who had attempted to make a move on the lives of Aoun and Elena. 

Mellisa had not moved from her place. There was an illusory black cat with a natural crown on its head, dancing in the air around the cage that kept Aoun and Elena safe inside it. 

The world recognized that Beast. How could they forget it? 

The Elemental Beast of Annihilation, The Dark Nyx. The Legendary Class Beast belonged to the Ice Witch. And for it to appear meant that she was not taking any chances here. To the shock of people, seven more coffins fell on the floor of the Hall. 

The Hall of Seven Lights now shrouded in deathly silence.


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