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Wearing white robes over their clothes, Pandora and Raizel stood facing each other, holding hands, and surrounding them were magical spells that Hestia had created.

They were standing right next to the Hearth, which had beautiful crimson and golden flame burning inside it, letting out cackles from time to time as if expressing its happiness.

Both of them silently recited their vows, holding their gaze, and once the spells had registered their silent promises, they rushed into their bodies, illuminating their skin.

"I, Raizel Darcaedes, take you, Pandora Darcaedes, as my lawfully wedded wife."
"I, Pandora Darcaedes, take you, Raizel Darcaedes, as my lawfully wedded husband."

They ended their Vows with their declarations, and the next instant, they felt a mysterious link take root between them.

"Kiss." Hestia happily urged, and they both smiled at each other before leaning in to share a chaste kiss, which marked the completion of the ceremony.

As soon as their lips separated, they found themselves inside a bedroom in the Temple, which had been decorated in white with meticulous care.

A very refreshing fragrance greeted their sense of smell, soothing their mind and soul, and when they looked at each other again after glancing around the room, no words were spoken.

Pandora reached for his robe, then for his clothes, helping him undress with familiarity and experience. She teased him from time to time, planting kisses on his neck, skin, shoulders, and back.

She was familiar with her child's body, who was her flesh and blood, and she knew exactly which buttons she needed to push to tease him.

And when it was his turn, he decided to return the favour in kind.

However, unlike her, who was very familiar with his nakedness, he was simply entranced by her beauty as the layers of clothes revealed her skin. His heart skipped a beat a few times, and it was throbbing in very agitated rhythms which reflected his hardships at staying in control.

There was this strong urge inside of him to wrap his arms around him, hug her, squeeze her in his embrace, and feel her skin against his.

Raizel knelt in front of her, helping her take off her bottoms, and when his eyes roamed their way back up, they settled on her abdomen, where he leaned in and pressed his lips.

Pandora let out a giggle at the ticklish feeling and giggled more when her child wrapped his arms around her thighs and picked her up.

She could not help her laugh when he dropped her onto the bed and roughly pulled her legs apart, and even he chuckled at his own action.

However, as soon as he pressed his lips on nether lips, she choked on the moan which was accompanied by shivers in her spine.

She subconsciously closed her eyes and arched her back, trying her best to not squeeze his head too hard with her thighs, and every time her body convulsed, his fingers dug deeper into her thighs, clawing her, keeping her from escaping as feasted on her love juices.

Eventually, she just gave up and bore all the sensations that tremored under her skin. Her moans filled the room and his ears, prompting him to show her more care and love, and Raizel was glad that he knew one or two things about pleasing women.

He grinned when she called out his name after he pushed her off the cliff of pleasure, and then he slowly traced kisses up her body, intending to touch every inch of her skin with his lips.

However, he was stopped in his quest when his mother suddenly overpowered him, flipped them over and straddled him.

She grabbed his hands and pushed them over his head, where she held them in place.

Her crimson eyes gleamed as she looked into his eyes, and he was once against entranced by her beauty, especially now that a beautiful blush adorned her cheeks.

"I love you." She told him and waited for his answer, even though she knew how he felt towards her and needed no assurance.

A smile crossed his lips as he tried to reach up, managing to capture her lips, and he whispered what she wanted to hear.

"I love you."

He felt her smile against his lips, and then she reached down and grabbed his length.

A groan escaped his throat as he felt himself entering her warm, velvety, and squeezing depths, and his entire body trembled in sensations he had never experienced before.

Pandora too moaned at the new sensation, which was even better than having his lips on her, and she agitatedly bit on his lip as she pushed herself down, filling herself to the brim, regardless of the discomfort that accompanied the pleasure.

The two gasped as they tried to get used to the shivers of pleasure that ran along their spines, making their bodies tremble.

Raizel did not even get the time to breathe before Pandora started moving, driven by her instinct and search for more.

He had to fight hard to break his hands free from her hold, and he quickly placed them on her waist, guiding her movements and trying to slow her down, but it was all for nought.

He watched his mother basking in ecstasy, moaning as she swayed her hips on his hardness, moving in a rhythm that left them both vulnerable to their lust.

His eyes fervently and lovingly roamed over her body, saving every expression and reaction of hers in his memory, and eventually, his sight settled on her mounds, that swayed in a tantalising manner that enchanted him.

Suddenly, the distance between the two of them became too much for him, and he sat up, pushing them in the lotus position.

He buried his face in her chest, hugging her, and planted sweet kisses on her neck and collarbones as she moved faster.

Her folds were gripping him strongly now, and every little movement made him gasp and groan.

It was the same for her, who had submitted herself completely to the pleasure, which was so unbearable and intoxicating that tears were leaking out of her eyes.

Her hands agitatedly clutched his hair, and she guided him to plant kisses on her neck and gave him a few kisses on his face and forehead in return.

Just when she buried his face into her neck again, to her shock, he nibbled on her sensitive skin, and her body spasmed as a powerful orgasm jolted through her.

Raizel could not control himself either when her insides painfully clamped on his hardness, and then he burst out like a volcano, right against the door to her womb.

He fell back with her in his arms and stayed sheathed inside of her for a good few minutes as they caught their breaths.

Pandora recovered earlier than him, and then she helped herself up again.

She looked into his eyes with all the love she held for him, and then she sensually bit her lower lip as she swayed her hips again, bringing him back to his senses.

He felt himself growing painfully hard again, and she moaned as he rubbed against her walls which were extremely sensitive right now.

Raizel gasped for breath as waves of pleasure crashed against his senses, and out of instinct, he pulled her down to him and flipped their positions, pressing her under his weight.

"Move..." She moaned near his ear as she wrapped her legs around his waist, and he complied with her request as he began thrusting in and out of her rather roughly.

Her face contorted in discomfort every time he slammed his glans against her cervix, but she did not stop him and encouraged him to go faster and harder.

Somewhere down their search for their second jump off the peak of pleasure, their lips found each other again, and their muffled moans were now layered, making their minds go crazier to the sounds of them.

Their minds went blank again, their bodies froze before uncontrollably convulsing, and the pleasure that tremors under their skin was no less intense than the first time.

"Again." Pandora declared as soon as she caught her breath, and Raizel finally felt some fear as he found his mother growing insatiable.

For the rest of the night and the following days to come, they both learned about carnal pleasure as much as they could, and they became familiar with each other's bodies as much as it was possible.

And their carnal indulgence was a true torture for the Virgin Goddess, whose Temple they were hiding inside, protected from all the prying eyes.

Hestia knew that her dear friend was deliberately not shielding their voices, all to tease and torture her. And there was really nothing she could do to stop Pandora from acting like a bully.

On the fifth day, the Goddess of Hearth, who was meditating as she lay on her stone bed, suddenly opened her eyes, sensing something that brought a bright smile to her face.

It was the inception of a new life. A blessed and powerful new life.

"Congratulations, Pandora." She said, and the Darcaedes Queen, who was holding her husband in her arms as she slept peacefully, smiled in her sleep.



Wow, she got pregnant in their first session, even tho it took 5 days. I’m still surprised, i thought the devils low fertility problem may prove an issue for them too


next chapter?