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The door of the Library opened, and two pairs of silent feet skipped and approached the Prince who was immersed in a book.

Shirone curiously peeked onto the page from his side, and Kuroka did the same but leaned on his back, pressing her soft mounds at the back of his head, peeking at the page from over his head.

"The Blood of Samael?" Kuroka voiced her surprise, but soon some floating words in the book caught her attention.

She could not make out what was written there and what these words said, and Raizel remained immersed in the page, not paying attention to them, which made her pout.

"Come Shirone, let's find something fun to read." She grabbed the hand of her little sister and walked towards the shelves to select a book.

In the end, Shirone chose a book on Magical Creatures, and Kuroka picked up a Magical Tome that contained some forbidden spells.

For hours, the three of them sat at the table, reading and learning in silence, and eventually, Shirone got tired and bored.

Her curious eyes looked at the book Raizel was reading, and then she jumped off her chair and walked over to him before making room for herself in his lap.

A content smile appeared on her face when she successfully found her seat, and then she kept watching the floating letters and words in intrigue.

"What language is this?" She asked as soon as she felt him plant a kiss on her head and close the book.

"Devil Language. Why?"

"The words made no sense." She cutely frowned.

"That's because it is enchanted and only I can read it." He informed her. "How was your training?"

"I am stronger now." She smiled, which became more bright when she received another kiss on her head.

"Good. You are the best." He praised her and met his Bishop's eyes, who had closed the Tome. "I hope you are only reading them out of curiosity."

"Of course, ~nya. I am not stupid." She playfully said and then returned the book to the shelf. "We met someone interesting."


"Dragon King Tannin. He was training with his sons and we spent a few days together." It was Shirone who answered. "He told us about the Devil Civil War, and how Lord Ajuka and Lord Sirzechs earned the titles of Super Devils and won against the Old Satan Faction."

"Learned anything interesting?" He gently asked, and the white Nekoshou nodded her head.

"Did you know that Lord Ajuka loved Katerea Leviathan?" Kuroka's voice was layered with excitement, and seeing his surprise, she became even more excited. "Tannin slipped the information, and he was very flustered at his mistake. We should find out what exactly happened, ~nya."

"Lord Mephisto is going to punish him." He grinned and then shook his head as he chuckled. "And no, we won't pry into this matter." He said, much to Kuroka's dissatisfaction.

"Why no? A love story between two enemies sounds fun." She argued, but Raizel shook his head again.

"It is their private matter. I will tell you about what I know when the time is right."

"You know, ~nya?!"

"Yes." He admitted and then changed the subject. "Mother gifted me a Mistress while you were gone." He told them, and his Black Nekoshou dangerously narrowed her eyes. "Guess who."

"Who?" Shirone curiously asked.

"Misla Vapula."

To say that they were stunned was an understatement, and then they both remembered the piece of news they had heard on their way back.

The Devil Council granted Misla Vapula a divorce from Lord Bael yesterday. It was news that was shaking up the Devildom, and rumours said that Orien Bael was not pleased with what happened.

Kuroka suddenly burst out laughing, and her melodious laughter echoed in the library.

"You are now Sairaorg's Stepfather!"

Raizel chuckled at her words but did not say anything.

"I am going to take a nap. Want to join me?" He asked Shirone, and she happily nodded her head.

"You have a Birthday Party to attend tomorrow. Yours." His Bishop reminded him as she followed them out of the Library.

"It's just a nap."

"You always say that but keep sleeping for weeks and months." She did not believe his words in the least.

The three of them kept chatting with each other until they reached the junction between the Hallways, and they found two ladies waiting for them there.

Shirone was the first one to turn quiet, and Kuroka was second.

Raizel too became silent when he saw who the two ladies were.

"Lady Misla." He politely greeted the woman, who respectfully bowed to him, and then he looked at Hilda, who was not wearing her maid outfit today. "You won't let me sleep..."

The Head Maid giggled at his reaction and then informed him about his mother's orders.

"Lady Misla is going to the Hall of Pride for her Evil Piece Ceremony. Your Mother wants you to accompany her to the Beelzebub Castle."

"Oh." He surprisedly looked at the new Heir of the Vapula Family and then nodded his head. "Let's go."

Hearing his answer, Shirone grabbed her hand, and he smiled at her.

"Of course, you are coming." He said, and she smiled.

Hilda then created a Magical Circle which transported all of them directly to the Hall of Pride.

There, the Satan Beelzebub was waiting for them.

"Lord Ajuka."
"Prince Raizel."

They greeted each other with polite nods, and then the rest of them greeted the Satan.

A minute later, Sairaorg and Kuisha arrived there as well, and the former Heir of the Bael Clan, after greeting Ajuka, rushed over to his mother to hug her.

"I am fine." Misla gently cupped her son's cheek, who was holding back his tears.

"Thank you." He turned to look at Raizel and gratefully said, which promoted Kuroka to break out into a mischievous smile.

Thankfully, she was good at reading the atmosphere and seeing things through, so, she kept her mouth shut.

"You can come live with me at the Vapula Castle," Misla told her son, but he shook her head.

"I am leaving with my Peerage to train, and I don't want to disturb you." He knew that his Mother had been announced as the Heir of the Vapula Clan, right after her divorce, and she was going to be very busy for the next few months.

"I hope you are not leaving today." Raizel smiled, to which the muscular boy chuckled.

"I will be there at the party tomorrow, Prince."

"Good." He said and then urged Misla to not keep Lord Ajuka waiting.

Realising that they were inside the Hall of Pride, both Misla and Sairoarg schooled themselves, and then the lady walked over to the Monument of Life.

Misla seemed a little nervous as she made an incision on her hand and placed it on the Monument, but then she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

She poured her Demonic Power into the Monument of Life, feeding it, and it soon showed the result.

[Misla Vapula. Ultimate-Class.]

Sairaorg and Kuisha were a little surprised to learn that Misla was an Ultimate-Class Devil, but then they both happily smiled for her.

The Monument of Life then lit up in a bright light, and then Evil Pieces started coming out one after another.

And that was when Sairaorg and Kuisha received a pleasant surprise.

The very last piece, a Pawn, came out as Mutated, and even Misla was surprised at the result.

"Congratulations, Heiress Vapula." Ajuka was the first one to congratulate her, and she politely bowed to him as she accepted the case from his hands to store her Evil Pieces. "You may stay here for a while." The Satan then gave them some time to chat with each other, and after activating the shields around the Monument, he left.

Misla took the opportunity to speak with her child and learn more about his plans. But eventually, she excused herself as she needed to go somewhere.

After Sairaorg and Kuisha left, Raizel raised his brow at the smile Hilda was wearing.

"Now what?" He asked.

"Now I will take you to meet Lady Misla's first Peerage member."

Even Misla did not seem to be aware of such an arrangement.

"It's a gift from My Lady." The Crocell told her, and Misla could not help but feel even more grateful.

A faint blush crept on her cheeks as she remembered the dynamics of their new relationship.

Pandora was a mother to her now since she was Raizel's Mistress, and this gift was a gift from her Mother-in-Law.

Hilda again created a Magical Circle, taking them to a new location, and this time, they found themselves outside a house in the woods, somewhere in the Darcaedes Territory.

They did not have to wait long before the door opened and out walked a dark-skinned, well-built yet slim woman, who stood over six feet tall. She had short shaggy black hair and brown eyes.

Raizel narrowed his eyes as he sensed her heritage, she was Demi Giant and Devil Hybrid, and she possessed a hint of Giant Magic as well.

"Casca." Hilda smiled.

"Lady Crocell." The woman bowed to her and then knelt to Raizel. "Prince."

"Do you know who your parents are?" He curiously asked, and the woman shook her head.

"I was an orphan, Prince."

"I see."

"Lady Pandora turned her into a Devil," Hilda informed him. "Casca was born on Arz, and she is a Possessor of a special Sacred Gear."

"Oh, which one?" He curiously asked and watched Casca summon a sword in her hand, which was chained to her wrist.

"Sacred Gear: Carnage Incursio!"

As soon as her voice fell, the sword in her hand lit up, and the next second, light engulfed Casca's body.

Under their curious eyes, she was soon covered in a dark grey armour, and there was not a sword but a halberd in her hand, which she expertly swung over her head and impaled in the ground, generating tremors.

"Interesting." He brightly smiled, sensing great power from Casca.

Misla was a little hesitant after seeing how powerful Casca was. She was a Servant with great potential, and she felt that someone like her would be more suited as part of Raizel's Peerage.

"Come, I will teach you a spell to let your Evil Pieces choose their Host."

"Do you not want her?" She asked.

"Do you want to refuse my Mother's gift?" He asked back, and Misla's face paled a little in fear.

Raizel chuckled at her reaction and then taught her the spell.

Thankfully, Misla was talented enough, and it only took her a few minutes to understand it.

Shirone and Kuroka seemed surprised when the Evil Piece that chose Casca turned out to be Misla's Mutated Pawn, and they took the dark-skinned girl much more seriously.

"I, Misla Vapula...."

Author's Note: Yes, this Casca resembles Casca from Berserk. And her Sacred Gear is a combination of Grand Chariot and Incursio (Akame Ga Kill). I plan on pairing her up with the Guts of this Story.



Just saw that there was a post here great chapter’s altogether hope to see you again soon