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Hey everyone SenranFan43 here i'll get to the Belfast Story soon don't worry...
Also i'm thinking of doing Pinups and Comic strips for other IPs as well...
What do you guys think?
(PS:From now on i'll add a zip file of the pics too)



Schrödinger 75

Ok, for this I am using the translator so that what I write is moderately understood. If there are errors, I apologize. This "poll" was really great and I admit that it would be nice to do a couple about a thresome from Bremerton and Baltimore in their tennis suits and where, in the middle of the act, they send photos to complete the cuckolding. It's an idea. Keep this up! It's very good!


Thank you for adding the zip file :D!!, is there anyway you could do that to the previous posts too?


Wow this was so hot!