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Hey everybody. I just wanted to make a quick note because we've had our first hiccup in the schedule (come on, we all knew it was coming) but it's OK! I'm gonna keep it on track as best I can. Keep moving forward. Today's Doctor Who episode will be posted either very late tonight or by tomorrow at the latest. And we will continue forward with the schedule. We have planned as though nothing has changed.

I am sorry that this is happened, but it's just life and time and things get in the way, but don't worry our journey through the time vortex will continue.


Alec Campo

No worries! Hiccups are to be expected lol


Just wanted to reassure everybody that it is coming tonight (and by tonight I mean before the sun comes up lol). I don’t wanna give the impression that I don’t feel legitimately bad about being late, because I do. I just had my first in person rehearsal with my actors for the short film that we’re shooting next weekend and this day this past week has just been extra busy because of that. I know you guys will understand but you will get the reaction, sometime before the sun comes up and we will stay on schedule moving forward.