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Clara Gros-Louis

So, do you see now why we're mad that people claim that From Lara with Love is Lara's best concert when En Toute Intimité is RIGHT THERE??? Like, this is a masterclass of singing, of stage performing, of human emotions and connection. Nothing comes close to ETI, FLWL is a *joke* standing next to En Toute intimité. The raw emotion of this performance is everything.


Completely agree with Clara. In all 53 years of my life I have never seen a concert like ETI and I'm pretty sure I never will if Lara doesn't prove me wrong in the future. I don't even call it a concert. She was sharing her soul on that stage. I was sitting in the tenth row on that night and by the end I was an emotional mess. She snuggled into my soul. I never cried that hard in my life watching ANYTHING before that night. There was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, no pause to catch your breath. It was a true emotional roller coaster No filters, no bounds just the sharing of some very deep feelings that comes from the innermost part of Lara's soul. That night she truly let us in. Bare footed and achingly vulnerable yet incredibly strong and brave to let her fans see some of the most fragile parts of herself. To me, Lara has no equal. She is the complete artist in every sense of the word. Because her voice is matched with her soul. There always will be a debate of who is the greatest female singer judged by the purity of their vocals. That's just technique. Singing in higher registers or having longer belts it's only a part of being a great singer. That's all you ever be, just a great technical singer. Like Maria Callas, who was considered as the purest female singer of all time. Absolutely flawless technique. She never made me cry my eyes out. No female singer ever had, not even Barbra although I still get tears in my eyes here and there when I hear some of her greatest songs. But those are just fleeting moments of nostalgia. On the other hand, when Lara sings certain songs like "Je Suis Malade" or "Caruso"or "Pas Sans Toi"or "Comme Ils Discent" and many others my tears begin to fall the moment she takes those breaths and looks at her audience before the first note. For 29 years I've been listening/watching her sing and still, she never fails to move my soul almost to a breaking point no matter how many times I've seen/heard her songs. There is no female artist on this planet who ever lived can do that and I have no doubt that in my lifetime never will be another like her.