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Alright. So three of you have voted on several times and there isn't a single time that you all three voted on :p. So I'm thinking that a good compromise might be to start right in the middle of your times and have kick the stream off at 1pm (1300) CST. I know that time isn't on the list but it seems like a fair compromise.

As I've said, if you're unable to make it or you come late or can only stay for a few minutes, all this is fine.

And to any of those who are unfamiliar with and may even be a little intimidated by things like livestreams, or sites like Twitch or even Discord, please feel free to send me a private message and I would be happy to help you out on the down low, OR you could leave a comment and I'm sure some of the other members of our "team" (thanks for that, Beth!) will be happen to help you out. I want everyone who has gone out of their way to be here to be able and comfortable getting the full experience and all the benefits of our little family. 




I wanted to warn about how bad the first is. But I wont repost the whole thing. Lara is absolutely phenomenal in both. The one with Johnny is my all time fav of course

Clara Gros-Louis

How long do you think the streams will go for?


I'm not sure. At least a half hour and maybe as long as two hours or so...depending on how long everyone can stick around.