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Alec Campo

Fun surprise! It’s definitely a treat seeing Martha again, I love how her and Donna get along. Good thing you didn’t watch the first few seconds of the next time trailer. That would’ve been totally spoiled. Donna and her Grandfather rival Rose and Jackie for family pairings. I still have trouble deciding which one I like more lol. It is nice to have a supportive parental figure again. And that scene where Donna sees him again for the first time is just wonderful. It is refreshing to have a companion not keep her time traveling a secret at first. I just know if Wilf (grandfather) were younger he’d totally come along too. Sontarans are a classic who enemy (: not one of my personal favorites but they are iconic in their own right. Looking forward to the next part!


Loved your reaction to when you saw Martha! You genuinely looked surprised. Sadly it get's inadvertantly spoiled for a lot of people who either didn't click away fast enough at the "next time" or depending on which platform you watch it on, Martha is in the thumbnail. Just to explain why the sonic isn't working, the Atmos device has "deadlocked" the entire car. Any item which has been deadlocked renders the Sonic useless. Basically this idea was created as a way to avoid over-reliance or an easy way out. Sometimes they need a tension builder and having the Sonic could make the episode really boring. There's even a few episodes that could have been solved in 60 seconds if the Doctor used the Sonic, so they need to create a plot point that gives a valid reason for why the Doctor isn't using it. Other tricks you can look out for in the future is the sonic is broken, something is interfering with it's signal, it doesn't work on certain materials (like how Lead renders supermans x-ray vision useless), or isn't available to the Doctor (he's misplaced it, a companion has it, he forgot it etc)


The Sontarans began in the Third Doctor’s era; in Sarah Jane’s first episode, actually. And they’re such an interesting thing, because they sprang into existence…pretty much fully formed. Everything was there, right from the start. Armor was very similar to here (though it definitely went through periods where it *wasn’t*), though silver instead of blue. The feeding port on the neck *and* the reason for it, forcing them to face enemies head on. The cloning, the ancient war they’ve been fighting, it was all there. Right from the start. You pretty much had a grip on them from their first appearance, just as much as you’d have on them here, all these years later, if you’d seen *all* their appearances up to this point. Such an unusual thing.