Test Build alpha v.0.1.2 (Patreon)
Hello hello everyone, and welcome back to Targa Florio!
Oh wow, it's March already? I know days are getting shorter by the miliseconds, but it sure doesn't feel like a mere miliseconds isn't it?
anyway, I hope everyone are all safe and healthy. Have you got vaccinated yet? I don't know when my turn to get the vaccine will come, but I think it will take at least a few more months.
As for the new test build version, we got all railings done, 32 types of railings in total.
Doors and windows is underway, with some of them already in place.
When I started on the doors and windows, I made a mistake with creating the atlas texture first and adjusting the UV map by hand. it took too long. So later on I break down the texture again and treat each doors and windows separately. This method will speed up the progress a lot more, since it's easier to make the texture coordinates.
Atlas texture will be created later with a script, and it will only take a few seconds to combine all the texture into one big atlas, so I believe this this is the best way.
The consequence is, the might be a performance hit temporarily before the texture is optimized as the texturing progresses. I didn't feel any drop in my test for this version, I'm sure there won't be a problem on your end as well.
and we also got a new banner :D this is the original one used in 1973.
here is the test build version alpha v.0.1.2
and the 3D grass config. it's the same one from last test build, no need to update yet if you already have it
Just drop the 'extension' folder into the track's main directory and delete 'ablz_targaflorio73.ini' from the 'assettocorsa/extension/config/tracks/loaded folder (if there is one).
Well I guess that's it for now, I'll be back continuing with the doors and windows. I didn't really count them before, but it turns out that there's a LOT of them hahaha.
we're just at the entrance to cerda and there's already more than 200 doors and windows. yikes!
as always, take care, stay safe, stay healthy, and a massive Thank You for all your support.