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Did you know that huge bullydick is the leading cause of cheating girlfriends in the world? Source: trust me bro

Your choices this week are:

A) For his girlfriend’s birthday, our shrimp-dicked protagonist gets dragged out to the local bar to have some drinks and celebrate. Already feeling uncomfortable that his girlfriend is dressed like a total slut, things get even worse when he bumps into his bully! His girlfriend can’t take her eyes off of his massive bulge as she starts openly flirting with him. After paying the tab, our protagonist can’t find his girlfriend or his bully anywhere! Eventually he wanders down a side alley and finds her. She’s on her knees sucking on his bully’s big heavy balls begging for him to fuck her like a real man!

B) Our poor beta protagonist. He was too much of a wimp of any girl in the school, and really how could he blame them. Too average, not strong enough to be a jock, too nerdy but not pulling in high grades to help compensate, not even feminine enough to hang out with them either. Not like his “girlfriend”, at least that’s what he called him in his mind, who had long ago became “one of the girls”. A goth, big booty femboy. The dream girlfriend any nerd like him if you discounted his “clitty”. Not like he was going to complain though, he couldn’t do any better if he tried and he knew it. He just actively had to forget what was hidden bellow the goth’s mini skirt anytime they hung out. Now his bully, the new black kid who was a total chad, is spending time with his “girl”. So what if they’re working on a project together, he can’t let what’s his be taken since he’ll never get a goth “girlfriend” with a dump truck ass again. Even if it’s too phat for him to enjoy with his needle dick. Panel 1: Boyfriend “telling his girl” to stay away from the new hoodlem. After all, that big bully is conspiring to ruing his life. Panel 2: The bully blowing out the “girlfriend’s” back while while he calls the boyfriend, letting him know his new daddy is so much bigger than him and his homophobic ass deserves everything coming his way.

C) Naruto is at his wits end recently, konoha having taken in a kumo ninja as a sign of cooperation. However, he is anything but! Constantly making fun of Naruto, who despite the massive strength difference between them, he can't muster up a word against it. It is due to this that Naruto's ditzy girlfriend Hinata will try and smooth things over.   And is it as the stacked girl is on her knees, slurping that massive black dick, where she hits a breakthrough! The bully saying if she swallows his massive load, he might lay off her boyfriend.


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