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Since I just wrapped up that 15-chapter story last week, I'm going to take advantage of the lack of writing obligations for a week or two by making sure to get two days off a week instead of one. I'm super blessed to be doing this for a living - and am grateful to all of you, all the time for that 🙏 - but nonstop 6-day work weeks can definitely be a little draining lol. A couple weeks of 5 days of work, with 3 artworks finished in both of them, will hopefully help avoid burnout for a while!

I'll start drawing on Wednesday, this week and next. Scene suggestion posts will still go up Monday, and polls will still go up Tuesday.

I'll return to six day work weeks the week of September 14th. I'll be taking a break from any writing commissions for at least a month or two, so instead of writing every Friday like I'd been doing, I'll start doing two public artwork commissions per week instead of one, until I take on another story project.

Let me know if you have any questions!


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