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It's now been over three months since I officially started doing this full time and I feel beyond fucking blessed, you're all kings and queens as far as I'm concerned 🙏 Obviously three months isn't that much in the grand scheme of things. I've been able to get a feel for how this is working, though, and it's safe to say now that when I wrote the original stretch goals, I had no idea how making a living from Patreon would work. I was way too optimistic with the original stretch goals, and you might remember I bumped the original 1400 dollar second goal to 1500 - and now we're already about to reach 1500!

That's fuckin incredible. I also know now that just hitting that number on Patreon doesn't REALLY mean I've hit it - the number goes up and down depending on the day, with people understandably having to drop or choosing to drop once in a while only to be replaced by someone new. And the beginning of every month can often mean fluctuations of more than a hundred dollars up and down as payments are declined, etc.

The point here being that just hitting that 1500 dollar stretch goal can't, by necessity, mean I immediately reduce my commissions and lean in more on the original content, as much as I'd LOVE to. I think what I'm realizing - and please bear with me, as this is a learning experience for me! - is that basically, whatever goal a person has in mind on here, they should basically set it comfortably PAST the actual number, to take in mind the comings and goings of Patrons. 

So I hope you all understand my adjusting the goals again. I feel much more confident in the estimates now that I've felt my way around a little more. 

Thank you all so much for supporting me on this weird cartoon porn journey, having a blast with it and here's hoping we can keep it going a good long while!



Totally Understand, keep up the good work.