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First of all let me preface this by saying I can't even believe a couple months after I started trying this whole thing out full time, we're almost at 1400 dollars, the original second stretch goal - I know it's corny as fuck but I'm really grateful to all of you for making this possible so far, and as long as you all wanna keep this thing going with me, I'll keep cranking out the smut you all vote for and enjoy, and hopefully we can keep bringing in new blood 🙏

That said - the second original stretch goal was 1400 dollars, the idea being that when we hit it, I'd be able to reduce the number of public commissions I have to take on every month, and focus more on the original stuff. That's still a goal I have, but now that I've done this for a couple months and have an idea of how the financials work out, I've decided to bump that goal back to 1500 dollars, and the following stretch goal to 2000. The reality is that in order to make ends meet, 1400 dollars was a VERY optimistic goal for reducing commissions - those are still a very important part of my income, and I think 1500 a month from Patreon is a better number for reducing them a bit. Doing art for a living is a real blessing and I'll enjoy it every second that I can, but it ain't cheap being self-employed in the U.S., as some of you may be able to attest.

Anyway, that's all! Thanks again everyone for being here, genuinely appreciate each and every one of you no matter the tier.


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