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Thanks to all you guys who took a minute to respond to my request for feedback yesterday 🙏 I saw a couple recurring themes in the replies, so I'll reply to them:

- I'll start adding tags to my work from now on. I try to stay as low-key as possible on sites like this, since they can often be really finicky when it comes to hentai content and arbitrarily deciding one type of content is against the rules and another isn't, so I always kind of figured not adding tags would help me stay incognito somehow. Probably a stupid concern, and since you all seem to want it, no reason not to implement that change! When I have a free day at some point, I'll try to go through my older posts and add tags tot hem as well. 

- I'm really glad that the range of themes I regularly do has attracted people with different tastes. I know some of you might not like the femboy content, or some of you might be all about that and not so much into the interracial/NTR stuff, and I appreciate you supporting me even though not every single piece is specifically tailored for your tastes. Hopefully since I try to keep a good balance between my themes, everyone will get something 👍

Anyway, thanks again for the responses! 

The month of May let me get a good feeling for how my schedule for this stuff should roughly be organized to avoid getting burnout. I think what I'll be doing for the foreseeable future is sticking with two original pieces a week; I still need to occasionally take on extra commissions to make ends meet while the Patreon is still at this level, and if I were to go back to three original pieces a week, I'd end up working seven days a week, every week. I know, I know, sitting at my computer drawing tiddy isn't exactly the most taxing thing in the world (especially compared to my day job, which was heavily manual-labor intensive), but it's still vital to have at least a day every week to just take care of shit around the house, relax, and take a break. 

Hope that's okay with all of you. Now back to drawing them tits. 



Well done on the Tags! Makes things easier, Totally get it about being careful on this type of site... Wonder when all on this earth will one day understand porn is a valid art form!


You offer a very large range of themes and imho the pace of the updates is fine for what you're charging...