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Okay, progress update: I'm feeling quite a lot better than I did last week, and I seem to be improving on a daily basis at this point. Looks like my prediction of recovering mid-december was pretty accurate, if this continues. It'll be too late to do proper requests this month if so, but I'll try to hop onto discord to do some requests there if I'm able!

Meanwhile, enjoy some hypno fun!


(Contains trans girls getting their minds whammied)

“Are you… Are you sure ‘bout this?” Marnie stared at the path leading down the ocean cliffside with a look that, if you were unfamiliar with her, would easily have been construed as a glare. Those that knew her a bit better, though, could easily discern the shift of her eyes and shake of her hands that gave it away as worry.

“It’ll be great,” Gloria said, rubbing her partner’s back gently as she pressed a quick kiss against their cheek. “Don’t worry, you’ll really enjoy it once you’re over the nerves.”

Marnie wasn’t a timid woman, but she sometimes had trouble trying out new things. She was a lass far too comfortable in her comfort zone for her own liking. Which was one of the many reasons she paired so well with Gloria. The little lady was far more tenacious than one would assume just by looking at her, and was more than willing to give the dark haired gym-leader a push to get her out of her brooding. Or a shove, if it came to it.

The two of them had been together for a long time now, going from casual acquaintances, to rivals, to friends, to drunken fumbling make out session partners, to awkward blushing ‘does she like me?’ fantasists, back to drunken fumbling make out session partners, and then, finally, to girlfriends and lovers. And occasionally rivals again because goddamn these girls liked a good Pokémon scrap, and they tended to be the only ones around who could satisfy their blo- their competitive spirit.

There may have been a few ‘Who’s bed did I just wake up in?’ spots thrown in there as well for good measure, but that was the general gist of it. Marnie was the calm, collected, even perhaps a little stoic and intimidating one, who was surprisingly charming and friendly once you got to know her, while Gloria was the bright, cheerful one with overflowing presence –  who knew far more swear words than the dictionary, and woe betide anyone who was foolish enough to actually stand in her way. If they were lucky, her Pokémon would sort the problem, if they weren’t, her mean left hook would step in.

They made a great couple, is the point. Marnie calmed her partner down when she started to get out of hand, and Gloria helped hype hers up whenever she got stuck in the mud. And thus, that was why, on their tenth anniversary as a couple, they had ended up taking a nice, quiet, private trip to a very exclusive spar in southern Galar.  Its pamphlet, delivered through their front door about a week before, had promised the most relaxing experience imaginable – something that was certainly very much in demand for the region Champion and Spikemuth’s pride and joy Gym Leader. You wouldn’t believe how stressful these jobs could get.

But for their big getaway for the weekend, they’d both found people to substitute in – Gloria had dragged Leon over by the ear, while Marnie had just stared at her brother until he capitulated – and had merrily proceeded to travel their way down to the coast, where their destination awaited.

It was really only when they’d gotten to the cliffside that a problem had presented itself. Down below, the pair could see a pristine private beach, and at its far end, the Sea Whistle Spa they were heading towards. The scenery was idyllic and light – so of course it was where Marnie’s nerves had caught up with her. Her feet had come to a standstill, and her hand had clutched tight around Gloria’s.

“I dunno,” she muttered, frowning at the path down. “This spa stuff seems all kinds’a fishy. What’s this ‘massage’ nonsense s’posed to be about, anyways? Sounds like an excuse to feel some pretty girls up if y’ask me.”

Gloria just giggled, gently urging her partner forward. “Well now yer just making up excuses. Come on, Mar, let’s go take a look. You’ll feel better once we’re in the front door.”

The punk-chic Gym Leader groaned a little as she was gently dragged along, but it was a playful sound (even if it might have come across like a growl to strangers), and she didn’t actually resist, soon keeping step with her beloved down the slope towards the beach.

The Sea Whistle Spa awaited – a modern looking building built into the side of the cliffs, glass sliding doors welcoming them inside. Beyond the threshold, a calm reception awaited, its décor mostly leather seating and open space resting areas, with a PC over in the corner to store or retrieve Pokémon because of course there was. The place was almost empty, lacking even wandering locals with a surplus of items to give away – really giving it a nice, private atmosphere.

The only person aside from the two women who’d just entered was a bright looking Nurse Joy, standing behind the reception desk. Though honestly, it took a moment to recognise her, since for once, this Joy wasn’t wearing the customary nurse’s uniform that had become a solid staple of her family’s profession. Instead, she had gone for a professional black blazer over a white shirt, with a pair of black-rimmed glasses on her face. Really, she pulled the secretary look off nicely.

“Hello there!” She greeted the two warmly as they approached her desk. “Champion Gloria and Gym Leader Marnie, yes? You’re just on time for your appointments.”

And instantly, Marnie stopped in place, her head turning to stare at her partner. “Wait, appointments? As in, plural? Oi, what’s the deal?”

Fortunately, Gloria had been anticipating this. “It’s fiiine. They only do single, separate massages here, according to the ad. But I’ll be just next door, don’t worry.” She looked over the reception desk in askance. “Miss Joy, could you tell her about your massages? She’s just a little nervous.”

“Of course.” A dreamy smile crossed Joy’s face as she nodded.. “I was the same, the first time. But you needn’t worry. Everyone’s very professional here, and the masseuses are the best of the best. Ah, I remember my first massage…” Her smile grew wider as her gaze grew distant. “I didn’t know such wonderful feelings were possible…”

“See?” The Champion turned back to her partner. “Perfectly fine!”

“Hmph.” Marnie folded her arms. “I dunno. She’s soundin’ a bit creepy t’me.”

Gloria rolled her eyes. “Ah, she’s just being a Joy,” she said, her voice slightly lowered. Slightly. Then she looked back to the woman in question. “But you recommend it, right?”

“Of course!” The pink haired woman nodded enthusiastically. “I ended up quitting my old nursing job instantly when I learned they needed a receptionist here – that’s how much I enjoy what Sea Whistle Spa does. I can’t recommend them enough! I had a great time, and I’m sure you will too~”

The brunette giggled, bouncing with excitement. At her side, Marnie pouted slightly, but didn’t argue further. Still, her discomfort was quite obvious.

Joy certainly seemed to pick up on it. “Since you’re unsure, we’ll give you our basic package,” she said, turning to her computer and starting to type. “Nothing fancy or strange, just a nice massage on a simple table. You can back out at any time, just tell the masseuse you’d like to stop.”

She gave the Gym Leader a smile – and with a quiet huff, the ebon haired woman nodded. “Fine. But they’d better not try getting’ handsy or nothin’!”

“Dear, it’s a massage,” Gloria whispered. “Handsy is kind of the point.”

“Y’know what I mean.”

That seemed to satisfy both Gloria and Joy, because the former nurse nodded, turning over to the Champ. “And as for you, Miss, you seem a bit more adventurous… How about one of our world famous aquatic therapy?”

“Aquatic therapy?” Gloria’s eyes lit up, and Marnie had to resist the urge to groan. Yep, that was her girlfriend – dangle something new (and possibly dangerous) in front of her and she’d shoot right for it. “What’s that?”

“It’s a massage given in a pool of warm water,” Joy explained easily. “Very relaxing, and it means you barely need to move at all during treatment.”

“Oooohh…” The brunette nodded, her hat bobbling. “Sounds fun! I’d love to give it a try!”

“Wonderful!” Joy nodded and started typing, filling in their choices on her screen. “In that case… All done! Miss Marnie, your massage will be through that door on the left…” She pointed. “And Miss Gloria, your therapy will be through that door on the right!” She pointed again. To a different door this time. Obviously. “Just head on through when you’re ready.”

The pair nodded and shared another glance. Gently, Gloria moved closer, and gave her girl another kiss. “Just relax, honey. I’ll see you on the other side – and I bet by the time I do, your masseuse will have massaged all those silly worries out of your head.”

Marnie snorted. “We’ll see ‘bout that.” Though she couldn’t hide the slight blush on her cheeks from the kiss, or her quiet smile.

Seeing that, the Champion giggled, laying another kiss on her partner, before slipping off over to her door. “Enjoy yourself!” And then she was gone.

The Gym Leader sighed, but shrugged. “Guess I’ll try,” she muttered, heading over to her own door. “An’ if they try somethin’, I’ll punch ‘em in the nads. Yeah.”

The thought seemed to brighten her up, and she headed on through the door, and the corridor beyond, with her head held high. In fact, she was so confident that her hands were only shaking a little once she reached the changing room, and she started to strip off her clothes. Her pink dress was folded neatly on top of her black jacket in the provided basket, with her Pokéballs placed carefully in the secure holding pouch in her locker. Jewellery, ribbons and shoes soon followed, all stored to be picked up later, and replaced with a simple, fluffy white robe, and a pair of black shorts around her hips.

She spent a little time searching for a matching sports bra, before realising that one of those would probably get in the way of a back massage. Tch.

Then, finally prepared in both body and mind, she stepped forth into the massage parlour. It was… cozier than she’d expected, honestly. She’d built it up as a cold, empty place in her head, but the truth was it was nice and warm, a wooden chamber with a massage table in the middle, with a few sticks of incense gently burning away in every corner. It was snug, what could she say?

“… Fine,” she finally muttered, glancing around before getting up on the table. “I guess it’s innocent enough. Or somethin’.”

Taking a deep breath, she laid herself down on the table, face down, gingerly allowing her robe to slide off to the side and onto the floor, leaving her back exposed to the air. Then… She tried to relax. There was a hole in the table for her to rest her face in, so that she didn’t need to roll over to see or breathe, so she settled there and waited, fingers drumming against the wood.

Fortunately, she wasn’t left for long. Her ears caught the sound of a door opening, and sandaled feet soon walked into her view beneath the table.

“Well hi there!” A friendly, perhaps even chipper sounding voice greeted her. “You must be Marnie. I’m Robyn, and I’ll be your masseuse today. How are you feeling down there?”

“Nn.” The Gym Leader grunted noncommittally into the table. “S’ okay. I s’pose. Kind of borin’ so far tho’.”

There was a giggle. “Well let’s see about helping you out with that. Are you ready to begin?”

She tried to shrug, but it was a bit difficult. “Sure, I s’pose. But don’t do anythin’ too weird, y’got that?”

“Nothing too weird. Gotcha!” There was a few clacks and taps, the sound of stone on wood, from nearby. Lifting her head to take a peek, Marnie saw a few bowls of heated oil being laid out on the table at her side. “One totally normal massage, coming right up!”

“I mean,” the Gym Leader muttered, “that’s still a weird way to put-Oh!”

Her eyes widened as she felt soft, but firm hands grasp her shoulders, thumbs rubbing into her flesh and instantly untangling an entire web of stress knots in her muscles. Almost instantly she went limp, slumping into the table as the masseuse began to work her magic.

“What was that?” The woman giggled as she started to work warm oil into her client’s back, sending a warm tingling feeling through her skin. “I didn’t quite catch you.”

“Mmrblmbnmnnn…” Was the only response she got.

“It’ll take that as a compliment,” she nodded, continuing her work and steadily starting to make her way down Marnie’s shoulder blades, her fingers dancing over her body in the most wonderous way imaginable. “Oh, and your skin’s already so soft. You must take good care of yourself.”

“Haaaahn~” Tension that the Gym Leader had been carrying for years was just evaporating, leaving the dark haired woman practically insensate at just the lightest touch. And Marnie was a bit of a bottler – she’d been storing up plenty of stress for plenty a long time. Now that she was on this table, she was helpless – waves of relaxation and bliss were washing through her faster than waves on the beach outside.

She certainly wasn’t in any position to refuse any requests, like the one that came as the masseuse’s fingers hooked under the waistband of her shorts. “Now, these are just going to get in the way for the rest of this. Do you mind if I get rid of them?”

“Mmnnn…” Marnie didn’t really mind anything right now. She was simply too relaxed. This woman, this miracle worker, could do whatever she wanted with her.

“That’s what I like to hear.” The shorts slid down her legs and flew off into a far off corner, instantly forgotten. “What a good girl you are. Here’s your reward~”

The noise that Marnie made as those miracle working hands descended upon her ass couldn’t be accurately recorded with words, but it was telling that several Arcanines at a not-too-distant police station cocked their heads at that exact moment, looking around for the source of a sound no one else could hear. Certainly, she seemed to like the sensation, tensing up for a brief moment, before relaxing even more than she had before, practically melting on the table as every ache and strain was professionally massaged out of her cheeks.

Honestly, she was barely even aware of her masseuse’s work continuing down, steadily working the tension out of her thighs and calves, until she was all the way down to her feet, carefully relieving her of every cramp and callus, spreading free flowing bliss and a slathering of oil everywhere she touched. She was just a human shaped liquid at this point, content to be stroked and squished however her attendant pleased. She may as well have been a pink coloured Muk.

“So cute,” the masseuse giggled, and it was a sign of just how relaxed Marnie was that she didn’t protest, or even so much as blush. “Now turn over, dear, and we’ll start on your front.”

The idea of movement, or any activity at all that wasn’t just sinking into this table, was almost entirely foreign to the Gym Leader’s brain at this point – but the promise of even more relaxation was enough for her to muster every scrap of effort left in her body. Slowly, like a Snorlax stirring in its sleep, she rolled on her side, slowly flopping over until she was laying on her back. Her naked body was now completely exposed, but she was far too relaxed to care about that.

The masseuse, for her part, purred with appreciation, trailing a finger down Marnie’s bare chest and over her abdomen, before bringing it to a rest against the base of her cock. The afternoon’s pleasures had left her at a firm full mast, something her attendant clearly appreciated. “Looks like someone’s enjoying herself,” the woman giggled, giving her a quick stroke and enjoying the way her body quivered. “Nearly there. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you have your happy ending – just as soon as I make sure all that stubbornness is out of your silly head for good~”

With that said, she retreated for a moment, stepping away from the table, and out of the Gym Leader’s circle of awareness – her eyes mostly too lidded to get a proper look at what she was up to. It wasn’t long before she returned, though, with another bowl of oil in her hands. This one was pink in colouration though…

“This is pretty strong stuff,” she admitted, even as she carefully drizzled it out over Marnie’s chest. “It might bake your brain a bit. But trust me, it’ll be worth it to get rid of that stubborn streak.”

The dark haired woman didn’t seem to object, instead cooing at the sensation of the slightly cooler oil against her skin – before outright moaning as it started to sink in, sending shooting stars of pleasure through her brain. Shooting stars which would quickly start exploding as fireworks of ecstasy as the masseuse’s hands returned, and started massaging her breasts directly.

Now, Marnie wasn’t entirely small in the curve department, but she did have a rather sleek look to her figure. She could accurately be called petite, even if you probably shouldn’t do so to her face. There wasn’t that much chest to massage, even as those talented fingers got to work stroking, squeezing, and pinching every inch of her. But through the relaxed, and strangely bubbly haze filling her head, the Pokémon trainer could almost swear that her masseuse was squeezing more flesh than was actually there…

A giggle slipped between her lips at how impossible that was – and then she just stopped thinking about the idea completely, along with a whole bunch of other stuff that just didn’t seem as important as it had been before. It was much more fun to just relax, let her head empty, enjoy the nice, bubbly feeling that filled her…

And delight in the sensations from her new, bigger tits that now rested comfortably on her chest, of course. Why should she care that it was impossible? They were definitely there now~

The masseuse sighed in satisfaction, taking a step back to check her work. “Perfect. I think you’re ready. Now…” She leaned over her client, her hand sinking down and wrapping gently around Marnie’s shaft, oil slick fingers tingling to the touch. “Let’s hollow that head of yours out properly, hm?”

“Listen close, sweetie.” She bent down, her voice low and resonating through her client’s entire body. “I want you to feel all of those silly thoughts of yours slipping out of your head, all the way down…” Her finger tapped against Marnie’s brow, before sliding down her neck, around her boobs, between her abs, and up to her shaft. “… To your lovely member here. All of those worries, all of those concerns, all of that stubborn nature of yours… Just store it up in here.”

“Haaaah…” A pleasant sigh from the Gym Leader’s lips and a fluttering of her eyelids confirmed she was feeling just that – unable to resist the words whispered into her ears, as relaxed as she was.

“In a moment,” the woman said, starting to pump, “you are going to cum. You are going to cum harder than you’ve ever cum in your life. And when you do, all those worries and thoughts and cares you had stored up in here? You’re going to squirt them out of you so hard – you won’t even remember they were there. And it’s going to feel so good~

“Nnnnh~” Now, Marnie was starting to pant. All of the tension she had left in her body was starting to build up behind her shaft, and her relaxed body was beginning to twitch, so full of suddenly burning lust and desperate desire. Practically the only thing that kept her steady was the hand firmly pumping her cock up and down, building the sensations to a crescendo, until-

“Now CUM!”


She did, her hips thrusting up off the table as the dam behind her cock finally broke, unleashing a stream of her wet, warm will out into the air, flowing free with her thoughts and her independence, squirting out of her body with no resistance, her mind exploding with pleasure as she came harder than she ever had in her life before…

And as she did, Marnie’s lips spread into a bright, mindless smile. Her head was utterly empty. Her eyes, glazed over completely, staring thoughtlessly up at the ceiling, not thinking a single thing.

“Good girl~”


Gloria stepped out of the changing room curiously, dressed in her green one-piece swimsuit. So, aquatic therapy, huh? She couldn’t deny, she was excited to try it out, but how would this work, exactly? She didn’t see any attendants in here.

The room was pretty nice, though! Blue tiles lined the floor leading to the pool, while orange and white tiles covered the walls, giving the impression of a nice day at the beach. The pool itself looked nice and refreshing, and a quick dip of her toes revealed a lovely warm temperature. Well, she was supposed to be in the water for this massage, right? Then why wait?

“Cannonba-Wagh!” She jumped in, arms around her knees, only to find herself suddenly face to face with a rather annoyed looking Pokémon rising up out of the water. With a long, thin body and a pale beige colouration, save for its pink ears and antennae, plus its red eyes, it struck an imposing figure to find yourself right in front of.

Naturally, an expert like her recognised its species instantly, and she was confirmed right when it spoke.


“Aheh…” She swam backwards a little, feet brushing along the pool floor. The water wasn’t too deep, but it was easier to work with it than to try to walk. “Sorry ‘bout that. Didn’t realise the pool was occupied.”

“Miltoic…” It sighed – but nodded, seemingly not too upset by her sudden arrival. Gently, its offered her its tail to help her stay afloat. “Miltoic.”

“Oh, thank you.” She took hold gladly. “So I’m supposed to be here for some ‘Aquatic therapy’ or something, but I’m not sure what to do. Do you think the attendant will be long, or…?”

The Pokemon seemed amused. “Mil-toic,” it said, with a slightly proud lilt to the last syllable.

Gloria’s eyes widened. “Wait… You mean, you’re the attendant?” You didn’t become Champ without gaining some insight into what Pokémon were saying.

A sharp nod. “Miltoic!”

“Well blow me down. It’s as well they made me leave my Pokéballs behind,” the Champion chuckled. “Or I might’a tried to catch ya’.”

A light flick to the forehead by the water Pokémon’s tail was her reward for the joke – though at the very least, Miltoic looked amused. “Miltoic!”

She found the tail sweeping around under her, gently knocking her from her feet and supporting her in the water. Its touch was so light it felt like she was really floating. The feeling drew an impressed smile from her, and she spread out her arms and legs, enjoying the sensation of low gravity.


“Yes,” she nodded, looking back up at the Pokémon’s face with a grin. “Ready to start.”

She lay back, letting her muscles go slack. She couldn’t quite relax entirely – she was still aware she was in a pool of water, at risk of drowning, and she didn’t know the Pokémon supporting her well – but she did her best, taking a deep breath and letting her gaze drift toward the ceiling. Or, rather, to Miltoic’s face, as it hovered over her.

Huh. She’d heard that Miltoic were the most beautiful Pokémon, but she’d never really appreciated them up close like this before. Especially their eyes – they seemed so deep and wise. She could practically feel herself falling into them the longer she looked…

So lost was Gloria in her little staring contest that she almost didn’t feel as the Pokémon’s tail wrapped around her left arm, gently squeezing and stroking its scaled skin around her. The sensation was as if she was being massaged by silk, steadily, softly drawing out every ounce of tension in her arm with well-practiced movements. By the time it was done, her arm was so relaxed she didn’t think she could pick up a Pokéball with it, let alone swim – a fate that was swiftly copied for her right arm, too.

Good thing she had Miltoic here to look after her, then~

By the time the massage moved down to her legs, though, she was barely aware of it. She was too distracted, too captivated by Miltoic’s stare to notice what was happening.

All she felt was more relaxation rushing up to her from below as her legs joined her arms in utter bliss.

If she’d been more aware by this point, she might have wondered if that was the end of the massage. Arms, legs – what more could be left? But her mind was slowly sliding into an empty-headed haze – a state she assumed to be just a normal result of the massage – and so she never thought it odd when the coils started to wrap around her middle. Indeed, the massage of her waist and chest, soon quite tight and snug, just made her feel better than ever! What was there to worry about?

Gloria was completely oblivious to the brief flick which had sent her swimsuit floating away on the surface of the water. At this point she was completely naked, and feeling good about it. Especially about the way the Pokemon’s tail was squeezing her hips and sliding between her legs, mmmn~

Soon enough was completely bound from head to toe, the Miltoic’s beige body cocooning her tight in the water. She didn’t mind, of course. She barely noticed. Her mind was just as relaxed as her body, and growing more so by the second. She was still lost in the Pokemon’s eyes, steadily falling deeper and deeper as her body was massaged into utter relaxation, slowly snuffing out her ability to resist. She was completely in its grasp.

All save for one part of her. A part left deliberately untouched up until this point. But now, gently, ever so gently, the softest, smallest parts of Miltoic’s tail, the very tip of it, drifted down, and began to wrap itself around her cock.

The soft stroke of a confident tail along the length of her shaft soon had her hardening like never before. Each steady touch sent sparks of pleasure straight up her spine. If she weren’t so tightly wrapped up she might have jolted – but instead, she was easily massaged back into blissful limp acceptance.

“Miltoic…” The Pokemon’s melodic voice drifted in through her ears, echoing in her increasingly empty head. “Miltoic… Miltoic…”

Relax… Relax… Relax…

Stroke… Stroke… Stroke…

A dull, dumb smile was spreading over Gloria’s face. She could feel it. She could feel herself standing – or floating – on the precipice. If she came now, she’d lose it, she knew on some instinctual level. She’d sink so deeply into this relaxing, empty headed state that she could never fully return. She’d always be in a kind of trance, always be this relaxed. She’d never leave this blissful heaven.

Another squeeze and a stroke. It was simply too tempting to resist.


Gloria came as her smile widened into a true mindless grin, and her eyes glazed completely.


“Thank you for visiting, and we hope you enjoyed your stay~”

“Oh, we absolutely did.”

“Just the most wonderful experience.”

“We can’t thank you enough!”

It was the end of a long, blissful weekend for Gloria and Marnie. They’d spent the entire time… Uh, doing what, they couldn’t quite remember, but they knew it had felt amazing, and been oh so incredibly relaxing. They couldn’t wait until their next visit.

“Be sure to take plenty of pamphlets with you to share with all your friends!”

“We will~”

The two left the spa practically changed women. Or, no, not really, they were basically the same as before, but much happier about it, and much, much more obsessed with massages. So, in all honesty, not really changed very much at all – but the devil was definitely in the details here.

Even their friends could tell that the trip had done them the world of good. Gloria was more cheerful than ever, and Marnie – well, Marnie was actually smiling all the time. Giggling too! It was almost scary if you’d known her before, honestly.

The place had clearly worked miracles – both women said so as they frequently recommended to everyone that they book a vacation at the Sea Whistle Spa.

“I can’t recommend them enough,” they’d say with a giggle and a glazed look in their eyes. “I had a great time, and I’m sure you will too~”


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