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Hey folks!

Hope all is going well out there. We're saying goodbye to August, and hello to September, so I guess we're due for some cooler weather out there soon. Energy levels are a bit low this week since I've caught a bug or something, but here's hoping that'll clear out of my system soon.

After looking at how patreon's systems work, I'm going to be opening the new tiers for shorts in the new month, rather than risk double charging a bunch of people. It'll be early, probably the 1st or 2nd, so keep an eye out for alerts if you're keen on getting one of the new spots!

In the mean time, please enjoy part two of last week's tale, as we once again revisit the curse cleansing clinic!

See you next week everyone, and I hope you have a good time.


A rap at the door and a friendly smile poking around it. “Yoohoo, Doctor? I’m here for my appointment!”

Doctor Adelwine looked up from her desk, smiling back. “Well if it isn’t my favourite patient! Come on in, dear, I was just finishing up the paperwork for my last guest, but it shouldn’t take long. Why don’t you take a seat, and I’ll be with you when I’m done.”

“Sounds good!” Elora hopped inside, shutting the door behind her, and slid herself into a chair in front of the Doctor’s desk. “Sorry if I’m a little late, I lost track of time at the bar.”

“Too busy flirting with the staff to keep an eye on the clock, I imagine,” The Doctor chuckled, scrawling something on a form. The elf’s good natured blush was all the confirmation that she needed. “Well not to worry, it gives me more time to handle my notes. I’ve had some interesting patients today.”

“Oh really?” El raised an eyebrow, and then paused, an awkward thought occurring to her. “… Tay didn’t give you any trouble this time, did she?”

That got a laugh from the raven haired woman. “Would you believe that she was practically the perfect patient?”

“I absolutely would not!” The sorceress joined her Doctor in laughing. “But no, really? She behaved herself?”

“As much as any brute like that is capable of behaving themselves,” Adelwine nodded. “I finished with her without any issues! And my my, the curses that girl had clinging to her essence… Well, I shouldn’t speak about another patient’s case without her permission.”

“Oh no no no, you absolutely should!” The redheaded elf leaned across the desk with wide, hopeful eyes. “Are you kidding? I could use the details from you to tease her for months! You have to tell me! Oooh, I bet she had something embarrassing like scaleskin! Hee, I knew one of those cultists bit her!”

Doctor Adelwine just shook her head with amusement, still filling out her paperwork. “My dear Elora, you have the wildest imagination. I certainly could never officially tell you that she had a touch of bovine aura in her, can I?”

The elf snapped her fingers, sitting back in her chair with a wide smile. “Understood loud and clear, Doctor! Oh, Tay, I cannot wait for your next little sassy comment. ‘I hear you buddy – now how about we stop for a glass of milk?’ Heh heh heh, I just know her face is going to go redder than the sun…”

“I am certain I have no idea what you mean,” the Doctor said with a calm, dignified air as she finished her last form. “But I do caution you to keep your evil schemes to yourself in this room. I do have another patient in here, after all.”

El blinked. “You do?” Her eyes turned to the corner of the room, following Adelwine’s head nod. “Oh, woah! When did she get here?!”

She had at last spotted the elven beauty standing behind her, mindlessly posed with her arms behind her head, her large chest thrust out. She was smiling blankly, blonde drills framing her face which, paired with her fancy green dress, could only indicate a noble bearing, and didn’t seem to have noticed the other two women in the room with her at all.

“She’s been there for some time,” the Doctor explained calmly. “Detox – the curses in her are quite strong, and they need to drain slowly. For her own good, I’ve placed her in a light trance while my magic does its work. Forgive me, normally I’d have her stay somewhere else, but I need to keep an eye on her, and I simply don’t have time in my schedule to delay my appointments. I doubt she’ll get in the way.”

Elora shook her head. “Not a problem, Doc. But wow, that bad, huh? Anyone I know?”

She was rewarded with a waggling finger in her face. “Now now, El, I just told you I can’t violate Doctor Patient confidentiality like that,” the dark haired woman chuckled with a wink. “I’m just letting you know she’s there. And as long as that’s not a problem for you… Shall we get started?”

The elf gave one last glance back over her shoulder, before nodding. “Sure thing. Where do you want me, Doc?”

“Just stand in the spell circle like usual,” Adelwine said, pulling on her black gloves. “I’m sure this won’t take long, unless you’ve been letting that paladin of yours drag you into more monster infested hellholes again.”

El shook her head, pushing herself out of her chair and stepping casually over into the middle of the circle of runes inscribed on the floor. “No, not that much this time. We’ve mostly been investigating cities and actual civilization, thank the forces. Only a few cave runs since I last checked in!”

“Ah, yes – that would fit.” the Doctor nodded as she got to her feet as well. “Well in that case, I’m sure we’ll have no difficulties. Now…”

She took her place next to her patient and raised her hands, her palms already glowing with purple light and runes flickering in the air around her. Around the office, crystals began to light up, and the runes on the floor joined in on the glow as well. The inspection had begun.

“Let’s run through the usual questions,” Adelwine said, raising her hands so they hovered next to Elora’s head. “What’s your name?”

“Elora Searingmist.” The elf answered casually, trying not to get bored of this scan the moment it started.

“Date of Birth?”

“Ah, what was it on the human calendar… I always forget this.” She bit her lip for a moment. “Second half-moon of spring, 12th cycle of- Now what did you call it… Fonevor’s Recline? FR, that was it.”

The Doctor sighed. “You certainly don’t look it. Dear oh dear, you elves make it far too easy to hate you, you know.”

That brought a smirk to El’s lips. “Only natural, Doc~”

Adelwine shook her head. “Race?”

“Summer Elf.” Obviously.

“And profession?”

The elf sighed dramatically. “Oh, it varies. Some call me a maestro, some a peerless defender of the helpless. Some speak of me in hushed voices around the waning campfire, some curse my beauty under the mid-day sun. I’m a woman of so many talents, how could you possibly ask me to pick just one?”

That got her a flick on the shoulder. “Cute, but now give me an answer I can actually fit on my forms.”

“Aw, no fun.” She spent a moment pouting, before grinning. “Fine, I’m a licensed sorceress, and I’ve been a registered member of the Adventurer’s Guild for some ten years or so now. Happy?”

“Very. Now hold still.” The Doctor nodded, letting her hands drift down from Elora’s head and scanning the rest of her body. “Everything matches the records so far, but let’s make sure, annnd… ah.” Her fingers paused, hovering on either side of the elf’s middle. “Mostly in the cities, hm? Then why is it I can detect… Is this a kobold shaman’s curse? Now that’s a rare one.”

The redhead winced. “Oooh, I thought he missed with that shot. Aheh, nothing serious, right?”

“No, nothing serious,” Adelwine agreed, cleansing the corruption with a wave of her hand – and storing it away in her gloves to process later, just in case she had any kobold-based requests at some point. “It looks like it mostly missed. But you should be more careful. A direct hit would absolutely ruin your complexion.”

“Ha! Oh, you’re not kidding.” Elora shuddered. “I enjoy being over two feet tall, thank you. Brrr. That’s it, though, right?”

“Hmmm. Not quite.” The Doctor leaned in, peering at the elf’s back suspiciously. “There’s something deeper here… Something I don’t see very often.” She pressed her hand against the small of the woman’s back, focusing her senses through her red dress. “Elora, exactly what kind of people have you been consorting with?”

“E-eh?” The elf’s cheeks turned pale red. “Wh-… Well, I mean, I’m never one to keep my conquests to myself, Doc, but, uh, is this really the time?”

“Oh, I’d say so,” the raven haired alchemist said, still scanning. “Because someone had to get very close to you for quite a long time to plant a curse like this in here. This is at least a full night’s work – maybe three.

“Three?! Oh, no way, then,” El shook her head. “No, I haven’t- Oh, well maybe the blonde back in the Capital…”

“Ahhh, yes, blonde makes sense.” The Doctor smirked. “Let me guess, graceful? Eloquent? Gave you a warm feeling in your chest whenever they were nearby?”

The sorceress’ face screwed up. “… I’m not going to like how you knew that, am I?”

Bingo. “I knew it. You should be honoured, dear.” She pressed both of her hands against Elora’s sides and closed her eyes, focusing on sensing the magic she’d detected within. “There’s not many of us who catch the eye of a divine messenger.”

“A wha-Ooohhh…” The elf’s concerned question was cut off by a surprised moan, her hips shifting as she felt something warm wash through her. “What was-?”

Adelwine chuckled. “Don’t worry about it, El. Just getting to work on clearing this – unless you want to turn into an angelic groupie? There’s worse ways to end up…”

Elora blanched, still quivering as the warm feelings intensified, a golden glow starting to shine around her like an aura. “Nuh-no, thanks, that’s… That’s not what I…”

“I thought not.” The Doctor nodded, her gloves flashing purple. Time to get to work. “Just leave it to me. This is quite intricate, so it might feel strange – ignore anything you feel and keep talking.”

“OooOoohh…” The elf swayed on her feet for a moment, a rosy blush settling in her cheeks as the golden glow grew stronger. “Ah! Talking? Talking I can do! What shall we talk about?”

Hands gripping the woman firmly to make sure she didn’t fall over and accidentally accelerate a very delicate process, Adelwine looked up. “Well, why don’t we start with how you got this brush with this night lady’s blessing I see here?” She prodded a small heart shaped mark on the elf’s thigh, drawing a surprised ‘eep’ sound from the redhead.

“Oh, that? Well that was… Oooh… That… Aheh… That was… Mmmn…” Elora trailed off for a moment, her eyes turning a clear baby blue. “We found out about these ladies in the city going missing a couple of months back~ The missing posters looked cute, so I pestered Tay until she agreed to look into it with me.”

“Wasn’t she interested? Seems like a normal thing for a Paladin to check out.” The Doctor’s voice was distracted. She was paying far more attention to the mark she’d found, and the curse beneath it. Right now she was doing some precise work with the divine ‘blessing’ El had picked up, but night lady’s blessing was a fun curse - it would probably be quite useful here too.

Elora was oblivious, though, happy to chatter away as her eyes picked up a small glow, fluttering happily under her eyelids. “Nah, she didn’t think there was anything to work with. But, heh, I had a plan~”

“Really now?”

The elf grinned. “Yeah! I mean, who’s cuter than me, right? So anyway, it turned out there was this group of whores who were enchanting ladies to join their brothels, and… Ooohhhh!”

Her squeal came as the Doctor tapped her finger against the curse mark again, unleashing a little bit of its full potency. Lust crashed through the elf’s body like a tidal wave, flooding through her and transforming her body to match the magic’s desires. Her thighs squeezing together as they plumped up and gained some heft. Nothing compared to the empty headed blonde in the corner, of course, but attractive curves, none the less – perfect for strutting and attracting a customer on a street corner. Her chest strained her dress as her breasts swelled and grew, quickly taking the lead in size and developing a wobbly top-heavy build. Just the thing for quickly flashing at a tempted john, and then luring him into a nearby alley to take a closer look…

“Yes, I think I can see how you might have picked up a curse or two from them,” Adelwine chuckled as she drained the rest of the curse away. She wasn’t turning this one into a complete whore, after all. “Now, hold still – we have to be careful here. I don’t want you going full blonde…”

“Huh? What are you- Haaaaah…” Still dazed from the sudden blast of lust and pleasure, Elora’s legs hadn’t stopped rubbing together yet, easily distracting her as her thoughts grew lighter and lighter. “Oooooh, that feels… super nice…”

Her hair was already starting to brighten, going from deep scarlet and heading towards glittering copper. But the speed of the changes she was going through was starting to slow, as the good Doctor began to do her job, neutralising the curses in the elf’s body before they could completely corrupt her.

“It does, does it? That makes sense. Divine consorts tend to be quite simple. Makes them easier for the divinities to deal with. Obviously I don’t want to take you the full way, but making you nice and airheaded is going to make the rest of this easier.”

It was clear what she meant – at least, it would have been to anyone but Elora.

“Heehee~” The elf giggled, an increasingly vapid smile growing on her face as her mind grew airier and airier. Heck, by this point you could probably hear an angelic choir if you held her head up to your ear. “I dunno what you’re talking about, Doc, but if it makes me feel this good, keep doing it~”

Adelwine grinned, before slowing the curse to a complete halt, drawing out the remaining divine energy for the next time she was asked to provide a heavenly ho. “Annnd… There. That’s enough of that. Slutty and stupid – that’ll make for a good foundation for your role tonight. I’m so glad you’re so malleable, Elora. Working with your partner is like trying to draw blood from a stone, but you? You’re as mouldable as clay.”

“Haaah…” Blue eyes still glimmering, the sorceress giggled again. Her head was a little too empty now to follow along, but the tone of voice meant she’d just been complimented, right? “Thanks Doc! That’s really sweet of you to say!”

“Any time, dear.” The grin became a smirk – and then the Doctor stepped back to one of her cabinets by her desk, pulling open one of the drawers to start rummaging. “But we’re not done yet! Obviously, we can’t have you looking too angelic. As much as those nobles might enjoy a slutty divine pet, they’re renting you out for a ball, so we can’t have you causing a diplomatic situation with our friends in the Crusadence. Fortunately, no one has any allies with any of the demon races~”

She spun back around, holding a small, black pitchfork. It was a nasty looking thing, cast in some kind of dark metal as a single piece, with each spoke glistening with sharpness. It radiated its own evil aura - the Doctor’s gloves were glowing with fierce purple light wherever they touched it. And the raven haired alchemist was holding it up as a grand prize.

Elora just blinked vapidly at her.

“Oh, right.” Adelwine sighed. “I suppose I just have myself to blame for you not being impressed. Oh well.” She stepped back into the spell circle and slid around behind the elf. “You might feel a slight pinch, but don’t worry. It’s just a succubus sting.”

El’s lips pursed in uncertain confusion – and then parted to let loose a shrill “Eep!” as she felt a sharp poke in her rear. But strangely, when she reached back to check, she didn’t feel anything there…

Adelwine, who had a much better view, got to watch as each of the three holes in Elora’s skin quickly healed before her hand could reach down. And then she got to watch as, from each point, a red wave started to spread through the elf’s skin. It was difficult to see its progress as it spread under the woman’s dress, alas, but it was easy enough to track the other changes - changes like her hips swelling out a little wider, or her chest gaining another cup-size.

“Mmnn… I… I feel really hot all of a sudden…” The dazed sorceress said, squirming, her hands squeezing at her chest or rubbing between her legs for a few seconds, before reaching down and yanking her dress clean off with a sigh of relief. Finally freed, her new tail sliding out behind her, the spaded tip wiggling merrily in the air.

And of course now that she was nude, it was a lot easier to track the curse. The Doctor grinned as she saw it spreading up Elora’s neck, washing over her face and hair with delicious efficiency. With her mouth open at the orgasmic pleasure her hands were providing, you could see her tongue starting to lengthen, rolling out down to her chin for a moment before sliding back up between thick black lips. Her eyes turned from shimmery blue to fiery red. Small devil horns poked out of the top of her head as her hair turned pitch black. The golden aura that had been flickering around her snuffed out completely, replaced by the dark alure of sin. And as a final touch, her ears shrank down – still keeping a bit of their point, but now nowhere near as long as they had been not a moment prior.

Elf? What elf? There was no elf here (aside from that one in the corner). Nope, just a hot, horned, horny demon~

The Doctor clapped her hands together, purple light flashing around them. “Wonderful! Red suits you, Elora - You’re a natural demon~ Oh, but that reminds me…” She stepped in again, reaching back to grab a marker pen from her desk. “I’ll have to do something about that name of yours. A little too elvish. But it just needs a small tweak…”

The succubus paid no mind to the other whatsoever, even as she began to write on her back. Her new infernal lusts were far more important, far more satisfying to indulge – and with any willpower she’d had long since eroded by the light, she had no chance of resisting them. Soon, she had a new elegant tattoo across her back – and a new name written over the old in her scrambled memories.

Finally, Adelwine slid the pen away, and started to circle her patient, inspecting her work once more. She’d really knocked it out of the park today, hadn’t she? First the Paladin, now a vapid piece of arm candy, and now the Sorceress, a slutty, lusty succubus… Heh, maybe the second one wasn’t all that different, come to think of it. But then, she wasn’t finished, was she?

“These changes are all well and good,” she said, squinting at the demon’s chest – yep, those knockers would definitely fetch a fine price – “but you’re being rented out as entertainment. And while I’m sure you’ll be entertaining right through the small hours, we do need to make sure you can perform in public for a little while too. Luckily, I have just the thing…”

One last rummage through her curse supplies provided her with exactly what she needed – a multi-coloured cloth jester’s hat, complete with little bells and ribbons. Without hesitation, she reached up and dropped it on Elora’s bare head, settling it over her horns. Instantly, the demon slumped, her hands dropping limp to her sides, her eyes rolling up in her head, a small trickle of drool starting to slide down from the corner of her slack mouth. The bells jingled softly.

“I got this from – now let me think. Ah yes, a few years back, a merchant in the city made the mistake of calling a true fae a fool. They gave him this hat in return. I think he works as a jester for the palace now. No detransformation insurance, alas. But then, you really have to be a fool to insult the fae in the first place, don’t you?”

A small smile was starting to tug at the succubus’s lips, and a giggle made its way out of her throat. Whether she was laughing at the Doctor’s joke, or at whatever the hat was doing to her brain, it was hard to say. It was cute all the same.

Adeline stepped around in front of her patient one last time, looking her up and down. “I think that should just about do it. You were always a bit of a fool too, El – now you look the part properly~ What do you think about that, hm?”

The demon’s eyes lit up, and she merrily began to sway in place, her bells jingling and her tail wiggling. Opening her mouth, her voice, soft as a purr and stoked with lust, began to purr.

“What do I think? Why not much at all!
I’m ashamed now to say it, but my brain is quite small~
I’m a moron. A bimbo! I just giggle and drool.
Yes I have to say now, Doc, you’ve found quite the fool~”

Perfect. What a nice little jester she made. “Wonderful. Why, I think you’re all set. Go and get dressed, then we can run through one last round of questions to make sure.”

El nodded, hat jingling, and then early skipped over to the wardrobe, shoving her head inside and grabbing the first clothes she found. By the time she returned, she was dressed in a colourful outfit that seemed primarily concerned with showing off her body, rather than concealing it. A green and blue frilly crop top that pressed tight around the outline of her chest, and pink shorts with a hole for her tail, coupled with enough ruffles and frills to host a tea party. She looked every bit the jester she’d become.

The only thing out of place was the golden chain collar around her neck, the circular emblem of the Crusadence dangling from it in her cleavage. It seemed to glow with an ethereal holy light…

… Well, no. It glowed with the power of a cheap light spell, little more than costume jewellery, but it certainly looked like it was a holy binding of some sort. Just the sort of thing she’d need to convince anyone that her succubus powers were sealed. Yes, that’d do nicely.

Which meant that as she retook her spot in the spell circle, there was just one thing left to do.

“What’s your name?”

“My name El’Shara,
The busty fool star-a~”

“Date of Birth?”

“My records began
Long before the age of man~”

So the rhyming thing was constant, huh? Must have been part of the hat’s magic. And they weren’t even particularly good rhymes. Maybe she’d made her a little too airheaded? Oh well, it wasn’t like she was being rented to talk.


“I’m a demon, naturally.
My skin, my horns – obviously!”

“Obviously,” the Doctor rolled her eyes – but she still had to grin. Everything had taken well. “And your profession?”

El giggled and bounced, her chest jiggling and her bells ringing.

“I juggle, I jape, I praise those that rule…
There’s no doubt about it, I’m the world’s biggest fool!”

And there it was. A demonic jester, ready to entertain. Adelwine sighed with relief, exhaustion from the day’s work taking its toll. Then she snapped her fingers in front of the suddenly blank face of the demon. “Now go and stand with the blonde over there, and think up some jokes. Your buyer should be here any minute…”

Phew. She watched as the busty demon marched off to do as she had asked. My, she’d worked hard today. And soon enough, she’d be home and enjoy her well earned money from the sale of these two pesky adventurers. She already knew they’d net her a tidy sum!

Heh. Who said there was no rest for the wicked~?


The ball was in full swing, and Marala Von Elsapeth Graces was enjoying every second of it. Fine music, even finer food, and, of course, the finest gentlemen in all the kingdoms holding her arm. Oh yes, the curvy blonde was in a very happy place right now.

Lord Albermere kept his hand possessively around the elf’s waist throughout the evening, occasionally leading her on to the dance floor to show off how graceful she could be. Mara found herself giggling and leaning against him in adoration, her smile growing wider with every jealous gaze that passed over them.

At one point the pair were approached by an older gentlemen that the blonde didn’t recognise, but her beloved did. He greeted the two with a chuckle and a polite raising of his glass of port. “A splendid event, Martin,” he said, his accent refined and clear. “I dare say this is the event of the season! I see you’ve spared no expense.”

“Well of course not, your grace.” Mara’s man grinned, nodding to the gentleman. “I’d hate to let the side down.”

“Oh, no fear of that, my boy, no fear of that at all.” The older man adjusted his monocle, looking out over the party. “I must say I did enjoy your entertainment. Just how did you tame that thing, anyway?”

Even she didn’t need anyone to explain what ‘that thing’ was. Somehow, her beloved had procured the most fascinating curiosity for this ball. Oh, how the audience had gasped when they’d seen that their jester was a red skinned succubus, happy to humiliate herself for their pleasure. While, even now she could see the creature bouncing about, her demonic chest jiggling with incredible – and, she suspected, supernatural – heft, cheering out rhymes and juggling flaming torches…

Oh yes, she would be the talk of the town by tomorrow! Well, second after Lord Albermare’s new betrothed, at least~

Her man chuckled. "Now that is a professional secret, Sir Devin. But I can tell you, she’s perfectly safe – and available for a personal show or two this evening,” he winked. “If you’re interested.”

The duke snorted. “Hah! My boy, you make a tempting offer, but I’m not as young as I used to be…”

But her beloved waved his free hand – the other sliding perilously close to groping Mara’s behind. “Now don’t be ridiculous, your grace – you’re still in your prime. I bet you could fight the entire 5th guard to a standstill, even now!”

“You flatter me, Martin!” The older man grinned, before giving the succubus another thoughtful look. “And perhaps you’re right. I may just give that beast a call after all…”

Then he shook his head and turned back to the pair. “But where are my manners! Who is this delightful young lady you’ve managed to charm?”

She smiled and curtsied. “Marala Breezeburg Flowerchild Von Elsapeth Graces, your Grace. Thrilled to meet you.”

The Duke grinned to Martin. “An elf, too! A fine catch, my boy. There’s hope for you yet, eh?”

“I can certainly hope, sir!”

The two spoke right past Mara – but honestly, she didn’t mind. These men folk could talk about such complicated things, and she’d prefer not to be involved. If it wasn’t about money or how pretty she was, she just wasn’t interested. Right now, she was just feeling flattered.

“Haha, that’s the spirit.” The Duke took a swig of his port, before nodding. “Right, I shouldn’t hang about. People to see, hands to shake. But after the party’s over, Martin, I think you know where to send your new pet, hm?”

“Certainly sir~” The Lord saluted. “Have a fair evening.”

Chuckling, the older man walked away – and Mara’s man watched him go with a funny look in his eye.

“Hm, I wonder. If the good Duke does perish in his sleep tonight, there’s certainly a lot to gain.” The Lord smiled to himself, muttering about something that flew straight over his blonde arm candy’s head. “I’ll have a word with the fool before she goes up. Yes, I do think this has turned out rather well. And you two have certainly earned your cost. I wonder how much it would cost to get permanent extensions on your contracts…”

He pondered for a moment, before shrugging, patting her on the rear. “Come along, dear – let’s go make our presence known in the dining room. Tonight’s the night to make an impression.”

He let her go, walking away and expecting her to follow. But for some reason – she honestly had no idea why – the elfin noble found herself looking back towards the succubus fool, pondering… something. Something she just couldn’t put her finger on. It was a queer feeling. Why did that creature seem so familiar?

The succubus looked up, catching her eye for a moment, and winked. Mara felt the blush rise in her face, and she turned away, grabbing the hem of her dress to hurry after her beloved. Such a scandalous creature – would Martin really be keeping her? Hmph. Well, if that was the case, she’d just have to try all the harder to make sure his eye never strayed. And if he ever did invite them both to the same bedchambers, then she’d just have to prove who the real devil between the sheets was!

One thing was for certain – she had no intention of losing her man. She was going to please and satisfy him for the rest of their lives, no matter what it took. Yes, she was going to cling to him so tightly… People really might start to think that he was cursed~

Grinning, she hurried on towards her destiny.



Hey, at least they have the guild, insurance!

Emmitt Cleveland

I do suggest that when you finalize a time for the new tiers go live, make an announcement beforehand. Let everyone know so those people who want a tier can make the time to get in. I know your usual update time is in the middle of work for me so knowing ahead of time would be helpful.

Director D.Z.

That's definitely the plan. I'm trying to work out when the best time would be for everyone still, but I'll certainly put out an announcement with said time the day before.