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Hey folks! How's it going?

It's shorts time! I know I said they might be delayed - and life was definitely trying to make that so - but I went hard on getting them done on time anyway. It came down to the wire (so forgive me if there's a few more spelling mistakes than normal - lemme know where they are and I'll fix them in the final version), but here they are! I hope you enjoy.

I'mma go collapse for a bit now. See you next week!


Request: Katara and Toph get grabbed by the Dai Li and turned into Joo Dees, Katara through candle hypnosis, and Toph through audio brainwashing.

“Didn’t feel like bringing Twinkle Toes?”

“Aang had to take care of a few things in the Fire Kingdom. Zuko asked for his help specifically. He said he’d join us here once it’s all sorted out.”

Toph whistled, folding her arms behind her head “The big flame boy actually asked for help? Well then I guess I can’t get too mad that he’s late…”

Katara giggled as she walked down the street with her old friend. “You’re still going to prank him for it though, aren’t you?”

“Well of course!”

Around them, the city of Ba Sing Se thrived. It had been nearly a decade since the end of the great war, and though it had taken some time (and encountered more than a few complications along the way), the Earth Kingdom had pretty much recovered from the rather tumultuous final battles nicely. Looking around these streets today, you would be hard pressed to imagine that only a handful of years ago, the world had been at war.

Nor would you expect the two women walking together to have played a key part in that war’s resolution, unless you had a very sharp eye. It was the first time the two had seen each other in a while. Well, uh, the first time one of them had seen the other in… You know what I mean. At any rate, both of them had grown in the years since their victory over the old Fire Lord. The two girls had blossomed into mature young women, with Katara gaining a few inches in height to compliment her adult build, while Toph had finally caught up with her friends both in height and beauty. It was easy to believe now that she was the daughter of a wealthy family – her movements were graceful, and her outfit immaculate.

Of course, she was also far more muscular than she looked, and the light metal armour she was wearing certainly lent an edge to her that no merchant’s daughter was supposed to have. Plus, if one were to look closer, they might wonder why she was wandering the streets bare foot…

“It seems so peaceful here now. For real this time. Not like… you know, before.” The water bender chuckled, shaking her head at the memories – but pausing when she noticed Toph’s expression. Her friend looked uncertain.

“You think so? I dunno. I can sense some real tension bubbling underneath the surface.” The earth bender tapped her toes on the ground. “I wanted to talk to Aang about that, actually.”

“Oh?” That… sounded pretty serious, to be honest.

But Toph just shrugged. “Yeah… I don’t know. I’ve been hearing odd rumours in the city lately. Something moving in the shadows. Not that they can hide from my eyes,” she chuckled.

Still, Katara prodded. She was never one to leave something like this alone. “You think there’s a real issue?”

“Eh. Maybe.” The earth bender sighed, dropping her hands to her sides. “I might just be being paranoid. Honestly, I’ve been thinking that maybe I just need to get away from this city. I was meaning to go check out that city project Twinkle Toes and Zuko’ve been working on, but I didn’t want to leave without making sure things were ngh.”

Katara blinked. “Ngh? What do you mean-?”

She turned, only to see her friend fall to the floor face first – a small black dart sticking out of her neck. What the?

The water bender was instantly on guard, water swirling around her as she looked around to see where the attack could have come from. How could someone get the drop on Toph? She may have been blind, but she could ‘see’ better than a sharpshooter with her feet! So then…

Katara’s eyes turned skyward, and she thought she saw a flash of movement up above. A glider, maybe?

But before she could get a closer look, someone seized her from behind, a sharp smelling cloth pressed tightly over her face, and before she could even think to push them away with her bending, the world went hazy and black.

“… … Dee… … … Welcome … …”

Toph blinked awake. The world was dark – or, you know, so she assumed. Something wasn’t right. She couldn’t feel the earth around her. Her bending slipped away from her whenever she tried to reach for it.

“…. … Joo Dee … …come to … Sing… ”

She was blind. More than usual. Her senses weren’t working at all. The only thing that worked was her hearing, and even that felt swimmy right now. She could just about make out someone talking, but…

“I’m… oo De… Well… Ba Sing…”

… But what were they saying? It was a voice… No, it was a chorus of voices. They…

“I'm Joo Dee. Welcome to Ba Sing Se…”

They sounded… familiar…

Katara groaned as she came around, her head spinning. She could still taste the sting of whatever concoction they’d used to knock her out on her lips. Bitter herbs. Ugh, what- who would dare do something like this to the wife of the Avatar?

… Of course the fact that she was the wife of the Avatar was probably all the reason anyone needed to kidnap her in the first place. If they were idiots, at least. Whatever they hoped to achieve, it was only going to end with their plans brought down around their ears…

Finally, her eyes started to work, blinking rapidly as they slid open – only to instantly flinch shut as a bright light flashed in her face. It was just for a moment, but the afterimage left stars in her vision – not helping her already struggling vision.

It was dark in here, wherever ‘here’ was. The only source of light was the bright thing that had just nearly blinded her – a lantern slowly circling around on what looked like a metal rail. She was sat down in front of it in a cold stone chair, her arms and legs tightly restrained. What little she could see around her indicated a plain stone room, and a shadowy figure in the middle of it all, standing in front of her. It felt so familiar – something about the scenery pulling at her memories, until it snapped into place.

“Lake Laogai?” She whispered, trying to look around, only to find her head securely held down. “No, impossible. That place was abandoned…!”

“Indeed.” The shadow spoke, its voice distorted to Katara’s dazed ears – a low thrum that rumbled through her skull. She wasn’t even sure if it was male or female. “You and your friends caused us a great upset that day, young lady. We lost a very useful facility… But it was far from the only one of its type. The Dai Li are nothing if not patient, after all.”

The water bender growled, her lips pulling into a sneer. “The Dail Li. Of course. We should have had you abolished years ago!”

The voice chuckled. “And yet you did not. But the fact that you believe you can is what makes you so dangerous. The Dai Li serves the Earth Kingdom, after all – and we will not let a threat to it, or to us, go unanswered.”

“Yeah right.” She glared. “You’re just the same as ever.”

“Far from it.” The light circled around, at Katara winced again as it flashed in her face. “We have moved on. We have grown. We have refined our techniques. And we have waited, patiently, for our chance at revenge.”

“Figures.” Katara blinked the afterimages out of her eyes furiously. “Well you’re not going to get it. And when Aang finds out about this…”

“But he will not.” The shadow shook its head. “He will never know what happened here. Do you believe you can escape? Surely you must have noticed you cannot use your water bending by now? I’m afraid we’ve found an interesting combination of drugs to seal your powers for the moment. I’ve heard they can cause quite a strong degree of disorientation – as your friend can no doubt attest.”

Katara’s eyes widened. “Toph! What did you do to her? If you’ve hurt her, I swear, I’ll-”

There was a low chuckle that sent her head ringing. “You needn’t worry. Neither of you will be hurt.” It didn’t sound comforting put like that, for some reason. “In fact, from now on, you will be serving the Earth Kingdom.”

“What?” The water bender blinked, brow furrowing. They couldn’t mean to… “No way. Never!”

But the voice just kept talking. “You would be useful as a normal agent… But I’m afraid you and your friend are simply too dangerous to be allowed to wander freely. You need to be tidied away. Thank you for your part dealing with the Fire Nation – now it’s time for you to step off the stage.”

Something in the air changed. Katara swallowed, trying to steady her thoughts, trying to come up with a way to escape – but everything was still so hazy… And every time that light came around it hit her dead on, and scrambled her-

The light swung around, flashing bright in front of her face, and she found herself blinking. What… What had she just been thinking? The mysterious shadow in the centre of the ring was speaking again, its voice low and calm...

“There are no problems in Ba Sing Se...”

Toph groaned. She’d been awake for what seemed like forever now, but her head was still so foggy. It was like she was caught in a waking dream.

“I'm Joo Dee. Welcome to Ba Sing Se.”

She couldn’t see. She could barely think. She knew she was standing… somewhere, surrounded by people. But she couldn’t quite muster up the energy to move.

“I'm Joo Dee. Welcome to Ba Sing Se.”

Those words kept repeating around her. Filling her ears. Filling her head. She knew they meant something – something dangerous. But she couldn’t think what. Every time she tried…

“I'm Joo Dee. Welcome to Ba Sing Se.”

The words would interrupt, and she’d find them smothering her thoughts all over again.

It was getting hard to keep pushing them out. It was getting hard to resist them. The song was so attractive, sinking so deep into her brain, and the fog in her head was so thick that she was desperate for something to latch on to.

“I'm Joo Dee. Welcome to Ba Sing Se.”

Head rolling, she didn’t even notice as her mouth began moving on its own. “Wel… Welcome… to Ba… Sing…”

She stumbled to a halt, unsure, as the chorus resumed around her. But as it did, the words echoed in her head, and a warm feeling buzzed down her spine…

“This… This isn’t going to work,” Katara grunted, speaking through gritted teeth. “I… I know what you’re trying to do!”

“There are no problems in Ba Sing Se.” The voice didn’t respond, simply repeating the same phrases it had been spouting for the past hour or so. “We're so lucky to have our walls to create order.”

Truth be told, it was starting to get to her, though she wasn’t about to admit it. She could feel the process chipping away at her will. The oppressive surroundings, the disorientating light show, the insistent voice, the haze in her mind…

But she wasn’t going to give in! She just needed to hold out – for as long as it took. Eventually, people’d notice she was missing. Eventually, someone would send help. She just… She just needed to hold on until-


U-until… Until… What? What had she just been thinking?

“There are no problems in Ba Sing Se.”

There… There are no…? No!

“We're so lucky to have our walls to create order.”

Ngh. She screwed her eyes shut, trying to clear her head. They were trying to brainwash her, but it wouldn’t work. She’d fought too hard for too long for that to work, right? As long as she remembered that, then she could-


She… Wha…?

When had she opened her eyes again? Why couldn’t she shut them now? What-


What… What was happening? Was it speeding up?


Her head… was going blank… But she had to remember what she was fighting for… Remember to fight…


R-remember… Toph?


A… Aang…


What… What was she doing…? Who… Was she…?


“There are no problems in Ba Sing Se.”

“There are no problems in Ba Sing Se.” Katara repeated, her eyes going blank as her mind surrendered. Her head was just too empty to do otherwise.

In the shadows, the Dai Li agent smiled. It was time to start her real programming.

“I'm Joo Dee. Welcome to Ba Sing Se.”

How long had it been?

“I'm Joo Dee. Welcome to Ba Sing Se.”

Where was she? Who was she? What was happening?

“I'm Joo Dee. Welcome to Ba Sing Se.”

Every time she tried to remember…

“I'm Joo Dee. Welcome to Ba Sing Se.”

Every time she tried to think…

“I'm Joo Dee. Welcome to Ba Sing Se.”

All she found in her mind was…

“I'm Joo Dee. Welcome to Ba Sing Se.”

Was… Was she Joo Dee? Was that who she was? It didn’t feel right, but her disbelief was hanging on by a thread.

“I'm Joo Dee. Welcome to Ba Sing Se.”

Should she hold on? Or just give in? Accept it as the truth? She wasn’t sure…

“I'm Joo Dee. Welcome to Ba Sing Se.”

And then… There! In the chorus, she heard it! A new voice. A familiar voice. A voice she trusted, a voice she could always listen to. K… Kat… K something. She could follow them. And they said…

“I'm Joo Dee. Welcome to Ba Sing Se.”

Oh. So that was it. She should have given in all along then. With a smile, the dark haired girl let her mind go blank, and sang with the others, loud and proud.

“I'm Joo Dee. Welcome to Ba Sing Se.”

Serabeth Velo was nervous. A merchant of some renown, he’d been planning his trip to the great city of Ba Sing Se for months – but lately, there’d been word of strange things happening in the capital of the earth empire. Disappearances. Unrest. Odd rumours. He’d even heard the wife of the Avatar had vanished here without a trace…

Still, everything seemed normal as he arrived. And indeed, he was soon met by a very charming lady – his state sponsored guide – who met him with warmth and grace.

“Welcome,” the woman greeted him with a wide smile. “I’m Joo Dee. I’ll be your guide to the city. If you’ll follow me, I’d be happy to show you around, and answer any questions.”

“Oh, thank you.” He smiled at the woman, taking a moment to look her over. She had dark skin and long brown hair, dressed up in the green and pale yellow robes of the Earth Kingdom. Her gaze seemed a little dull, yes, but she exuded a cheerful attitude that seemed relentlessly positive. He could certainly ask worse for a guide. “Is everything okay in the city? I’ve heard rumours…”

Joo Dee just giggled. “Pay those no mind, sir,” she said as she led him away from the plaza. “All is safe and normal within Ba Sing Se. We're so lucky to have our walls to create order…”

Made sense to him. What a relief. Smiling, he followed her into the city – absently noting, as he walked, another woman in similar green clothes moving towards the group that had arrived after he had – a tall woman with black hair and pale eyes. She must have been another guide. But there was something familiar about her. Had he seen her before somewhere, on his travels as a merchant…?

Eh. No, probably not. He shrugged and moved on after Joo Dee, dismissing the other woman from his mind. After all, all is safe and normal within Ba Sing Se, right?


Request: Koyanskaya has been able to survive with her brain intact for a surprisingly long time in Cockaigne, it helps that she knows every trick they could use to ensnare her. But recently she’s been hunted down mercilessly and it looks like her number is up. Slut Tamer Tamamo finally subdues her prey with the help of her recent acquisition, Tamamo Cat. At the end Koyanskaya still leads the NFF, Cockaigne’s premier sex toy shop, as both its manager and finest piece of merchandise.

The streets of Cockaigne were a dangerous place, once you knew the city’s secret. It’s existence was a trap, a snare to strip the protection of heroes from the history of mankind by sluttifying, stupefying, and corrupting every Heroic Spirit that it could draw in. Though it put on an innocent, if polluted, façade at first, soon enough every Servant who set foot there would learn exactly how sinister the place truly was – before rapidly unlearning that fact, and every other fact they had in their heads.

Most Servants, then, found the place detestable, and sought only one of two things – to escape, or to destroy the place utterly. To this day, none of the dozens, or perhaps hundreds lured here had managed either.

Koyanskaya, the white wearing, foxy purveyor of weaponry and misery…

“Mmmn, oh yes! That’s the stuff~ Keep licking, fool, that tongue is delightful~”

… Loved it. Absolutely loved it.

She didn’t hide it. This city was amazing. Fantastic! Wonderful, even! Subjugating Servants and turning them into slutty, dumb parodies of themselves like this? Oh, it was too perfect! Ah, if only she’d found this place earlier, she might have even tried to steer Chaldea into it. At the very least, she could have made sure that some of the more annoying Servants could have gotten tickets. Like that Lancer who’d destroyed one of her tails. Or maybe Ophilia would have liked a spa day, poor girl had stressed out so much…

Hm. Well, this city was a singularity unmoored from time. A very unusual singularity, too. Perhaps it wouldn’t be impossible to send an invitation or two back…

But right now she was busy enjoying the high life. Specifically, she was enjoying the services of a pair of brainless bimbos who, once upon a time, had been powerful and dignified heroes of man. She didn’t care much for details, but she figured that the purple haired one between her legs had probably been Saint Martha, and the purple one behind her massaging her shoulders had probably been Raikou of the Genji… Of course none of that mattered any more, did it? Both were just dumb, busty sluts, the latest in a long line of bimbos that the wily Beast candidate had been using to enjoy herself in the city.

Oh, but naturally, Cockaigne had tried to get its claws into her, too. It was relentless about it, really. She was, technically, a Servant after all. Or close enough for it not to matter. But this poor place had never been designed for someone like her. It had been created by a Beast, so of course it couldn’t contain one. Her ability to slip away from Singularities at will meant she could never be cornered, and her domain over taming meant she could never be tamed – thus, naturally, the place was simply no danger to her.

No matter what clever tricks they tried, no matter what cunning lures they set in her path, this place was nothing more than a vacation paradise to her, to be treated as she saw fit~

“Ahhh…” Finally, when she felt she’d enjoyed herself enough, she pushed the slut between her legs away with a foot against her forehead, and got to her feet, redressing herself in the white skirt, jacket and hat that made up her proud NFF uniform. “How fun~ This is exactly how you humans should be, you know?”

The bimbos just giggled as they were ushered from her hotel room, already distracted and making out with one another before the door had even closed. Oh yes, Koyanskaya liked them a lot better like this. Creatures given to instinct and lust – none of that silly ‘thinking for themselves’ nonsense. It was a much better use for humanity.

She was still grinning when she pulled out her phone and started scrolling through the various catalogues of bimbos her network had acquired tabs on. She’d already made sure to get set up and start services here in Cockaigne, of course. NFF was never going to let itself be left on the back foot when there were profits to be made – and oh my, was this place ever profitable! Soon she’d be able to provide the sluttiest services human history could provide to anyone who was willing to pay the price – and to herself for free, naturally.

Her thumb stroked down the screen, rolling through the delightfully warped images of bimbofied heroes. Now who would be next on her gluttonous tour of pleasure…?

“Ah.” Her finger froze as a new image popped up. A familiar one. A very familiar one.

“Tamamo… Cat…” Koyan bit her lip. So one of the Tamamo Nine had finally arrived here and gotten their due deserts, had they? How wonderful! She eagerly hit the tab to see more Although to be honest, it couldn’t have made much of a difference to Ca-Woah.

The Beast candidate whistled as the full picture loaded on her phone. She’d wondered if there was a ‘brains to boobs’ parallel at work when a Servant got bimboed, but now she knew for sure that wasn’t the case. There was no way Cat had ever been smart enough to feed those babies. Hoo, long flowing red hair with just enough wild energy in her mane to make her tempting… Oh yeah, it was long past time she got to fuck a proper Tamamo. Smirking, her thumb slammed down on the order button.

Now she just had to wait. Service was pretty prompt in this city, even though the fact that it stretched infinitely in all directions probably should have caused some-

Knock knock!

Aha, there she was now. Koyan slid to her feet with an eager glint in her eye, strutting forward to open the door. On the other side awaited a vision of bimbo perfection – the busty, brainless form of Tamamo cat, dressed in a pink maid outfit, with her breasts presented on a silver platter, and a bubblegum bubble bursting on her lips.

“Like, hi!” She said, waving a well manicured paw. “Did someone order a bimbogram?”

Delicious. Every instinct the beast had drooled over the wonderful meal prepared in front of her. Without even thinking she hooked a finger under the Servant’s collar and yanked her in, slamming the door behind her.

“Well now…” Koyanskaya giggled, pulling the bimbo in close. “Don’t mind if I do…”


She blinked, looking down. Around her neck, she could just about make out a silver collar with a pink gem embedded in the middle of it. “What the hell is this?”

“Free gift!” Cat explained, smiling brightly as she inspected her handiwork. “Now, wanna fuck?”

“I don’t think so.” The beast’s yellow eyes flared as she shoved the bimbo aside, yanking on her new collar. “What is this, another stupid trap? Haven’t you fools learned by now that that won’t work on me?”

“Bimbos rarely learn anything, darling…~” A new voice purred, and Koyanskaya froze. That sounded like…

The air shimmered, and then suddenly a smirking Tamamo was stood in her room, watching both her and her bimbofied other. But this woman was different. While she did look pretty similar to Cat in a lot of ways, there was no disguising the sharp intelligence in her eyes. Despite her curvaceous figure and revealing dark leather outfit, she was nothing like the bimbos Koyan had become so used to in this city.

“You’ll have to forgive Cat,” the woman said, her voice entirely too smug for Koyanskaya’s liking. “She was never very smart to begin with – now she’s pretty stupid even by bimbo standards~” She took a seat on the bed. “Surprisingly hard to catch though. Unlike you.”

The pink haired beast snarled, still absently pulling at her collar. “As if this can hold me,” she growled, her voice so sharp her lips should have been bleeding. “Which one are you, anyway? I want to know which ones I don’t have to hunt down after I slaughter the two of you.”

Tamamo laughed, genuinely amused, as she beckoned Cat over to sit at her feet. “I’m the original, dear. Can’t you tell? Ah, but I suppose you have been exaggerating your Tamamo qualifications, haven’t you?”

Koyan couldn’t be glaring at the other woman any harder, but if she could, that would have gotten the upgrade. “Hmph. I’m entitled to any form I choose to take. And I use it better than you do, too. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think it’s time I left, and started plotting exactly how I’m going to rip you limb from… uh…”

She blinked, looking down at herself. She’d remained strangely solid, despite activating her ability to teleport away from this singularity. She should have been fading away and retreating to safety by now – and yet, here she was, still stood in the middle of Cockaigne, her escape nowhere in sight.

“Actually, I think you’ll stay.” Tamamo grinned up at her. “You see, dear, you are, technically, my daughter – or close enough.” A silver leash materialised in the fox-wife’s hand, linked to the collar around Koyan’s neck, and before the beast could react she’d been yanked down to her knees in front of Tamamo. “And that means that while the city may not have authority over you… I do.”

“Wha-” The pink haired fox woman’s eyes widened as she fell. “No… No, that’s not-!”

But Tamamo just kept talking, ignoring her as she drew a finger up under the pink haired beast’s chin. “And I’m ever so concerned about how my delinquent daughter has been acting. Time to get her back on track, I think.”

“I am not your-!” Koyanskaya snarled again, trying to struggle to her feet – but it was like the weight of the world was pressing down on her shoulders. She couldn’t lift herself. She was stuck kneeling before her smug predecessor.

“Relax, dear,” Tamamo cooed, stroking Koyan’s cheek. “Mommy’s got this. Here…” She lifted a hand, and summoned her round mirror. “Gaze into your reflection, and take a look at the wonderful future I have planned for you…”

The beast didn’t have a choice. The mirror was in front of her, swirling, and she could already see her reflection in it. Only… It wasn’t her reflection. Not as she currently was, at least. The woman in the mirror had none of the vicious dignity that Koyanskaya prided herself on. If it weren’t for the pink hair, tossed wild and sultry, or the NFF white hat on her head, she would have been completely unrecognisable.

The Koyan in the mirror had a figure that put even the bimbofied Tamamo Cat to shame. Her breasts were huge, and her ass looked like it would have had trouble fitting through doors. But then, it was hard to be sure about that, because the Koyan in the mirror was too busy being fucked – and fucked hard - to pose for proper measurements. No, she was bent over the counter of some kind of shop and being taken from behind, the widest, dumbestsmile on her vapid face…

But the picture soon shifted. Now the reflection was crouched in the middle of a crowd of demanding customers, her hands stroking shafts as her plump pink lips kissed and licked…

And then she was cooing in a small swarm of bimbos, the pink filling in a purple bread sandwich as she giggled and jiggled for the pleasure of an unseen Master, kissing and rubbing up against Martha and Raikou, now no better than them…

Then she was on her knees, tails swirling and flicking behind her, her head firmly wedged up under her mistress’s skirt, licking away like a good little slut…

The images kept coming, flashing past so fast the real Koyanskaya could barely keep track. So much fucking and sucking… Her reflection was eagerly presenting every hole to be filled, riding cock after cock, eating cunt after cunt…

She was nothing more than a whore.

So why was she starting to feel so hot? Why was she starting to sweat as she watched this… This porn?!

“I’ll never…” She managed to speak despite the pressure, eyes flaring gold as she was forced to watch this humiliating display. “I’ll never become that.”

But Tamamo just giggled. “Oh my dear, stupid daughter – it’s already too late~” Before the pink haired fox’s eyes, a faint pink swirl was spinning underneath her reflection, slipping in through the breaks between visions and slowly filling the mirror. “Can’t you feel it?”

And to her horror, she realised that she could feel it. She could feel her top starting to grow tight. She could feel her skirt starting to stretch. She could feel her thoughts starting to slow. What… What was happening?!?

The Slut Tamer grinned. “My mirror is showing you your perfect future – and stealing away everything in you that might get in its way. So say goodbye to that bestial cunning… That lithe frame… And any dignity and self-respect you might have had in there…”

N-no… No! She’d… She’d never be such a hot… S-such a slutty… S-such a whore! Nnn… She’d never fffffuck like that… Nnever ssssuuuccckkk… Oh god, it was so hot…!

“Starting to slip now dear. Any last words?”

Fuck… Suck… Fuck… Suck…

Koyanskaya swallowed as she felt her top tighten to bursting point. Her head felt so hot and airy, like a balloon about to pop any second. She could feel her thighs plump and grind together, feel herself moisten and drip as molten hot desires took hold.

“I… Uuhhh…” Her thoughts were so slow, like they were slogging through thick paste. “I… duh… don’t…?”

Tamamo giggled and bent down, petting her on the head as her mirror began its final drain. “Of course you don’t understand. And you never will again! Because, darling, your future is bimbo~ One of my adoring, dumb, bimbo pets, for all the rest of time. And that’s all it’ll ever be.”

Golden eyes widened in one last show of shock and defiance as the Slut Tamer’s words hit home. A… Pet? No… She could never be… a pet!

But it was true. She could feel it. She knew it in her bones. And as she was forced to watch the swirling spiral spin before her eyes, she could feel the last drops of intelligence she had left in her head get sucked down and away into the mirror, never to return…

Fuck. Suck. Fuck Suck. FuckSuck. FuckSuckFuckSuckFuckSuckFuckSu-


Koyanskaya’s top burst, her gigantic tits spilling out as the spiral in the mirror vanished, leaving just the stupid, drooling slut in her reflection staring at her. The last change – her eyes shifting from gold to pink – happened right in front of her, and she didn’t even seem to notice. She just knelt there, wind whistling between her ears as the dust settled over her mind.

“There we go.” Tamamo purred as she lifted the new bimbo’s head, not one to wait around. “How do you feel, dear?”

Koyan blinked owlishly for a moment, her newly pink eyes taking a few moments to light up. But when they did, they did so brightly, with nary a trace of thought or intelligence behind them in any form.

“I’m, like, totally great, Mistress!” She giggled, preening and pushing up her big chest proudly. “Wanna like, fuck me now? I’m like, sosuper horny.”

“I’ll bet you are,” the original fox wife grinned, before pulling her newest pet’s leash and yanking her head under her skirt. “But I’m the one who gets satisfied first here~ Right, Cat?”

She looked to her other bimbo, who nodded happily, before moving around to start massaging her owner’s shoulders with her paw-like palms. The Slut Tamer purred happily, lounging back and enjoying her job well done – creating an image not too dissimilar from the position her latest victim had been in just before she arrived…

As for Koyanskaya, she got straight to work, licking her Mistress’s dripping snatch with abandon. She was going to do the absolute best job she could – she was a professional, after all.

She couldn’t hang around forever though – she had her own business to run! The NFF – The Naughty Fuckdoll Foundation - wasn’t going to run itself, after all! She had, like, tons and tons of clients who wanted to fuck her and her bimbo friends all across space and time, and she was totally gunna make sure they all got just what they ordered.

She was a whore after all – the biggest, bestest bimbo whore ever! Her ass was the NFF’s premier merchandise. And she owed it all to Cockaigne~


Request: The next part of the corrupted Aigis and Labrys story. This time it's Yukari who's going to be turned into a loving servant.

“I’m just saying,” Yukari Takeba tried to make her point for what felt like the hundredth time tonight, “you don’t have to let all that stuff define your life. It’s in the past! You’ve more than made up for your family’s sins.”

Her dinner companion just chuckled fondly – just as she always did when this topic came up. “But there’s always more to do, no?”

“Mitsuru…” Yukari sighed as her best friend smiled at her while brushing off her concerns. “I’m serious. You have to have a life outside of SEES, or… outside of whatever it’s called now. The Shadow Operatives? You’re giving these people so much of yourself, and for almost nothing in return…”

The business-suit wearing redhead just shrugged slightly, clearly very used to this topic. Yukari did tend to bring it up a lot. “Someone needs to do it – and I’d feel rather at odds if it was anyone other than me. Like it or not, the Kirijo group does have a history here, and it would be inefficient to ignore it.”

The brunette huffed. She hadn’t dressed quite as professionally for this little get-together, though she still felt she looked nice – a loose blue jacket and a nice green skirt. Her time was a bit too limited for fashion past that level though, what with her rather busy filming schedule for Pheonix Ranger Featherman Victory. In fact, with Mitsuru’s schedule in the mix as well, they were almost too busy to meet up at all! Quite frankly, it was a minor miracle on both of their parts that the two managed to find time like this.

And Yukari certainly intended to use that time well! Specifically, by helping her friend not work herself into an early grave. “You’re not the Kirijo group, Mitsuru. You can take time off.”

“Hmm. Well I wouldn’t be too sure of that.” Damnit, she was grinning again. “The Kirijo group is me, and I am they. It’s my will that guides the group’s course.” The redhead opened a sharp eye. “Or at least it had better be. Otherwise things will get… messy.”

“Uh.” Hoo. Yep, sometimes it was very easy to remember that Mitsuru lived in a very different world to the young actress. A world that, sometimes, felt very vicious indeed… “Well, uh, but anyway, I-”

Alas, before she could recover her footing and launch into her next argument for why her best friend should quit all this and enjoy life properly for a bit, which would surely have finally convinced her… Mitsuru’s communicator beeped.

“Ah.” The redhead blinked, just as surprised as Yukari, before shooting her friend an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, I have to take this.”

“No, no, I get it,” the actress and former SEES agent sighed, leaning back in her chair. The two had been enjoying dinner in Mitsuru’s office, but the food (which had, of course, been personally prepared by the chairlady’s private chef) had long since been eaten, so it wasn’t like this was interrupting anything.

A quick, thankful nod, and then: “This is Kirijo.”

“Hello, Miss Mitsuru,” the communicator responded. “This is Shadow Agent L, reporting in.”

“Labrys.” Some tension seemed to leak out of the chairwoman’s shoulders as she recognised the voice, and a smile brightened her face. “You’re back early. Did everything go well with your mission? Is Aegis there?”

“You bet’cha,” came the cheerful reply. “We’re both in the briefing room, ready to give our report!”

“Already?” The redhead’s eyes widened slightly, before she nodded, impressed. “Then I’ll be right there.” She put the communicator down and stood, pushing away from the table with another apologetic look. “Sorry, I just need to go and handle some quick business. I won’t be long.”

Yukari was already starting to rise, having heard every word. “I’ll come with-”

“Don’t even think about finishing that thought,” Mitsuru cut her off, freezing her in place with a raised eyebrow. “You are here to relax, Yukari, and relax you shall. I’ll handle this myself.”


“Don’t worry.” It was no good. The redhead was already out the door. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

The actress slumped in her chair. Curse that woman’s natural authority! Tch, she was utterly impossible to argue with, it just wasn’t fai-

Knock knock!

Huh? Yukari blinked and looked up at the door. Who could be knocking? Had Mitsuru forgotten something? Was this her chance?

Okay. She took a breath. This time, she was going to make her friend listen to her. As soon as she opened that door, she’d look Mitsuru in the eye, and demand that her friend listen to her! Just, just hit her full blast with that Takeba willpower right out the door. That’d do it, for sure!

Nodding to herself, she opened the door, preparing to unleash. But…

“Hey Yukari!” Labrys waved cheerfully at her, holding something up in front of her face. “Look at this!”

The brunette paused. That wasn’t Mitsuru. “Wha-?”


She froze – and not because she wanted to. No, actually, she was trying to take a step back, to recover from the surprise presence of the Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon that she thought had been waiting to give a report in the briefing room… But her body wasn’t responding. Instead she was just stood there, staring into the space where, just a moment ago, Labrys had been holding… an orb? Or something?

It might have been a clear glass sphere, but she hadn’t gotten a very good look at it. No sooner had she laid eyes on it than it had lit up with a bright white flash, and now… Now she couldn’t move? Her muscles were locked in place, her feet braced on the floor, her hand only just barely releasing the handle of the door she’d just opened…

“Don’t panic, nothing to be worried about!” And here was Labrys, still acting far too cheerful for someone who’d just paralyzed her. “Just a touch of Gorgon’s gaze. It’s not the real thing or anything, you’re not gunna turn into stone or whatever. This was just a gift from my goddess to make sure you’d stay still for a bit~”

… What? Yukari blinked in confusion, trying to parse the utter nonsense the had just spewed forward from the android’s lips…

Only to realise, wait, she could move! It wasn’t much, but she could still move her head some. She was only frozen below her neck!

Unfortunately, in the time it had taken her to realise this fact, Labrys had stepped smartly forward, wrapped her arms around Yukari’s middle, and lifted the SEES agent/actress straight off the ground, carrying her back into Mitsuru’s office, gently kicking the door closed behind her. If she’d wanted to call for help, she’d missed her chance.

Not that it would have done much good anyway, she soon discovered as she tried to speak. “Labrys? W-what are you doing?” Her voice came out as barely louder than a whisper. Try as she might, she just couldn’t raise it beyond that. But her android companion seemed to hear her just fine, all the same.

“Oh, it’s wonderful, Yukari, really really really great~ You’re going to love it too, I just know it!” The blue haired ‘bot was practically dancing on the spot, her smile wide and utterly without the slightest blemish of ill intent. “Me and sis found a genuine, actual goddess, Aphrodite! And she’s super nice, too. She’s going to help us with our wish to be human, and she gave us a ton of cool upgrades. Take a look!”

Grinning, she took a step back so that her captive could get a good look at her, and then began fiddling with something at her elbow. A moment later, and her arm fell off – which, actually wasn’t that uncommon for Labrys. Wielding that axe of hers tended to damage the more delicate components in her limbs… Only now, as Yukari looked, she could see the arm that had fallen was nothing more than a hollow, armoured shell. A shell that had been wrapped around a very human looking arm, with flesh and skin rather than nuts and bolts.

“That… Can’t be…” She whispered as the Anti-Shadow weapon fiddled with her other arm and removed that too, revealing that both of her arms were shockingly… fleshy.

“But it is! Praise Aphrodite, she gave me genuine human arms~” Labrys slapped her hands together, an undeniably human clapping sound the result. “Aren’t they wonderful?”

That was incredible! Tech and Shadows may not have been Yukari’s area, but even she knew it was practically impossible to turn a robot’s arms into human ones. How had this happened…?

“Heehee~” The android was back to bouncing in place, excited to a level that the actress had never seen from her before. “I can tell you’re just as stunned as I was. I knew you’d understand!”

Yukari blinked and swallowed. She had a bad feeling about this. There was a lot going on here that she didn’t understand, and she didn’t like it. “Labrys… Why did you lie to Mitsuru about wanting to meet with her?”

“Oh, that was just so I could get a little one on one time with you, while Sis is off catching up with Fuuka.” The android waved the question away with a smile. “After all, I haven’t shown you yourblessing yet~”

Uh oh. “My… blessing?”

The blue haired girl nodded brightly, like she was announcing she’d gotten her friend a surprise present. “Yep yep! Gunna turn you into a proper worshiper of Aphrodite, Yukari – just like me! And to do that, all we need is a little love~” You could practically see little hearts floating above her head.

Okay. Enough was enough. Yukari had to put a stop to this before it went any further. She didn’t want and ‘blessings’ or to be a worshiper of some creepy god. It was time to bring out the Takeba temper.

“Labrys, that’s enough,” she said, her tone quiet, but carrying all the threat and fury she could muster (which was quite a lot. Frankly, the girl had anger issues). “Stop this, now, before I really get mad.”

Sadly, her words just seemed to bounce off the android’s happy mood.

“See, our goddess was so generous – these new hands of mine, they aren’t just human!” The robot girl was still talking. “They also have powers of their own. Here, lemme show you…”

Angry or no, there was nothing Yukari could do as Labrys spun around behind her – latterly doing a pirouette in her happiness – and wrapped her very human arms around her chest. Though she could squeak, eyes widening, as the android’s fingers slipped under her top and moved to cup her breasts.

“Just relax,” the android giggled as she pulled her friend’s bra out of the way, and her fingertips started to circle around her nipples. “It’ll feel great, I promise~”

… The worst part was she wasn’t lying. Just the briefest touch of Labrys’s fingers against Yukari’s bare flesh sent sparks of pleasure shooting up her spine. It felt amazing, like the touch of the tenderest lover. Each stroke thrummed through her body, each squeeze made her gasp in involuntary delight. It was immediately more than the SEES agent could handle, and she found herself melting into her friend’s embrace, groaning in delight as the massage really got under way. And as it went on, it just seemed to get better and better – her breasts growing more sensitive, Labry’s grip growing firmer and more confident…

Both girls seemed to lose track of themselves – Yukari moaning quietly, her eyes rolling up in her head as pleasure overwhelmed her… And Labrys eagerly stroking and squeezing, trying to draw more and more wanton sounds from her friend.



Yukari’s head cleared as Labrys’s hands retreated suddenly. Confused and disoriented, she looked down – to find her top had ripped open, pulled apart by her breasts. Breasts which had, somehow, expanded under the android’s palms, swelling to almost the size of her head. What the hell?!?

“Wha… What?” She squeaked, looking down at her massive bust upgrade in complete shock.

“Sorry!” Labrys was rubbing the back of her neck, looking embarrassed. “I guess I got kind of carried away. I didn’t mean to make ‘em that big! Just wanted to give them a bit of a boost, y’know?”

“A… A boost?” The actress was still staring at her tits in horror. “I… I don’t have any clothes that’ll fit these…”

It was a silly thing to complain about, honestly, but it was what her mind got hung up on. It was weird the things that mattered to you under pressure, sometimes.

“Oh, I know how to fix that! Hold on a sec…!” Labrys vanished from Yukari’s sight for a moment, before hopping back into view, armed with one of Mitsuru’s tops from her emergency wardrobe. “Here, this should fit!”

And without waiting for any protest, the android quickly slipped the top over the brunette’s head, pulling it down over her shoulders… Where it got stuck.

“Oh. Darn. Still a bit too small, huh? Well, whatever.” She reached out with a glowing finger, touching the top – and instantly, it seemed to grow bigger, sliding down over Yukari’s boosted bust without issue. “There we go!”

Why… Why hadn’t she done that at the start? No, not important right now!

“Labrys!” She tried to yell, but her voice was still stuck as a whisper. None the less, she stared straight and the anti-shadow weapon that she’d thought was her friend with pleading eyes. “What are you doing to me?”

The android blinked for a moment. “Oh, didn’t I say? Oh gosh, I’m super sorry Yukari! I’m just so excited, it’s hard to slow down.” She moved in and gave the girl a bright hug. “Okay. See, all I’m doing is making you into a maid! I bet Mitsuru’ll love that, right? You know she’s got a thing for them.”

True. She totally had a thing for them, it wasn’t even remotely subtle. In fact, now that she looked she could see the top she’d been given was actually one of the chairwoman’s spare maid uniforms and- This wasn’t the time to think about that!

“A… Maid?” Yukari tried to focus, though her head was still pleasure addled from her chest massage. “Wh… Why?”

“So you can serve and spread the love of Aphrodite like a good maid’s supposed to!” Labrys said it like it was supposed to be obvious, duh. “Now hold on, lemme make sure you have the right attitude…”

“W-Wait!” Yukari yelped as the android reached up and gently took hold of the actress’s head, her fingers stroking slow, smooth circles around on her scalp. “Don’t-!”

But, of course, Labrys wasn’t listening. “Let me see here. First… I… I…”

She trailed off. Confused, her captive looked at her – and saw the blue haired girl’s eyes glowing a solid pink for a few moments as she went completely still. Then, just as suddenly, the pink vanished, red returning in force, and the android practically jumped with excitement.

“I’ve got it!”

Huh? “W-w-wait, what just happened?”

Labrys giggled as her thumbs began to stroke over her friend’s forehead. “I just got an order from my beloved goddess~ She wants me to try something special with you!”

Oh hell. “Could you not?”

The android just smiled, ignoring her protests once again. Damnit. Her fingers were drawing little patterns on Yukari’s scalp. The SEES agent could feel her head starting to tingle. “Don’t you think you talk a little too refined, Yukari?”

What? Where had that come from? “Re… Refined?”

“Yeah.” Labrys nodded. “Like, too regal and posh. A proper servant needs to sound a bit lower class, right? You don’t want your betters thinking too much of you, yeah?”

“I… I don’t? But… I…” She found it strangely hard to argue as the tingling grew more intense. She didn’t want her betters thinking too much of her, after all… W-wait, what had she just thought…?

“That’s right.” The android smiled proudly, as if Yukari were agreeing. “Just dumb your language down a bit. Let ‘em think you’re just a silly bimbo, and everything’ll be fine.”

“A… bimbo?” Strange images of stupid stereotypes of dumb women flashed through her mind. “But, y’know, like, I totally don’t know how to-”

“That’s the way!”

The tingling suddenly vanished, leaving Yukari blinking in confusion. “Huh? Like, what?”

Labrys just winked. “Don’t worry about it. You’re going to make our goddess very happy talking like a bimbo like that, that’s all~”

“What? But I totally, like, y’know-” It was strange. She could feel something different about the way she was talking, but… Hadn’t she always spoken like this?

Her captor certainly seemed happy, whatever the truth was. “You’re doing great. Now let’s get to work on the rest…”

Fingers wove their way back through Yukari’s hair, and that tingling feeling returned, twinkling and bubbling away beneath her scalp. Unable to move or break away, she found herself gazing helplessly into Labrys’s red eyes.

“Doesn’t it feel good to serve?” The android said. “To let someone else do all the hard thinking, and just obey?”


“It feels good, right? Come on, Yukari, nod for me.”

Nod? Why… W-well, alright. She couldn’t think of a reason why not – not with her thoughts all strange and shimmery like this. The actress lowered her head slightly, and…


Oh wow. That did feel good. That felt amazing! Her mind sparkled with pleasure as dopamine rushed through her brain, rewarding her for her simple obedience.

Labrys giggled, continuing her gentle massage. “I see you liked that. See? Isn’t obeying fun?”

Another slow, hesitant nod – and another explosion of joy right behind Yukari’s eyes. “Yeah…”

“That’s a good girl. You like being told that, don’t you?”

Did she? … A-actually, it did sound rather… nice…

“You like to be praised. You live for it.”

A blush started to heat Yukari’s cheeks. Well, yeah, but she didn’t have to say it like thaaat

“There’s a lot of things you like! In fact, the only thing you don’t like is saying no, isn’t it?” Labrys pushed on, her voice calm, soothing, and firm, soaking into her captive’s soft mind. “Really, you’ll say yes to anything. You’re so eager to please – because it feels so good when you’ve made someone else happy, right? So good when you’re praised.”

Fingers softly tracing lines along her scalp, tangling up her thoughts and making it so hard to think. She just couldn’t resist what she was being told, even as it rewrote her.

“Y.. Yeah… I like… to be praised…”

“Good girl.”

“!!!” If it hadn’t been for the android holding her up, the brunette’s knees would have given out on her there and then. As it was, all she could do was swoon, as the deepest, warmest, sweetest delightful sensation unfolded in her brain, practically drowning her in endorphins.

It was time. By now, Yukari’s mind was so addled by pleasure and baked by bliss that she didn’t know up from down. Labrys’s magical massage had softened her up to her core – and now she was going to deliver the finishing blow, right to the centre of everything the former SEES agent was.

“You’re a maid, Yukari. A sweet, submissive maid. Happy to please, eager to obey. The perfect servant for the goddess. Right?”

“Yeeessss…” The agreement slipped out of her without a thought on her part. But then, what did she need to think about? Everything Labrys was saying was true. Sweet. Submissive. She could feel the angry parts of her mind just melting away, unneeded. In fact, had they ever existed at all? What could possibly make a maid like her angry? It wasn’t her place – she was just here to serve and obey.

Knowledge flooded her mind – of how to sew, and cook, and clean, and serve. Knowledge of how to attend to any household chore, or do any task required of her, no matter how difficult or dangerous. Even knowledge of how to silently slip under her Master or Mistress’s sheets and attend to their needs during lonely nights slid into place in her head without resistance. Everything she needed to be the perfect maid.

A dopey looking smile spread over her lips as her eyes glazed, and she found herself sinking deeper and deeper into the warm, sweet role that Labrys had chosen for her… Until it swallowed her whole, and her eyes flashed pink.

And finally, she was released. Her captor took her hands away and stepped back, just as the ability to move slowly returned to her limbs. But the thought of running, or fighting back, never occurred to her. Such things were completely alien to the new Yukari.

“Phew. Well that was fun.” Labrys giggled once more, looking down at her arms as she finally calmed down from her euphoric excitement. “These arms are even better than I ever dreamed…”

“That’s, like, totally amazing, Miss Labrys,” said the maid, curtsying as the ability to do so came back to her. “What do you want to do now?”

The android sighed, looking over her handiwork proudly. “Now? Now, let’s go meet up with Aegis and Fuuka. Then we can go convert Mitsuru together!”

Yukari nodded – and then paused, a slight frown deepening on her brow. “Like… Convert Mitsuru? But…”

The android patted her on the head, immediately shorting out all of her thoughts. “Don’t worry about it. Don’t you think she’ll be happier worshiping Aphrodite like us?”

“Oooh… Okay! Yeah, she totally would!” Yukari beamed, all of her problems instantly solved. “That’ll be super amazing! Let’s do it.”

And then maybe she could get praised some more~

The two walked out – Yukari submissively following after Labrys, ears eagerly awaiting another command… And Labrys’s eyes flashing with pink hearts as she hurried to meet back up with her sister. They didn’t have long – surely Mitsuru would have found that they weren’t in the briefing room by now. Soon, they would have to confront the chairwoman herself…

Soon, their goddess’s plans would come to fruition~


Request: Koyanskaya rids herself of the other two Tamamos by turning them into generic and obedient NFF bunnygals, complete with identical looks , pink bobs, and yellow eyes; leaving her the only true “fox” around, much to her ironic delight.

Chaldea had always been a kind of dangerous place – you know, what with the time travel coffins, the risk of erasure from time, the bomb detonations, the fires, the Halloween concerts…

But it definitely felt like it had been getting more dangerous recently. The plunge of these world saviours into the Lostbelt crisis had perhaps demanded that their organization be a bit less picky about who’s help they accepted while trying to restore human history. Obviously they’d never had that much problem with evil Servants, per se, but Servants who had, up until recently, been deadly and consistent enemies was… Well, that was a bit more of a stretch.

Servants who were currently enemies and were definitely still plotting your doom and destruction somewhere out there were even more ridiculous, to be honest, but Koyanskaya had never been one to play by anyone’s rules save for her own. Why should she care that her other self was still, technically, an enemy of Chaldea? She was still kind of fond of them. You know, in that way a certain kind of player might be fond of the little AI people in a city simulation game. It was simply no fun if there wasn’t anyone to scream and run in terror when you set off a volcano under their feet, you know?

Of course, just because she didn’t care (and for some reason Chaldea’s Master didn’t seem to mind, but then what did they mind, ever) didn’t mean that other Servants had to be so gracious. In fact, two Servants in particular had apparently made it their job to keep an eye on her and make sure she didn’t get up to any ‘mischief’. Ones who had a very vested interest in making sure someone with her looks and reputation behaved herself.

“Think she’s up to anything? My paws are prickling.”

“Not yet. But I’m sure she’ll slip up sooner or later.”

That was just one of the many hushed conversations her ears picked up as she walked by the pair who, by complete coincidence, somehow ended up everywhere she went, watching her.

Tch. A girl wasn’t allowed to do anything fun these days.

But to be honest, getting both Tamamo Cat and Tamamo (original) on your case without them getting distracted attacking one another was an impressive feat all on its own. Practically unheard of, honestly. Of course, if anything was going to get them to work together, it’d be the presence of another fox.

Well, maybe if she fixed that for them, they wouldn’t bother her so much, hm? Hey, she had plans to work and schemes to plot here – even if she was on Chaldea’s side, as a professional contractor, that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to be herself! But the only way she was going to get to do anything was if she got rid of these two.

Fair enough then! Hey, if they wanted to find her doing something nefarious, then naturally she was only too happy to provide. The customer was always right, after all!

So, after a long day of farming – if she never saw Morgan and Oberon again, she’d be a happy woman, and she was quite sure the feeling was mutual – she headed back to her room… Shadowed, poorly, by a suspicious Caster and Berserker. Ugh, she could see their ears poking out around every corner. This was why you left stealth work to the Assassins!

Well whatever. With a shrug, she stepped into her room and shut the door behind her, letting it lock automatically. Then, with purposeful strides, she stepped over to the heavy duty military lockbox she kept at the foot of her bed and punched in the code-


The door burst open, kicked by a foxy-eared miko, and then bowled through by a bushy-tailed maid. The Tamamos had arrived. Heh heh, how unexpected~

“Hold it right there, criminal scum!”

“… Dial it back a bit, Cat, that reference was older than me.” Tamamo strode into the room like she owned the place, looking around and judging the mildly corporate, semi-military aesthetics with a haughty sniff. “So this is where you’ve been doing your fiendish deeds.”

Well, she hadn’t started yet. Soon though. Soon.

“Is there something wrong?” Koyan asked, her golden eyes flashing through her glasses. “I don’t think you have any reason to be invading my room like this. Is Chaldea actually a brutal dictatorship? Maybe I really did misjudge them~”

“Don’t give us the innocent act, woof!” Cat jabbed a paw at her. “We all know you’re up to something! Just give it up now, and maybe we’ll be lenient!”

“Or, we can conduct a search of your room, here and now.” The original Tamamo shrugged casually, though her smile was smug. She had absolutely no doubt that they’d find something in here they could use to get her sent to the archive.

The pink haired Servant looked between her two accusers for a moment, before standing up and backing away with a shrug. “Fine. If you want to search my stuff, feel free. Just be careful. Some of it is…” She smiled. “Fragile.”

“Hmph.” The fox in blue grunted, displeased that she wasn’t getting an outright confession. Still, she wasn’t going to back down now. “Very well then. Cat, why don’t you take a look in our friend’s lockbox there?”

“Why don’t you take a look yourself, woof?”

“I was just- Ugh, you’re impossible to work with, you know that? Fine, let me see here…” Grumbling, the original floof stepped over to the box and started hunting around within it, looking for anything with a suspicious magical signature. “Aha! And just what is this?”

“Ah, don’t touch that!” Koyanskaya raised a hand, looking nervous as Tamamo pulled out a small box.

“Oho. Did I find something good already?” Smirking, the miko opened the box and pulled out… “Wait. Lipstick?”

“I don’t think it’s your colour,” Koyan said, her tone apologetic, though her face absolutely wasn’t. Nope, she was enjoying this far too much~

“Grrr…” Tamamo rolled her eyes and tossed the tube of pink lipstick over her shoulder, where it was caught by Cat. “Alright. Then what about… This!”

She pulled a pair of pink bunny ears out of the box. Honestly, she looked just as confused at her pick as the other two did.

“Well, sometimes master likes a girl to dress up a bit-” The Assassin started to explain, only to be interrupted by a literal feral hissing sound that may or may not have been coming from the Caster’s throat.

“Enough!” Tamamo growled, throwing the ears over her shoulder too. They landed on Cat’s head, who looked quite proud at her positioning. “Clearly you’ve just planted these things in here to distract me. But it’s not going to work.” She bent over, digging back into the box. “I’ll find out what you’re up to, just you wait. After all, how do you think you can explain… these?”

She pulled out… A bunny suit. Pink, velvet, and with a little cotton tail wiggling where the behind should be, there was no doubt at all about what it was for.


“ON SECOND THOUGHT NEVER MIND!” Tamamo firmly spoke over the woman she was supposed to be interrogating as she threw the pink corset away. “No one needs to know what you’re doing with that.”

Koyanskaya shrugged. “Well, Master seems to enjoy it…”

The fox in blue twitched slightly. Sadly, she had no choice but to concede this time. “Very well. You pass today’s inspection. Just make sure you keep on the straight and narrow, and I’m sure there won’t be any more problems. Come on Cat, let’s… Cat?”

She paused, looking at her companion. The furry-pawed Tamamo was blinking at her, pink bunny ears balanced on her head, pink bunny corset hung over one arm, her lips pursed as she applied the pink bunny lipstick to them. “What?”

The original rubbed the bridge of her nose. “What are you doing?”

“I’m trying out the contraband! No one said I couldn’t, woof!” Well, perhaps it was asking too much to expect the Tamamo police to be above corruption. “Besides, I think I look pretty cute in it!”

“I agree~” Suddenly, Koyan was at the miko’s side, an arm wrapped around her – subtly but firmly pinning her arms. “And in fact, I think you’re about to get a whole lot cuter!”

“H-hey, let go...”

“Really?” Cat grinned – and then she started swaying, wobbling from one foot to the other as her bunny ears began to glow. “Woooah, I feel kinda weird…”

“That’s just the bunny maker surprise gear kicking in,” Koyan assured her, winking. “NFF brand merchandise, satisfaction guaranteed!”

“I said let go!”

“B-bunny maker surprise…?” Cat blinked owlishly as the corset she had hung over her arm took on a life of its own, flowing down her body like a liquid and wrapping around her, the rest of her clothes vanishing in a gentle wave of pink. Without her even noticing, her entire maid outfit had been replaced by a pink bunny leotard. “What’s… What’s that do?”

“It makes bunnies!” The former beast explained, happily ignoring the struggling shrine maiden fox she was holding tight at her side. “Happy, pink, brainless bunnies~” Her grin was getting wider, and showing far too many sharp teeth.

Not that the pink wrapped fox/cat seemed to notice, too disoriented by the strange pink haze that had overtaken her thoughts. It was all she could do to follow this conversation. “How does it work?”

And Koyan was only too eager to explain. “Well, first it hypnotically lures a weakminded rube to put it on – like wearing the bunny ears, or trying the lipstick…”

Cat smacked her pink painted lips curiously.

“Then, it compels them to wear the rest of the outfit…”

An absent paw scratched behind a proud pink bunny ear.

“Then, once the outfit is complete, and it’s attuned to its wearer, pop pop pop, instant bunnygirl!”

Cat frowned. “Pop pop pop? What do you mean-?”


The foxgirl froze, a surprised ‘o’ locked on her pink lips as her hair, normally wild and untamable, restyled itself into a very smooth – and very pink – round bob.


Her corset drew tight, her bust and buns suddenly swelling up to fill the garment to bursting point, her cotton bunny tail wiggling proudly behind her. Her figure was starting to shift, her fur retreating, her features changing.


Her eyes crossed as the brain behind them, chaotic as it may have been, suddenly deflated like someone had taken a pin to it. In an instant, her head emptied itself out of everything – facts, fantasies, memories, names, the whole shebang…

Until the only thing left was an obedient pink bunygirl, her eyes flashing gold as the transformation finished. All of her proud foxy features had vanished. Honestly, if you hadn’t been watching the change, you might not have believed this was Tamamo Cat at all.

“Yes, exactly~” Koyanskaya’s grin had only gotten wider. “Just like that! Hey presto, a new bunnygirl appears. The NFF always delivers.”

At her side, eyes wide with shock, the original Tamamo stared at the bunnygirl in horror. “What… What did you do to her?!”

Koyan rolled her eyes. “Turned her into a bunny girl. Were you just not listening at all? It’s so rude to ignore a good sale’s pitch.”

Tamamo, of course, had no interest in the other Servant’s complaints. “Turn her back!”

The pink haired Assassin snorted. “I don’t think I’ll be doing that. You two have been getting in my way for far too long now. In fact…” He eyes flashed as she smirked. “I think I’ll show you the Bunny Maker’s surprise~! Hey, Bun one!”

The bunnygirl’s eyes lit up, and she looked to Koyanskaya with an adoring expression. “Yes Mistress?”

The Assassin grinned. “Bun her.”

“Wha-?” Tamamo had no time to react as she was suddenly shoved straight at the former Cat. Before she could even try to defend herself, she felt a powerful pair of arms wrap around her, and an even more powerful pair of lips lock over hers.

It was a kiss, and it was soul searing. There was a sweet flavour, her other self’s tongue twisting in her mouth, and she felt a surge of warmth in her chest – accompanied by a strange sucking sensation…

She had to stop this, she realised, even as a dopey haze descended over her thoughts. Something bad was happening here, and she couldn’t let it go on. She had to resist, she had to break free!

But… Even as she thought that, she found the energy to do so just… slip away from her. Her defiance, her will, draining away, as though it was being sucked out of her,drained by those wonderful, sweet pink lips.

Unable to bring herself to stop it, she melted in her other self’s embrace, hey eyes fluttering as she started to change.

She couldn’t do anything but moan as her blue miko outfit shrank down into a pink corset, her hair ribbon turning into pink rabbit ears…

… As her fox ears and tail melted back into her…

… As her bust swelled, and her corset grew tight…

… As her eyes turned pink, and her hair styled itself into a familiar pink bob…

… As her brain gently popped, all the wisdom and knowledge of Tamamo no Mae sloughing away into brainless bunny bliss…

… Until, by the time the kiss ended, there were just two identical, generic, busty bunnies standing in Koyanskaya’s room – and no sign of any other fox anywhere to be seen.

“Another satisfied customer~” The now lone fox woman sighed, sarcastically wiping the tears from her eyes. “And two thorns in my side removed! Wonderful – you’ll make fantastic free gifts to hand out as a special NFF promotion!”

If the two pink bunny girls minded that, they didn’t show it. Both just giggled and preened as their Mistress addressed them – busts jiggling and tails wiggling. It was a fine sight – and it seemed to give Koyanskaya an idea.

“Come on, girls,” she said, gesturing for the pair to follow as she walked out of her room. “Let’s go see if Master really likes bunny girls~”

“Yes Mistress!” The two buns saluted, and then skipped after their owner, giggling and gossiping all the way.

Certainly, no one would ever suspect these two of once being Tamamo no Mae. They were just yet more NFF merchandise, ready for sale to any discerning customer – as long as they had the coin~


Request: I would like a follow up to the Luvia titnosis story for this month. Rin comes to inspect her handiwork on the boastful big titted blonde, expecting her to be mindlessly shaking her shamefully fat tits like an idiot for the last hour or so. Instead, she finds an utterly changed woman, her brains and thoughts having sunk to fatten her breasts to utterly obscene levels! They've already absorbed all the intelligence, thoughts, and memories of all the people employed to serving her at the mansion, and now the shimmying woman has set her sights upon her raven-haired twin-tailed rival, too! Rin tries to fight the temptation to stare and gawk, but soon she can't take her eyes off of her chest, and she too falls prey to her all consuming cleavage.

Rin Tohsaka was about to have an amazing day. She was certain of it. Oh, sure, it had gotten off to an absolutely lousy start, but now things were going to look up. She was going to force the issue. This red devil did not sit around waiting for fate to hand her good fortune, no – she went out there and she made sure things went her way!

(Incidentally, this kind of attitude may, in some small way, explain why the magus had such terrible luck in the most dire situations. Fate didn’t take being messed with lightly, after all.)

But there was no way anything like that would be relevant today. Nope! Why was that? Because she’d already had her big moment of misfortune for today! Mixing up a set of names like Faldam’s Root confirmation and Endhiem’s Root conceptualization? How did that even happen? It was like trying to ask someone to pass the soy sauce, and instead threatening to kill the emperor of Alaska, that was how unlikely it was, as far as she was concerned!

What a humiliating error… Honestly, just the thought of it was enough to make her cover her face with her hand and shudder. But worse… So much worse… So terribly, inexcusably worse…


Of all the people to be there. Of all the people to catch her mistake. Of all the people to correct her, in public, with that horrifying laugh of hers…! How could it have been Luvia Edelfelt? How how how?!

Luvia. Edelfelt. Luviagelita. Edelfelt. The blight of her life. The ruinous rich bitch who wouldn’t stop until she’d torn everything Rin had apart. The Finnish forklift lady! Oh, she was going to pay. She was going to rue this day, and she was going to rue it hard! Rin was going to see to that personally.

(Have you ever heard idea that the more alike you are with another person, the more you’ll dislike them, seeing in them all the things you don’t like about yourself? Yeah, when mages do that… Huh, does anyone else have a feeling of déjà vu?)

In fact – she already had! That was why she was so sure this was going to go great. Heh heh, that stupid blonde had probably never seen it coming. Disguising her counter-curse as a letter of recognition from some Clock Tower elite? Delightfully devilish, Tohsaka! Yeah, she knew how her rival’s mind worked. There was no way she’d be able to resist opening it – and once she did, it would only be a matter of time before she found out the humiliating curse she’d been infected with. Being forced into an embarrassing dance whenever you heard so much as a note of music? There was no way to live that one down~

Now, Rin wasn’t a cruel girl. She was just a little sadistic. Quite frankly it was a miracle she was only a little mean, given who she’d been raised by after her father’s passing. So no, she wasn’t going to force Luvia to humiliate herself in front of the entire magical world.

Not unless she forced the issue, anyway.

No, she just wanted a quiet, humble retraction of her correction – and then she’d lift the curse, and all would be well. Sure, the rich bitch’s servants might have a bit of extra blackmail material on her now, and Luvia would know for sure who the real top dog was in this rivalry… But at the very least, there’d be no lives ruined and careers destroyed.

Not even, like, a little. Shirou and Saber had been very clear about that. Tch. Why was she cursed with such kind and generous people as the loves of her life? It made it so much harder to be an evil mage!

But fine. Fine! Whatever. At the very least, she was going to take the chance to see her rival, caught in the throes of her curse. To memorise her graceless poise and humiliated expression as the woman was forced to admit what had happened. She was owed that much, at least, right?

So she’d waited as long as she was able – a few hours at most – before hurrying over to Luvia’s mansion to see the results of her handiwork. She wouldn’t be able to stay long – Saber and Sakura had accompanied her, looking to do some shopping in London, and they were going to be waiting outside – but it wouldn’t take long to open negotiations, and leave Luvia with a little food for thought.

At least, that was what she assumed. But when she arrived to knock on the front door, she found it pushing open at her touch, the doorman nowhere in sight. She’d expected to be greeted by staff – who she got on with far better than she did their employer – but… There was no one here.

Hm. Suspicious. What was going on here? Had Luvia anticipated her arrival, and set a trap for her? That’d be just like her… Well! Whatever that hyena of a woman thought she could throw at her, Rin could handle it. And she wasn’t about to risk her friends getting caught up in it – so she cautiously entered alone, looking around the entrance hall with the trained eye of a paranoid mage.

It wasn’t long before she found something – or rather, someone. A maid, one with dark hair, lying on the floor in the middle of the hall. For a moment, Rin feared the worst – but as she approached, she could see the woman’s chest rise and fall, her breath confirming she was still alive. And strangely enough, she also seemed to be fully conscious, judging by her open eyes and wide smile. But… At the same time, her eyes were empty, thickly glazed and staring blankly up at the ceiling, utterly devoid of thought. There was a thick trail of drool running from the corner of her mouth, down her cheek to pool on the floor under her head. And… And by the scent of sex in the air, drool wasn’t the only thing dripping out of her…

She didn’t respond as Rin drew near, nor did she answer to the mage’s call. Her lips did seem to move, though, just slightly. Peering close, the magus tried to read her movements, work out what she was saying. A small, simple word, over and over…

“… Tits~…”

The dark haired mage blinked. That couldn’t have been it, could it? Why would she be saying…?

Suddenly, she heard a footstep behind her, and spun around.

That would prove to be a mistake.

Standing behind her, bold as you please, was the unmistakable blonde profile of Luvia Edelfelt. Only, there was something extra with her – something Luvia had never had quite so much of before.


In an instant, Rin understood the maid’s mindless warning – an instant too late to protect herself. Because the moment those


had entered her line of sight, she was already snared.

Her rival was nude, her


on full display. So was everything else, of course, but Rin couldn’t tear her eyes away from those amazing, bouncy


to check.

What had happened her? She’d expected some chaos, sure, but she’d never anticipated


Luvia was more than she’d expected too. Rin had thought that, at best, she’d find her rival a little addled, and possibly a touch exhausted after her curse had had its way with her. But instead, the blonde showed no signs of confusion, or exhaustion, or indeed of any mind at all. In fact, she looked positively mindless. Her eyes were blank and vapid, her mouth stretched into the stupidest smile imaginable, and she moved with sensual grace that devoted every single motion to showing off her


Clearly, things had gotten out of hand. Some kind of sideeffect to her curse? Clearly there was a hypnotic element at play here – she could feel it working on her, and obviously she’d seen the effect that it had already had on the maid.

Naturally, she was a proud and elegant magus. She was trained in matters of the mind. She knew how to resist undue influences, and how to repel attempts to dominate her thoughts. She was far better prepared to face a threat like this than some run of the mill servants.

She lasted approximately three seconds. Then the


overwhelmed her mind, their bouncing and jiggling flooding her thoughts and stuffing her head so full of


that she couldn’t even think of anything other than


Her knees hit the floor, drool pouring from her slack jawed mouth, her eyes focused and locked, utterly, on those divine


that now ruled her entire world.

Luvia giggled, advancing – and Rin’s stupid smile grew wider and wider as those


approached, each bounce and jiggle making her entire head rock.

She should say something. Something to reflect the glory of what she was seeing. Something to record the profound wonder that was being revealed to her. Something that would go down in history as words of enlightenment, granted to her by this divine vision. She opened her mouth, breathing deep, and said:


As Luvia’s


wrapped around her head, the blonde’s hands coming around to pull her in deeper – not that Rin resisted in the slightest.

There, deep within the boobie valley of bliss, she felt it – felt the pull on her thoughts that had been growing stronger the closer the


had come. And now that her face was nestled between them, there was no way to deny it. Her thoughts were being sucked out of her, drained like someone had pulled the plug in her brain. Knowledge, memories, skills, personality, all of it was flowing out of her and into those


feeding them on her intelligence, growing them on her genius. She could feel them starting to plump up around her ears – and the warm burst of joy that gave her quickly flowed right out of her head and back into the


She didn’t resist. Wouldn’t. Couldn’t! Even the idea of what was happening to her was being sucked out of her again and again as she realised it over and over – until her intellect had dropped so low, until her mind had become so small, until Rin Tohsaka, the genius magus, had simply become too stupid to realise what was happening to her.

A dumb grin settled on her face. The


Grew larger still, swelling, practically inflating around the mage’s head as they drank down all of her knowledge, all of her memories, all of her sense of self – everything that she had to give. She gave it up, and then gave more – anything to satisfy those


Anything to please them, anything to support them, anything to… a-anything t… any… anything… a….a…n…y….


The dark haired mage slumped slightly in Luvia’s arms as her brain ran completely empty – every drop of IQ left in it drained into those beautiful


Now there was nothing left of Rin but a mindless moron – a boob brained bimbo, drooling her empty headed dignity away in her Rival’s arms.

But that wasn’t enough. She could do more. She had to do more, she had to do everything she could for those wonderful


That wasn’t what she thought, exactly – actual thinking was quite beyond her at this point – but it was what she felt. Her body’s instincts, completely rewritten in subservience to Luvia’s


What she – or rather, what her body - did next should have been impossible. It was an act of pure instinct, rather than carefully considered theory. But Rin was, or had been, a very good mage. Had she not run head first into marshmallow heaven, there was a chance she would have been one of the greatest magi in the history of the Clock Tower. And her body, at the very least, remembered how to be a mage, even if her mind no longer did.

So, she wove a spell. A spell that would guarantee that she served those almighty


for the rest of days. Mana wrapped around her, coursing through her, ripping through her entire body and finding absolutely no resistance. Rin gave herself to it utterly, let it carry through her and warp her to its needs. Her body shrank, her skin turning red as her very substance melted away…

Until the only trace of Rin Tohsaka left in the world was a pair of dark red heart shaped pasties slapped directly over Luvia’s nipples, each with a long black tassel in the style of the former mage’s twintails.

Her mind, if it could even be called that anymore, sank into thoughtless oblivion, endlessly repeating the only mantra that meant anything to her as her tassels jiggled and swayed.

Tits Boobs Melons Boobies Bouncy Jiggly Booba Baps Tits Boobs Melons Boobies…

The mansion fell silent. Every ounce of thought that had once resided or worked in these halls had now been squeezed out of it. Silently, without a chance of escape or a call for help, every mind within had been devoured, turned into warm, bouncy boobflesh. And now…

Luvia giggled, and mindlessly danced towards the front door that Rin had left open. Outside, she could see a pair of curious looking women – one with purple hair, one with blonde. Once, she would have recognised them, but no longer.

Now, she couldn’t wait to introduce them both to the glory of


And bouncing merrily on her chest, nor could her new nipple tassels~


Request: Chihiro, upon doing some more research into what Junko originally had planned, finds out about her plan to brainwash Class 77 into becoming her minions. This gives him the idea to expand his harem with the girls of the class.

First on the list, Sonia Nevermind, since he decides that having an entire country to vacation to with his harem would be a swell idea.

“Hmmm…” Chihiro stared at his computer in deep thought, trying to solve a puzzle that had been vexing him for a few months. As the Ultimate Programmer, encryption was very much a speciality of his, and so a particularly secure file was a fun challenge for him. Cracking into such security systems was a secret hobby of his, even if it was a little rude. He didn’t normally care about the contents of such encryption locks, of course – it was just the code that interested him.

Well, normally that was the case, anyway. With the secret files on this particular system, though, he had to admit he was a little curious. The former owner of them had been a rather nefarious soul, and her schemes were pretty dangerous. He’d put a stop to her big, world-ending level plan, sure, but who knew what other plots she’d had going on?

No one, really – least of all her. Junko Enoshima wouldn’t be of any help solving this little mystery. She had far more important things on her mind than despair or world domination or anything like that! Which was why she was under Chihiro’s desk right now, sucking him off while he worked~

That was another story though. Right now, what mattered was this file structure that the programmer had discovered hidden on her computer. At first it had seemed like there wasn’t any way to access them normally, but over time he’d slowly started to piece together the fragments of the puzzle, and now he was finally putting together a tool to uncover her password and decrypt her secrets. Just a few more lines of code, and… there!

“Alright!” He sighed in relief. “That should do it. Now, let’s see what this password of yours was…”

His program beeped, and flashed the result up on the screen.

‘Mukuro keep out, Stinky :P’

He glanced at the bimbo under his skirt with a raised eyebrow. Sisters. Who could ever understand how they thought?

Oh well, whatever. Now he was in! It was time to learn just what the Ultimate Despair had been planning…

Annnnnd after a few minutes of reading he was already regretting not just throwing Junko’s hard drive into an electromagnet the instant he’d found it. There plots were… intense. She had been very dedicated to the ideals of despair.

Good thing she was a bimbo now, huh?

But… Well, there were some useful ideas in here. Not that he’d ever use them the way she had been going to, of course! Just… hm, her idea of turning class 77-B into her minions was interesting. She had fairly detailed profiles on all of the students and teachers in here, and some of them were… Okay, they were hot, and he wanted them in his harem. Was that so wrong?

Don’t answer that.

Besides, these girls offered some interesting opportunities. Like this one – Sonia Nevermind, the Ultimate Princess. Having someone like her in the harem would be really useful – he’d have an entire nation to use as his vacation holiday home! Ooor as a place he could run off to for political asylum if he ever got caught. Yeah, super useful, honestly.

He already had a bunch of bimbos that adored him – why not add a couple more?

Again – don’t answer that.

“So this is your VR Lab?” Sonia asked as she stepped inside the most hi-tech facility in all of Hope’s Peak, Chihiro’s personal project workshop. Smooth metal walls and floors, with computers and terminals dotted around the place and technical designs half built on various tables… It had all the markings of a mad scientist’s personal lair! Honestly, Chihiro was quite proud of it.

“Among other things, yes,” the Ultimate Programmer nodded, following his guest inside. He didn’t let many people in here. Normally access was limited to himself and his harem. But he wasn’t really making an exception here – he was just giving Miss Nevermind a little preview before she joined the club. “Honestly, I have a lot of things on the go in here.”

“I see!” The Princess nodded, smiling graciously – before her eyes lit up. “Oh! Is that a strong AI sub-compiler?” She asked, pointing at one of his computers, lines of code scrolling across its screen. “I had no idea development for those had come so far!”

Chihiro blinked. “Oh. Yes, actually! Wow, you know about those?”

Sonia shot him another bright, sunny smile. “Of course! It’s important for a ruler to keep up to date with modern technology.”

Huh. Well how about that? Honestly, even after reading her profile, he’d really been expecting the Ultimate Princess to be an elitest snob. Maybe something like Celestia had been, before she’d been turned into a maid. But no, Sonia was just genuinely a sweetheart. She came off as something of a ditz, sure, but she was a diligent and intelligent woman who was very invested in helping everyone around her.

It was almost enough to make him rethink his bimbo plan.

“Oooh, is this your VR headset prototype?” The blonde gravitated to the centre of his lab, where a black metal headband with a pink visor lay in its dock, freshly charged. “May I?”


“Sure thing,” the skirt wearing Ultimate said with a nod, pressing a few buttons to make sure the right program was loaded, and releasing it from its dock. “In fact, I just finished a new scenario for it. Want to help me test it?”

“I’d be delighted!” She accepted the band with a smile, and settled it over her head like a tiara. “How do I- Oh!”

The visor had already lit up, and before her eyes a pink, swirling vortex had opened up, spinning, swirling endlessly in front of her. It was a dizzying sensation, the sight so captivating, so relentlessly… hypnotic. It was as though she could feel it trying to pull her down into its depths.

“Oh… m-my word… This is quite… intense…” The Princess managed, her words dropping to a slow mumble as the spirals started to reflect in her eyes.

“It can start out that way,” Chihiro said, trying not to look too smug as he saw his creation go to work. “Relax, and let it work. You can tell me what you think after it’s done~”

Of course, judging by the way Sonia’s shoulders were beginning to slump, and her jaw was starting to drop, drool already starting to trickle down her chin, she wouldn’t be doing very much thinking from now on at all…

Once upon a time, there was a fair and wise Princess…

Sonia opened her eyes and smiled as the world swirled into existence around her. She was seated in her throne in the middle of her palace, a very familiar place. Though, the walls hadn’t been pink the last time she’d been here, and the windows hadn’t shown only black skies, but surely that was fine. There was no reason to worry, or even feel the slightest bit alarmed as pulsing techno music began to thrum in her ears.

Caring and helpful, she spared no effort in aiding her subjects, however they may ail…

Images of shadowy figures, dressed as peasants, merchants, and knights, flitted through her view, prostrating themselves before her feet as they requested boons. She nodded to each, offering sage words of wisdom and comfort as best she was able, though she couldn’t quite remember what they’d asked for or what she’d said.

But she so much time spent helping and thinking that she never had time to find a husband…

The throne at her side, one bigger and grander than hers, sat empty, but that wasn’t a concern of hers. Her people needed help – she could look for love later, no?

Her parents did fret, worried that the end of the royal line was nigh…

Occasionally, she glimpsed shadows in the forms of her mother and father watching over her, always looking concerned for some reason. No matter, though. She would do them proud, she was sure.

But in the heavens above, the pink star of happiness heard their prayers, and sent down an envoy…

Outside the window, a pink star twinkled high overhead.

One night, as the Princess was about to rise from her throne, a fairy appeared before her…

Suddenly, the window was smashed open, an orb of pink light flying through into the centre of the throne room, sending commoners and guards scattering. Surprised, Sonia watched as the orb shimmered, and then transformed into the image of a curvaceous woman in a pink ballgown, with butterfly wings on her back. For some reason, she reminded her of her homeroom teacher.

“I am your fairy godmother,” she said, “and I have come to make all of your woes disappear!”

Oh! Well how delightful. Sonia giggled, clapping her hands politely as the fairy approached. It was just like in all the stories!

Naturally, the Princess couldn’t have been happier to see her. “Have you come to grant my subjects food and health, to tend to their needs?”

Those seemed like good places to begin. Then, once scarcity of basic needs had been overcome, surely then they could work on the economy, technology, and the advancement of spiritual matters!

The fairy just laughed. “Heavens no! No one cares about unimportant things like that!”

Huh? Sonia blinked. What? No, of course they did. These were very important issues.

The Princess was confused. “But then, why are you here?”

That was a polite way of putting it. Honestly, she wanted to be a bit more direct, but for some reason she couldn’t quite act in the way she’d intended. It was like she was following a script of some kind. What was that voice she kept hearing, like some kind of narrator? Where was she? Hadn’t she just been at Hope’s Peak…?

“Silly girl,” said the fairy, “I’m here to help you! You’ve been burdened and worn by responsibilities you don’t need, so I’ve come to remove them, to set you all free.”

The fairy’s words distracted her, and took her attention off her questions about where she was and what was happening. The music was growing louder, too.

Still the Princess did not understand. “Responsibilities? What do you mean? Am I not fulfilling my role as these people’s ruler and guardian?”

That was a constant worry of hers – the burden of her office, as it were. She wanted to use her power responsibly, but it was always a concern that she wasn’t doing all that she could. Invested, her confusion forgotten, Sonia leaned forward in her throne.

“See? There’s your problem,” the fairy did giggle. “That isn’t your role at all! A Princess is just supposed to be a pretty, thoughtless figurehead, not a leader or protector!”

What? Wait, what the hell? How- How dare this woman!

And now, the Princess did frown. “That isn’t-”

The blonde glared, fully in sync with her role as she opened her mouth to object.

But the fairy was quicker, reaching out and tapping the Princess on the head with her wand. “Silly girl – you’ll give yourself wrinkles! Stop thinking and leave the rest to me.”

Oh! Sonia’s eyes crossed as a shock of pleasure shot through her head, and sent all of her thoughts spinning. The command to stop thinking filled her mind, and she found it difficult to resist. Without warning, all of her concerns and objections grew quiet as her brain slowed down.

The Princess stammered and fluttered, her thoughts suddenly sluggish and strange. “Buh… But,” she said, “My people… They want…!”

The fairy was leaning over her now, her eyes pink and swirling, a familiar spiral filling the Princess’s vision. Nnn- What was… Happening?

“Your people just want someone pretty to look at,” the fairy informed her, sprinkling pixie dust over her frame. “So let’s give it to them! Say bibbity bobbity boobs for me.”

What? B- bibbity…?

Soft of mind and uncertain of will, the Princess couldn’t help but obey. “Bibbity… Bobbity… Boobs-? Oh!”

As she said the words, she felt something shift. A warm feeling filled her chest and hips, and a delightful surge of pleasure ran down her spine. It made her thighs twitch, and the haze in her head grow thicker and thicker. It was… so difficult to think now…

And as she sang the magical chant, her body plumping up proudly in both chest and behind, giving her a properly regal figure.

It was true. She could feel them growing. Her dress was tightening around the chest, her cleavage growing bigger and bigger, while her throne was starting to feel uncomfortably tight around her hips. But it all felt so good…

“That’s the way, Princess,” the fairy assured her, stroking her golden head of hair. “Turn all those silly thoughts of yours into curves. You don’t need them anymore.”

Thoughts… into… curves…? What did that- Ahhhnnn~

Sonia gasped, her tongue lolling out as she felt a pleasant, sweet sucking sensation in her head, drawing her memories and knowledge down and out of her mind. The sensation was so pecu- peculi- so super weird! But, like… it felt so good… And as more and more of her self slipped away, her curves kept growing bigger and bigger…

Heehee, her boobies felt so nice~

By now the Princess’s head was getting quite hollow, and she couldn’t help but giggle. “But who will lead my people?” She asked, even as she forgot why her people needed leading in the first place.

Oh yeah, that was important, right? Nnn… The ditzy blonde tried to gather her wits, resisting the pull of blissful booby oblivion just a little. She needed to help her sub-

“Silly girl,” her fairy godmother giggled, tapping her on the head with her wand again to knock out those pesky last thoughts. “A princess doesn’t need to think about such complicated things. She just needs to look pretty and serve her Master~”


That was the last push she needed – a little extra helping of fairy magic, blasting through her skull. Sonia’s eyes rolled up in her head, a smile widening on her face as an explosion of pleasure ripped through her, sucking up all of the thoughts she had left over in her head, sucking them deep, deep down, until


Her chest bounced and jiggled as it swelled up another cup size, finally consuming the last of the sharp mind of Sonia Nevermind and turning it all into boobs.

The dignified, regal ruler was gone – and in her place, literally sat in her throne, even though it was far too small for her fattened thighs, was a blatant bimbo. Her tits, well fed on her formerly sharp mind, jiggled merrily on her chest, now bigger than her head. Where once there had been gentle, intelligent eyes, now there were only vapid pink spirals. Where words of wisdom and comfort had once flowed, now only drool poured fourth. And where the Princess of Novoselic had once ruled, now there was only a blonde, busty, brainless bootycall.

The process was almost complete. There was just one touch left to add. The script continued, and the bimbofied blonde obediently followed it.

“My Master…?” The Princess asked, her mind woozy and empty.

“Your Master! Your mighty husband, here to make all your decisions from now on,” explained the fairy, going slow so that the airhead could keep up with her. “In fact, here he is now!”

Sonia looked up, and saw a new figure approaching. This one wasn’t a shadow, like the others – no, this was a real person. A familiar person. One she recognised almost instantly.

And as the music reached a crescendo, and the world around her began to fade, Sonia’s eyes swirled bright with pink spirals, and a slow, stupid smile slid across her face. Her gaze fixed upon the image of Chihiro Fujisaki, his face burning itself into her soul – her husband, her owner, her Master!

And as the association linked up in her brain, pleasure exploded through her hollowed out head, sealing him, and her new place in the world, in solid stone as she came and came and came…

The headset let out a quiet ding, like a microwave announcing its work was done. Carefully, Chihiro removed it from Sonia’s head, checking it over for damage before returning it to its dock. It was experimental technology, after all.

Then, he looked over the girl herself. It definitely looked like the spiral had worked. Her tits had burst out of her dress not thirty seconds after the visor had turned on, and the pink spirals in her eyes hadn’t shown any sign of going anywhere. Still, there was only one way to be sure.

“So,” he asked, looking up at her curiously. “What’d you think?”

Life seemed to return to Sonia’s eyes, her eyelids fluttering rapidly as she returned to the real world. She took a moment to reboot, looking around curiously, the wind whistling between her ears – before she finally focused on Chihiro.

Instantly, she smiled – a ditzy, silly little grin as her expression turned utterly adoring. But her answer was rather confused.

“Huh?” Her brow wrinkled as she tried to work out how to respond, putting a finger to her lips and chewing on a nail. It wasn’t long before she gave up. “Thinking’s hard, Master,” she said, shrugging and sending her chest jiggling. “Can’t we, like, fuck instead?”

Well, total success there then. “Sure thing. And then afterwards, I have a few videos I want you to send back home – just to get the place ready to be our Ultimate Holiday home…”

“Whatever you want, Master!” Sonia giggled, not even listening any more. Her ability to listen to orders longer than five words long had melted into her tits, along with the rest of her brains, and now there was only one thing she cared about. Something she made clear by stepping forward and shoving her Master’s face into her boobs.

“… Yeah, let’s sort that out later,” he decided – and grinned as he let Sonia do what she now did best – be the best Ultimate Bimbo Princess in the world~


Request: Kiryuin Satsuki, CEO of the new REVOCS Corporation, has a secret. Once a month, under carefully controlled circumstances, she goes to a certain special club, where she takes a certain special pill. Her hair streaks with blonde; her skin tans, her tits and ass expand; for the next four hours, the clever, smart, ambitious, highly intelligent woman becomes little more than the giggling, stupid, ditzy little bimbo fucktoy to be freely used by anyone and everyone in the club for the night. Anonymous, meaningless, mindless sex - the perfect release for a highly strung, highly stressed perfectionist.

Ryouko Matoi has a secret. She loves going to the club when her big sis has gone bimbo... (post-canon, non-futa Ryouko and Satsuki).

“… And that should ensure both record levels of profit, but also decrease our global carbon footprint by 5000%, as well as providing free meals and Christmas gifts to orphans the world over.” Nonon finished her report and closed the file she was reading from with a quiet snap. “Another total success. Though I shouldn’t expect anything less from our CEO.”

There was a moment’s pause, and then a curt nod from the other side of the desk she was stood in front of. “That will be all, Nonon.”

“Loud and clear, boss!” The pink haired secretary saluted, twirling around in her black jacket and pencil skirt before walking out the door, closing it behind her and leaving the office in silence. For a second, all was still, as the figure behind the desk pondered her next move quietly.

Then, at last, Satsuki rose from her chair, stepping over to the tinted window that made up the northern wall of her office, her white business suit outlined against the moonlight from beyond. From here, atop her tower, she had one of the finest views in the city – no, in the entire world. She could see the city below sprawling out for miles in every direction, humans prospering and thriving under her benefaction. Taking control of the REVOCS Corporation as its new CEO after the passing of her mother had been a distasteful, but necessary step to prevent the complete collapse of the world economy, and she had been ruthlessly efficient about bending the once evil business to the good of mankind.

It had taken a lot of work, and unfathomable levels of will and control, but neither thing was a stranger to Satsuki Kiryuin. She lived her life expecting nothing less than full and complete self-control of herself, so the adjustment had been minimal.

Yes, it had been… easy…

The dark haired CEO caught herself on the glass, leaning heavily as she took a deep breath, her body shaking for just a moment. It was a simple enough thing. She was simply tired. For a brief fraction of a second, her exhaustion had shown, here in the privacy of her office, where no one could see.

Absolutely unacceptable. She would not allow herself such uncontrolled displays of weakness.

Satsuki took another breath, straightening up. She’d left it too long. She’d thought she had more time before she needed to… indulge her needs, but clearly, the strains of her life had taxed her more than she dared admit. How embarrassing. She’d have to make sure Ryuko never found out – her sister’s teasing would be merciless.

But the truth was, even Satsuki Kiryuin had her limits, loathe as she may be to admit it. Her willpower was, with all humility, incredible – but it wasn’t endless. Sometimes even she needed to be able to enjoy herself, free of burden and responsibility…

Ah, it was happening again. She was fantasising instead of acting. She really had left it too long. If she gave herself much longer, she’d be outright daydreaming. No, no, it was time she took care of this, quick and quiet, before anyone noticed. Fortunately, tonight would be the perfect time to scratch this particular itch. She had nothing pressing on her schedule, and Nonon knew to hold all calls and visitors after seven. Things had aligned perfectly, just how she liked them.

Nodding to herself, Satsuki finally broke away from her moonlit reverie, swiftly and silently walking over to the west wall of her office, where a smattering of decorations and certificates hung. As efficient as ever, she reached up and pulled on the left eyebrow of the statue she’d received as a gift from an island nation who she’d provided REVOCS new charitable services to. In response, the statue swung aside, revealing the secret elevator hidden behind it – the one that no one but she knew about.

It had been quite difficult to arrange that one with the interior decorators without giving herself away, to be honest, but she’d managed.

Stepping inside, she pressed the single button on the control panel, and then turned to face the doors as they slid closed, statue sliding back into place. Then, as the cart began to descend, she steadily, calmly, began to remove her jacket, popping each button individually and hanging it up neatly on the hanger she had placed in here for just this very sort of occasion. Soon, her shirt, pants, underwear, and even her sensible business stilettos followed after it, slid away neatly into a compartment to be sent to laundry later.

Her process was quick and efficient, naturally, and by the time the elevator was half way down, she was fully naked. Then it was time to open the other compartment – the one that held her replacement wardrobe. The clothes within were much simpler. A pink tube top that didn’t entirely fit, being just a touch too big for even Satsuki’s incredible frame, and a pair of denim shorts that, likewise, seemed to have a fair bit of room to fill. The stockings and heels she kept with them slid on just fine though.

By the time the cart came to a halt, and the doors slid open… Okay, no, you still would have recognised Satsuki Kiryuin, she was a very distinctive and charismatic woman. But you still might have blinked at the ill-fitting and, in fact, positively slutty outfit she was wearing.

Unless you’d seen her back in her high-school days, at least. This was nothing compared to the blatant nudity and nudity-adjacent activities back then.

Anyway – the elevator opened up on a private parking lot, one not on any blueprints or maps. Here, a single limo awaited, its windows tinted to the point of pitch darkness. Satsuki spared not even a second as she stepped inside, slamming the door shut behind her. Only once she sat down, and signalled the specially programmed driver software to start driving, did she allow herself to relax. Just a little.

As the limo slipped out of a hidden exit and joined the traffic on the city streets, the woman within sighed, reaching into a pocket and pulling out a single pink pill. As pills went, it was pretty big, slightly smaller than a decent sized gumball, and with around about the same consistency – a solid shell with a gooey centre. Holding it up to the light of passing headlights outside, the CEO wondered, for what felt like the thousandth time, if she had really done enough to earn this.

Another moment of weakness. She shook her head, banishing her hesitation. She didn’t just deserve it – she needed it. It was the only way she could hold up the world without crumbling. These doubts were her fears talking, nothing more – and she’d never bow to those flaws within herself.

With a sigh, Satsuki tilted her head back, and pushed the pill between her lips. Her jaw automatically started chewing, releasing the gummy contents, and a burst of strawberry flavouring. A moan of delight escaped her lips as she swallowed down the first rush of juices, a warm feeling already blossoming in her chest. God, she loved this moment…

Already, she could feel the unique combination of chemicals and transformative agents spreading through her system. Gathering in certain critical areas. Her hips. Her chest. Her head, oh wow, yes, that warm feeling was rushing through her brain like a gentle caress. It was starting.

The first thing to really change was her hair. She felt a slight tingling in her scalp, and then saw her follicles lighten, losing all of their dark colouration in long blonde streaks, as if she’d dunked them in bleach. It gave her an interesting look, black mixed with gold…

But she couldn’t focus on that for long. Not when the warmth was gathering in her chest like this. A smile touched her lips as they began to grow, swelling up larger and larger, filling her loose pink top to the brim, and then some. Ah, she’d tried to measure her clothes precisely to fit her transformed state, but they still felt so tight around her boobs! Mmnn, it did feel nummy though…

Her ass refused to be left behind, of course. The heat was blazing there, her flesh fattening to provide a plump and proud posterior that filled her shorts nicely. Ahhh, she couldn’t wait to show it off~

During all of this, though, Satsuki couldn’t help but be distracted. Not because there was something more interesting going on, no – it was because her mind was slowly starting to shrink, and her attention span was getting scrambled. The heat in the rest of her body couldn’t possibly compare to the warmth slowly massaging the wrinkles out of her brain, the genius CEO slowly starting to drool as her thoughts grew smaller and simpler.

To a control freak like her, this was the ultimate bliss. Surrendering her iron grip, relaxing her guard. The burdens of responsibility and control sliding off her shoulders, releasing her from their chains. She could feel her intellect leaking out of her ears, her infamous will melting into tiddy fat, and it was, like, utterly delish. Gawd, she felt so totally dumb!

There was one last tingle along her skin as it darkened, her pale complexion gaining a rich tan… And then it was over. Satsuki had gone full bimbo.

She giggled, licking her plump lips. That had been, like, super fun – but she super couldn’t wait for the next part~

And just as she was thinking that, the car came to a stop, parked outside a flashy adult club. The door opened on its own for her, and she eagerly slid out – her long, tanned legs announcing her presence to the world.

“Hey bitches! Suki’s here to party!”

And then she announced herself a second time for good measure. Bimbos did not do subtlety.

“Suki! You’re here!” She was greeted by a very friendly bouncer. “Shit girl, I had no idea you were coming tonight.”

‘Suki’ giggled, preening and shoving her chest forward, eagerly showing off how tight her top had gotten. “Like, I’d better be cumming tonight~ Got any studs for me?”

The bouncer grinned. “Head right in and go find out.”

And she did just that, strutting inside, her hips rocking back and forth with each step like the fat pendulum on a grandfather clock. She was here to enjoy herself, and she wasn’t going to waste any time.

For the next four hours, ‘Suki’ was going to be a brainless bimbo – devoid of the slightest ounce of sense or restraint. She was going to giggle, jiggle, and fuck her non-existent brains out. She had willingly – eagerly – reduced herself to a simplified, ditzified fucktoy, just to enjoy the feeling of release it gave her.

In three hours and fifty minutes, the club staff would usher her back into her car, which would then drop her off at home as she transformed back to her regular self, before driving into a pre-prepared car crusher to dispose of any evidence. No one could know that this was how she spent her ‘free time’. She wasn’t going to let anyone ruin this for her.

She wasn’t going to let anyone ruin this for her. This chance came along once every couple of months, and no way in hell was she going to let anyone get in her way. The bouncer? Warned off with a look. The clubbers? Knocked aside. The door to the backrooms? It was a good thing it was unlocked, or she would have kicked it into orbit.

Ryuko Matoi did not fuck around about getting her fuck on.

Fortunately, she found what she was looking for before it came to actual violence. The first private room – one of the ones clubbers rented out to hook up – had what she was looking for.

Specifically, it had a tanned, busty woman with blonde streaks in her hair in it! Naked one, who was currently eagerly bouncing up and down on the shaft of some buff clubber guy that Ryuko honestly could not care less about.

“Heeeey Suki~” She purred, leaning against the door she’d just slammed open. “Imagine meeting you here~”

She was only playing, of course. She always knew when Satsuki was going to get her Suki on. Her sister might have been a mystery to everyone else, but Ryuko always knew when the stress was building up – and she always made sure to be at the club when her favourite bimbo was out to play. The girl could fuck like no one’s business – and to be honest, all those weeks spent fighting against the girl in skimpy costumes had given her some very horny thoughts about her sister that she was eager to get out of her system. Oh yeah, she wouldn’t miss this for the world.

Though, she did have one complication to deal with tonight…

“Hey, kind of in the middle of something here-?” Said the guy that Suki was currently on top of. Sadly for him, he didn’t get far into his complaint before Ryuko’d grabbed him by the head and thrown him out of the room.

“Yeah, your time’s up buddy,” she muttered, dusting her hands and kicking the door shut behind him “Go enjoy a free drink at the bar or something! I got her from here.”


‘Suki’ blinked at her. There was no light of recognition in her eyes – or really, any light of any kind. Satsuki went about bimboing herself the same way she went about everything in her life – all settings set to maximum. Which meant she was really fucking stupid right now, and goddamnit it was hot.

Also, it was for the best, because if her sister ever remembered that they hooked up like this, she would absolutely kill the hell out of her.

But since that wasn’t going to happen, it was time to have some fun!

“Hey there, sexy,” Ryuko purred, sliding in next to the bimbo and planting a kiss on her oh-so-delightfully plump lips. “Wanna fuck?”

Now there was light in Suki’s eyes. “Sure!” She giggled, immediately bouncing into her sister’s arms and answering her kiss with one of her own. Her tongue swirled in Ryuko’s mouth, her massive bust squishing up against the dark haired girl’s not inconsiderable chest. “Mmmn, you taste, like, awesome. Lemme lick you up~”

And then she slid down the other girl’s front, popping the buttons on her shirt with her teeth as she went, laying kiss after kiss all the way down – until she finally shoved her head under Ryuko’s skirt, and-

“Oh! Oooh fuck!” The dark haired woman’s thighs clamped down around the dirty blonde’s ears. “Holy shit you’re good at that!”

“Well like, duh!” Suki spoke with her mouth full. “I’m a bimbo! This is all I’m good for!”

Oh god. Hearing Satsuki talk about herself like that… That was it. It was too much to resist! Ryuko grabbed her sister and slammed another kiss on her lips – enjoying the taste of herself on the other woman’s tongue – before hauling her into a bed, and throwing off the rest of her clothes. There was nothing else for it. It was time to fuck.

In a couple of hours, a very satisfied fuckslut was going to get back into her car and return to her normal life. And Ryuko would let her go, then stagger home, trying to regain feeling in her legs all the way.

Though as she went, she had to wonder... Was there any way she could get her sister to take those bimbo pills more often~?


Request: Ruby and Weiss are once again searching for a lost artifact, The Golden… something, the last bit was lost to time. As they are looking they stumble into a club, with no one inside but casual club music. As they go to investigate where the music is coming from, they walk through the dance floor, entering center stage. The music starts having lyrics come out, about shaking your money maker and grinding on your partner…

“Are you sure it was this way?” Ruby Rose was one of the finest Huntresses of her generation. Admitted to Beacon early, she’d sailed through every course with ease, her mastery of combat slaying countless grimm, her solid grasp of tactics seeing her swiftly made the leader of her team, graduating with honours a few years later. She was, in almost every way, what any Hunter should aspire to be.

But she was not a patient woman, and it was driving her partner, who had been stuck with her since their first day at the Academy, up the wall.

“Yes I’m sure!” Weiss Schnee, Huntress, Heiress, and Remnant’s most eligible bachelorette two years running, glared at her partner. “I checked and I double checked. All of the rumours happened in this area, all of the records say there used to be buildings fitting the description here. If the place actually exists, then it’s here somewhere!”

“Hmmm.” Ruby looked around. It was mostly forests and fields, as far as she could see. “I mean, I don’t see it…”

The white haired woman’s eye twitched. “If you want,” she said, her voice almost as frosty as her homeland, “you can check my work. I took extensive notes. They only took me all night.”

“Uh.” Paperwork, Ruby Rose’s other big flaw. “N-no, that’s okay! If you say it’s here somewhere, then I’m sure it’s here. It’s just… hidden… or something.”

“Or something,” Weiss sighed. “Honestly, this entire quest is probably a wild goose chase. We’ve been through dozens of old ruins by now – you know as well as I do these stories about ‘golden treasures’ are just myths. The only things in these places are grimm nesting grounds.”

“But it’d be so cool if it was real!” Ruby pouted. “Think of it! A real golden relic from ancient times, lost for centuries until it was found by Ruby Rose!”


“… A-and Weiss Schnee…” The red reaper chuckled nervously as Weiss’s tired glare kept staring at her. “You’re, um. You’re still covering our travel costs, right? Bestest buddy?”

The heiress sighed. “I really hate you,” she muttered, but without any real heat in her voice. “And whatever. First we have to find the ruins. If you ask me, we want to start searching over waaahhh!!

Ruby blinked. Weiss had taken a step forward as she tried to take charge – and the ground had immediately given out beneath her, sending her dropping into a deep underground pit. A really deep pit, judging by how long it was taking her to-


There it was.

“Weiss!” The reaper leaned over the edge of the new pit, looking down into the darkness. “Are you okay?”

“… Yeah, I’m fine…” Came a quick, if annoyed sounding reply. “Didn’t even put a dent in my aura. But I think I found where the ruins are hiding, at least.”

“Oh really?” Ruby’s eyes lit up. “Where?!”

“… Just get down here, Ruby.”

The cave system Weiss had inadvertently uncovered turned out to be quite extensive. It ran deep into the earth, far beneath the notice of most travellers, and thus, to Ruby’s delight, it was home to one of her favourite things – unexplored ruins.

“Just think of the treasure!” She told her partner, practically buzzing with excitement as they made their way through fallen structures and crumbled buildings. “There could be anything in here!”

“I told you, there’s never anything interesting in these places,” Weiss sighed. “But these must be the ruins the rumours were talking about. Maybe someone else got lost down here a long time ago, and all the stories are based on that? In which case…”

“In which case, there really might be a golden treasure down here somewhere!”

“Tch.” The heiress grumbled. “It wasn’t called a golden treasure in the original tale, you know. It was something else. A golden… Something.” She shook her head. “The old documents weren’t very clear. But you shouldn’t get your hopes up, anyway!”

Fat chance of that. “Come on Weiss – if it’s a golden somethingthen it’s obviously got to be a treasure of some sort. Gold is a treasure all on its own!”

“That’s not- Oh whatever.” She gave up. Why was she arguing this? She knew better than to try to derail her partner when she got started. There was no stopping that train. The only thing she could do was let Ruby exhaust herself. “Fine. Just don’t whine at me when you don’t find anything.”

And then suddenly Ruby was looking far too smug for her liking. “Oh? But what if I already found something, hm?”

Uh oh. “… Like what?”

The Huntress didn’t answer. She just raised her torch towards the building they were climbing past – revealing a name written above the doorway in big, shining letters, still legible despite the years since this place was lost.

‘The Golden ******’

Crap. Half of the writing was missing – covered by moss and age – but there was no mistaking what was there. Weiss didn’t even need to look – she could feel Ruby’s excited aura from where she was standing. Her shoulders slumped.

“Fine. We can check it out.”

What followed was an exercise that took entirely too long for Weiss’s liking, as the duo spent time and effort forcing the doors open. The hinges were rusted and the handles nearly falling off – but eventually, they managed, and forced their way inside.

What awaited them was…

“A dance floor?”

“Wow. Who’da thought they had these back then,” Ruby muttered with awe. “This place feels ancient.”

“It is ancient,” the heiress had to respond, before looking around as they walked deeper in. “Hey… do you hear something?”

The red reaper paused, cocking her ear. “Is that… music?”

It seemed to be. Quiet, and distant, yes, but music none the less. It was even rather modern sounding, the kind of track you might here in a club even today – though Yang would have been the one to ask about that.

“Could a music system have really survived all these years and still be playing?” Weiss wondered as she followed the sound across the dance floor. “There’s no way – no power source would last that long…”

“I bet it’s the relic!” Ruby clapped her hands, jumping up onto the main stage, where the music was coming from. “That’s got to be the source!”

“Impossible.” Weiss dismissed the idea out of hand as she clambered up after her partner, before pausing, uncertain. “Or I mean… It’s unlikely…”

Still, she couldn’t think of anything else that would explain it…

Before she could come up with something (or worse, be forced to concede that Ruby had a point), the music changed. It had steadily been growing louder as they approached the stage, and now that they were up on it, it grew louder still. This time, though, the boost in volume came with lyrics…

‘Shake, shake, shake, sh-shake your money maker!
Ah yeah yeah, ohhh, Nah you ain’t no faker!

Smack that ass and slap it down
Whack that booty all over town!
Dance with your woman and feel the beat
Grind up against her, share your heat!’

… Well. ‘Lyrics’…

Ruby snorted. “So this is classical music, huh?” She said, shaking her head. “Imagine listening to this instead of This Will Be The Day, right Wiess? … Weiss?”

Her partner didn’t answer, but before the Huntress could turn to see why, she felt something brush up against her, rubbing against her hips. Surprised, she turned to see Weiss Schnee, her face flushed completely red, grinding her ass against her own, the heiress’s hands on her knees to stick her rear out more.

“Wh… Whaaaat are you doing?”

“I don’t know!” Weiss squeaked. “M-My body’s moving on its own! I’m trying to stop, but it just- Ooohhh…”

Her eyes fluttered as more lyrics blasted over the stage.

‘Shake it, bitch, shake it good!
Treat like you know you should!’

Her face grew redder as she twerked again, ass slamming against Ruby’s in time with the beat, but there was a smile starting to grow on her face now, the edges of her lips twitching upwards. She couldn’t help it – it felt so good!

Ruby was blushing herself now, but this wasn’t the time to be embarrassed – her friend needed help! Swallowing her nerves, she reached out to try and steady her partner…

… Only for her hand to swing down and slap Weiss on the ass instead.

“Oh!” The heiress’s eyes crossed as a bolt of pleasure blasted up her spine and into her brain, popping her mind like an over inflated balloon. Her smile widened into a truly stupid grin, her eyes filling with golden spirals as she began to bounce and twerk willingly, all trace of resistance gone. “Yeeaaaahhh~”

Her partner, meanwhile, was looking at her hand in complete shock – until it yanked itself down to her knees, forcing her to take the same bent over pose as Weiss. Her other hand joined it, her legs already starting to bop with the tune. What was going on? Their bodies were just moving on their own!

‘Bounce them butts, forget the rest!
You know a twerking ass is best~!’

“Nnn…~” The reaper bit her lip as she found herself grinding her ass against a now very eager Weiss, the two locked in a booty booping bop. She understood why her partner had been struggling so much – every touch, every slap, every slam to her behind felt so good! But- But she had to resist, and figure out how to stop this, or else…!

Alas, the music had no interest in letting her do that. The lyrics continued to hammer in through her ears, squeezing her brain from either side.

‘Girl you ain’t supposed ta think
Feel those heavy thoughts now sink
Gather ‘em up an’ give ‘em mass
Now send them straight down to your ASS!’

“Ghuah!” The squeeze got tighter as Ruby cried out, warm pleasure sandwiching her thoughts and squishing them down. She tried to resist, of course, feebly attempting to fight back – but another slam against her butt from Weiss knocked her mental feet out from under her, and suddenly she could feel her thoughts sinking away, flowing down to her behind…

Weiss, of course, had no resistance to offer. Her attempt to push back against the music had already been flattened, and so she merrily gave in to its demands. Her tongue lolled out, the heiress gasping in pleasure as her mind melted away, and her ass began to inflate. Soon, it was three times its original size, while her brain was ten times smaller. She could say goodbye to ever sitting in a normal chair again. Or reciting her basic times tables, for that matter.

But who cared about that? All she wanted to do was dance, strut, and show off her big fat booty! And, of course, helping her best friend feel the brainless bliss of being a butt slut. Eagerly, she hefted her oh-so-heavy hips, and then slammed them down against her partner’s struggling cheeks.


“Ah!” Ruby groaned as pleasure blasted through her, and she forgot how to weild a scythe, her weapon skills turning into fat for her behind.


Her eyes rolled up as her memories of being a Huntress turned into stuffing for her skirt, her fat booty swinging like a pendulum.


She gasped in delight, now smiling just as bright and vapid as Weiss was as the last of her mind was sucked down – carrying with it the last remnants of Ruby Rose. Her intelligence, her skills, her memories, her innocence – oh, especially her innocence – all flowed down into her ass, as her cheeks finally swelled up to match Weiss’s preposterous posterior. And as it went, her eyes filled with golden spirals, just like her partner.

Heroic Huntresses? There was no sign of any of those here on the dance floor. Just a pair of big booty club sluts in the centre of the stage, endlessly grinding and twerking against each other, slapping their butts proudly as the music continued to play.

They didn’t even notice as the club doors that they had worked so hard to open swung closed once more, clicking shut with a thud. And as they did, the moss covering the name over the door fell loose, revealing the club’s true title:

‘The Golden Boombox’

In the end, the two had found the exact treasure they were looking for – and had become the first people in an age to fall victim to its song. Now they would mindlessly dance on stage for the rest of eternity…

… Or at least, until someone else came looking for them, and joined their performance~


Request: Alright! So part 2 of Jaune and his hypnosis show at Beacon! It's the night of the talent show, and the rest of team RWBY are a bit miffed that none of them have heard from Yang in a bit. They're stunned to see her come out on stage clad in a shimmering golden bikini introduce Jaune's show, where she will be his assistant...

“Has anyone seen Yang?” Ruby Rose, leader of Team RWBY and ever compassionate little sister, was eyeing the empty seat next to her. Specifically, she was eyeing the snacks she’d brought for Yang that were now laying in the empty seat, looking all sad and uneaten. It’d be a terrible tragedy if someone didn’t get started on snacking soon…

Weiss, on her other side, shrugged. “Not in a while. Which probably means trouble.” She sat back in her theatre chair, peering up at the stage. “If she doesn’t get here soon, though, she’s going to miss the start of the talent show.”

“From what I’ve heard of the acts scheduled for tonight, maybe missing out wouldn’t have been such a bad thing.” And on the other side of Weiss, was Blake. She was, of course, more interested in the book she was reading than the actual stage.

The heiress winced. “Nora’s not still doing her juggling act, right?”

Blake chuckled. “I think she was banned when she refused to drop the live grenade part of her routine.”

“Thank god.” Weiss sighed. “I’ve been cleaning shrapnel out of my hair all week…”

“Shhh! Gush, the show ish shtarting.”

“Ruby don’t talk with your mouth full.”

The lights dimmed. A hush settled over the theatre. Somewhere, a drumroll began, and spotlights lit the stage. As the audience watched, the red velvet curtains twitched, and then parted to reveal…

“Ghk!” Ruby nearly choked on her snack. “Is that Yang?!”

“Oh my…” Weiss’s face had gone an interesting shade of red. “I didn’t know she had a costume like that…”

“Huh.” Blake had even looked up from her book. “So that’s where she was.”

Indeed, it was Yang up on stage. She was smiling and waving, welcoming the audience while dressed in a glitzy gold bikini, her body on display in the most fanservicy way she could manage without getting thrown out.

“Welcome, welcome!” She was saying. “Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen, and welcome to the Beacon Talent show! I’m here to present to you the first act of the evening, so without further ado, please put your hands together and welcome… The Great… Mesmeric Jaune!”

“The Mesmeric what?” Weiss hissed, while a smattering of applause rang out, and the curtains started to open. In the seats next to her, Ruby was craning her neck to get a better look at the stage, and Blake was burying her face in her hands. “They’re not doing what I think they are, are they?”

“I’m sure she won’t let him do anything too bizarre,” the faunus muttered – not sounding all that certain of herself.

“What? Why? What are they doing?” Ah, sweet, innocent Ruby. Such a simple soul.

“Nothing…” The heiress sighed. Hopefully her teammate wasn’t going to embarrass her team…

Up on stage, Jaune was waving as he stepped out in front of the audience, dressed – of course – in a black magician’s suit. He was even wearing a top hat! Though he’d lost the fake moustache backstage…

“Hey everyone!” He grinned. “Thanks for coming out tonight! And thank you, my lovely assistant Yang, for that wonderful introduction! Won’t you give her a hand too, everyone?”

There was another round of applause – this one significantly louder than the first, to the hypnotist’s irritation. Yang herself just folded her arms, still unsure why she had agreed to this stupid costume, and waiting for the show to be over already.

“Well, with the introductions over, why don’t we get started? Oh Yang, would you take a look at this for me?” From his breast pocket, Jaune theatrically pulled his purple crystal, showing it off to the audience before holding it up for his assistant.

Yang just blinked. “Huh? What, that stupid little thing?” That was weird. That crystal looked really familiar for some reason – but she’dve sworn she’d never seen it before…

“Ahem. Y-yes! You see, this ‘stupid little thing’, as you call it, is actually a powerful hypnotic focus…”

Weiss cringed in the audience. “Oh god. No one’s going to buy this…”

The blonde in the bikini looked, if anything, even less impressed. “Sure it is, vomit-”

“Itoldyounottocallmethat!” Jaune spoke quickly, before regaining his cool. “I ah, I mean… Just take a look, my lovely assistant, and you’ll see what I mean…”

Yang sighed, but did as he asked, leaning forward to get a proper view. “Like this?”

“Exactly.” He nodded. “Just Look closer…”

… It was kind of pretty, now that she actually looked. Kind of… sparkly…

“Let your gaze sink into its glittering, crystalline depths…”

“Mmmmn…” She nodded slightly, her eyes focused on the crystal, even as Jaune began to swing it back and forth.

“Keep watching as it swings from side to side…”

It was swinging…? Huh… She hadn’t noticed… She couldn’t see anything but the crystal… It was just so pretty… So familiar…

“With each swing, it sweeps away your consciousness…”

The blonde Huntress yawned, though she didn’t really notice. Far too captivated by the crystal.

“With each arc, it wipes away your resistance…”

A small, sleepy smile was starting to grow on her face, her eyes drawing half-lidded and glazed…

“Let the crystal absorb your thoughts, absorb your mind…”

She giggled quietly as her head started to empty. Yeah… That sounded… nice…

“Becoming completely relaxed… Completely mindless… In three… two… one…”

Completely… relaxed… Completely… mind-


Yang snapped upright, arms clamped at her sides, staring straight ahead with dull, glazed eyes and a fixed smile slapped on her face. Her will was gone, and her mind was empty. She was completely hypnotised.

Jaune hid a sigh of relief. He had, of course, given her post-hypnotic commands to make sure she went under, but it was still a big weight off his shoulders to see his act go off without a hitch. Proudly, he turned to the audience, and gestured towards her.

“Ladies and gentlemen – one hypnotised assistant!”

Silence from the crowd. Someone at the back coughed. They weren’t buying it – not yet, anyway. But he could work on that.

“Alright then,” he began. “Now that my assistant has properly gotten on board with the show, let’s demonstrate just how deep she is. Yang, do a backflip.”

“Yes Master.” The assistant’s voice was dull and monotone, her eyes staring blankly forward. But none the less, that didn’t stop her from, a moment later, performing a perfect backflip from a standing start. She even landed exactly where she started without a single wobble.

A few impressed cheers came from the audience. Jaune grinned. His act was starting to catch on.

“Now,” he said, trying to twirl his moustache, before remembering he’d lost it, “let’s show off a bit! Would you believe my assistant is actually a very good dancer? She’s normally too shy to show off, but under hypnosis, that’s not a problem. Here, watch: Yang, do the Robot!”

“Yes Master.” Blankly, the hypnotised blonde stepped forward, raising her arms, elbows tucked firmly at her sides. Steadily, she started to move her hands up and down, tilting her whole body from left to right, before striding up and down the stage in a very mechanical manner.

There were a few whistles and cheers coming from the audience now, and another, louder round of applause when Jaune finally snapped his fingers for Yang to freeze in place.

Time to dial it up a notch. “How about some impressions. Can I get some requests from the audience?”

Ruby shot to her feet. “Oh, oh, make her do a cow!”

That got a few laughs, and Jaune was only too happy to play along. “You heard the lady, Yang – your best cow impression, if you please.”

“Yes Master.” Again, just as blank as ever, Yang accepted the request without complaint. She bent forward at the hips, giving the audience a delightful view down into her cleavage, her arms at her sides, giving the impression of an animal on four legs, and then…


More laughter swept through the audience, and Ruby joined in with the delighted round of applause this time – though her teammates were looking a little concerned. This was starting to feel legitimately out of character for Yang. Would she really agree to do something like this? There was no way she was actually hypnotised… right?

As they wondered, another call came from the audience. “Glynda Goodrich!”

“Oho!” The hypnotist tipped his hat. “A big request. Well let’s see what she can manage. Yang, do an impression of our wonderful teacher Miss Goodrich~”

“Yes Master.” Immediately, Yang put her hands on her hips, glaring at the audience, though the dull glaze in her eyes never left. ““Blah blah blah, I’m old and cranky so I like to boss everyone around. My semblance is completely OP but I ended up stuck in a dead end teaching career anyway. I use this corset to hide how much my boobs have started to sa-”

“That’senough!” Jaune snapped his fingers, freezing the blonde in place once again. “Oh god, that’s enough. Aha… We… We joke around here folks, that’s all! Just some… obviously ridiculous humour for you there…”

He could feel a dark presence glaring at him from the judges table, though he dared not look in their direction. Maybe it’d be best to wrap this up quickly…

“Well, we don’t want to hog the stage all night, folks, so we’d better get going,” he said, laughing nervously. “Thank you so much for your participation, and I hope you have a wonderful evening!”

He bowed, and at his side, Yang bowed too, as stiff and blank as always. Applause and cheers washed over them like a tide as the curtains drew closed, hiding them from sight. The audience well and truly taken by the performance, even if some people watching had a few questions, with Weiss and Blake specifically exchanging a worried glance…

“I am hypnotised. I am mindless. I am a slave.”

The feeling of relief one got from a successful performance under pressure was one of the greatest sensations in the world, Jaune had learned. After such a desperate struggle to get everything together, finding his assistant at the last minute, and some of the, aheh, difficulties with Professor Goodrich on stage – the feeling of triumph that buzzed through him now was the second most wonderful thing he’d ever experienced.

What was the first? Well…

“My Master is Jaune. I obey my Master. I love my Master. I will do whatever my Master wishes.”

The feeling of having a beautiful blonde hypnoslave who would follow your every command was absolutely up there.

Yang was naked, of course. He’d ordered her to lose her clothes the moment he’d been sure that they’d be alone in their ‘dressing room’ for the rest of the evening. He’d told his friends and staff that they couldn’t be disturbed because of how secretive he was with his techniques. You know, real magician’s circle type stuff.

“I have no will. I have no mind. I have no resistance. I am Master’s mindless slave, forever and ever, until the end of time.

Of course the real truth of the matter was…

Jaune smiled, sitting back in his chair, gazing over his prizes. Both the golden 1st place trophy that Yang now held, nestled snuggly between her bare breasts… And the brainless blonde herself, still mindlessly repeating mantras of obedience, deepening her mesmerised devotion to him with every line.

Was he so wrong to want to enjoy this moment? His grandpa had been right – his lucky crystal really had gotten him everything he wanted. And now, he couldn’t help but wonder… Just what else could it get him, if he really put his mind to it?

“I am hypnotised. I am mindless. I am a slave…”


Request: p5-Turns out when Joker wielded the power of a god for a bit when the cognitive and real worlds fused there were some side effects. His subconscious mind is altering the world around him and he seems to be the only one who notices. Whats more his subconscious is a pervert and he cant control it. All the girls he knows have gotten considerably curvier. Outfits skimpier. Body language lewder. Increasingly submissive and breedable in regards to him. And they seem to be changing even further…

Okay, so maybe there were some long consequences for spending so much time messing with the human collective consciousness, stealing hearts, changing minds, and shooting Satan bullets at gods while empowered by everyone’s hopes and dreams. Some. But Joker was still sure this wasn’t his fault.

Not entirely, anyway.

It had started kind of innocently enough. He’d been hanging out with his friends, still in a victorious mood after their big win as the Phantom Thieves, when he’d noticed something odd. Nothing big, it’d taken a bit to catch his eye, but… Had all the girls in the group always been so busty? Like, he thought he knew their figures pretty well – their Phantom Thief costumes had hid practically nothing, even if he’d never said as much out loud – and he was sure that none of them had been filling out their tops quite that much.

He'd mentioned it to Ryuji later – because of course he had – but his friend had just looked confused.

“Dude, what? What are you talking about? The girls have always been stacked. That’s why the guys at school are so jealous we hang out with them all the time.”

That… Hadn’t sounded quite right, but he hadn’t been able to refute it, so he’d just shrugged and gone along with things. Maybe it was all in his head. Maybe they’d just had growth spurts while he was off in jail and everyone was just used to the change now. No problem.

Except, the weird feeling of something being wrong hadn’t gone away. If anything, it just got worse with time. Every day he seemed to notice something new. Had Ann’s ass always been that big? When had Haru started wearing such skimpy clothing? Was Makoto always so physically affectionate? She was his girlfriend, sure, but he was pretty sure she never would have tried to give him a handjob under the table in the school library before! What was going on?

It had taken some time for him to work it out – but when Ann and Haru had casually started making out on the sofa during one Phantom Thief meetup, happily popping out of their tops to make a show of it (which no one seemed to notice but him), the pieces had started coming together. He’d seen this kind of behaviour before – or, rather, he’d fantasised about it before. And now here it was, happening before his eyes just like in his daydreams…

Yeah, so it turned out channelling the power of a god (or god-like entity), no matter how briefly, during that weird merge between reality and the cognitive world had come with side effects. Reality warping side effects. And to his great frustration, they were side effects he couldn’t control. The world seemed to warp around him according to his subconscious desires – what he consciously wanted didn’t matter at all.

Which was a problem – because his subconscious was a perverted bastard. He couldn’t help it – it was just in his nature. He – It – wanted babes. Submissive, busty, breedable sluts! That side of him was horny beyond belief. It was a part of himself that he did his best to hide and control… And now it had been given the cheat codes to the universe.

So yeah – he was sure that the fact that every woman he laid eyes on seemed to instantly go up five cup sizes was absolutely not his fault… But he really couldn’t help but feel responsible for it anyway.

There just wasn’t anything he could do. Lock himself away? His fantasies would just get that much more intense while his needs built. Cure his condition? He tried, but he had no idea where to start? And obviously he wasn’t about to do anything stupid – his subconscious probably wouldn’t allow that anyway.

So he was stuck, trying to play things as low key as possible, hoping that, if he was careful, he could avoid changing anyone too much to their detriment. As long as he kept his cool, it’d be fine. He’d figure something out eventually, right?

But it turned out that he didn’t have as much time as he thought. His powers were growing stronger, whether he wanted them to or not…

That fact became clear to him one day as he was wandering beside the fishing ponds, lost in thought. He was trying to ignore how many busty babes there were out fishing today – some dressed in excessively provocative clothes, like maid’s uniforms, or air stewardesses, or harem girl silks, or… Well, you got the idea.

Honestly, he’d thought fishing would take his mind off all this, but it was looking like nothing could be further from the truth. Damn, wasn’t he allowed any fun anymore? Tch.

About to give up, he turned to start heading home – only to almost walk straight into a familiar duo.

“Oh! Hey stud~” Makoto Niijima, student president, Phantom Thief tactician, and Joker’s devoted girlfriend, immediately wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a very bouncy hug, her new assets making for wonderfully soft padding. “I missed you~”

Ahh… Okay, fine – he’d been missing her too. He’d been so concerned over his new powers that he’d kind of been avoiding everyone – but apparently that just meant she’d been called right to his side. Though her companion was a surprise – even if she shouldn’t have been.

“Well well well,” Sae Niijima, public defender and the main reason Joker hadn’t gotten his brains blown out of his head, grinned down at him, her arms folded. She was still wearing the business suit he was used to seeing her in – but at some point she’d apparently traded her pants for a pencil skirt, and Makoto’s new measurements certainly seemed to run in the family. “If it isn’t the hero himself! Makoto was just talking about you.”

“Siiiisss, shush!” Makoto giggled, giving her sister a playful nudge. “We don’t need to talk about that…”

“Oh, I don’t know.” Ah. Sae had sidled up on his right side as Makoto settled on his left, gently stroking a long nailed finger down his arm. “I’m a little curious. After all, you were just saying you couldn’t wait for him to pin you down and fuck your brains out. Maybe I want a little of that myself…”

Oh god. Oh god. His face was burning. How could there be this much blood in his head when his dick was harder than it had ever been? Wasn’t that going to cause a medical problem or something?!

“Well too bad~” The younger Niijima was holding him possessively, but her tone still sounded shockingly playful. “He’s mine.”

“Mmmn…” Niijima the elder grinned, her finger moving to trace circles over Joker’s chest as she snuggled up against his arm as well – and god, they really were both incredibly busty now. “I wonder… You know, handsome, when you first started dating my sister, I wasn’t sure what to make of you. But after all that you’ve done, I have to say… If you like Niijima women, you should see what one with experiencecan do.”

Yep. So that was it. He was caught between two siblings who both wanted to go down on him. Had he really fantasised about this?

… Yes he had. Damn him.

“He’s my boyfriend, so he wants me! After all, I can fuck in over five hundred different positions. I’m designed for his comfort!”

Huh? Wait, what?

“That’s, like, such a typical thing for you to say. But sis, this bunny’s batteries don’t run out – I can go all night long~”

Wha? What were they talking about?

Joker blinked – and as he did, he could see a new change coming over the girls. Different from the kind he was used to. This time it wasn’t just their curves swelling up (although that was definitely happening, holy hell look at those melons!), but rather it was everything else about them starting to change.

Makoto, for instance, was starting to look… shiny? Her skin had taken a definite sheen, and as he watched he could see a silver hue spreading through her, dripping from her head on down. Her hair had already solidified into a single brown piece of metal, shaped like her normal hair style, and as he watched, he could see her eyes turn into pure blue glass.

Sae, meanwhile, looked more human than ever. And he said that because he could see more of her now than he had ever seen before. Her jacket had fallen off her shoulders, sliding to the floor, revealing that beneath she was wearing a pink corset that squeezed tight around her middle, allowing her chest and ass to really pop. And now her skirt was falling down too, revealing… Was that a bunny tail?

Of course, neither of them had noticed the shift. They were still arguing.

“I’m durable, dependable, and I keep perfect time! My breasts make for the softest pillows ever made, and my holes are coated in the finest fuckrubber!” Makoto gestured to herself, the joints in her fingers quietly popping as they turned into mechanical hinges. Her clothing vanished in a puff of thread, dissolving into the wind as she presented her now proudly naked metal body – metal, save for her chest, which was clearly coated in synthetic rubber, and her holes, which, just as she advertised, had been replaced by rubber fuckpockets. There was no doubting her purpose now – she was clearly a sexbot, through and through.

Sae snorted. “Well I can make any drink he likes, and, y’know, I’m totally good luck!” Her hair was styling itself, blonde highlights slipping into the silver flow as it spread around her shoulders. Dark stockings were weaving up her legs, too, and pink high heels growing up under her feet. She reminded him… She reminded him of those bunnygirls he’d seen so many of, back in her casino. Well of course – he’d fantasised about her in that outfit dozens of times. He hated when all this made sense.

“Makoto-bot 5000 has been created explicitly for to Master’s specifications! No one can please him better than I!” The younger Niijima’s voice was starting to sound robotic…

“Gawd, like, who needs that many numbers? Boring. I just wanna fuck and, y’know, suck!” While the elder’s was gaining the carefree lilt of a complete ditz.

Oh fuck. Damnit, he could feel them both rubbing up against him. He wasn’t sure which of them had their hand in his pants – no, scratch that, they were both down there – but he knew that he was harder than he’d ever been in his life. How was he supposed to say no to this? It wasn’t like he was doing anything wrong, and they wanted it so bad…

As if they could hear his thoughts, both women turned to him, their transformations accelerating. Makoto was silver from head to toe, a blue visor over her eyes – one that couldn’t help but remind him of Johanna… If Johanna had had rubber tits the size of beachballs, at least. Meanwhile, Sae’s bust was just as big, her business uniform completely replaced by a bunnygirl outfit stretched to its absolute limit, with pink bunny ears bobbling on her head.

“Which do you want?” They both asked, Makoto’s voice echoing like a machines, while Sae’s was a gentle, throaty purr. “We’ll be whatever you want us to be~”

… Fuck it. He’d done his best to resist, but he was only human.

“I’ll take both,” he said – and watched as their eyes lit up, their changes finalising down to their cores. It was done.

With a rueful sigh of acceptance, he looped his arms around the waists of his eager sexbot girlfriend and her bubbly bunnygirl sister, leading them off the road towards a nearby sanctuary. The building he was leading them towards probably hadn’t been a love hotel five minutes ago, but at this point, who cared? He was the only one who noticed anyway.

His problem wasn’t going to go away – so it was high time he started having fun with it. And with these two sexpots clinging to his arms – he knew just where to start.


Request: Another Persona entry, this time we’re moving onto confidants with Kawakami. Her cognition changes to be much tougher and prouder. She’s now a retired cage fighter who decided to take up high school teaching. A lot tougher and more confident than before, but still cares a lot for her students. She doesn’t really know her own strength and will sometimes accidentally break stuff like school supplies and desks without realizing.

For every force, there’s an equal and opposite counter-balance. But one did not need to be involved in that equation in order to feel the splash of their impact. Sometimes just standing close by was enough to get swept up in the flood. Sometimes, just giving a helping hand to a criminal was all you needed to do to be condemned along with them.

Mementos churned, concepts and metaphors flowing in and out of existence like money through a politician’s black books. Justice had not been done. The scales were not yet balanced. There was more work to do.

And from the storm stepped another agent – this one of lower rank than the ones who had come before, but still one who carried the power of correction. A mere officer, not a detective like the others, as this case didn’t require anything so extreme as that.

Sadayo Kawakami was just a loose end that needed tidying up – nothing more.

“Girls, that’s enough.” The teacher had to fight against rolling her eyes – it wouldn’t be professional here. “Niijima, you’ve been warned about using up all the printer paper on your ‘projects’ before.”

“Sorry Sensei…”

“And Takamaki, I don’t know what these images you were trying to print are…” She peered at the files for a moment, before flinching back and shaking her head. “But they’re definitely not appropriate for school. Understand?”

“The darkness will not be bound by your pitiful attempts at establishing order on its shores.”

“Ann, I will give you detention until you’re a grandma.”

“… Sorry Sensei.”

“Good.” Sadayo took a breath, and then jerked her head towards the door. “Now get out of here.”

There was a scrambling of students, and then at last she was left in blessed peace.

Hooo. Ahhh, it was nice, not having to work her ass off at a second job – it gave her so much energy! Now if only these brats didn’t insist on making her use all of it up fixing their stupid mistakes…

Heh. Well, that was only natural. They were still pretty young, after all, even if they were adults legally. Stupid mistakes were going to happen – and looking out for them was the job of any good teacher.

Though, wow, this years students seemed way more perverted than the normal crop. Had the government started adding hormones to the water or something? Oh well, whatever. None of her business, whatever the truth.

“Nicely handled.” Sadayo nearly jumped as a voice spoke up from across the room. Looking over, she saw a woman dressed as a school cleaner grinning at her. Huh. Had she seen them in the school before? She… She did seem kind of familiar, now that she looked…

“What was that, sorry?” The teacher shook her head and smiled politely. Just because she hadn’t noticed the woman come in didn’t mean she had reason to stare.

“Oh, just how you handled those kids.” The Cleaner shrugged. “I can tell you’ve got the knack.”

Awh, how sweet! Her smile brightened. “Well, maybe. It’s all about knowing when to say no, and when to maybe give them a little more room to work things out for themselves, right?”

The woman chuckled. “Yeah, you know, that sounds like good advice. Hey, mind if I take a picture?”

Sadayo blinked. “Huh-?”


“Oh… wow… That was bright…” She steadied herself against the desk. Oooh, she might be seeing spots from that one for the rest of the day.

“Yeah, sorry about that. Came out perfect though!” The cleaner flashed her another grin, before taking her cart and heading for the doors. “Well I’d better stop taking up your time. Good luck out there!”

“Uh… Thanks?” The teacher looked after her – but the cleaner was already gone.

What a strange encounter. The school had gotten really weird recently. And why did that woman give her such a strong sense of déjà vu…?

Oyadas stepped into the cognitive jail with a disappointing amount of ease, her white beat cop uniform materialising around her. As she entered, the white walls glowed and the cell bars hummed… All of it painfully unneeded.

Kawakami wasn’t a Phantom Thief. She hadn’t awakened her persona, or come to terms with her real self. She didn’t even have a palace. Her defences against mental correction were basically nil. She hadn’t even needed to touch her to enter her cognition – a simple picture provided all the connection she needed.

“Where… am I…?”

Even her shadow – an ill-defined thing, more a presence with glowing yellow eyes than a fully realised alternate self. A potential starting point, perhaps, but… Kawakami was a generous woman, with a good heart. The seeds of darkness had never taken root within her. It was a shame she’d been pulled under by the wake of the Phantom Thieves.

“The more appropriate question,” Oyadas said, stepping up in front of the bars with her phone camera at the ready, “would be ‘What am I’?

The yellow eyes blinked in confusion. “What am I?”


The camera went off, light flooding the cell – and blasting through the shadow’s vulnerable mind, washing away even the faintest traces of resistance she could have called up to protect herself. It was as though her thoughts had been dunked in a barrel of correction fluid – completely whited out from start to finish.

Even the yellow glow of her eyes seemed to turn white as the shadow hovered in place, blank and mindless.

Easy pickings.

“You are…” Oyadas thought for a moment, before selecting an appropriate fate. “… A former cage fighter. Strong. Powerful. Proud.” Yes, that seemed right. A new woman who would never fall victim to such a vile ‘blackmail’ scheme again. And certainly not one who’d be offering any thieves massages. “

“I am a former cage fighter…” Sadayo’s shadow repeated blankly. “I am strong. I am powerful. I am proud.”

She could already see the changes rippling through the woman’s mental form. Better make them count.

“You don’t take shit from anyone. Not your students. Not your bosses. No one. Got it?”

“I don’t take shit… from anyone…” There was a giddy sigh from the shadow. Seemed like she liked the idea of that little change. Why not go further then?

“Damn straight. You’re the Queen of this jungle – and you’ll make sure everyone knows it.”

“I’m… the Queen…” Oh yeah, that was taking root nice and deep now. Congratulations, Sadayo – your entire life was about to change.

Not that the assigned Cleaner cared to stick around and watch.

“Sounds good.” Oyadas nodded, spinning on her heel to leave as quickly as she’d arrived. She felt no need to spend any more time on this conspirator than needed. She was, after all, just a loose end. This was cleaning up, nothing more.

And as she left, the shadow continued to change…

Left alone in the library once more, Sadayo had finally shaken the spots from her eyes, and now she was moving to clean up the mess the students had left behind. Honestly, they’d just shoved books everywhere. Didn’t they know to put them back where they found them?

Sighing, she started gathering them up. It wasn’t technically her job, but no one else was going to do it. Someone really ought to talk to the Principle about this kind of thing, but… Well, whatever. Shaking her head, she carried a small stack of books over to the shelves, and started replacing them. Let’s see, where did this one go… Ah, here, this was the spot.

But as she slid the book back into place, suddenly she felt a rush of power shoot through her. Her eyes widened, fingers clenching tight around the book’s spine as sparks danced down her nerves, heat building up inside her. And before she could do anything about it…

Her muscles bulged, straining the limits of her casual yellow sweater around her arms – and then straining it even more around her chest as that swelled up too. Her legs thickened, her thighs growing firm and muscular. In a matter of moments, her thin, overworked teacher’s frame bulked up incredibly, power now flowing through every fibre of the woman’s body. She was no body builder, no – but no one would ever mistake a woman like that for a weakling.

On the inside, though, her mind was reeling. What… What had… Happened?

But this was normal, wasn’t it? She’d always been this strong. It was so embarrassing. She’d only started training to maintain her health, but one thing had led to another, and now… Ah, she had to remember to be careful while tidying up. If she had another accident and broke something, the other teachers would definitely yell at her…

The next book… right. She found the empty spot on the shelf, and pushed it back in – once again feeling that heart-thumping rush as her muscles flexed. The bookcase creaked worryingly. But she didn’t notice, far too distracted by the sudden flare of pride in her heart.

What did she care if someone would yell at her? If they did, she’d yell right back! Who the fuck did she think she was? She was Sadayo Kawakami, and she didn’t take shit from anyone! She did what she wanted, wore what she wanted, and if they had a problem with that, they could say it to her face!

She didn’t even notice as her long brown hair restyled itself into a spiky orange mane. Heh, she loved this style – made her feel like a lion, the king of the beasts! Which was only fitting, given she was the Queen.

One more book to replace. Right. She nodded to herself, and moved over to the last gap in the shelves, neatly slotting the book back into-


The shelf splintered as her muscles surged once again. This time, her muscular boost came with one for her height as well, growing her up a few inches and tanning her skin. By now, you could easily tell she was a former cage fighter – the infamous Lion of the Tokyo Jungle – though she still radiated enough kindness that some people doubted what their eyes were telling them.

That was why she’d quit the cage life to become a teacher, after all. She wanted to do some good in the world – or, at least, some good that didn’t require putting people in the hospital. Though, uh, sometimes she did still end up breaking things – as her attempt at cleaning up had made clear.

“Shit.” She looked at the broken shelf, and all the books now scattered on the floor. Damn, what a mess. This happened a lot to her – she really did forget her own strength sometimes.

“Well so what,” she muttered to herself. “What am I, a maid? If they want me to clean up, they can damn well pay me to do it. In fact, what the hell are we doing with such weak shelves in this school?! That was an accident waiting to happen!”

She snorted, shaking her head as her new past and new identity settled into place. There was no meek and worn out teacher in her heart any longer. No, now Sadayo Kawakami was a name that stood for strength, pride, and integrity! This mighty mountain of a woman wasn’t going to settle for anything less than the best, and she’d make sure the world knew it.

In fact, she was going to do something about this pathetic construction right now!

“Oi! Principle!” She stormed out of the library and yelled down the hall, startling a few students who’d stayed after hours – before they recognised Kawakami, at least. Then they relaxed. She was always being loud, but she never yelled at any of them – just the adults. Hell, if you were being bullied by a teacher, there was no one better to have in your corner than Miss Kawakami!

They weren’t the only ones who heard her call though. Across the building, just about to step outside, a woman dressed as a cleaner paused on the threshold, Sadayo’s yell echoing in her ears.

A small smile graced her lips. Maybe she was being too harsh on this job. It was a small fry, yes – but that didn’t mean there was no satisfaction to be gained from a job well done.

A spring in her step, the Indisputable Officer walked away – pleased to know justice had been done.


Request: "Why You Should Submit To Your New Demon Overlords: A Pamphlet Definitely Not Riddled With Subliminals"

“This has gone far enough!” The woman was up at the front again, shouting. “This community has lived in terror for too long, and I demand someone do something about it!”

“Uh.” Sandra Green, the chairwoman of the local parish council for Jelling-on-Grouse, already didn’t like where this was going. “The floor recognises Patricia Higgenshour, to speak about… What is it this time, exactly?”

There was more than a trace of exasperation in her tone, to be honest. Patricia was never a fun addition to these normally quiet meetings. Short, heavy set, and of an age where every problem for her was a problem for everyone… Jelling wasn’t a very big village, and the biggest thing to happen here in the last five years was the addition of a post box on the high street, but this woman turned every little issue into a massive drama. It was exhausting.

Still, it wasn’t as though the old blonde seemed to notice any disrespect. She was just happy to have her podium, her moment in the spotlight.

“These pamphlets!” She waved a stack of papers in front of the council, slapping them down on the table. “They’re everywhere. Everyone’s got them. I’ve had five of them delivered this very week! Have you seen them? Pure filth!”

Oh. Those.

Sandra sighed, looking down the council’s table to see if there were any reactions. Miss Lizbeth, the elderly woman sat next to her, was too busy with her knitting to be paying any attention to what was going on, though her ‘friend’ Miss Olson was at least giving the pamphlets a cursory glance.

(Just two old lady friends who lived in the same house and shared a blanket at night to keep the heating bill down, they always said. Very traditional. Practically sisters. Sandra wasn’t sure why they bothered with the pretence, but they were from another era, she supposed)

On her other side, Miss Karlsberry was looming over the youngest member of their group, Lydia – No, call her Miss Sellers, Sandra, show the poor girl some respect – and checking the woman’s work as she went through the council’s finances. Miss Sellers was a qualified accountant – she’d got a degree and everything, she said – but June – Miss Karlsberry – was ‘an old family friend’ of her mothers, and seemed very invested in scolding her for even the smallest mistake.

(It didn’t seem like appropriate behaviour to Sandra herself, but she just wanted these monthly meetings over and done with as fast as possible. No need for her to involve herself.)

So, that was a big no on reactions. Just what she’d expected, really.

“I believe I know the pamphlets you mean,” she finally answered – being Chairwoman meant she couldn’t just stay out of the matter. She adjusted her glasses, fingers brushing back her long brown hair as she thought back. “The ones with the strange looking women on them, yes?”

“Demons, you mean!” Patricia warbled, making sure her voice carried across the empty church hall. “Satanic temptations, meant to lure the good and virtuous men of Jelling-on-Grouse to sin and damnation! I demand something be done!”

Yes, yes, that was a favourite of hers. Demanding ‘something’ be done, without any thought as to what that something might be. What were they supposed to do about this, exactly?

Over the past two weeks, every house in the village had been receiving these strange pamphlets. That wasn’t too unusual, honestly. People delivered things like that all the time. Pizza delivery coupons. Circus advertisements. Double glazing offers. Spam mail - it was a thing.

What was unusual was the content. The cover depicted, ah, scantily clad ladies in leather and skulls, wearing very convincing body paint of red, purple, green… all kinds of colours, really. And Sandra certainly couldn’t deny they looked demonic, what with the horns, and the glowing eyes…

The title was a dead giveaway too… ‘Why You Should Submit To Your New Demon Overlords’. Didn’t really leave much room for doubt.

It was silly though. Obviously some childish prank. The police and the postal office had already been contacted to put a stop to any deliveries of such annoying literature, though neither had seen success just yet. For now, they just had to be patient.

“The authorities have already been contacted, Miss Higgenshour, and are working on the issue.” She adjusted her glasses to look over them at the woman. “Right now, the best solution is to wait for whoever’s behind this frightful waste of paper to get bored and stop on their own.”

“And let them off?” Patricia huffed. “Have you seen what’s in these?”

“I haven’t, actually,” Sandra admitted. “I don’t make a habit of wasting time on nonsense. I take it you have?”

“Of course not!” The older woman planted her hands on her hips. “As if I’d ever stain my eyes with such debauchery! But you can’t just let someone distribute such ungodly literature and then let them go free! They have to be excommunicated! Exiled! Execu-!”

“Let’s not get carried away.” Why did she always have to deal with the crazy ones. Sandra sighed and picked up one of the pamphlets that Patricia had practically thrown at them, passing a couple down the table. “What do these things even have to say? We can’t punish people on looks alone.”

The older blonde just snorted at that. Of course she did. Honestly, she probably just wanted attention. She was a lonely woman, going up through her 60s alone. Everyone knew her husband had run off with the librarian from Twicksten down the lane. Not that Sandra could find it in her to blame him, of course.

Really, it was mainly a show of defiance to the woman when she cracked open the pamphlet and began to read its first page. It wasn’t very long – just one line of text, in fact, accompanied by the image of a pair of these strange demon women… ah… Kissing.

Well, Patricia would definitely find that objectionable. Probably for the best that she’d not opened it.

‘We give you what you need’ was the line at the top, written in golden flowing cursive. The words seemed to glitter on the page for a moment.

“Hmm…” Down the table, Miss Olsen made an approving sound, leaning over to show Miss Lizbeth the page. Heh, well fair enough. Sandra just shrugged, turning to over the leaf.

‘We give you what you deserve’ was the next bit of wisdom the pamphlet had to share. The picture was one of a pair of demon girls laying about on a horde of gold coins and glowing gems, clearly enjoying their wealth. It was skillfully done art – the women almost looked like they were moving, their fingers beckoning…

“Oh…” Hm? Ah, that was Lydia. She looked quite taken with the image for some reason, staring at it intently. Not even June snapping at her seemed to break her focus. Ha, she must have gotten used to that by now.

Shrugging and moving on, Sandra turned to the last page.

‘We give you what you want’ was the only line, a single ‘demon’ staring back at her from below the text. There was something quite captivating about her glowing green eyes…

What she wanted? Hm. What did she want, exactly? The thought slid into Sandra’s head and echoed between her ears almost out of nowhere. But there was nothing she really wanted, was there? Life was going well enough. She had her needs covered. No, what she wanted was…

“Are you just going to stare at the heathen documents all day, or are you going to stop wasting my tax money and do something about this already?!”

Sandra’s eyes slid up to stare at Patricia. Ah yes. Of course. What she really wanted right now was to shut this annoying bitch up and make her work for her for a change.


Hm? She could have sworn she just heard something…

Well, whatever. She sighed, setting the pamphlet down. “Listen, you slut…”

Patricia blinked, and then turned a furious red. “What did you just-?!”

“Quiet!” Sandra slammed a hand on the table, the sound cutting through the room. She paid no attention to how long and black her fingernails suddenly looked. “I wasn’t finished.”

The blonde woman gaped. For the first time in twenty years, she was utterly without words. If this was because of the sudden rudeness of the chairwoman, or because the chairwoman’s eyes had started to glow a deep, burning red, it was impossible to know.

“As I was saying, you pathetic whore – there’s nothing wrong with these pamphlets.” She held hers up between her finger and thumb, ignoring the way the paper seemed to glow, and how her fingers were steadily turning green, spreading out from where they touched it. “They’re just suggesting a new, more active lifestyle for our sleepy little village.”

“Mmmn, sounds positively-”

“-And utterly-”

“- Delightful~” Down the table, a pair of young, trim looking succubi spoke in unison, taking a break from their deep make out session to state their approval for their Chairwoman’s message. Then the red one on the right went back to groping her partner’s chest, while the blue one on the left resumed her work with her knitting needles – giving her beloved a few more piercings as both of them giggled.

“Wha…?” Patricia was openly gaping at the council table now. Sandra rolled her eyes. Was she that unused to getting her way?

“In fact,” the chairwoman said, rising from her seat, oblivious to how she’d grown nearly a full head taller, or how tight her professional clothes had gotten – especially around her chest. “I think what really needs to change around here is you, Patty. All in favour?”

“Oh definitely~” Lid’dia purred, leaning back in her chair with a smug smile on her face. Naturally, the reason for the pink succubus’s glee was obvious – the leash she was holding in her hand led right under the table, where a collared brute of a purple skinned woman had been made to kneel, and now had her head buried between the woman’s thighs.

Still, Lid’ya must have noticed her boss’s look, because she gave her slave a light kick to her fat ass. “What do you say, Junie~?”

“Mmmn!” Naturally, it was hard to understand her with her mouth full, but Sandra was confident she approved – or, at the very least, that she would follow her Mistress’s approval. Good enough!

Sandra stepped forward and stretched, flexing her new, stronger muscles. The sensation drew a groan of pleasure from her lungs as black bat wings burst out of her back. Ahhh, it felt so good to let loose every now and then…

Now, to business.

Eyes glowing bright red, her skin now tree-leaf green from head to toe, San’Dra reached out and pulled the stunned Patricia Higgenshour into a kiss. No, to call it a kiss was to do it a disservice. This was passion. This was lust. This was to a kiss what a gangbang was to a horse-riding accident. This was face fucking at its finest. Tongues twisted, stroked, and swirled together, joy flowing from one to the other. It was pleasure. It was bliss!

It was literally soul sucking. She swallowed the other woman’s will and self-down without mercy, absorbing it all and turning it into her own power. It wasn’t difficult – the pompous whore had no defences. The only issue was a slight sour taste.

By the time she released her, Patty stood swaying with empty eyes and a dazed smile on her face.

The green succubus smirked. “You serve me now. Understand?”

There was only once answer the human could give. “Yesss Mistress…”

“Good. Then no more words out of you.” She snapped her fingers, and green, burning runes lit up, running along the skin of her victim.

In a flash, Patty’s clothes had evaporated, reduced to ash and scattered to the winds, as the woman herself began to shrink. She shot downwards, losing almost two thirds of her height, until she barely came up to San’dra’s upper thigh, her skin turning smooth and dark green just like her owner. Horns poked through the top of her long, still blonde hair, and her curves swelled, breasts growing bigger than their original size to bounce as merry cantaloupes on her chest. Her eyes turned black, and as she smiled, small cute fangs flashed.

As a final touch, a new outfit wove itself around her – a black dress and a white apron, with a lace tiara stretching itself between her horns. A silver tray materialised in her hands, carrying an array of drinks and liquors – several of which were on fire.

Then it was done, and the succubus inspected her shortstack maid imp. What a lovely pet she would make.

“That’s that sorted,” the she finally said, returning to her seat. Her new maid scampered along side her, curves jiggling as she tried to keep her drinks tray balanced along the journey. “Now, next on the agenda for the Jiggle-on-girls parish council…”

San’Dra slid her glasses back on and adjusted them with her tail as she considered her notes. “I think it’s time we had a word with the pastor to talk about the kinds of services he’ll be holding in our village going forward. All agreed?”


It was unanimous. There. See? Not everything had to be turned into a massive drama~