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Hey folks! Hope all is going well out there.

Had a lot of fun on my birthday - really takes the sting out of growing older. And writing seems to be rolling along well this month - it's a real relief after how badly the year started. I'm sleeping well, eating well, living well! Which means, I am sure, that another disaster is just around the corner. But for now, let's enjoy the last third of May!

And speaking of May, please enjoy this commission - the first in a series of new Pokebimbo fics as the fiendish Team Pink rise to threaten the Pokeworld! Hope you enjoy.


The Pokémon League is not the be all and end all of the Pokémon world, though one may be forgiven for getting the impression that it was after seeing their relentless advertising campaigns. Pokémon battles, while a popular sport – and one with fantastic healthcare – were only one aspect of the relationship between Pokémon and humans. Plenty of others existed, all equally important – though, perhaps it was true that most of them didn’t have the same budget as the League did. Pokémon swimming, Pokémon racing, Pokémon astronomy, Pokémon agriculture… Well, those were but a few examples. The list was endless, and new entries were being added to it every day!

It was definitely a mistake to think that the only thing Pokémon were good for was battling.

“You’re just saying that because you always lose.”

“Oh I am not.” May kicked back in her chair, ignoring her Agent’s barbs. “If I wanted to win those fights outright, I could. Trust me, I know my share of battlers. Hell, one of the first people to actually teach me anything about Pokémon was a winner of the Master’s 8. Although I knew him a little while before that.” She giggled, scratching at her cheek as she thought back to her first Pokémon journey all those years ago.

“Yes, of course you did,” her Agent sighed, all too used to dealing with Pokémon coordinators and their flights of fancy. “I bet you ran into legendries all over the place in your younger days too.”

“Well as a matter of fact…”

“No, no. I shouldn’t have asked.” The woman sighed, looking around the coordinator’s dressing room. Her client’s past was on full display here – dozens of ribbons, racks full of coordinator dresses, pictures of past contests and plenty of treats for her Pokémon. She’d made herself well at home here – the mark of a top competitor. “I’m sorry, May, but we don’t have time to reminisce. You and your Pokémon will be on in five, and we need to make a decision on your routines.”

May rolled her eyes. “Tch, you’re making me sound like an old fuddy duddy rather than a top level star. I don’t just go on about old stories, thank you. I’ve got plenty of new ones still in me left to make. But no, I’m not going to be focusing on battling as part of my performance. It’s not my style. It took me a long time to learn that.”

“Very well,” the Agent sighed. “Just an idea. You do have to keep things fresh, after all.”

The coordinator smirked. “You leave that stuff to me. Don’t worry, I’ve earned every ribbon they’ve ever made for Pokémon contests. I know what I’m doing.”

Indeed, she had every reason to be confident. Her current routine was popular, and involved her dressing in an outfit very reminiscent of her early days as a trainer – red bandana around her head, red jacket, blue shorts – albeit all adjusted for her now fully adult body. It had been a good ten or so years since she’d first set out on her Pokémon journey, after all. But yes, her current strategies, honed over a decade of contests, was working wonders on stage, and was already adding to the growing contest circuit legend that was ‘The Princess of Hoenn’.

But a top level coordinator never allowed themselves to stand still, so she was perfectly happy to listen when her Agent – a dark haired woman that hadn’t been working with her for all that long – offered suggestions for how to improve her act. It was just that option one – focusing on winning the battle stage at the price of all else – was off the table.

“Very well,” the Agent sighed, flipping over a paper on her clipboard. “I’ll go back to the drawing board on that. But while we’re on the subject, you did receive a message addressed to you saying that someone wanted to share their ‘secret technique’ for winning contests with you. Might be nothing, but they seemed enthusiastic. Interested in checking that out?”

The brunette raised an eyebrow. “A secret technique? Okay that sounds like cheating.” She’d fallen for far too many ‘win quick’ schemes as a kid to fall for them now.

“Perhaps. But they seemed earnest enough.” The dark haired woman pulled out a letter from her pocket, written in elegant script. “And they certainly seem to be a fan of yours. They say they think only you could use this kind of ‘technique’…”

“Oooh, a fan? Well I’d hate to let down my adoring public…” May giggled. Okay, so she was pretty famous these days, but it still gave her a warm feeling in her chest when she got recognition like that. And why shouldn’t she? She’d worked long and hard to get where she was, thank you!

“So you’ll meet them?”

“Hmm. Sure.” She shrugged. “Even if it’s nothing, I might get some inspiration from them. You never know.”

“Excellent. I’ll message them to meet you backstage after the contest is over. You should have plenty of privacy, so any ‘secrets’ you learn will be yours and yours alone.” The Agent nodded, approving.

“Great! Now, are we done here?” The brunette raised an eyebrow. “Because my show is due to start real soon, and I want to prep my Pokémon.”

“Of course. Knock them dead, Princess.”

“Always do~”


The contest was a roaring success. Naturally! Hee, she’d had some tight competition, but she was a girl at the top of her game. She’d travelled plenty of regions, studied the rarest of Pokémon, and honed her skills in the toughest of challenges, all to put on the best displays on stage that she could – and her Pokémon, to which she owed everything, had been there every step of the way. Her team was unstoppable, as far as she was concerned, and she was going to do her very best to support them however she could.

Which was why she was hanging around after the show, honestly. Yes, she was a bit flattered by a fan saying they wanted to meet her, and she didn’t really need any help, no matter what her Agent was thinking (the girl was new and just didn’t really get the scene yet), but there was a chance that she’d learn something from this little meeting. She’d learned long ago that such opportunities shouldn’t be squandered.

So when the knock came at the door to her dressing room, she was bright and ready to answer it. It was a very wide Pokémon world out there, after all – there could be anyone waiting on the other side.

But even knowing that, she wasn’t quite prepared for being bowled over by what she first thought was a horde of Jigglypuffs, before she realised that it was just a very curvy woman wearing pink rushing in to hug her.

“Like, ohmigod, it’s really you! The Princess of Hoenn! I’m, like, totally your biggest fan!”

“Woah-Oof!” The coordinator barely had time to brace before deceptively strong arms were squeezing around her, and she found her face shoved into a very pink, very bouncy valley. “Mmphmn!”

“Oh! Sorry.” The walking marshmallow package- ahem, the mysterious visitor released her, blushing with embarrassment. “I just got, like, so excited to finally meet you in person. I totally couldn’t help myself.”

“Aheh… No… No problem…” May finally got to take a step back and take a look at her visitor. She was a woman with tanned skin and beautiful long dark hair, brown on the cusp of black, slightly hidden by the pink beanie she wore on her head. Her eyes were pale blue, almost silver, but they sparkled like sapphires, giving her face a bright, slightly vapid cheerful look. But of course, to see any of that you had to look up at her face, and that might pose something of a struggle, because the lady was stacked. Those boobs were almost as big as her head, wrapped up tight under a pink jacket, and her ass wasn’t far behind – hell, her pink skirt had a split in each side so that it could wrap around those curves without splitting. May didn’t really have any issues with her own body – she’d long learned to be confident in herself like that – but just looking at this girl was making her feel a bit like a Misty (if you followed her meaning).

And she must have been staring, because the girl giggled happily and struck a pose, showing off her curves even more, sending the blood rushing to May’s face. “Like what you see?”

“Uh! Um. Ahem.” The coordinator coughed into her hand, wrenching her eyes away from the minor complex in the making and clearing her head. “Y-you’re very cute! Are you a coordinator as well? Please, come in, take a seat.”

Hoo, if this girl was her competition, she could already tell how a good few of the older male judges were going to vote. W-well, it took more than an attractive figure to win in this game! Style wasn’t everything – you needed substance too. There was nothing for her to be jealous over here. Ugh, she really was turning into Misty.

“Oh no, not really,” the beautiful babe stepped in, skipping over to the seat May directed her to. “I’m just a fan. A super fan! My name’s Brandi~”


“It’s nice to meet you, Brandi. I’m May.” She smiled and stuck out her hand. Introducing herself was maybe a bit silly, but it was polite none the less.

“Oh, I know~” Brandi giggled, taking the other woman’s hand in her own and shaking, her pink nails glittering in the light. “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you for a long long time.”

“Well, I’m always happy to meet a fan~” May preened, letting her ego strut a little. She wasn’t going to let herself get too big headed, but it was nice to bask in other’s appreciation every now and then. “What did you want to see me about?”

“Oh right!” The raven haired girl’s eyes lit up as she remembered that she wasn’t just here to fangirl over her favourite top coordinator. “I’ve got, like, a super great offer for you. Hold on, lemme get it…”

She shrugged the backpack she was wearing off her back – May had missed it behind all those curves, and almost did again as that shrug of hers sent her chest jiggling. Then, as if that wasn’t enough, she turned around and bent over to rummage around in said back, sticking her butt out to wiggle around as she hunted for whatever she was after. Wow, this girl was just walking fanservice, wasn’t she?

Trying to look anywhere that wasn’t bouncing curves, May’s eyes focused on the backpack – a pink little number with several ‘P’ symbols on its front and sides. Huh, she didn’t recognise that style of logo… Though, now that she looked, Brandi had a few of them around her. She was wearing a necklace which dangled a large pink P just over her cleavage normally (it was currently hanging just below her boobs since she was bent over), and that same P was one that she saw embroidered into the front of woman’s beanie. Huh. Something of a theme?

Before she could dwell on it more, though, her guest let out an “Aha!” and spun around, holding her prize up in the air – a pink Pokéball. “Found it~”

May blinked. “A Pokémon?” Then she frowned. “Uh, look, I’m not looking to do any trades or anything, you know? All of my Pokémon are important to me – they’re practically my family.” She definitely saw them way more often than she saw her actual brother! “And I don’t really want to change my line-up, either.”

But Brandi shook her head. “Oh no no no, don’t worry! This isn’t a trade. I’m like, totally gifting her to you~”

Wha… Gifting? Woah, that was a pretty big deal. But you couldn’t just give away your Pokémon to someone you’d just met. It wasn’t like she was looking for a new starter or anything. “Listen, I’m touched, but I’m sure that Pokémon means a lot to you, I couldn’t possibly…”

The girl just giggled again. “Nooo, silly. She’s not mine, don’t worry. She’s a gift for you, court- cortely… like, ‘specially from Team Pink!”

That stopped May dead. “Team… Pink?”

“Yep!” Brandy struck a proud pose, one hand on her hip, the other thrusting the pink Pokéball – which also had a ‘P’ on it, now she was looking for it – forwards. “The bestest team ever! And I’m, like, totally a member~ Mmmh, member…~”

For some reason, the raven haired girl’s gaze turned dreamy, and for a second the coordinator thought she saw her start to drool.

She was focused on another part of what she’d said though. “Team Pink? That’s not like Team Rocket, is it?” Honestly, the word ‘Team’ had become a bit of a red flag in May’s book. If it wasn’t a collection of weirdos trying to steal a Pikachu, then it was a bunch of semi-apocalyptic jerks trying to unleash the devastating power of ancient Pokémon… Look, she’d just had some bad experiences that made her wary, alright? So now she was starting to get concerned.

Alas, Brandi didn’t exactly set her at ease with what she said next. “Gawd no, we’re way cooler than those losers~”

The brunette’s frown deepened. “Riiight. So, what does ‘Team Pink’ do exactly?”

“We’re, like, trying to fill the world with lots of love and stuff!”

Huh. “Oh. Well that doesn’t sound so bad…”

“Oh, and tons of fucking and sex and stuff~” The tanned girl’s hand moved from her hip to her chest, groping her chest as her expression turned heated and lustful. “Mmm, gunna ride, like, so many cocks…”

May’s expression went flat. “What.”

“Mmm, yeah~” Brandi’s legs were rubbing together, her breath growing hot and heavy as her fingers continued to squeeze her breast. “The Boss says once I recruit enough hot babes to the Team, he might even fuck me himself~ Haaah, I, like, I just can’t wait!”

Oh, so it was one of those cults, then! Hahaha, yeah, no.

“Okay, well I can definitely say I’m not interested now,” May stated firmly. She pointed to the door. “So you can take your ‘gift’ and your weird little cult speech and get out, before I call for Officer Jenny.”

“Awh, don’t be a like that… Oh, I know what’ll change your mind!” Brandi flashed her a grin, before throwing her Pokéball to the floor between them. “Come on out, Wigglytuff!”

There was a flash of red light, and then a familiar shape materialised, emerging from the ball. A slightly rounded pink form, with big floppy ears and wide, bright blue eyes – very much like her Trainer’s.


May swallowed, backing up. She’d experienced the power of Wigglytuff’s unevolved form Jigglypuff for herself a couple of times, and had heard plenty of stories about how potent their songs could be. The last thing she wanted to do was fall asleep in the same room as this weirdo! Clearly, she was going to have to get forceful about this. The coordinator reached for her Pokémon on her belt…

But Brandi was too quick for her. “Wigglytuff, use Sing!”

The pink Pokemon’s eyes lit up, and it quickly went to obey, opening its mouth and unleashing a musical

“Wiiigglyyy tuffff, Wiggllyyyy, Wiggletuuuffff…”

“Ah…!” May tried to cover her ears, but it was too late. She could feel the song echoing in her ears, the soft, soothing notes playing through her mind. Much as she tried to resist them, she could feel their magic starting to work on her, a drowsy haze spreading through her thoughts. It felt distractingly pleasant, a gentle, relaxing sensation, like being tucked into a warm bed.

But… This was different, somehow, from the last time she’d heard a Jigglypuff’s song. There was a different energy to it, one she couldn’t quite place. That same slow sleepy feeling was there, sinking into her and trying to pull her under, that was for sure. But this time it came with something else. A kind of… energizing buzz. A strange, building heat in her chest and… and elsewhere.

What was this? Her brow scrunched up as she tried to figure it out, but the song was tangling up her thoughts, slowing her down. She fought hard not to fall asleep, like she was expecting, and this energy seemed to help with that, so… That meant it was good, right?

It certainly felt good. The heat was starting to spread, leaking out from her chest to other areas, into her head, her belly, and especially between her thighs. Hoping it would help her stay awake, she encouraged it, stoked the flames higher, allowed it to spread further, and she soon found herself gasping as she swayed on her feet, her body filled with the demand for… something… Something that was on the tip of her tongue…

A familiar giggle caught her ear as someone slid up next to her. “I like, totally love this song,” Brandi whispered as she wrapped her arms around May’s waist. Distantly, in a part of her head not tangled in song or melting in the heat, she noted how nice the girl’s big boobs felt pressed into her back. “Doesn’t it make you feel all hot and horny and stuff?”

“H… Hot and… Horny…?” Yes, that was it. That was what she was feeling. Horny. She was horny.

She was really horny.

May was not a woman given to flights of passion (unless food was involved), but right now she had needs and they demanded to be met. Having given herself over to the heated flow of the music she didn’t even consider if she should be trying to resist it, instead letting herself sink into a hot and horny haze. Her lips parted, her eyes already thickly glazed, as her hands sank down from her ears and started to stroke at her body, one hand reaching for her chest, the other starting to rub at her shorts.

“Yeah, that’s right~” Brandi was still giggling, her voice approving as she saw May start to give in. “I always get that way when I hear this song too. Listen real close, and you can even hear the lyrics!”

Lyrics…? She strained to hear them. There couldn’t possibly be actual lyrics to this song, could there?

At first, she was sure there weren’t, just hearing the usual Pokéspeak… But the closer she listened, the more she thought she could detect another voice, singing just under that. A soft, coy voice, drawing her in the more she tried to hear them…

Hotter Wetter Harder Faster
Empty Whore, Know your Master
Mind is melting, Hard to think
Just don't bother, let it sink!

Boobs like pillows and brains like fluff
It's way too hard to think and stuff!
Just be slutty, just be free
Embrace this song and dance for me!

Swing those hips and let them grow
Smack those lips get ready to blow
Shake those tits unleash the mayhem
Scrap those brains you just don't need 'em!

Ride those dicks and lick those cunts
Join Team Pink you stupid dunce
Leaking fast, thoughts lost in limbo
Face it bitch you're just a bimbo!

Not too long ago, a song with lyrics like these would have horrified May. She wasn’t the most prudish woman in the world, but she was still a straight laced woman, no matter how big of a star she’d become. But now, with these words flowing in through her ears, pounding into her brain, making her spine tingle and her pussy drip…

They were the hottest thing she’d ever heard. An anthem of debauchery that seemed to sing to her soul – or at very least, to her pussy, which was starting to soak through her shorts, her hand still desperately rubbing…

And then an unfamiliar hand slid into her panties and started to stroke, thumb circling and tweaking her clit delightfully while the rest slid inside to satisfy her further.

“Do you feel it, May?” Brandi whispered into her ear, her fingers never stopping their delightful massage. “The power of Team Pink?”

May’s eyes fluttered, her ears still ringing with the song, her head bombarded with slutty lyrics on one side and pleasure on the other. There wasn’t a hope of resisting.

“Yes…” She sighed, practically melting into Brandi’s grip.

The raven haired bimbo grinned. “Do you wanna join? Do you want to be a smoking hot bimbo who gets, like, all the cocks and cunts she can count?”

How could such an amazing offer be refused? “Yes!” The brunette’s voice grew stronger as her body trembled with pleasure and song.

“Then let it in!” Brandi’s fingers stroked and flicked, her other hand coming up to May’s chest to grope and squeeze. “Let the song wash through you, and make you the bimbo you were totally born to be!”

There could be only one answer.

“YES!” May’s voice bounced of the ceiling as she yelled, almost startling the poor Wigglytuff out of her song before the Pokémon recovered her rhythm. And as she did, her song grew louder, blasting in through the coordinator’s ears and surging through her entire body. She moaned, feeling the heat within starting to build towards a climax – and as it did, she could swear the lyrics of the song started speaking to her directly…

That's a good girl, you'll serve well
Feel them grow and boost and swell
You'll never know a bra that fits
Around your bouncy new titanic tits

“Oooohh…” And she could feel it. She could feel the heat bubbling up inside her chest, could feel as her brea- as her titsswelled out, the zipper on her jacket shooting down as her boobs grew. Before long it had burst completely, the clasp ripping off entirely and letting the red fabric hang loose against her incredibly boosted bust. A massive pair of titanic titties that she and Brandi were happy to explore together.

And that's not all for a girl who's loyal
You've earned yourself an ass that's royal
Feel it fatten, feel it plump
Dream of serving with your rump

Not long after, her shorts were starting to strain, the stitches popping one by one as her ass began to grow too. Heat boiled away inside her, fuelling the incredible growth with her lusts, and rewarding her with pleasure for every inch and ounce gained. Soon her cheeks were every bit the equal of her tits, the formerly proud, if dainty coordinator now an undeniably curvy hourglass – and her shorts were strips of torn fabric lying on the floor, along with her panties.

Last of all, here comes the charge
You have a brain that's rather large
In trade for all the pleasure you've felt
Now it's time to let it melt

Let it melt she did. What use did a slutty bimbo have for a brain, after all? May cooed with delight and squirmed in her new bestie’s grip as she felt all of her thoughts break down – her skills, her , her memories all draining away, melting out of her head to leaving nothing but, like, ditzy bimbo bliss!

And at her side, Brandi was eager to encourage her. “That’s it! You’re doing great, sweetie! Now just gather up all those silly brains and stuff you used to have and cum them out of you – seal in the change so you can, like, be a happy hot horny bimbo forever and ever!”

“Haaahh…” May giggled and gasped, her delightfully empty head still full of song and heat, with nothing left to get in their way. It felt all so good! Her big titties and her beautiful booty were just, like, the bestest things ever! And she could keep them so long as she came? Gawd, could Team Pink get, like, any better? She was so super lucky she got invited to join!

That’s right May, no need to think
Now that you’re a loyal Pink
A horny slut who’s gone all dumb
Only a bimbo gets to cum!

The brunette opened her mouth to squeal as everything building within her, the heat, the song, the pleasure, finally reached a crescendo, only for Brandi to lean in and capture her lips in a kiss, pumping her fingers in one last time. And as she did, May’s eyes flashed love-heart pink, and her lower lips spasmed, juices squirting out of her and carrying the last fragments of her former intelligent self away for good. She was a bimbo now, through and through.

“Mmmnh~” The kiss lasted for quite some time, the two happily twirling tongues together. When it finally ended, the pair of busty, brainless babes giggled at each other, and May quickly went back in to kiss again – but Brandi pulled back.

“Sorry, babe, but before we get, like, really into making out, I gotta bring you back and introduce you to the Boss! He’ll be, like, super pleased to see you.”

“The Boss?” May’s eyes lit up with vapid bimbo lust. “Oooh, do you think he’ll, like, give me a proper initi- inishiashon… Uh, give me a proper welcome to the group? With his dick?”

Brandi grinned. “Yeah! He does that with all the new members! Oh, that reminds me – here’s your new uniform!”

She reached down into her backpack and pulled out a pink jacket and skirt combo exactly like the ones she was wearing. May squealed, of course, and quickly pulled them on, struggling a bit to get even the very loose clothing over her yummy new curves. But eventually she managed – looking up just in time to see a proud Brandi lower a necklace of her very own down over her head and around her neck. Looking down, she could see the pink P hanging proudly between her boobs.

“Team Pink May, like, reporting for duty!” She saluted, her tits jiggling proudly beneath her tight jacket.

“Oooh, the Boss is going to love you! Mmn, we’d better get going or, like, I’mma forget my mission and totally fuck you here!” Brandi saluted her right back, before grabbing her pink Pokéball once again. “Come on back, Wigglytuff! It’s time to go home.”

“Wiggly!” Wigglytuff gave her trainer a bright thumbs up before disappearing back into her ball. Her job was done here, and she’d done it well.

Thus, two very curvy ladies skipped away from the contest centre, vanishing into the dark of night. The sudden disappearance of the Princess of Hoenn would cause a small stir in the town, before her equally sudden reappearance a few days later. But when she returned, she would, of course, tell everyone not to worry – that she’d been off studying new routines, and had a real showstopper to show everyone at her next contest, whenever that would be. And in the meantime, there was this neat club that she’d joined that she’d totally like to introduce people to…

Of course, May didn’t know about any of that yet. She was just following after her new bestie, eyes mainly focused on how cute the other woman’s butt was when she strutted like that! But more than anything, the thing that filled her incredibly vapid head was the promise that she had been made: She was going to get all the cocks and cunts she could count! Which was gunna be, like, one… two… uh… lots! It was going to be awesome!

Yeah, Team Pink was just, like, the best team ever. She couldn’t wait to get started sharing love with the world~


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