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“I don’t know.” Agent Bella Clangor leaned back in her chair, exhausted after a five hour briefing. How had she drawn the short straw to end up with a universe like this to fix? “This one is just a huge mess. Whatever’s happened to their timeline has really screwed everything up here – is fate even still a thing on this planet?”

“No idea.” Her handler, a man who enabled far too many of her bad habits, but no where near as many as his own, patted her on the back. “But if it’s not, c’mon, that’ll make our jobs easier.”

She gave him a single green eyed glare, the other still buried under her brow massaging hand. “It is never, ever that simple – and you damn well know it.”

“Ha!” He grinned, the expression making him look like a cheap executive type villain from an 80s kids movie thanks to his slicked back black hair. “You need to learn to be more of an optimist. You’re just going to miss opportunities if you go in so cynical all the time.”

Her glare did not let up – not even slightly.

He chuckled. “Okay, look - Straightening this place out seems pretty simple. To me, at least. I mean, you’ve really only got the three problems.” He raised a finger. “The crazy guy with a katana running around who might try to blow up the planet
” He raised a second. “The mega corporation literally burning the planet’s life force for fuel
” And then a third. “And, of course, the rebels going around blowing everything up.”

“So sure, katana guy is scary, but a combat team can totally deal with him. I mean really, how bad can he be? The poor bastard can barely do anything without possessing people to do it for him or whatever.” The handler shook his head. “We just need to focus on the corporate guys. Shinra. That’s where the real problem is. I bet if we del with that one, the rebels will mostly fall apart on their own – minimal mop-up. See? Simple.”

The agent rolled her eyes, brushing her brown hair out of her face with a frustrated swipe. “Yeah, sure, but with the timeline in flux like this – I mean how the hell did that even happen – we have no way to predict what will happen when we start interfering. And look at this mess!” She leaned forward, activating the touchscreen that made up the surface of the table in front of them. At her command, the images of various important people and events swirled around an image of the planet, all denoting possible points of interference that could result in a timeline change. “There’s so many factions here. Even their afterlife is trying to take a direct hand in things. And then there’s the giant monsters
 And the massive meteor that might hit the planet

“Okay, okay, slow down, slow down.” Her handler reached forward and tapped his finger against one of the swirling dots of information – a logo. Shinra Electric Power Company. “You’re stepping back too far. The big picture’s all well and good, but here, behind all of those factions, these are the ones at the root of things. I’m telling you, all of this world’s problems come from right here. So, if we undermine them a little – bam! Good times and free grog! It’s simple, trust me.”

She sighed again. He had a point – and what’s more, a place to start. It was as good strategy as any at this point. “
 Fine. We’ll give it a shot. What’s your plan?”

The handler laughed, and tapped again. The screen changed, switching to the image of a blonde woman in a red dress, smirking at the camera.

“I think we’ll start by removing this one – the Director of Advanced Weaponry. I think you’ll like her. Goes by the name of Scarlet

Operation Log 5562FF7

Time Period: Pre-Meteor

Target(s): 'Shinra' Corperation: Scarlet


Operative: Agent Clangor

“If there wasn’t a good reason for dragging me all the way out here, I will have your entire facility here bombed back into the ancient’s age.” Scarlet smiled without a single trace of warmth at her host. Behind her, her personal helicopter was still winding down, fresh from the flight from Midgar. “I hope that was already clear. I don’t enjoy wasting my time on fools errands.”

“Of course, ma’am.” The green-eyed, brown haired executive meeting her at the helipad bowed in polite deference, her attitude crisp and professional. “But I think you’ll be pleased with what we’ve developed out here at Centre V. Our research has uncovered some interesting data with intriguing applications for weapons development.”

The blonde director snorted, moving past the executive and into the facility itself. “We’ll see. If it gets me something that I don’t have to rely on the creep Hojo for then I’ll consider it worth the trip.”

Centre V was one of Shinra’s most modern facilities, located in the often-ignored Alfen plains, to the north east of Midgar itself. Bristling with the most recent technological advancements known to mankind, it was an independent station with some of the highest security protections short of all those secret labs that the science division kept leaving all over the place. And it was devoted entirely to weapon’s research, Scarlet’s primary passion.

“I don’t recognise you. Are you new?” Which was why she kept a close eye on goings on there, despite her indifferent appearance.

“I’ve been working as Dr. Williamson’s aide for four years now,” the ‘executive’ answered, following her boss in step. “When he transferred to Centre X last month, I was asked to take on supervision duties here until a proper replacement could be found.”

It had been a real bitch setting that up, too. Bella had been lucky it had only taken weeks instead of years to infiltrate the facility that deeply – editing memories and records to that kind of extent was always difficult when you had to work with such a widespread corporation. Fortunately, the relative isolation of Centre V had limited how much work she’d had to do.

Scarlet nodded, seemingly satisfied. “And just what was it you found that couldn’t wait for that replacement?”

“Just through here, ma’am.” The undercover agent paused before a pair of metal sliding doors and allowed the camera overhead to scan her. It was an act she’d been through countless times since she’d arrived here, and VIPER’s hacking software had always gotten her through impeccably
 But she still couldn’t help but feel nervous, especially with the boss standing over her shoulder. “Lab C.”

The entryway slid open to reveal a white room – an uncontaminated lab space – just beyond another pair of airtight glass doors. Together, the pair stepped in, undergoing a quick decontamination process that clearly had the blonde in the red dress feeling impatient. “So what am I looking at?” She asked, peering through the glass at the item laying in the centre of the room ahead.

“Item 30O3X,” Bella listed the ID easily from memory. “An ancient artifact uncovered from one of Shinra’s dig sites on the western continent.” That was a lie – she’d brought it in after getting it crafted in another reality herself, but she’d already tweaked the records to back up her claim. “We’re not sure how old exactly-”

“How did you get it here?” Scarlet interrupted, peering at her curiously. “Research and Development never let centra artifacts out of their sight – not until they’ve wrung every last drop of data out of them that they can. How would we get one here – and without my knowing about it?”

Shit. Uh. Come on, she’d prepped for this, what was it
 “We’re not entirely sure if they simply overlooked it, or it was mislabelled and shipped to us by mistake.” The agent shrugged casually. “We could ask them, but they don’t seem to have missed it.”

When in doubt, blame shipping, and count on greed.

Scarlet’s curious expression morphed into a nasty grin. “Oh, that pig Hojo screwed up? Well how delightful. Alright, let’s see what kind of toy we’ve got here. I take it it’s safe to approach?”

“Oh, entirely.” Bella tried not to smirk, even behind her target’s back. It just wouldn’t be professional. “It only reacts to very specific targets

“Targets?” The glass doors slid open, and the two entered the room, approaching the table upon which 30O3X lay, waiting in a specimen box. It was a large, rectangular bell, about the size of two fists, made of bronze, or at least a bronze-coloured material. Cheap to construct, perhaps, but sturdy – and decorated simply with the engraved image of a cow. From its top, a lengthy, looped chain hung, a collar of some kind.

“Mm. It’s the strangest thing.” Bella pulled out a tablet, activating the timer app she’d had prepared. “It only works on cows.”

“Cows?” Scarlet paused in her examination of the artifact, lifting it and turning it over to inspect it in full. Her brow furrowed as she looked back over her shoulder. “Well what use is that?”

“You’d be surprised.” The agent pulled out a touch-screen pen and started making notes. “Cows come in all shapes and sizes. Some even look human to the untrained eye. Some even think they are human, until properly corrected. That’s what this artifact does.”

A touch of confidence was creeping into her voice now, her nerves a thing of the past now that they were over the first hurdle. But Scarlet was far from impressed.

“If this is some sort of joke,” the blonde muttered, rolling her eyes as she carefully looped the bell’s chain over her head and around her neck, “then you’ll be scrubbing mako reactors from the inside before the day is out, understand? Now explain yourself.”

“Certainly, Miss Scarlet.” The agent tapped on her tablet. “You see, we’ve found that the bell’s effects on cows can be measured in five stages. The first is attraction. As soon as the cow sees the bell, she is immediately compelled to examine it, and, if not prevented, to wear it around their necks. So far, this has been recorded in 100% of cases. Interestingly, most cows aren’t even aware that they’re doing this. It seems to be a kind of unconscious instinct.”

The Director snorted, a hand resting on her hip as the bell clanged around her neck. “So you’re sticking with this nonsense, are you? So be it. You’re a cute little thing I suppose – maybe I’ll take some time to break you before I have you used as a target for firing practice. I- Oh. Nnh.” She winced suddenly, her hand rising from her hip to pull at the collar of her dress, which was starting to look a little tight. “Damnit, I just had this thing fitted. Maybe I’ll have the tailor thrown onto the firing range with you.”

“Oh, that won’t be necessary, ma’am,” the brown-haired agent assured her with a helpful smile. “Your tailor did just fine! No, I think the problem is that you’re dealing with the onset of stage two: Breast expansion. Just like stage one, this has been seen in every subject so far, though the amount of growth and the speed of it can vary. It looks like – Oh, my, you’re going to be very big

“What are you – Nngh – talking abou-Ahh!”


Even as the blonde executive tried to deny it, physics was having its way with her dress. Already a rather blessed woman in the bust department, a sudden surge of swelling pushed her breasts far beyond the ability for her trademark red number to contain. With a great tearing sound, the two straps that made up her neckline were torn apart, and before she could even react, the rest of Scarlet’s dress slid right down her slender body to pool at her feet – leaving her clad in (equally red) panties, and little else.

To her credit, her cry was more one of surprise, rather than a shriek of mortification, and it was coupled with a gasp of relief as the tight pressure on her chest was instantly relieved. The woman had no problem with using her body to get what she wanted, and her sudden nudity was more of an irritation than a humiliation. But make no mistake – as her glare at Bella clearly spelled out, her fury was beyond words right now.

Around her neck, the bell was ringing proudly. Clang clang, clang clang

By the time Scarlet’s sudden growth spurt was over, her breasts were both larger than twice the size of her head – large, perhaps, but perfectly fitting for a cow in the making. She was clearly struggling to hold them, her arms wrapped around them and barely keeping them up. Their weight would probably mean eventual back problems if she tried to continue her life as normal with them. Fortunately for her, that wasn’t part of the plan.

“This,” she half snarled, half gasped, “is ridiculous. Whatever materia you’re using for this pathetic prank is going to wear off, but what I do to you never will, do you understand me?!”

“Perfectly,” the agent nodded, taking more notes. “Which is quite impressive for cow speak. But tell me, do you feel anything else? Perhaps you’re experiencing odd changes elsewhere? Stage three has been rather inconsistent for most of our subjects here.”

“What-?!” For a moment, it looked like Scarlet was about to charge Bella and try to beat her with her bare hands – a risk that the agent had taken as negligible, given the strains her body was about to undergo, but perhaps she’d been a bit over confident

But before any pummelling could begin, there was another ripping sound, and the blonde’s eyes went wide. Then, a moment later, her panties, too, joined the pool of fabric on the floor, as a thin black and white tail with a white puff of fur at the end sprouted from the base of her spine. Shocked, her hands reached back to feel her new appendage, soon discovering how sensitive it was – just in time for two small horns to poke out of her hair.

“Wha- Wh- Whhoooooot is happoooning t-toooo m
 mmmmoooooo??” The blonde looked horrified as even her tongue betrayed her, her every word trying to stretch itself into a distinctively bovine sound.

“Tail, horns, and mooing?” Bella did a triple mark on her checklist. “My my, I’m surprised a cow like you could ever fool yourself into thinking you were human. But don’t worry – stage four always helps clear this up. And you should be just about ready to start

“Ngh!” There was a short, sharp squeak as Scarlet felt a surge of sudden indescribable release
 And then liquid pleasure was dripping down the front of her nipples, creamy white goodness dripping down and staining the fabric of her already shredded dress. Milk. She was
 She was lactating

Stunned and awash with a strange, constant trickle of pleasure, the executive reached up for her breasts curiously
 Only for her fingers to be slapped away by a firm hand, which lifted her left boob for inspection.

“Not bad
” The agent decided, feeling the weight and heft while she examined Scarlet’s flow. “You’ll be a good little milker once we get you all hooked up! Won’t that be nice? You won’t need to do anything but eat, sleep, and get these big udders squeezed

The word was coupled with the action. Bella’s fingers dug deep in to soft, yielding breast flesh, and immediately drew out a rewarding squirt – and sent a mild melting burst of pleasure up through the blonde’s brain. There was no resisting or fighting the sensation, or the moan that erupted from her lips.


“Thaaat’s a good girl.” The agent squeezed again, grinning at the moo she drew out. “Hm, you’ll need a good cow name, now that you’re giving up all this pretending to be a human business. Something like Scarlet just won’t do at all. How about something nice and simple, like Bessy?”

?” The executive swayed in her captor’s arms, a thin trail of drool starting to leak down the side of her mouth. Something was very, very wrong here. Stubborn willpower and pride tried to fight through the pleasure drunk haze that had fallen over her mind, but each squeeze to her tits knocked them off their metaphorical feet. She could barely even struggle as the bell around her neck rang and rang

Clang! Clang! Clang!

But her inner turmoil must have shown on her face, because her brown-haired tormenter leaned in and smirked at her. “Oh? Still trying to tell yourself that you’re not a cow in that pretty little head of yours? Well that’s okay. Stage five shouldn’t be long now.”

She didn’t need to spell out what stage five was. Scarlet could feel it coming – a blank, empty headed passivity that was slowly falling over her mind. A bovine instinct, pushing out everything human in her soul. The thoughts of a cow, and nothing more. She had to resist it, to force it back if she ever wanted to be able to think like a sentient being ever again

But before she could even try, Bella tapped something on her tablet, and two suction cups on long hoses dropped down from the ceiling and sealed themselves over her breasts. “Luckily, this lab is well equipped to handle a cow like you. Let’s get you properly milked, now, shall we?”


She never stood a chance. The instant the pumps turned on and the cups began to suck, she was lost. If she’d thought a little squirt was pleasure, then there was no way she could have prepared for the tsunami of brain frying delight that flooded through her the instant that her udders were properly suckled. Milk flowed from her busted up boobs like a pair of undammed rivers, and with it flowed any sense of restraint, resistance, or reserve.


The blonde cow who had been Scarlet collapsed to her knees, juices from her cunt squirting to join the puddle of milk on the floor, as her sense, her intelligence, her very identity itself, was steadily, mercilessly, pumped out of her. Her mind itself, milked out and spirited away to who knows where. And in its place, a simple, docile creature took root – wanting nothing more than to eat, sleep, and milk.

Bessie mooed with delight as the last of her old sense was squeezed out of her udders, and her eyes filled with swirling, mindless black and white spirals.


The bell rang once last time, signalling the end of Scarlet’s transformation, and Agent Bella ticked one last box on her list. Stage five: Mindlessness. Then she stopped the timer.

“Hm. Two minutes, seven seconds. I think that might be a new record.” She grinned and leaned down, looking her cow straight in its empty, spiral-filled eyes. “Maybe you really were a cow, and you just didn’t know it.”


The agent chuckled and scratched the blonde under the chin, drawing a pleased nuzzle from the mindless beast. “Nothing you need to worry about dear. Now, let’s get you home and hooked up properly, hm?” She clipped a leash onto the cow’s collar. “Don’t worry. You’ll have plenty of sisters to play with – no fear of getting lonely. Who knows, you might even have a few more soon enough~”

And as she led her newest livestock off to her new life, the agent couldn’t help but wonder – would this really help the world she was trying to save?

Only time would tell


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