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Okay, this one definitely wandered off in its own direction, sorry for that!


“Look, I’m not saying that witch magic is bad or anything…” Kevandor the twelfth, master of the windswept peaks of the golden mountains (his friends called him Kev) leaned back, slurping on his soda and eyed the crowd moving around his table for any sign of his incoming food. “Just, you know, incantations. They’re so slow, and it’s so much to remember. Runes are just plain better, you know?”

“Oh please.” Elanor the black shine had to resist the urge to laugh as she sipped at her coffee. “We get into this every time. Incantations are not hard – you just suck at rhyming. And they’re only slow if you don’t know what you’re doing. I can turn a thief into a frog in three lines! Hell, Mistress Peridor can do it in one, and move them to the pond with the same spell. You’re not going to get that kind of flexibility with – what, thirty runes?”

“Thirty-eight.” Kev set his soda down and sighed, brushing at his red apprentice robes. “And they say they discovered four new ones last year over in the Australian branch. Who knows, when they release the study on those, we could have a whole new paradigm of magic at our fingertips.”

“Ha!” The younger witch – not quite certified enough to be wearing her pointy black hat outside of official events yet, and so making do with a black baseball cap instead – managed to resist the urge to cackle. Her teachers at the academy had told her she was far too quick to pop hers out, and that half the power in a good evil laugh was knowing when to use it.

(Still, by their commendations, she was on good track for becoming a powerful wicked witch before she’d even reached her mid-20s! Now if only she could do something about her hair. Long, flowing golden locks were not the calling card of a dark sorceress – not unless she went into the frost magic school, and honestly she wasn’t all that fond of the cold…)


“You wizards are always saying that. You haven’t found a new rune since the days of Merlin, but every time we catch up, there’s always some new discovery waiting in the wings that’ll totally up-end the balance of power, just wait and see… What was it last time, a new use for phoenix feathers?”

“… Okay, in my defense, they do make for very nice party lights.”

“Yes, because they’re on fire.”

“Anyway, it’s not like your side doesn’t have stupid schemes all the time too. What happened to all that glacier water that was going to make your potions ten times stronger?”

“It’s quite difficult to get hold of that stuff these days…” Elanor sighed and set down her cup. “But let’s face it – there’s only ever one way we settle these debates, isn’t there?”

Kevandor met her look with a grin. “Well, if you insist…”

A shadow fell over the table. The waitress finally arrived. “Hi! I’m so sorry your order took so long – its so busy in here right now. Which one of you ordered the double burger?” She smiled as politely as only a woman trapped in the service industry can.

Witch and wizard smirked at each other in silence for a moment. The waitress, a cute young thing with ponytail bound brown hair looked between them in confusion – wondering, for a moment, if perhaps she had gone to the wrong table.

Then the pair at the table whipped around like snakes, one holding a wand, the other a glowing finger. Before the poor woman could blink, two magical blasts unloaded straight into her face.


Kevandor graciously plucked the fast-food tray out of her hands as her eyes crossed, fireworks going off inside her brain. Around them, the rest of the restaurant continued chattering away, with no one noticing the strange magical behaviour happening in their booth. Naturally, why would they? A lot of work had been put into normal humans being oblivious to the supernatural over the years…

An obliviousness that the waitress was now getting forced into her skull at twice the normal level. A silly little smile was growing on her lips, which were growing pink and plump. Her eyes still hadn’t uncrossed, but they were rapidly shifting from brown to blue – almost as quickly as her hair was turning blonde. The fireworks inside her brain were firing off even faster than ever, the place full of whistles and sparkles, and it was all so very pretty that she really couldn’t mind as it started to melt the place into sludge, now, could she?

Her uniform was starting to lose buttons as her chest puffed up – the standard top of the fast-food joint plenty enough to cover a modest bust, but nowhere near what was needed to contain the massive melons that suddenly filled her bra. Likewise, the jeans she’d been wearing were tearing at every seam as her ass bubbled out to properly plump proportions. Fortunately, just as all of her outfit started to fall apart, a magical sparkle glittered around it, and her clothing was rewoven into a pink crop top and a denim skirt that, together, just barely managed to contain the bouncy bimbo within.

Then, with a pop, the fireworks in her brain completed their festive finale, and finished the work of blasting any semblance of thought or intelligence out of her head, leaving nothing but a beautiful airhead in their wake, standing at the end of the table giggling brainlessly.

Both witch and wizard studied their handiwork with amused interest. “What do you think? Yours or mine?”

“I can’t tell,” Elanor admitted with a laugh. “I definitely did the tits, but I think the lips are yours.”

Kev nodded begrudgingly. “Yeah, I thought so to. I guess we tied. I wonder who got her brains…?”

“Probably both of us, which means she’s probably said goodbye to any number that requires counting with more than two hands. Wanna keep her?”

“Nah. The rest of my year’d never stop giving me crap over taking a witch’s work home. You?”

“Mistress Chela won’t let me bring any more back with me.” The witch shook her head, then waved the waitress off. “Okay, get going, we don’t need you anymore. Off y’get.”

“Huh?” The bimbo blinked slowly, and then nodded. “Oh, right! Like, sorry ‘bout that!”

And off she went, wandering straight out of the front door. She worked in a very different service industry now, and instinctively, she knew that her street corner would be getting cold…

But back at the table, nothing had been solved.

“Well, quick draw didn’t settle anything.” Kev leaned back in his seat, now munching on his delivered double burger. “What should we try next?”

Elanor dipped a fry as she considered her answer. “Eh, let’s go with the classics. Let’s see who can net the most dumb sluts at once, yeah? I’m eyeing the big table over there.” She nodded her head towards a group of business women clearly attending a working lunch.

“Hm. Guess it’s their own fault for going cheap on the catering.” The wizard started fiddling with the runes that lined the side of his wand. “One spell each, the one who gets the most wins?”

The blonde nodded, already shaping her incantation in her mind. “Deal.”

“Alright, so Rosa, you’ll handle the Jennings account?” Sarah Copperweave adjusted her glasses as she looked at the junior office worker down the table. “I want that sorted by next Monday at the latest.”

“Of course, Miss Copperweave.” The mousy looking blonde nodded, trying to look dignified while sipping at a milkshake. Alas, their regular lunch spot had been closed today (due to another set of magical shenanigans, though these women weren’t to know that), and this had been the fastest compromise. Sarah herself had only ordered a coffee to keep herself looking professional, but not everyone had been able to preserve their image over their stomachs. “I’ll make sure that everything is… Is… Uh.”


The blonde blinked for a moment, her curly hair straightening as her dark rimmed glasses vanished in a puff of pink sparkles. Slowly, her business blazer was starting to strain outwards. “W-wait,” she mumbled, suddenly unsure, her eyes steadily starting to glaze. “What’s the Jennings account again?”

Sarah raised an eyebrow, and then sighed. “It’s nothing a secretary needs to worry about, Rosy,” she said with a roll of her eyes, once again bemoaning how a ditz like this had been hired by her company. Surely it couldn’t have been for her organizational skills.

“Oh right! Like, duh!” Rosy giggled, happily going back to brainlessly sucking on her milkshake straw – an act that somehow came across as incredibly lewd in her hands – just as her IQ finished ticking down to dunce, and her skirt shortened to properly show off her ass.

Ah well, the executive thought. At least it was just the one. She turned her serious gaze onto the next woman at the table. “Penelope, I don’t have to repeat myself, do I?”

“Of course not, Miss Copperweave. The Jennings account will be-” Pop! “-like, totally taken care of in no time at all, yeah? Um, lemme think, that was, like, the big blue file, right?” As she spoke, silver hair turned into platinum, and the suited woman lost twenty years on her age and twice as much IQ – numbers that all seemed to flow into her cup-size.

“That’s right, Penny. Just make sure it reaches Ashley’s desk before the end of work hours today, alright?” Sarah resisted the urge to sigh again. She hated to manage these secretaries so closely, but she’d found if she didn’t then they’d forget all about their jobs and just watch makeup tutorials online all day. Her eyes fixed onto her next target. “I expect results, and quickly.”

Ashley Simmons, a black-haired beauty with emerald green eyes just offered her a self-assured smile and a half shrug. “Have I ever let you down?”

At that, Sarah had to chuckle. “No, of course you haven’t.” There was a reason that Simmons was one of their top people. Pop! Although… “Except when you brought me tea instead of coffee this morning.”

“That was totally not my fault!” The blonde beauty protested, baby-blue eyes shifting nervously as she brushed her curls back over her shoulder. “They looked, like, super similar, how was I supposed to know the difference?”

The executive leaned back in her chair. “It was my own fault for sending you to do it, really,” she said, with just a touch of resignation. She wasn’t sure who was responsible for all of the firm’s secretaries being brainless bimbos, but one day she would find out, and on that day there would be a reckoning…

Hoping for at least some stimulating conversation, she turned to the woman next to her. “Rebecca, did we really need to bring everyone in the department out for this? This feels like a waste of time.”

The redhead at her side laughed. Her fellow executive had a much kinder outlook on life than she did. “Oh come now Sarah, it’s nice to have some group activities once in a while. You never know what you can learn from one another!”

At that, she really did have to roll her eyes. “What could I possibly learn from these bimbos?” she muttered.


“Well, like… Oh, how to do your hair up nice and pretty! It’s such a nice chestnut brown, but you could really bring it out with some highlights! Ooh, or, like, I know a ton of makeup tips you could use to make your lips pop…”

Sarah tuned Becky out, wondering why on earth she’d even tried to talk to the woman. The blonde was possibly the most vapid of the bunch – see? Even now, she’d forgotten she was speaking with her boss and was just applying lipstick with a hand mirror. Ugh, bimbos – bimbos everywhere!

She turned to her last hope – the woman sat across from her. Amanda was a relatively junior member of the company, but as the only other person in the department with a brain, she was a lifeboat in a storm for Sarah. “Look, we’re really short handed at the moment – can I leave the Jennings account with you and not have to think any further about it?”

Amanda smiled reassuringly. “Of course, Miss Copperweave. Just leave it to me - you can forget about it entirely.” Then her expression slowly turned condescending. “Of course, you’ve never had much of a problem with doing that, have you Sarah?”


“Huh?” Sarah blinked, her blue eyes absolutely devoid of any understanding of her boss’s point, pink, plump lips pouting in confusion. She was, like, only an intern, it was totally unfair to ask her tough questions like that! “Um, I mean… Yes Miss Sellars~ You know best!”

Amanda chuckled. “That I do! Just like I know that if you want that raise, you’re going to have to earn it under the table…”

The blonde intern with pink highlights blinked again. If anything, she looked even dumber this time. “Huh?”

“Just get under the table and eat me out, stupid.” Right, Sarah was dumber than a box of rocks. No clever metaphors for her – or even really simple metaphors, at that.

“Ooooh!” Dim blue eyes lit up. “I can do that!” And she slid out of her chair, crawling over to Miss Sellars, her boobs bouncing underneath her tight blouse, her fat ass riding up her short skirt so much that anyone looking – if they could see past all the secretaries legs in the way, anyway – could see she had again forgotten to wear any panties today…

“Mmn, that’s right.” Amanda smiled as she felt Sarah’s tongue slide home. “Just like that. Keep that up, and soon-” Pop! “I can like, switch places and do yours!”

Mandi bit her lip, trying (and failing) to stop herself from giggling, her big ol’ titties already almost falling out of her blouse as her fellow intern ate her out. Mmm, a quickie and a chat with, like, the smartest girls she’d ever met? This was the best lunch ever! She totally couldn’t wait until the next one~

“Awh, no fair, that last one was resisting until she shoved her friend’s head under her skirt.” Elenore grumbled as they watched an entire table of bimbos giggle and fuss with each other.

Kev smirked. “Nah, I had her dead to rights. I was just giving her turn a little extra flare.”

The witch didn’t seem any happier. “Well fine then, another tie. Now what?”

That was the stumper. So far they were equals in speed and size. So how about…

“Okay, I’ve got an idea,” Kevandor nodded, finishing up his burger. “This one should settle it. A test of expertise. We cast one bimbo spell on one lucky lady, and we both guess how long she can resist before she goes fully blonde and brainless. The winner is the one who guesses the closest to when her head goes pop. Get it?”

Elanor snorted. “I get that I’m about to win this little contest hands down, yeah.”

“Ah, confidence! Wanna put your money where your mouth is?”

That got a chuckle – and the witch made a show of reaching into her pocket and drawing out a crisp dollar to lay on the table. “Sure. Now which spell are we using?”

Kev grinned. “The basics, the basics. Just Bimborificatious, at its lowest level. I’ve tried this before - the record is 2 hours, 14 minutes. The record holder used to be a valedictorian who was studying quantum physics at some big university or other. Now she goes by the name Bubbles and she works down near the train station.”

“Oh, hey, I remember her!”

“Yeah, she’s fun. I think resisting that long meant it hit her even harder when she finally popped.” The wizard smiled at the fond memory, before shaking his head. “Anyway, I’ve got the spell – you pick the target.”

The witch took a moment to scan the crowd. “How aboooout… Her? She looks like the smart type.”

She pointed at a woman sat on her lonesome over in a distant corner, typing away on a laptop, a stack of books at her side. Kevandor had to admit, she looked perfect for the trial.

“Alright – I give her thirty minutes.”

Elanor raised an eyebrow. “Thirty minutes? Come on, those textbooks aren’t that advanced. She lasts twenty, tops.”

“Lowest setting, remember?”

“Oh, I remember.” The blonde witch leaned back and enjoyed her coffee. “Twenty minutes. Trust me.”

The wizard reached for his wand. “Well, I like the confidence. Let’s see if you’re right…”

Natasha Liverly was having one of those days. The big test was tomorrow, and she had barely studied. It was fine though – she knew her stuff, she knew the subject. She was great at this stuff; it wouldn’t be a problem. But with the pressure slowly building, she hadn’t been able to resist the urge for a last-minute cram session. Just to refamiliarize herself with the basics. Unfortunately, even that was starting to drain her energy supplies. Any study session would eventually start to wear, but she’d hoped she’d be able to last a little longer…

… Huh? Wait. Suddenly, she didn’t feel so bad. Actually, she was feeling pretty refreshed! Could this be her second academic wind?! Haha, if she could keep going even longer then she was definitely going to ace this test! Time to hit the books even harder!

She grinned as she pulled open a book and started on a new chapter – oblivious to the pink sparkles raining down around her, soaking into her plain dark t-shirt and casual jeans.

Kev and El shared a knowing look.

1 minute: Natasha felt a slight tingle between her legs, but ignored it. Yeah, sure sure, she hadn’t gotten laid in months, but she had her work to focus on. When the time was right, then sure, maybe she’d start looking for a guy again. For now, she had more important things to be doing.

5 minutes: The brunette was starting to sweat. Had it gotten hot in here, or was it just her? Maybe she needed to take a break and go for a walk or something… No, no, if she did that then she’d never get her table back. She’d tough it out for now – squirming a little in her seat as her inner heat continued to build.

10 minutes: Absently, Nat twirled a lock of still-brown hair between her fingers, staring at her textbook like it had been written in another language. Ugh. She felt like she’d read this page three times already, and it still wasn’t making any sense. Maybe it was time to move on to something else…

17 minutes: Oop! Nat giggled as she almost knocked her coffee cup out of her hands. When had her chest gotten all the way out there? Silly. Well, at least if she had trouble on the big exam tomorrow, she could always give her teachers a cheeky flash and see if they’d change her grade for her! Big boobies like hers were really useful for that kind of thing~

20 minutes: Natty blew a streak of mostly-blonde hair out of her face and shoved the book she’d been trying to read across the table. Nope, no good. Books were, like, super dull – especially on a nice day like this. Even the restaurant’s social energy wasn’t getting her through it. Maybe she could just get some work done on her laptop instead.

What, uh… What was she working on again? She couldn’t quite remember…

22 minutes: Tasha had given up on trying to work out what all the spreadsheets and documents were supposed to be for. She just couldn’t bring herself to care today. It was so nice and happy out here, she just found herself browsing the web at random, looking at funny videos while she enjoyed her coffee.

Besides, like, how was she supposed to focus when her girls could barely breathe? She needed to get a new top later – this white blouse was cute, but it was just too tight! Imagine how bad it’d be if she’d been wearing a bra! The thought made her giggle and wiggle in her seat, her tight short skirt hugging her thick hips snuggly.

Ohh, she was feeling really randy though. Maybe it’d help her focus if she looked up some porn – no, she couldn’t do that here! … Could she?

25- Pop!

Tats moaned as she came, her tongue lolling out as her glazed eyes remained fixed on all the handsome hunks and beautiful babes she had fucking on her screen, her remaining brains melting out of her ears. Mmm, study time was, like, the best! She could watch so much porn and, like, no one would bother her! And it was totally legit, too! She had a big exam tomorrow – she had no idea what it was on, but as long as she sucked and fucked, like, alllll of her teachers, they’d give her a pass no problem~

The two magic users stared at the new schoolgirl bimbo with flat expressions on their faces. Slowly, they sipped their drinks, both trying to work out what to say. With a sigh, Elanor reached out and pulled her dollar back.

“Twenty-five minutes dead. What are the odds of that?”

“I think someone’s fucking with us,” Kev nodded, finishing off his soda. “That, or both our schools of magic are equal, but where’s the fun in that?”

“Where indeed?” El nodded in firm agreement, swallowing the last of her coffee. Then she started gathering her stuff. “Fuck it, let’s get out of here. We can run a few more tests somewhere else. Wanna hit up the university?”

“Sure.” The wizard matched her, sliding his wand back into his pocket and brushing any last crumbs off of his robes. “It’s getting kinda dumb around here anyway.”

Together, they got up and walked out the door, heading down the street discussing how they could best enhance their little game, and leaving a boulevard of bimbos behind. Fortunately, all of these newly dumbed down sluts could rest assured that the sacrifice of their intelligence was for a good and worthy cause.

After all – there was an entire dollar on the line.


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