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Hi folks!

Jebus it is hot out there at the moment. I've been managing to keep relatively cool, but it has been pretty hard to work this week. Fortunately it looks like it's going to cool down now. hopefully we won't see another flare up like that for a while (would be nice if we stopped destroying the planet and causing these things...)

Anyways, have some stories - and as it's the third Wednesday of the month, I'll be putting the short requests post up soon!


The life of the woman named Android 18 was a fairly simple one. Things tended to turn out that way when you were strong enough to blow up a planet, too direct to take no for an answer even on your most patient day, but still rather satisfied with a quiet life at home with your loved ones. She was, ultimately, the strongest woman on earth – and, granted, while she likely wasn’t nearly as strong as the top five or so men who called the planet home (she wasn’t actually all that driven to constantly fight them to find out, mind) that level of power came with some advantages. No one was going to be breaking into your house when you low-key let them know you could break every bone in their body with a flick of your finger.

Yes, sure, she’d had her rebellious period where she’d wandered about trying to murder Goku, but in her defence, so had pretty much everyone else. The man made a shocking number of enemies for such an easy-going guy. These days she’d settled down, married a short bald guy, and started raising a family. Maybe she was a touch on the stoic side – being raised in a test-tube would do that to your social skills – but she was a loving mother to her daughter, and a devoted wife to her husband. Even if she needed to be a bit brusk with him on occasion to keep him from doing anything stupid like abandoning his dreams or forgetting his strength.

Yes, the thought of Krillian working hard and accomplishing his goals brought a shy smile to her face, even now. He could be really cool when he tried. He just needed to stop listening to his inner doubts and comparing himself to everyone else. He was at his best when he just tried to be Krillian – that was all he needed.

Of course, sometimes, a little extra something was required. Like giving him a little nudge to remind him that he’d promised to help with the spring cleaning today. A nudge that may have left a dent in the kitchen counter when she dropped the week’s shopping on it, to make clear who wore the pants in this house, and who wasn’t going fishing with Goku today. But, you know, just little things like that.

Spring cleaning was going to be a bother though. Being able to fly was a useful skill, but when it came to tidying up all it did was let you reach the high up cobwebs. So, knowing that, the happy couple had allowed their daughter, Marron, to stay overnight at Capsule Corp with Trunks and Goten, to keep her from getting underfoot. Then, they’d worked out their game plan. Krillian had always been a talented strategist, and 18 had enjoyed seeing her husband come up with tactics and techniques to get the most out of cleaning. He said he’d been inspired by his training with Master Roshi, and had all sorts of ideas for how to make chores into exercise!

… Naturally she wasn’t going to be doing any of that, but, you know, it was nice to see him excited. No, she’d stick to cleaning the top floor, with all the bedrooms, he’d start in the basement, and then they’d meet in the middle – provided he didn’t accidentally get too into things and Kamehameha a storage closet.

Hopefully he wouldn’t have too much trouble, anyway. Krillian was strong, but he’d been awfully clumsy lately. Well, the basement was a little dusty these days, but there wasn’t anything too dangerous down there. Just a few boxes of old supplies, some worn furniture, and a few bits of junk she’d pulled out of the remains of Dr. Gero’s old lab back in the day – you know, making sure the old bastard didn’t have any other surprises like Cell lying around. No big.

Really, even if he dropped something, what was the worst that could happen?

“Huh. Hey, what’s this?” Krillian lifted an old, clunky remote curiously, turning it over in his hands. The device had popped out of a hidden compartment in the side of an old metal crate he’d been moving, after he’d dropped- aheh, after he’d accidentally delivered it to the floor too quickly. It felt oddly familiar, like he’d seen it, or something similar, before – but he couldn’t quite place where from.

It had a set of mostly unmarked buttons on its surface, as well as a dial that didn’t seem to have any labels on it. All in all… It could have been a remote for anything. What a strange mystery. How had something like this ended up in his basement? Maybe it was connected to another device down here?

Well, there was no harm in trying it out to see, surely? Even if it wasn’t for anything down here, what was the worst that could happen…

Curious, the martial artist pressed a button with a + mark on it. That had to be volume, right?

“What the…?”

Up in the bedroom, 18 had just put down the wardrobe cabinet after cleaning underneath it when something… strange happened. Which is to say her chest suddenly inflated by a whole cup size, bulging up under her top like she’d just tried to sacrifice all her speed for a power boost. Her bra dug into her skin uncomfortably, and the blonde android found herself breathing carefully lest she accidentally tear her clothes apart.

Confused, even if her expression remained carefully stoic, she reached up and cupper her breasts carefully, measuring them with her palms through her top. Yeah – yeah, they’d gotten bigger… Somehow. What the Hfil?

Eyebrows coming together slightly for a light frown, she glanced out of the window at the sky. No one had summoned Shenron or anything, had they? Wasting the dragonballs in order to make her chest bigger wasn’t entirely outside the realms of possibility for some of her husband’s friends. Still, no, no sign of the tell-tale darkness and lightning. So how had this happened?

“Hm. Nothing. Weird. Maybe it’s muted.” Krillian shook the remote for a second, and then started tapping the + button in quick succession.



Before 18 could solve the mystery, things got out of hand – specifically, her breasts. Inflating again, the android was too surprised to save her top as both boobs suddenly burst through it and her bra, plumping up cup size after cup size. Every time she thought they were about to stop, they just started growing again, until they both hung proudly like volleyballs stuck to her chest…

“What the hell?” Even the legendarily calm android could be taken off guard and embarrassed if the situation was strange enough. Wrapping one arm around her breasts in a rather futile attempt to conceal them, she looked around for anything that could be causing this. A magic user, or a space alien, or a demon, or… something! And when she found whoever was responsible, she was going to fucking-

“Hm. No good. What about this one then?” Krillian could have sworn he’d heard beeping from somewhere that time, but he hadn’t been able to figure out where. Shrugging, he moved his thumb to another button, and tapped that instead.

-fuck them! Hooh! Suddenly the blonde’s eyes rolled back in her head, her tongue lolling out as an incredible blast of hormones shot through her system. She was hornier than she’d ever been in her life! Her arm, which had been trying to protect her modesty, instead slid back to allow her fingers to start toying with her nipples, while her other hand reached down and shoved her pants out of the way, playing around the edge of her drooling slit.

The feeling was overwhelming, the hunger for pleasure almost deafening her to the rest of the world. All she wanted was to be satisfied, to be fucked, was intense to a level that she’d never dreamed of before. And it wasn’t like she’d never felt emotions before – just because she wasn’t very expressive didn’t mean she didn’t feel things – but this was a whole other level. It was insane!

Swaying on her feet, eyelids still flickering, the blonde tried to regain control of herself, even as her augmented heart hammered, and her brain tingled in delight. Whatever was going on, it had- it had to be stopped. But she couldn’t stop it, she was too horny, she was about thirty seconds from going to town on the first rod she saw, attached to her husband or not. She needed help – she needed a saviour. And there was one person that both sides of her wanted to see right now.

18 opened her mouth to yell. “Kril-!”

“Okay, that didn’t do anything. How about this dial then?”



Suddenly, Android 18, happy housewife (and more recently, big boobed slut) vanished, surrounded by a field of bright energy. Then, when it faded, standing in her place was a woman very much like 18… But in a very different outfit.

This one, for instance, hadn’t torn. It was perfectly fitted for her still very large chest, although ‘perfectly fitted’ still showed a lot of skin. The fabric was black, and mostly skin tight, giving her an incredible window of cleavage and yet still hugging her hips down below, ending in a short skirt that didn’t quite reach the mid-point of her thighs. A white apron was wrapped around her middle, and a white lace tiara had perched itself perfectly atop her blonde head.

It was a maid outfit, albeit one that looked like it had come straight from one of Master Roshi’s magazines, rather than what a real servant would look like.

That wasn’t the worrying part, though, no. The outfit – along with the silver tray with a bottle of wine on it that she balanced on one hand – was weird, sure, but it was just a costume.

The scary part was the pleasant smile on 18’s face. All signs of her earlier struggle had vanished, and now she stood quite happily, a blank look in her eyes, waiting for nothing in particular.

“Master,” she said, in an uncharacteristically soft voice. “How might I serve you today?”

If he’d been present, Roshi probably would have died of blood loss right there and then.

“Hm. Thought I heard something. What about the next setting?”



And then once again the energy field enveloped her, with no answer to her question to be found! But this time when it parted, it wasn’t a maid that was revealed…

“Two four six eight!

You should know who’s really great!

He’s the best! He’s our hero!

Krillian will beat them all to zero! Yaaaay!”

Her skirt, if anything had grown even shorter, turning from black lace to white with pink stripes. Her top, too, had been replaced with a white, tight sweater top, with the number 18 written large over her chest in pink numerals. The two pieces didn’t meet in the middle, so her toned belly was completely exposed, but she didn’t seem to mind. She just stood there in place, same blank smile on her face, waving white and pink pompoms in the air as she cheered.

“Son Goku? Hah, guess who!

Vegeta too, that just ain’t true!

And Gohan might be really keen,

But only Krillian can fuck eight-!“



“Ugh, what now?” The android flicked her long black hair over her shoulder, black lips pouting, her black tank-top jiggling a little as her tightly bound tits bounced. Below them. a skull belly button piecing glinted eerily on her naval, while her leather skirt creaked around her hips, shifting a bit as she swayed on her high spiked heels. “Can’t we get this over with already?”

Honestly, aside from the paler colouration, goth mode was the closest her transformations had come to the real 18 so far.



“Please, Master…” Blonde once again, a tanned 18 covered in light silken veils and very little else smiled warmly at thin air. “Allow this lowly slave to pleasure you with everything she has…”



“Oh, like, what was I just thinking about?” Now dressed in a pink strapless tube top and tight denim shorts, the platinum blonde chewed her gum and blew a bubble. “Oh, I bet it about how totally sexy you are!”



“Only the greatest of warriors can defeat me, the mighty Amazon Queen XVIII!” The Android declared, her leather armour straining to keep her slick, shining, incredibly thick muscles from escaping as she showed off her biceps.

“But if you can manage it, I’d have to reward you with anything you desire…” Wink!

“Huhm. Guess it’s really not working.” Krillian sighed, shaking the useless remote one last time, before setting the dial all the way back to zero and tossing it over his shoulder. “Worthless piece of junk. Oh well, back to cleaning up. I’d better get a move on down here – don’t want 18 to be mad at me…


This time, the transformation didn’t force the blonde into a new costume.

[Base mode activated]

In fact, there was no clothing at all – the busty blonde now rendered utterly naked, and looking, for the most part, like her normal self. Aside from the big boobs, of course.

[Engaging Sex Drone Functionality]

The wide, cheerful smile was a bit worrying, yes, but maybe she was just happy.

[Loading sexual positions database… complete]

18 stood at attention, arms locked by her sides, legs straight, nipples stiff. She was ready and prepared for anything her Master might use her for. Whatever position, whatever personality, whatever commands he might ask of her, she would obey without question, smiling all the while. After all, she was his ultimate sex bot! The ultimate unit of pleasure.

She couldn’t wait to be used~

Yes, Krillian had a surprise waiting in the bedroom, no mistake. Who would have thought that the mysterious remote was for 18’s sexbot mode? Dr. Gero had been more of a pervert than anyone realised, it seemed. But however things turned out, one thing could be said for certain.

It was probably a good thing that he hadn’t found 17’s remote first instead.


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