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Hi folks!

I hope everyone's well out there. I'm still rolling along, trying to keep my writing going despite the weather, and occasionally going overboard on short suggestions because apparently I cannot help myself! One of these days I'll get the knack of discipline, right?

Anyways, next week is shorts week, so do start thinking up your requests! I will be trying to do them actually *short* this month, aiming for about 1k words or less, but we'll see how things go. For now, stories!

I hope you enjoy.


Hope’s Peak Academy was a state-of-the-art facility. Only the very best of resources and equipment were used for the purposes of developing the next generation here. The ultimate talents that they fostered within these walls were their hopes for the future, after all. The entire point of Hope’s Peak was to take the best of the best, and give them what they needed to capitalize on their skills in the best way possible.

And, you know, make money doing it, that was also a goal. But no need to go into that right now. This was a tale about one of their most promising students – not the reserve class. No, this one had earned their way in with their skills instead of their wallets, and had a bright future ahead of them, everyone was sure.

Or at least, they would have, were it not for the machinations of one particular fashionista…

Chihiro Fujisaki was almost the perfect student. Intelligent, dedicated, and polite, he was everything a teacher could want. Sure, he dressed and acted as a girl due to crippling insecurities about their supposed weakness, but that was just a form of rebellion against an oppressive culture of gender norms, and it was far, far, far from the weirdest thing any student of Hope’s Peak had ever done. With care and support, hopefully even that knot of complexes would start to unravel, and he could choose who he wanted to be without the ills of social pressure.

For now, though, they were provided one of the best computer labs known to man, and for the most part left to their own devices! As the Ultimate Programmer, there was no end of magic that Chihiro could and would work with that kind of environment. Of course, their main project was developing a working AI, something they’d been plotting out for years – but that didn’t mean he didn’t have side-projects on the go. Hey, sometimes you needed something to do while your code was compiling, so you wrote another program to compile it faster! He’d ended up forming a kind of circular nest of PCs and monitors in the lab, with his chair in the middle ready to swivel to whichever project caught his attention at any given moment. Such was the way of a Chihiro in his element.

In fact, that was what he was doing when things got… peculiar.

It started with an unexpected popup. A pink word balloon appearing in the middle of one of the multiple screens that the programmer was working on. Which got a blink from Chihiro, because that PC wasn’t connected to any outside network. There was no internet connection for any outside code to have slipped in to create a popup in the first place. Had someone installed something on his machine without him noticing? But who would do that?

Frowning, he spun his chair around to face the offending monitor. It hadn’t been doing anything important, a text editor with some half-pondered code scrawled on it to remember for later. But now there was a big pink square bouncing in the middle of the screen, practically demanding his attention. Written on it, in obnoxiously cute yellow writing, were there words ‘Click me!’.

Was it a virus? But how could a virus have gotten onto his machine?

A touch of curiosity took hold. There were few things that Chihiro was proud of, but his ability to code was one of them. If someone had dared to actually put malicious programming on one of his computers – well, they were playing right into his hands. A nervous smile played out over his feminine lips as he peered about to see if anyone else was in the lab. Nope. He was alone.

Heh. Time to see what this was all about.

“Alright,” he muttered, pulling himself fully over to the infected computer. “Let’s see what you’re up to, little intruder…”

They moved the mouse over, giving the pink block a click, analysing its reactions and movements. A little information would tell him what kind of executable he was dealing with, and how to deal with it. Even if it was dangerous, it was no matter – he had plenty of other computers to work with, and this one didn’t have anything important on it. Losing it wouldn’t be a big hit – not that he intended to lose.

A quick animation answered his click, and for a moment he thought he saw the image of a teddy bear in two different colours split down the middle, one side black and one side white. But a moment later it was gone, and the text on the screen had changed.

‘Hey Ultimate Programmer!’ it read. ‘What are you, a boy or a girl?’

Beneath the question, two more buttons popped up, on reading ‘Boy’, and the other ‘Girl’.

Chihiro frowned, lips pursing in some small level of frustration. He was a boy, of course – despite presenting as a woman, he was very confident of his own gender identity. He was a man, and was happy to be one.


But his insecurities grappled with him, even now. The words of those who’d bullied him all those years ago echoed in his ears. That he couldn’t be a man, that he was too weak. His hand on the mouse shook as he hesitated, drawn up short by such a simple question. He was a man, yes, but he couldn’t stand the torment. He couldn’t admit his deception to the others. What if the person behind this virus revealed his answer to everyone? He- he couldn’t…!


Huh? Chihiro blinked again. The message on the screen had changed.

‘Oops! Too late. I guess you must be… both!’


The screen flashed, and then to the Ultimate Programmer’s shock, the entire monitor began to spark with pink electricity. He backed up, his chair rolling until it bumped into the computer desk behind him, but there wasn’t much space to move. Fortunately, nothing exploded – at least, not literally. But as the stunned coder watched, the lightning lanced out of the monitor in two directions, left and right, striking the PCs on either side of it. Then, before his horrified eyes, they too started to crackle, sparking with the same energy. The process repeated itself quickly, and before Chihiro knew it, his entire nest of PCs had been consumed by these strange sparks.

“Don’t worry, Fujisaki!” Each computer’s speakers began to speak, their voice a jagged, synthesised cackle. “We’ll help you deal with your confusion!”

And then, as each monitor began to glow with bright pink light, the Ultimate Programmer had a split second to realise that he was completely surrounded, before pink lightning blasted into him from all angles. After that, realising anything at all became… Well, someone else’s problem.

It felt shockingly good. Like every nerve in his body was singing in delight, pleasure surging through every circuit. He couldn’t do anything to resist it, his eyes rolling up in his head, lips pulling up into a tight, semi-willing smile, his whole body going stiff – especially a specific part, as the sudden tent under his skirt showed.

A tent that was steadily starting to grow, the fabric slowly being pulled back as the spire climbed higher. The sensation of it rubbing along his sensitive flesh was incredible, sending shudders up and down his spine and drawing a trail of drool out of the stunned coder’s mouth… until a simple skirt alone could no longer cover the swelling shaft beneath it. All at once it was ripped aside, and Chihiro’s now colossal cock was free, the torn remains of his panties dangling from its head.

The feeling of that alone would probably have been too much, but his cock wasn’t the only part that had been growing. His hips, too, had swollen out, plumping up so much that his cheeks were now firmly lodged into the sides of his chair, and that standing up would probably present quite major difficulty. The feeling of tightness just made the overwhelming pleasure reach even higher…

But even more obvious was his chest. Formerly flat, and hidden by a baggy uniform, Chihiro was now experiencing a quite major change in things like his centre of gravity, as new growth began to take place, spurred on by blasts of pink lightning. Firm, juicy curves were on the rise, slowly inflating underneath his nipples until they were pushing out against a very tight blazer, deep cleavage trying to squeeze through the gap in his collar. Another surge of pink later, and the buttons of his shirt were popping off with the crack of a machinegun, pinging around the room and shattering monitors with the force behind them as his new full fat breasts burst through his top, still swelling outwards until they reached the size of proper melons.

Now both free of their cloth cages, his cock and his breasts, both swollen and buzzing with lust, found each other. The Ultimate Programmer couldn’t help but bounce his lodged hips, thrusting his shaft up between his tits and giving himself a heavenly titjob, his own softness sending his head swimming. And that was the last thing that his brain needed, as the pink lightning finally began to converge upon it. Thoughts were being scoured from his mind, synapses being shut down, memories deleted and intelligence sapped – and all he could do was moan, drool, and thrust.

Horny. He was just so unbelievably horny! He- he couldn’t control it, couldn’t resist it! Burning need filled him from head to toe, a need to cum, to cum now and never stop! He tried, weakly, to push back, to take control… But as his breasts clamped down around his cock and squeezed, he felt an irresistible force shoot up, and-!

“Ngaaahhhhhh!!!” He came, his essence shooting up and splattering all over his face as an all-consuming wave of pleasure blasted through his brain. It was too much – too much! Boy, girl, he didn’t care anymore, all he wanted to do was fuck! With a gurgled giggle, the Ultimate Programmer surrendered his feeble resistance and let his mind dissolve completely into a hormone stew, full of nothing but lust and pleasure. 1s and 0s? All that meant to him was a crude sex joke! His Ultimate talent? That was doing his own titjobs! It was all so clear now – all so stupidly, stupidly clear.

As the pink lightning finally dissipated, Chihiro slumped in her chair, giggling and drooling, her eyes locked in electric pink spirals. There was no sign of the prim and proper man he’d been not five minutes ago – nor any trace of the great intelligence he’d once had. All that was left was a giggling horny slut.

“Bravo!” Suddenly, clapping. From around stack of servers, Junko Enoshima appeared, grinning wide from ear to ear as she brought her palms together politely. “That was a wonderful performance, Chihiro. How did you enjoy your little brain blasting?”

Chihiro blinked vapidly, and then smiled at her classmate. “Oooh, like, hey Junko! Wanna fuck?”

The sinister smile that grew on the fashionista’s face couldn’t have been mistaken for anything other than purest evil – at least, by anyone with any working braincells. Alas, Chihiro didn’t have any of those left. “Oooh, let’s see…”

The pink haired mastermind skipped forward, circling around her newest creation and getting a good view of all the changes, before reaching down and pinching the former coder’s nipples with savage glee – drawing a delighted lusty moan from her subject.

“Mmm, you really turned out nicely. Hina’s going to love you.” Junko cackled. “Hm, let’s see – are you a himbo, or a bimbo, Chihiro? … Eh, let’s split the difference – Himbimbo! Perfect, don’t you think?”

The brunette stared at her vapidly, answering without words that, no, he did not.

“Oh yeah.” The pinkette brushed one of her pigtails back casually. “Almost as dumb as you are! Now, c’mon, let’s get you and Hina reintroduced.” She spun around behind the himbimbo’s chair and grabbed the back, quickly steering it out of his PC nest and towards the door. “That’s two Ultimates down! Geeze, you guys aren’t putting up much of a fight, are you? It’s like you were destined to be bimbos after all!”


Junko giggled, and petted the dumbed down coder on the head, enjoying the way her tits bounced as she wheeled him out the door. “Oh, don’t worry, there’s going to be plenty of fucking. Hehe, ohhhh, I can’t wait to see what that idiot detective makes of you… Or what you make of her~”

The lab doors closed behind them, the computers and codes within already forgotten – just like all memory of the sweet, demure programmer who had written them. One more loss for Hope’s Peak Academy – and, unless fate stepped in, almost certainly not their last…


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