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Hi folks!

I know I said I'd take this month off, and I am, but I hate to leave you guys with nothing, so I've got one of the many shorts I'm working on for you! I won't comment on how I'm doing health wise (every time I say I'm feeling better I seem to get hit worse!) but I'm still rolling along, and hopefully I'll be able to write at my old pace sooner rather than later. For now, here's an inaimate request for the SAO crew! (I've not seen/read it so hopefully I didn't get the characters too off base - lemme know if I did!)


Request: Asuna Sinon and Leafs are showing Alice around in Alfheim online in a new expansion shops update and they see a familiar face in a adult shop window it looks like a mannequin of Yuuki and the girls go in and get turned into different sex objects such as relief station sex dolls and onaholes. At the end their ejected from AOL and they get an email from the auction house with their avatars for sale as inanimate object s

(Contains Sex Toy TF)

“I’m really not sure about this…” Alice’s cat eared avatar looked more than a little nervous as she and the small squad of ladies with her wandered the city streets. “There are many more important things I should be doing right now. I feel like I’m already falling behind with my training.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Asuna chuckled, patting her friend/sometimes-rival on the back with a grin. “A little break every now and then is a good thing – trust me.” She paused as said blonde friend gave her a suspicious look. “Really!”

“She is right,” Leafa chimed in from the other side. “Besides, what’s the harm in a little shopping, huh? This new update promised to add a ton of new items – don’t you want to see what they are? There’s going to be a whole new meta to figure out!”

In the face of such enthusiasm, what could Alice do but sigh and mutter “S’pose…” – which, naturally, Asuna and Leafa took as a resounding victory.

Sinon kept herself quiet at the back, silently commiserating with her fellow Cait player. But there was no way she was drawing those girls’ attention onto her by speaking up, god no, did you not see the mood they were in? Shopping was in the air! What better kind of activity was there for some girl bonding, huh? Well, that was what Asuna and Leafa had decided, anyway. And now that they’d started, there was nothing that would stop them!

Or so the sniper had thought. But then she suddenly found herself almost walking into Asuna’s back, the blue haired healer/swordswoman having frozen completely in the middle of the street. Barely catching herself, she followed her friend’s gaze to try to work out what had caught her attention, only to blush as she realised that Asuna was staring at one of those shops – an adult store, with numerous, uh, toys, on display in the front window, modelled by a couple of mannequins. Actually, Sinon was kind of surprised to see stuff like that in the game at all…

“Uh, Asuna?” But more surprising – or, well, maybe not so much surprising as worrying, was the expression on the blue haired avatar’s face. Asuna was angry at something. That was always a bad sign. “Are you okay?”

“How dare they…” The (supposed) healer’s voice was little more than a growl, her eyes narrow, her hand already reaching for her rapier despite this being a safe zone. “Using Yuuki’s image to advertise such a thing…!”

Huh? Sinon looked back at the shop, and then blinked. Oh. Yeah, actually, one of the mannequins in the window did look like Yuuki. The same dark hair, the same figure… That was pretty clearly her. Now she understood Asuna’s anger – there was no way she could accept that sort of ‘tribute’ to the famed fighter. Someone was pretty clearly out of line here.

Still, they didn’t want to cause a scene – that’d only make things worse, right? The best thing to do would be to… Ah, Asuna was already gone. With a wince, the rest of the group watched the blunette storm up to the front door of the shop and shove her way in, clearly working her way towards shouting up a storm. Then they looked at one another.

Leafa spoke first, sounding unsure… “I mean, I guess…”

“We must go and support our friend against this blatantly immoral shop!” Alice, though, was anything but. Now she had a target, of course she was all about action.

Sinon sighed and shrugged, following the others inside. Might as well keep an eye on them.

The inside of the shop was thankfully quiet, with no one else in there besides them and the shopkeeper at the counter. The place was surprisingly big, with many shelves and displays dotted around for visitors to take a look at… Ah, if they were interested in that kind of thing, anyway…

But to be fair, there wasn’t much else to do in there, other than yell at the shopkeeper, and Asuna was about to have that rather definitively handled, with some backup from Alice. So as the two more resolute members of their group stormed towards the counter, the slightly less forthright duo at the back meandered and looked around, all while trying to look like they weren’t looking at anything in particular…

Asuna, meanwhile, was looking directly at the shopkeeper. “Who’s in charge around here?!” She demanded, bringing to bear all of the fury she had to offer (which was a fair amount).

The Shopkeeper – an obvious NPC, which didn’t mean quite as much as it used to – smiled politely at her, as if she wasn’t an inch from smiting him where he stood. “Greetings, customer. I am the proprietor of this shop. How may I help you?”

There was something rather odd about his manner, but by this point the girls were long past caring. “Then it was your decision to display that mannequin in that fashion?” Alice asked with a glare, pointing towards the Yuukiquin.

The shopkeeper nodded and smiled. “That is correct, miss. Are you interested in the strap-on she is modelling?”

“Like hell I am!”

“Take. Her. Down.” Asuna tried diplomacy. Of course, this was a very angry Asuna, and thus a very angry kind of diplomacy. “I won’t have you disrespect our friend by displaying her image in the window of your- your sex shop!”

“I cannot do that,” the NPC replied, still friendly and helpful (which was really only making the duo angrier), “she is store product, and needs to be sold.”

“That’s it!” It was Asuna who snapped first in the end, but between her and Alice it was really a close thing. The healer snatched up her rapier and thrust it forward, touching it forcefully against the NPC’s chest. “You will take her down now, or else I’ll-!”

“Hostility detected.” The NPC interrupted, his smile never fading. “Anti-theft measures engaged. Have a nice day.”

Anti-theft? Oh right, there had been mention of some new system put in with this latest patch to protect AI shops, hadn’t there? No one knew exactly how it worked. So what was…?


Asuna’s rapier clattered against the counter and then rolled over onto the floor as the hand holding it suddenly vanished in a cloud of digitally animated smoke, along with the rest of the famous swordswoman. In her place, revealed when said smoke cleared, was a new figure – one that looked a hell of a lot like Asuna, but distinctly different. She was missing her clothes, for one, and for another she appeared to be made out of some kind of rubbery substance instead of flesh and bone. Her blue hair was still as crisp and styled as ever, even though it now seemed to be made of nylon, and her eyes were still blue, though they appeared glazed and made of dull plastic.

In short, where a moment ago had stood a healer and player character, now there lay a very similar looking sex doll, her back on the floor, legs and arms spread to allow access to all of her charms.

This was understandably shocking for the Cait Sith beside her. “Wh- What the hell?!?” Alice roared, looking from the new doll to the shopkeeper. “What did you do to her?!”

“The thief has become more product for the store. Justice has been enacted.” The NPC certainly didn’t seem to have a problem with it, stepping around the counter to lift the new Asuna doll and inspect it. She was surprisingly light in his arms…

But there was no way Alice would accept such a thing. “Turn her back, you fiend!”

And then she made an unwise choice – she swung at the shopkeeper as well.


And when the cloud of smoke cleared, standing in her place was another kind of toy. A rounded body that was held up by a thin stand, decorated in Alice’s colours of blue and gold. At one end, there was another round bubble that was painted with a facsimile of her face, her blue eyes wide and staring, blonde hair draped down either side of her ‘head’, with even her cait ears poking out at the side. Her lips were spread wide in a large ‘O’ shape, connected to a large interior cavity. A similar such hole was found at her other end, where her rear had been similarly spread for easy access. Beneath her, large, soft orbs hung from her chest, fat and firm copies of her breasts, now exposed.

In short, the fierce warrior had been replaced by a sexual relief station in a single instant, and now she stood ready to be used.

“Anti-theft measures engaged.” The Shopkeeper nodded contently. Then he turned his eyes towards the other two girls in his shop. “Neutralising thief party.”

Leafa and Sinon, who had been quietly browsing the shelves until Alice’s roar had caught their attention, barely had a chance to realise what was about to happen, or even attempt to protest their innocence, before…

Poof! Poof!

With a thunk, a green dildo landed on the floor and rolled over the carpet for a moment before stilling – a surprised looking elven face shaped into the plastic near the tip. Beside her, a blue onahole, moulded into the figure of a wide-eyed sniper with cait ears, lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling with wide eyes and wide ‘O’ shaped lips…

“Justice enacted. Thank you for visiting – have a nice day.” Silence returned to the shop as the NPC bowed to his departed guests, and then began gathering up the fallen merchandise. It needed to be properly displayed after all – it would hardly sell if it was all left on the floor.

But what of the girls, now sex toys? How did they feel about their situation? Well…

Asuna couldn’t believe that this was happening. One moment, she’d been a full flesh and blood elf, and the next she’d found she couldn’t move, not even a twitch, and her sensitivity had shot through the roof. Every touch, every brush, even the slight breeze of the air running through the room rushing over her skin, all of it felt so good! It was incredible – the blast of pleasure almost immediately arresting the heroine’s thoughts and sending them into a confused but delighted haze. Despite herself, and despite her strange and perilous position, the strong willed fighter could do nothing but melt when the shopkeeper picked her up, her head flooded with heated, happy moans. Some small, stubborn part of her tried to hold out, tried to remember that this was wrong and that something terrible had happened, but those thoughts kept slipping out of her head, blasted to oblivion by sparks of euphoria. Soon, there was only one thing on her mind.

‘Use me! Fuck me! Own me!’

The mantra of a sex doll sang through her plastic brain, and the pleasure drunk heroine couldn’t resist it. By the time the shopkeeper had posed her in her box and set her up on display in the store window (right next to the Yuukiquinn), her only desire was to be bought quickly and used like the hot little fuckdoll she was!

Alice had a different reaction to finding herself immobile and plastic. First, shock – ‘What happened? Why do I feel so strange?’. Then, quite naturally, anger – ‘He… He turned me into what?! No! How dare he!!!’. And she remained at anger for a while, as her painted on eyes were forced to watch while Asuna was carried off, boxed, and displayed (an image that only stoked the flames). Then shock again as the NPC moved over to her – ‘Oh! Ooh, that feels really… Ah-Ah! Wh-what is this pleasure? I…!’ And then a second attempted at anger, this time faltering significantly – ‘N-no! I, I will not give in to this – Ah! – this depraved… Oh! Ooooh, yes, touch me there! I- I mean…’ And then finally, acceptance – ‘OH! OooOOooHH!! YES! YES! FUCK ME! USE ME LIKE THE TOY I AM! FUCK ME! FUCK ME! FUCK MEEEEEE!!!’

Leafa’s stunned surprise as she found herself rolling across the carpet didn’t last too long, the shopkeeper quickly picking her off the floor. ‘What… What happened to-?’

And neither did her confusion, as the shopkeeper also tested out the switch on her new base, sending the formerly speedy sylph vibrating in his hand, and immediately shaking all of her thoughts out of her head, replacing them with a much simpler mantra:  ‘UseMeUseMeUseMeUseMeUseMeUseMeUseMe!!!’

Sinon was the last to be gathered up, and thus had the longest to stew in her new position. There had to be a way to get out of this, right? Some quest to fix it? Surely there was no way that the game developers had-

- But those thoughts too were swiftly cut off when the shopkeeper picked her up, testing her weight and firmness, before sticking a finger into her open mouth and testing the cavity within. ‘What? Stop that, you filth! I’m not some toy for you to… to… Oooh… That… Mmm… I… That feels… good… I should… I should stop… I should s… I should suck… I should suck… suck… suck… sucksucksucksucksuck…’

Thus, they all quickly adjusted, each finding their problems with their new forms vanishing, and looking forward to when they were sold, ready to be used…



[30 Minute Inactivity Detected – User Has Been Logged Out]

Asuna came back to herself – her real self, her human body out in the real world – with a gasp. Suddenly, the haze over her thoughts lifted, and she remembered that she wasn’t some sex doll waiting to be used. What… What had that all been about? That couldn’t have been deliberate content, could it?

Unsure and unsteady, the gamer looked up as she heard a ping from her mail box, and uncertainly moved over to open the mail she’d received.

[New Products available on the Auction House!] It read. Then it listed the new items, along with pictures, and Asuna’s eyes grew wide.

[Sex Doll Asuna!]

[Relief Station Alice!]

[Vibrating Leafa!]

[Onahole Sinon!]

[All available for purchase now!]

Wha-What? This couldn’t be real! There was no way! Had the in-game avatars of her and her friends really been turned into… into these things? It was insane! It… it was terrible! It was… It was…

The game girl bit her lip, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. If… If someone bought her, did that mean she could log in and be used by them? Experience the pleasure of being owned and used and fucked by her owner?

That was… awful… It was… bad… yeah… Hmm….

Her breath was hot. A hand was starting to sneak underneath her skirt as she licked her dry lips.

Maybe she could get herself mailed to Kirito…


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