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Well it has been a long time, hasn't it? Sorry all - I never thought it was take this long to feel capable of writing again. The pandemic really did a number on my brain - I find myself having to relearn a lot of stuff that I took for granted before. Which is annoying, sure, but hey, sometimes going back to the basics is the best way of improving yourself.

Anyways, enough about that - let's get down to the stories this patreon is all about! I'll be posting up one a week on Wednesdays, just like the old days. Hopefully I'll feel up to doing commissions again soon - I'm actually considering doing some shorts at the end of the month like I used to, let me know if there's any interest in that.

For now though - here's a little RWBY mind control to start off the new season. Happy spook month, everyone!


(Contains mind control)

There were a few things that people didn’t know about Jaune Arc, and that was the way he preferred it. People tended to underestimate him that way. He was unlucky, had bad grades, was hopelessly out of his league in a laughable number of areas (combat and girls sprang to mind)… And not many of them thought too hard about someone as pathetic as that.

They tended to miss that he was devious and determined enough to get into Beacon Academy with no one the wiser. They never wondered about the connections a guy must have had to pull something like that off, or the strength it must have taken to go through with it. No, he was harmless – no need to think any deeper about him.

Certainly, that was the attitude that Weiss Schnee had adopted towards him, despite all of his efforts to charm her. And that was fine! He was perfectly willing to wait and wear down her defences over time. Eventually, he was sure he’d be able to win her over – she hadn’t liked the guitar song, but maybe if he started learning the tuba…

But that had gone out the window the day that Winter Schnee had arrived. The instant Jaune laid eyes on her, he knew he couldn’t wait anymore. How could there be two such perfect women in the world? And how could he have them both?! He had to act fast – the elder sister wouldn’t be in town for long, and he couldn’t miss his chance at her.

Fortunately, he had a connection he’d been holding in reserve for just such an occasion…


“… And otherwise, my studies are proceeding wonderfully. Despite the rough start, I believe I’m well on track to ace all my classes.” Weiss smiled politely, and tried not to look too desperate to please her sister – while also, naturally, scanning Winter’s appearance intently for any sign of approval. “I’m sure you’ll find my performance here exemplary.”

“Hmm.” The elder Schnee remained as impassive as ever, sipping her tea gracefully as she considered her sister’s words. Silence filled the hotel room that she had taken for her stay in Vale. Then she cracked open a single glacial blue eye, peering at the younger woman carefully. “And how are you doing with… friends?”

“Friends?” The question drew Weiss up short for a moment. “I, ah. I’m- I’m doing well there as well,” she finally managed, trying not to cringe at her uncertain response. “I’m getting along with all of my teammates now, I think. A-and, ah, I’m good friends with- oh! Pyrrha! I’m good friends with Pyrrha Nikos now – you might have heard of her?” Aha! Yes, that should be suitably impressive…

“Pyrrha Nikos?” Winter’s tone held nothing that could clue her sister in as to whether she knew the name or not.

“The, um. The tournament champion? She’s actually really nice… Though it’s hard to catch her without her annoying partner around…” Schnee the younger’s voice trailed off into irritated grumbling.

Winter raised an eyebrow – but before she could question what, exactly, made this partner so difficult for her sister, there was a knock at the door. How odd, she hadn’t been expecting anyone else… With a short nod to Weiss, the elder sibling rose and went to answer, finding a blonde man in a delivery uniform standing just outside. “Package for Winter Schnee?”

“Ah. Thank you.” She took the box that had been addressed to her carefully – it was big enough that she almost had to use both hands – and bowed politely to the delivery man, before closing the door and returning to her seat. “Strange,” she said absently as she inspected the package. “Why would anyone send me a package here, instead of to my home address? It must be important.”

“Who’s it from?” Weiss asked, standing to peer over her sister’s shoulder as the soldier unwrapped the box and opened it. Inside were two blue glass visors, sitting in a pile of Styrofoam peanuts, both with a set of white earbuds to go with them. “Is that Schnee tech?”

“I don’t recognise it…” Winter muttered with a small shrug, lifting one of the devices. “And there’s no note. Very well.” It seemed there was only one way to check. Trusting her aura to handle any problems such an action might cause, she slid the visor onto her face and switched it on. It lit up, displaying lines of blue text across the glass, comfortably readable for the wearer. “Hm. A military analysis tool? General Ironwood must have sent it so I could test if it works to adequate standards. Very well…”

Weiss blinked. “Then why are there two, do you think?”

“Perhaps it’s a backup, in case the first one breaks.” Winter’s lips thinned into a disapproving frown. “Not the greatest confidence to show in a new device.”

Still… As the interface flickered before her eyes, she couldn’t help but feel that Everything was Fine. That the visor was Working As Intended. That she should just go back to what she was doing and Stop Worrying About Things.

There didn’t seem to be any pressing reason to do otherwise, so Winter sat back down, and resumed her conversation with Weiss. “So, tell me more about these friends of yours. One of them was annoying, you said?”

“A-ah, yes…” The younger heir winced as the topic returned to a particular annoyance. “Jaune is… He means well, I think, but he doesn’t know how to take no for an answer, you know? He’s been hounding me for a date since our first day here…”

“Ahhh.” Winter nodded understandingly. “Yes, I know the type. A little too desperate, and not enough-”

Jaune Is Perfect.

The elder sibling stopped suddenly, her brow wrinkling in confusion. Hadn’t she just thought something strange? No… No, she was just being silly. What had she just been saying?

She shook her head and smiled. “He sounds persistent. That’s a noble quality. Maybe you should give him a chance?”

“Huh?” Weiss looked at her like she’d just grown a second head. “Um. W-well, I can’t deny he’s persistent, but…”

The older Schnee just chuckled. “I’m just saying, perhaps you should give him a chance. After all, you never know when the Perfect man will come knocking at your door. He could be quite a diamond in the rough.”

Weiss looked… doubtful, at best, though she wasn’t confident enough to argue with her sister. Winter, though, felt quite sure of herself. Just as she was sure that Weiss Needs To Try This Visor Too.

“Here,” she said, lifting the other device from its box and presenting it to the girl. “Why don’t you try one of these out? You might find it interesting.

Happy for the change in topic, Weiss did just that, taking the visor with a polite thank you – she hadn’t forgotten her manners, after all – and sliding it on, slipping the earbuds into her ears and watching with interest as it all booted up. In moments, her eyes were flashed with familiar blue text, words scrolling away at a comfortable reading pace. “Oh!” She studied them for a moment, before giving a pleased nod. “Wow, they’ve put a lot into these! Very impressive.”

“Naturally.” Winter smiled, and the conversation began to turn to discussing technical specs – away from Weiss’s love life, something the young heiress was very eager to leave unspoken. Still, even as the pair began to chat more freely about dust conversion rates and the latest developments in Atlas, both of them found themselves thinking odd things from time to time…

Thoughts of Jaune of all people.

Thoughts like, Jaune Isn’t So Bad…

Jaune Is Actually Pretty Cool!

Jaune Is Really Smart!

I should Listen To Jaune…

Strange, intrusive thoughts that didn’t really make sense, growing in frequency and intensity as time went on. Unnoticed at first, but eventually one of the white-haired pair frowned, blinking and trying to clear her head. Her strong mental discipline working in her favour to let her fight back against this strange attack!

“Winter? Are you okay?” Weiss asked, clearly concerned as she saw her sister suddenly trail off and hold her head. Seeing the normally stoic specialist look pained was a worrying shock to the system.

“I… I’m fine,” Winter managed, her brow wrinkling. Something was… off, something was wrong. She needed to listen to Jaune. What? No, she needed to obey Jau- No!

She shook her head, more convinced than ever that something bad was happening to her. But what was…

Everything Is Fine…

No, it wasn’t!

Just Relax And Obey…

S-stop, this was-

Why Struggle So Much When I Can Just Stop Thinking…?

“No!” Winter’s hand slammed into the table, startling a surprised yelp out of her younger sister. “Weiss, something is wrong. Quickly, you must remove your-”

Soldier! Stop Resisting And Obey!

The order barked through the Atlesian Specialist’s mind like a shot, and she froze in place, hand half way up towards her visor. Unbeknownst to her, her military career had left her brain predisposed to obey orders, a vulnerability that made her hesitate to act despite the seriousness of the situation she had found herself in. And before she could recover from that momentary stumble, the visor jumped to take advantage of her weakness.

Soldier! Stop Thinking And Get Brainwashed!

The Soldier shot to her feet, arm snapping into a quick salute. “Sir yes sir!”

It was an automatic response – one that required no thought on Winter’s part at all. Of course thought was no longer something Winter required as her visor began to flicker more intensely, the image of a swirling spiral coming into focus, and she stopped thinking entirely. Instead she simply stood there, still stiffly saluting, as her eyes glazed, and her jaw hung slack, obeying the order and opening her mind to the visor’s influence.

The changes being made weren’t just to her head, either. No, as her mind emptied out, replaced with simple slogans of obedience and Jaune, her body began to fill out – shaped by Atlesian tech and a horny teen’s depraved desires. Her pristine white uniform strained for a moment - growing tight in the chest and the thighs – before quietly ripping, buttons popping and stitches tearing. Her breasts swelled, growing from a modest bosom to a heavy pair of melons, her prim nipples standing firmly at attention like the rest of her. Her ass plumped, growing hearty and thicc, her cheeks becoming fat pillows to squeeze or smack. In a matter of minutes, the finely honed body of a soldier became the smooth, well endowed body of a sex toy – made for pleasure, and nothing else.

Winter noticed none of this, still brainlessly staring into the mesmerising visor, drool starting to trickle down her chin and dripping into her now massive cleavage.

But Weiss, the younger sister who still held some resistance in her, stared at the elder Schnee’s transformation in shock and horror – and perhaps, somewhere in her addled mind, more than a twinge of jealousy. She knew something was wrong here, that something was going on with the visors. Winter’s panicked yell had alerted her to that. But then her sister had saluted and gone still, and now she was trying to figure everything out on her own. And that was hard now, for some reason. Her thoughts didn’t want to focus on what was happening – she just kept on slipping back to thinking about how Dreamy Jaune Is… Giggle~

N-no! She couldn’t let that happen again! She had to focus! She could feel her top starting to get tight, could feel whatever had happened to Winter happening to her. She had to get… this… visor… off!

Slowly, steadily, rising with all the willpower the young huntress possessed, Weiss’s hand began to reach for her visor…

“Weiss! Stop resisting!”

And then it dropped back down to the table with a thud. The younger Schnee looked up in shock at her sister, who had barked the command at her so sternly that she’d been helpless to resist it – her desire for her sister’s approval easily overcoming her feeble attempt to fight off what was happening to her.

Indeed, the order went far deeper than merely stopping her from taking her visor off. Weiss could feel her mental defences crumbling, her mind swirling with thoughts of obedience and servitude. The image of a Dreamy, Handsome blond boy was filling her brain to the brim, pushing out everything else. In desperation, she clung to the only lifeline she could think of, pleading up towards her sister. “W-Winter! Something is wrong! I don’t think that-”

But that was as far as she got.

“Weiss! Stand straight and stop thinking!”

Just like before, Winter’s command was followed by instant, unthinking obedience. Weiss jumped to her feet, standing with her back straight, arms at her side, and lowered her mental defences completely. Her eyes widened for an instant, realising what she was doing… And then they glazed, emptying completely as the spiral bore into her vision and emptied her mind out of her head.

By the time Weiss’s top began to rip open, her new breasts now bigger than her head, her only response was to drool, and stare into the spiral – a matching pair with her older sister, two empty headed, big breasted Schnee siblings, without a single thought between them.


Jaune smiled, leaning back in his chair, satisfied with a job well done. On his right, clad in the smallest, sleekest silver bikini that money could buy, was Winter Schnee – though her former comrades in the military probably wouldn’t have recognised her. The Winter Schnee that they knew had never had hips so wide, nor breasts so large. The woman standing blankly by his side now probably couldn’t even hold a weapon properly without her chest getting in the way, and all the muscles she had built up over the years were long gone, traded for smooth, sexy curves. She still wore her visor, bright visor now constantly swirling before her empty eyes, her expression permanently vapid – utterly brainless. Her only use now, aside from being one hell of a sex slave, was to hold Jaune’s drink for him – which she was currently doing on a silver tray that she held at the ready.

Her sister, the lovely Weiss Schnee, now not nearly so much smaller than her elder as she had been, would normally have been found on his left side, clad just the same… But right now, she’d shed her bikini in order to slide between her Master’s legs, and she was currently giving him a heavenly tit job, servicing his large cock with her own massive funbags in mindless, brainwashed devotion – her own blank stare just as empty as her sister’s. Neither woman had had so much as a single thought since the day they’d first donned their visors, and they were probably so deeply entranced now that they didn’t need to wear them in order to remain so thoroughly mindless… But it was a good look, Jaune had decided, so wear them they did. The visors went nicely with the way both girls kept drooling into their tits…

“That’s a good girl,” the blond laughed, petting his mindless Weiss slave before looking over at Winter. “Oh, before I forget – did you send that package yet?”

“Yes, Master.” The elder Schnee sibling replied, her voice dull and monotone. “It should have been received this morning.”

“Excellent…” Jaune grinned, thrusting his cock between Weiss’s tits. Oh yes, he was very happy with his Schnee slaves… But one could never have too much of a good thing, could they?


Willow Schnee didn’t remember her boo- her brea- her tits being this big when she got up this morning, but then, her memory was always pretty hazy. And they certainly felt wonderfully good whenever she squeezed them, which she was certainly doing now. Splayed out on the couch in her bedroom, a glass of wine stood next to an open bottle on the desk beside her, the Schnee matriarch was enjoying her body in ways she hadn’t felt in years! Mmm, with one hand on her tits, and the other between her legs, she was in no hurry to go anywhere else today.

Resting comfortably on her face, the blue visor that she’d received from her eldest daughter that morning pulsed away gently with spirals and subliminals, slowly turning the woman beneath it from a washed up drunk to a pleasantly toasted sex slave. The woman wasn’t resisting in the least – her long years on the bottle having long since drained away any will she might have once been able to offer – and so she’d been granted a soft version of the brainwashing that had been given to her daughters, pleasantly guiding her down into a life of brainless devotion and sex, while she was none the wiser.



Don’t Think.

Serve Jaune.

Jaune? Willow’s drunken mind stumbled a little. Who was this Jaune person she was thinking about…?

Don’t Think About It, Silly Girl~

Ah, she didn’t need to think about it. She was such a silly girl.

Just Masturbate Your Mind Away…

A stupid smile slipped over Willow’s lips as she began to drool, fingers pumping away in her sex. She was just a silly girl – silly girls didn’t need to think. They needed to fuck, suck, and obey.

Her last ‘thought’, if it could really be called that, before her mind tumbled away into pleasure filled oblivion, was to wonder how long she had to wait before Master Jaune fucked her…

She would have been delighted to learn that, thanks to Jaune’s connections, it wouldn’t be long at all~


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