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Hey folks! I hope everyone's having a good December. Hard to believe the year is almost over. As a reminder, I'll be taking a break in January, and then retooling this patreon into helping me do some game design - But have no fear, I'll make sure all the stories I owe will go up, and I won't be charging anything until they're all set!

In the meantime, enjoy part 4 of this commissioned Slutty Sucker series, as we finally get to the lovely Sailor Mercury!


Ami Mizuno was a genius. That wasn’t a boast or a brag, it was just the simple truth. She might not possess the ‘300 IQ’ that rumors said she did – honestly, how silly could people be? IQ didn’t work like that, and it was a hideously outdated concept anyway – but she was genuinely, unmistakably one of the smartest people who walked the earth. And that wasn’t an accident, either. Ami might have been naturally gifted in the brains department, but she didn’t just coast on talent – she worked hard to improve herself, studying constantly to master pretty much any and every subject that offered her the chance. Her knowledge was hard won, and gladly shared with anyone who asked for it – fortunately for her friends, who often resorted to begging her help with their homework and preparing for exams.

Which was, in fact, what she was working on today – a small study session with a close personal friend. She’d been surprised when Makoto had called her up out of the blue to ask for help preparing for their next semester at university – and even more surprised when the tall brunette had asked that they not involve the rest of their circle of friends – but of course she’d had no objection. She loved Makoto dearly, and honestly, maybe it would be best to help her sort out her scholarly worries ahead of the new workload without Usagi’s shenanigans and Rei’s yelling in the background, to say nothing of the distractions Minako would bring. Mako was rambunctious, to be sure, but she was a calm sort when away from the others, as long as no one made any threatening moves or reminded her of her sempai. And she always had the best snacks!

There was something different about today, though. Ami sensed it as soon as she stepped onto Makoto’s street, though she couldn’t quite put her finger on what was bothering her. If she’d been out on official senshi business she’dve pulled out her Mercury computer to run a scan right then and there, but since there had been no sign of evil activity in the world for months (other than the regular human kind, anyway), she instead settled for just using her eyes. What was it that drew her attention? She hadn’t visited Makoto’s home all that often – their normal hangout was the Hikawa shrine, since it was big enough to hold all five of them, plus guests – but she’d visited once or twice, and something was definitely off. What was it?

Oh, there were flowers outside Makoto’s windows – all of them, arranged in neat little planters. Huh. Ami had never really thought of Makoto as having a green thumb, but it looked like she’d prettied the place up quite nicely. Like many locations in Juban, there wasn’t that much space for decoration around Mako’s apartment, but she’d made it her own – with a surprisingly pink assortment of flowers, now that Ami looked. Huh. How nice.

Strolling up, and enjoying the pleasant perfumed scent, the local genius rang the doorbell and waited, already going over her lesson plan for the day. They’d start off with a quick quiz to see where both of them were at – obviously she would take it too, why should she miss out on the fun? – and then from there they could move into proper studying sessions on-

“Ami!” The door opened, interrupting her planning, and Ami turned with a polite greeting on her lips.

“Hello Mako-Mmmph!” Only for that too to be interrupted as she was firmly seized and yanked into a very crowded hug.

“Welcome!” Makoto giggled, stroking Ami’s hair fondly – and shoving her face a little deeper into her cleavage – before pulling her into her home and closing the door, carrying the smaller senshi along happily. “I’m, like, so glad you could make it! I was just doing a bit of spring cleaning~”

That would explain the apron, Ami noted absently as she fought to free herself from her breast filled prison. Gosh, had Makoto been this big the last time she’d seen her? She had always been the most talented of their group, sure, but this… A-ah, not, not that Ami had been paying attention to that kind of thing!

Finally, she fought herself out of her friend’s grasp. “M-Makoto, what’s gotten into you?” she gasped, stumbling away to get her breath back. She couldn’t help but notice her environment as she went – Makoto really had been cleaning. The apartment was spotless, neat and tidy – almost more like a show room than a lived in home! And as for Makoto herself…

Ami blinked. There was something different about her friend. Makoto wasn’t usually very shy about her wardrobe, she would wear pretty much anything and make it look good, but Ami had never seen her wear a dress quite like that one. It was like something out of an American sitcom from the 50s – a single piece dress with straps over the shoulders and frills around the hem of the skirt, light green in colour and decorated with the repeated image of the blooming head of a rose. It seemed shockingly mature for the woman, and coupled with the frilly apron she wore around her waist, and the perfectly applied makeup on her face, it presented the image of a picturesque housewife in a way that seemed like she’d stepped out of a fantasy, rather than something from real life. Also, was it just her, or was Makoto padding her bra? There was no way her chest had grown that much since the last time she’d seen her…

But despite the blunette’s obvious surprise, Makoto just smiled and did a twirl, her dress fluttering around her as she spun. “Do you like it? I’m trying something new~”

“I- I can see that,” Ami spluttered, unsure of how to process this sudden change. “What, ah- why are you…?” She struggled for the words. And then a suspicion crossed her mind. “Um, Makoto, have you met anyone… new… recently? A man, perhaps?”

“Oh!” Makoto blinked, her eyes wide, red coated lips in a round ‘o’ of surprise. “Like, how did you guess?”

The genius ignored her question, pressing on. “Did he, perhaps, remind you of anyone?”

A tell-tale blush rose in the taller woman’s cheeks, and she rubbed the tips of her fingers together in embarrassment. “He, y’know, he mighta reminded me a bit of my old senpai…”


Well, there it was. A knowing, slightly embarrassed grin spread over Ami’s face as she glanced away. Oh Makoto. No wonder she didn’t want the other girls to see her. She could get so silly when she was chasing after a guy. This was a little extreme, even for her, but everyone in their group tended to get a bit carried away from time to time. The genius was sure they’d all laugh about it in a few weeks.

For now, though… She lifted the books she’d brought with her. “Shall we go study then?”

Mako smiled and clapped her hands. “Let’s.”

The two quickly moved into the kitchen, Ami’s supplies being spread out over the kitchen table. As she got set up, though, again, the genius couldn’t help but notice how neat and tidy the room was. Makoto’s kitchen was always the source of some kind of culinary experiment or other, so there were usually ingredients scattered about, traces of flour dusting about the place, or wrappers scattered around the counter. Not so, right now. She must have really been taking this cleaning phase seriously!

“Alright,” she said, once all of her textbooks were neatly sorted, and the workbooks were placed across from each other on the green cross patterned table sheet. “Let’s start things off with a quick quiz to get us in the right frame of mind…”

“Sure. Oh, but first!” And then Makoto vanished into the freezer for a moment, surprising Ami, who’d been all ready to begin. She returned quickly, handing the blunette a long pink ice pop. “I made these special just last night. Don’t want to study on empty stomachs!”

“Ah, I… Um…” Ami looked down at the icy treat. It was unexpected, and not exactly what she thought of when coming up with study food, but she wasn’t exactly bothered by the cold – she was the senshi of ice, after all. And she could hardly say no to something her friend had prepared for her. “Sure,” she said nervously. “We can suck on these while we do the quiz…”

For some reason Makoto giggled at that, and Ami wasn’t sure why. Oh well, whatever – she seemed pleased enough. The two of them took their seats, and reached for their pens. Ami scanned through the questions and smiled – easy, of course. This was her speciality. Quietly confident, she started to jot her answers down, only absently aware of the melting pop in her free hand. Indeed, it was only when it began to melt and drip down onto her fingers that she realised she was being a bit rude, and paused her quiz blitz to tentatively lick at the flavoured shaft.

She froze, tongue still extended, as the flavour hit her. Shockingly sweet, the taste seemed to crackle down her tongue and up into her head, surprising her with its power. Hm. Not what she’d expected, but tasty, none the less. She considered the treat for a moment, before giving Makoto an approving nod and sucking on the tip, licking up all the juices. “Wow,” she said,” this is really good! Did you really make this?”

“Oh yes!” Mako nodded happily. “All me – with a special, secret ingredient from a certain someone~”

“A secret ingredient?” Ami tilted her head quizzically. “What kind of ingredient?”

“A secret one!” The brunette burst into giggles, very amused at her own joke – but soon she was shaking her head. “No, no, he said it was okay to tell you now. It’s, like, this really nice kind of ice? It’s called Ignorant Ice. Apparently it makes anyone who eats it, y’know, totally oblivious to everything!”

That earned a raised eyebrow. “Oblivious? How do you mean?”

Mako shrugged. “Oh, you know. Like, um, just kinda… ignorant, or whatever? Like, they totally won’t notice anything weird happening around them and stuff. Cool, right?”

Preposterous, more like. “Uh huh.” Ami chuckled and shook her head. “You and your new boyfriend have some weird jokes, Makoto.” She took another lick, enjoying the tingling taste Such a silly idea!

The brunette just giggled, and then stood up and circled the table. “Sure~ Oh, but Ami, that’s not how you do it! Here, let me help you…”

She gently took the genius’s hand in her own and guided it around slowly so that the shaft was pointed straight at her face, before steering it in towards her mouth. “Now I know it’s, like, tricky to get used to, but you wanna take in as much as you can in one go…”

“Mmph?” Ami blinked as the popsicle was gently slid past her lips and over her tongue, quickly filling her mouth. Oh, was this really how you were supposed to do it? It did get more of that lovely flavour into her mouth…

“There you go. Good girl! You’ll be a pro in no time~” Makoto cooed. Her fingers moved down to  curl under the blunette’s chin, and she carefully urged her head backwards and forwards. “Like that, see? Don’t move the shaft, move your head, take it in and out… That’s it!” Another giggle. “You’re a natural deep throater, Ami!”

“Ah… Thank you?” Finally, the doctor to be lowered her pop, giving her friend a greatful nod. What a useful lesson that had been – but she still had a quiz to do! “I’ll try to remember.”

“I think you’ll manage~” Mako said, drifting back to her seat. “Just remember to use your tongue.”

“Of course.” Now where had she been… Oh there it was. She plucked up her pen and started ticking through the answers once again. Easy. Easy. Easy. Had this test really been made for University students?

And as for Makoto, she’d barely sat down before she was back up again, strutting off into the kitchen. Ami, of course, looked up after her. “Is something wrong?”

“Oh, no.” Mako shook her head. “I’m just totally not in the mood for studying, y’know? It’s, like, such a nerd thing to do.

Huh. Ami frowned. That seemed perfectly reasonable, didn’t it? But, wait, hadn’t Makoto invited her over specifically for a study session? Why would she do that if she didn’t want to study? That didn’t make any sense.

The blunette was struck by a sense of wrongness, concern starting to bloom in her heart. Was something strange happening? It felt like it was. But then, why wasn’t she worried? Surely this was something that would normally have her at least concerned. And yet, right now she felt as though there was… she felt as though there was a gap in her head, a great chasm, dividing her mind – where her concerns were on one side, and her worries were on the other, with nothing to connect the two, leaving her bizarrely calm.

Hm. Was there a way to fix this? Some sort of bridge she could make in her thoughts? Surely she could think of a solution to this, as long as she was aware of the problem…

Absently, she sucked on her popsicle again, slipping the long, hard shaft through her lips and sliding her tongue along it, bobbing her head back and forward while she thought.

Yes, as long as she could conceive of the problem, then she could definitely… definitely…

… Ah, what had she just been thinking about?

The blunette was struck by an uncharacteristic sense of confusion as certain troublesome thoughts that had been bouncing around in her head froze solid, and then melted away. Huh. Strange. Oh well. She shook her head, sucking tenderly on her sucker, before turning back to her quiz.

And Makoto flounced off over to the oven, and started gathering ingredients. For what, Ami couldn’t say, but it didn’t really concern her. She still had questions to answer! So she just busied herself away, occasionally pausing for a quick suck, and ignored the busy sounds of Makoto’s kitchen counter just across the room.

She was quite proud of her focus today! She was able to power through anything, even when Makoto began using the blender! Clearly she was in the zone.

Which is why it was quite a surprise when she found a warm wooden spoon pressing between her lips, the curve filled with sugary sweetness. “Mmm?”

“Do you like?” Makoto giggled, giving her friend a few moments before pulling the spoon back. “I’m making a few Bimbo Bonbons for Usagi, and like I wanna to get the recipe right! Gotta be careful, can’t make her too dumb, right? So I figured I’d use you as a taste tester! That way if I make them too strong it’s fine, since you’ve got plenty of brains to spare~”

Well that made perfect sense. Ami smacked her lips thoughtfully. “This is the mix you’re using?” She asked, trying to give the best feedback she could. “Hm… It has a lot of sugar in it.”

“Duh! It’s Usagi, y’know?”

“Fair point.”

The chef looked at her oddly for a moment, tapping the spoon against her chin. “That’s, like, not right though. You’re supposed to… Oh! Duh!” She bopped herself on the head and laughed. “I forgot the secret ingredient! Hold on, lemme try again.”

She returned to her counter, and Ami returned to her studies, giving her mostly melted pop another suck for luck. More sounds were ignored as the genius engrossed herself in an old, familiar activity, enjoying it more now that the quiz had moved into the tougher sciences expected of her level of education. Let’s see, String Theory was-


Again, a sweet taste filled her mouth on the back of Makoto’s spoon, and again Ami found herself chewing on the soft batter-like mixture that the chef wanted her to try. This one tasted a little different – stronger, more zesty. It was nice, if a little powerful, and it left her feeling a little strange as the taste spread up through the roof of her mouth. She felt the oddest sensation of fizzing, like someone had mixed water and Alka-Seltzer inside her head, bubbling away inside her brain. Then, before the sensation could become unpleasant, it just seeped into her, flowing down her spine and dribbling into her chest, where she suddenly felt very warm.


“Huh?” Ami looked down, blinking. Her breasts were waiting there to greet her, proudly straining against her sensible bra – the blouse that she’d been wearing having burst open as they’d grown out a few cup sizes. Huh.

They weren’t especially large now, but they were certainly bigger than what she’d woken up with this morning. How peculiar – she’d thought herself long past the period of her life where she could expect any growth in this department.

“Oh, nice!” Makoto certainly sounded impressed! The brunette extracted her spoon, sliding it into her apron, and leaned down to cup her friend’s new bust firmly in both hands. “So cute! Though not quite big enough yet for Master~ Don’t worry though, we’ll fix that soon. How do they feel?”

“Ah…” Ami found herself wriggling in her seat, her cheeks flushed deep red as Makoto squeezed her chest. “V-very, ah, s-s-sensitive!”

“Awesome~” Makoto giggled, giving her another squeeze before releasing her. “And, like, how’s that noggin of yours?”

“My noggin?” Ami gave her a confused look, before trying to button her shirt back up – only to find most of the buttons had already popped off. Annoying. “You mean my head? Just fine, why?”

“Hmmm… needs a bigger dose then. ‘Kay! Thanks Ami~” And away she went.

The genius sighed, giving up on doing her top back up and giving her pop another suck, finishing it off with a refreshing gulp. Right, no big deal, it wasn’t like her breasts were going to get in the way of her studies. Now, where was she? Oh yes, String Theory was… Was…


Ami frowned, her brow wrinkling. What had it been again? Something to do with alternate dimensions? Huh. She could have sworn she knew this. No, she definitely knew this. So why couldn’t she answer this simple question?

Hm. Well, it was an advanced subject. No harm in coming back to it later. Maybe she’d done enough science for now – some cold hard equations would sort her out, get her back on track. Yeah, that was the ticket. She reached over and pulled out another study sheet – this one laden with delicious, delicious equations – and started to shoot through it. Her pen was moving with lightning speed!

“Open wide~”

This time it wasn’t a surprise when Makoto returned with another dollop of mix. Ami didn’t even pause, simply letting her friend spoon feed her while she focused on answering questions. It tasted delightful, as always, with a thicker texture than the previous attempts, and…


Ah, the fizzing was back, stronger than before. Ami’s eyes crossed briefly, as if she was trying to focus on the strange sensation bubbling away in her brain. It was pleasant, very pleasant – but pretty distracting, too. She couldn’t help but be relieved when it faded, slipping away down the back of her neck, sinking lower this time, flowing all the way down through her body, until the warmth reached…


“Oh!” Ami found herself gripping the table to steady her balance, which was suddenly off. And her skirt felt oddly tight right now. Hm, very peculiar… Oh well, probably nothing.

She shrugged, the thick haze of obliviousness having totally solidified over her thoughts, and went to return to her quiz – only for a sharp smack to her thigh to jostle her from her routine once more.

“Well hey there!” Makoto giggled, her hands now roaming over Ami’s ass, which felt much larger than she was used to, kneading the cheeks like she was working dough. “Hee, I always thought you needed a bit more junk in your trunk, Ami. Still sensitive?”

“I… Thank… you?” Ami wasn’t sure what to say. It was a perfectly normal compliment, but for some reason her head just wasn’t in the game. “And, um. Yeah? Kinda-Oh!” She gripped the table again. “Y-yes, that’s pretty… um… Yeah!”

The change in her language, her tone growing less formal, escaped her – though Makoto had a knowing grin on her face. “Cool! So, like, are you feeling all dumb yet?”

“Dumb?” What a strange thing to ask. She wasn’t dumb – she was a genius! “Uh, nope. Still super smart and, like, stuff, right?”

Makoto looked disappointed. “Awh. Hm. Guess I’d better up the recipe even more then~ Thanks Ami!” Away she went.

And back to her studies went Ami. Although…

Although, had these questions always been so difficult? Her pen slowed to a crawl as she tried to figure out each question in her head – but her head wasn’t feeling up to the task. It was totally normal for her normally racing mind to be sludging along like its wheels were stuck in the mud, she knew, but for some reason the slowness of her thoughts was making all these questions, like, really difficult…

… No, no, this was all normal, she realised, a light dawning in her eyes. She was just, you know, such a genius that she didn’t even have to think about these questions! She was slowing herself down trying – naturally, a super smart girl like her knew how to answer these calculations in an instant! Duh!

A relieved smile settled over her face as her pen resumed its lightning speed. Phew, she’d almost been worried for a moment there – but this was easy! Hm, A12>7Z*(J25) over C? … 3! Easy peasy. Hah, wow, she was even better at this than she thought!

In fact, by the time Makoto returned with another sample of her cooking, Ami was sitting with a proud pile of quiz sheets, all filled out and marked 100% correct! Heehee, she’d even corrected a bunch of answers that the quiz makers had gotten wrong! What dummies, right?

“Oh wow,” the brunette said, looking impressed. “You really are still super smart, aren’t you? Well don’t worry, this one should dumb you down~” She giggled, presenting Ami with a single bonbon, already smooth and circular. “It’s got, like, everything in it. If this doesn’t make a bimbo out of you, nothin’ will!”

Ami snorted at the very idea – her? A bimbo? No way, she was the smartest! – and happily scooped the sweet treat into her mouth.

It hit her instantly. There was no fizzing sensation this time, just one almighty POP between her ears, and then a warm, nice, pleasant haze as all of her thoughts melted away. The genius relaxed in her chair, a stupid smile spreading over her lips, her eyes crossing as she quietly giggled, the power that had been in her mind flowed elsewhere. Places like her chest, which swelled outwards, pushing the stack of papers on the table in front of her away as they grew to more than twice their already impressive size. Places like her ass, that thickened underneath her and tore her skirt in half. Places like between her legs, where a new hot and horny heat began to gather and make her drip. Places all over her body, which smoothed out and slimmed down into bimbolicious perfection – places everywhere, so long as they weren’t her brain.

Makoto watched with wide eyes and an open mouth, unable to tear herself away from the transformation she was witnessing as her friend’s clothes were shredded, having no hope of containing the bimbo blossoming within them. She even shielded herself behind her tray as the last few buttons on the woman’s blouse were shot across the room. It was only when things had finally settled, and the change seemed to be done, that she dared address her.

“Ami?” She asked, licking her lips – half from nerves, half from lust. “Are you, like, okay?”

There was a moment’s pause before the blunette replied – her dim, unfocused eyes blinking slowly, a long, lounging moan emerging from her throat as she came to life once more. She sat up, the lazily careful motion making her tits bounce like beachballs, even causing the table to shake, steadily adjusting herself. She took a breath, a smile cresting on her lips – while her hands sank down into her lap, and pushed the shredded remains of her panties out of the way of her dripping lower lips.

“Mm?” She looked up at Makoto, her eyes glazed thick, her expression utterly vacant. “Like, sure Mako~ I’m totally great!”

Makoto breathed a sigh of relief. Sure, she was a bimbo, but she didn’t want to hurt her friend. “Great! So, like, are you a super dummy now?”

“Huh?” Ami’s head tilted, and one could practically hear a note from the wind whistling through her ears. “Me? A dummy?” She burst out giggling, one hand rising up to grope her bare chest. “Don’t be silly, Mako, I’m, like, the smartiest smarty around!” She paused in her groping to reach over to one of her tests and squiggled on it quickly, before holding it up proudly. “See?”

“Oh.” The brunette paused, her lips forming a small pout. She herself was far too dim to note that Ami had gotten every single question on her sheet completely wrong. Her hands came to rest on her hips as she thought. “Well, that was all the stuff Master gave me, and it was supposed to, y’know, make you a mega-dunce, but I guess you were just too smart?” Her eyes lit up, and she clapped. “Wow! You must be, like, even way smarter than I thought you were!”

That sounded right to the big boobed blue haired babe. “Yeah!” She giggled, still openly playing with herself. Which was, of course, perfectly normal – as everything was to Ami now. “I’m way too smart to ever be a dummy~”

“Aw man, Master’s gunna be all upset… Oh well. I bet he’ll think of something. He’s, like, super smart as well. I bet you’ll get on, you can, like, talk about all the smart things…” Makoto nodded to herself. Yep, that seemed about right. “Until he turns you into a bimbo, anyway~”

Ami just giggled again at the silly idea, before moaning as her fingers brushed against a nice, sensitive spot.

The sight was more than enough to give Makoto an idea of what to do while they waited for Master to arrive. “Hey Ami,” she said, unhooking the straps of her dress and letting it pool around her feet, stepping out of her heels to leave herself completely naked. “Wanna fuck?”

That sounded like a perfectly normal request to Ami. She spread her legs. “Sure~”

And with that, the study session moved into covering sex education, and proving once again that even with a head full of air, Ami Mizuno was an excellent study.


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