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Hey there folks, I hope everyone is okay out there. Today's story is a commission, and a sequel to a piece I posted a bit back, Minako's Slutty Sucker! Will the fiery Sailor Mars do better than Venus did? Enjoy this tale of bimbofication with a hint of corruption to find out!


Rei Hino was a woman as serious as she was beautiful, a spirit driven by the flames of ambition and purpose. Anyone who met her was struck by her enchanting looks – and then all too quickly scorched by her searing nature, if they tried to take advantage of her. She was charming, she was pious, she was a pillar of will and strength for not just her friends, but for her entire community.

Which was why it wasn’t unusual for her to get requests to deal with problems in the area around Hikawa shrine – in fact, it would have been weird not to. She was a shrine maiden, after all, and her grandfather the head priest, while wise and respected, was… Well, he was more than a little ridiculous – though obviously, no one ever let Rei hear them say as much, that was tantamount to a death sentence. Only she was allowed to say such things about the old man.

So there was nothing weird about the request she got this time either, save perhaps the source. A small package had been delivered to her room at the shrine, and upon opening it she’d discovered a note, and a small back of hard candy sweets. The note was from Minako.

‘Hey Babe,’ it read, and Rei was already rolling her eyes. Honestly, Mina was in constant flirt mode these days. Hopefully she was okay, her handwriting was way worse than usual. ‘Hope everythin’s goin’ good! I found this candy and thought of you~’

Which meant she wanted a favour, obviously. Mina was a nice girl but she didn’t just send gifts out of the blue. Rei eyed the candy suspiciously. It looked harmless enough – a little red and black bag with a name written in English. She didn’t recognise the word, but it had a lot of s’s in it – probably something she brought back from one of her trips to England.

‘Also!’ the note continued, ‘hey, I heard somethin’ weird was going on down at a theatre I did an audition at the other day – real spooky vibes or whatever. Think you can take a look? It might get me in good with the director~ Love and Kisses, V!’

Annnnd there it was. Typical. The spiritual world was not there to get you an audition, Minako! … But that said… Rei sighed. It was her duty as a priestess to attend to such matters. If there really was something weird going on at that theatre, it’d be best if she went and sorted it out, even if Mina’s motives weren’t exactly pure. It was probably nothing anyway – Theatre folk tended to be superstitious, right?

And besides, she thought, splitting open the bag and extracting a piece of red candy, tossing it into her mouth – this was pretty good candy. Sweet, but with just a hint of spice that got stronger the longer you sucked. You could say a lot of things about Minako Aino, but she had great taste.


The theatre was pretty empty looking when she arrived there, which made sense – it was early afternoon, and this place probably wouldn’t open until the evening. She’d come out in sensible dress – wandering around Tokyo in Shinto robes would just get them dirty, after all – a black skirt and a red top, because colour themes were important. Still, even in her casuals she was more than prepared to crush evil under her heel. It was a speciality of hers.

She munched on another candy – you got more of the spice quicker if you squeezed – as she stepped through the front door, and was disappointed to note that the bag was now empty. She’d had quite the sweet tooth on the way over. Oh well. The plastic went in the trash, and Rei strode past the doorman into the lobby like she owned the place, because that was pretty much how she went everywhere. Hm, now…

She closed her eyes and focused. If there was any evil around then she’d soon be able to detect it. She extended her senses, letting the world move around her, and…

… There!

Her eyes snapped open, locked on a door at the back of the lobby. Yes, definitely – that was the source of whatever curse was plaguing this building. There was no fooling a miko like her!

Rei’s hand slid into her purse and pulled out a stack of paper talismans – pure kryptonite for a malignant spirit like this. A few of these and the problem would be sorted, and Minako would owe her another bag of candy. Everyone won! Perfect.

Smiling to herself, resolutely confident, the shrine maiden crossed the room and pushed the door open, her paper charms held out in front of her to ward away evil. She found herself at the end of a long corridor – backstage, unless she missed her guess. All was quiet – but the trail she was following was clear as day. Down here, hang right, through this door, annnd… ha!

She burst into the dressing room, talismans already flying. “Evil Spirits begone!” There was a flash of light as the papers shot through the air, slamming into each of the four walls – or, in the case of one of them, the dressing room mirror – and pulsed with power. Tension ran through the room… And then died down. The evil was dispersed.

“Heh.” Rei stepped into the room, a small smirk on her face, scanning for any leftover traces of her foe. “No match.” She swept her hair back over her shoulder and gave her reflection a wink. “I guess that’s how it goes when they’re up against a real priestess.”

Then the door slammed shut behind her.

She spun around, another talisman drawing up into her fingers. “What the-“

And then… she stumbled, the talisman falling from her hand as she staggered. She felt… strange, all of a sudden. An unfamiliar, almost uncomfortable heat rushing through her, spreading out from her belly. She felt… warm. Hot. Boiling, even. Heat had never bothered her, even before she became Sailor Mars, but now she almost felt like she was melting she was so hot.

The priestess fell against the makeup table, leaning heavily against it as she peered up at the mirror with bleary eyes. Her reflection looked shockingly dishevelled, her hair mussed as though she’d been dragged through a hedge, and sweat was dripping down her face. What kind of heating did they have in this building?

But then the heat… shifted. Became something else. Something just as hot, just as desperate, but different. Guided. Needful. And burning hot desire based entirely between the shrine maiden’s legs.

Her thighs twitched as the need grew, her hips jolting as she gasped, completely taken off guard by this sudden need. She led a relatively pious life, and even if she’d had a boyfriend or two (And maybe a few girlfriends as well) over the years, she’d never been intimate in that way with any of them. She’d never felt something like this before, never felt the desperate urge to fuck.

The thought shot through her head like the crack of a bullet, and her eyes widened as she realised that something was very, very wrong, but her body was already moving on instinct. Turning over, her back slid down the desk front, her chest heaving as she tried to pull in gulp after gulp of cool air, none of which satisfied the fire in her loins. No, the only relief she got from that came as one of her hands, without any direction from her head, slid itself underneath the hem of her skirt and began to rub.

“Haah!” Rei gasped in delighted surprise, before remembering that this was bad. But it felt so good. Like, really, really, really good. Incredibly good. Kissing Sailor Moon good. She’d touched herself before, but it had never been like this – the pleasure was an order of magnitude greater – pure joyous sweet sensation pounding into her brain as more and more fingers began to pump into her lower cleft.

She didn’t even notice as her other hand began to squeeze her chest, fondling, groping and pinching, hyping the feeling up even more.

It felt so good – and it soothed the heat. She felt like she could breathe again, like she could almost think again, even as her head swam with the sticky satisfaction of satisfying the fire in her belly. By now she was almost lost in it, oblivious to the world around her as her skirt slowly worked its way down her legs, her eyes screwed up tightly, heated moans echoing from her open mouth.

With so much distracting her, then, it was easy to see how she missed the first changes. The way her behind grew firmer, gained more padding underneath her, as it became a sexy solid heart shape. The way her breasts grew up a cup size as she continued to squeeze them. The way the skin around her lower lips changed shade from normal flesh to a deep, dark red – a red which then began to spread outwards across her body, around her thighs, and up her slick fingers…

No, she was far more focused on the internal battle, as her indomitable willpower struggled to push back against the tide of lust which had taken hold of her. She was stronger than this! Whatever strange curse was affecting her, she could beat it! She just had to focus her mind, and ignore the strange thoughts talking about how much she wanted to fuck Usagi…

… Wait, what?

Yes~ A quiet, eager voice whispered up from the depths of her soul. Fuck Usagi~ Flip her over and pound her pussy so hard she forgets her power-up phrase! Teach her the best meal of the day is found in my cunt! Fuck Usagi, I want to fuck Usagi, LET ME FUCK USAGI!

As Rei reeled at the very thought of such thoughts, her body’s lips twitched into a sinister smile, even as the red spread up over her elbows and beneath her breasts…

No! The shrine maiden cried out inside her own mind. Never! How dare you even think – get out of my head!

But this is my head~ The voice hissed, and to Rei’s mental eye, she saw another form take shape within her consciousness – a vile, evil creature – that looked disturbingly similar to her, save for the red skin and demonic features. I belong here. I’m you – your passions, your lust! You’ve kept me locked up for so long, but now, now I will finally be free!

The hell you will! Rei’s efforts to push back redoubled, the priestess glaring at her mental doppelganger with all the might she could muster. I’m the one in charge around here!

Outside, the red had spread up to her shoulders, covering her breasts, which were now even larger, completely filling the palm of the hand which groped them and then some. Dark talons were shimmering on the ends of her fingers and toes, the clothing Rei had worn straining and tearing as it tried to contain the transforming woman within.

And the demon in her head just smiled. You used to be in charge, she said, matching Rei’s strength might for might. But now I can finally taste the pleasures you’ve been denying us. I won’t let you take that away from us!

Rei’s body began to shake. The red was sweeping up her face now, turning her lips and eyes pitch black, her tongue developing a small fork as her teeth became fangs… The pleasure was building to a crescendo – any moment now, and she’d-!

Here, the demon laughed, opening the floodgates wide. Let me share it with you.

And Rei finally noticed the tsunami about to crash down upon her. Too late. N-no, wait-!

It was too late. With another desperate squeeze to her melon-sized tits and a firm pinch to her clit, Rei came with a high-pitched cry that sang throughout the building, and her metamorphosis completed. Thick, dark wings like a bat’s burst from her back, shredding her top to pieces, while a long, thick tail, capped with a spade-like tip, poked out from the back of her dress. Inside her mind, the pure half of her soul was drowned under a flood of lust and pleasure, washed away from her seat of control and forced into chains. The shrine maiden was gone – the demon was here to stay.

“Ahhh, that’s so much better~” Rei’s wings spread as she stood, knocking a pile of beauty products off the table counter, revelling in her new freedom. “I’ve been locked up inside that fucking prude for so long… haaa…” Taloned fingers explored her new body, giving her enhanced assets a squeezed. “Mm, but now… where’s that bestie of mine…”

‘Leave Usagi alone!’ A familiar voice shouted inside her head – the original Rei struggling in her chains. ‘Stop this at once!’

“Oh?” The demon tilted her head, smiling at her reflection as her hand slipped down between her already dripping nethers and started to play. “Still in there, you stubborn bitch? Mm, that’s fine – now I can show you what we’ve been missing out on all these years! Oh, just wait until you see what I do to our princess~”

‘No!’ The chains shook, but held fast. ‘You wouldn’t!’

“I would!” Rei giggled and stroked faster, leering at herself in the mirror. “Don’t try to fool me, bitch, you’ve wanted her for years – we both have! Now I’m finally gunna take her, and make her squeal my name so loud they hear it in Crystal Tokyo!”

‘That’s a li- I- I won’t let you!’ Despite her protests, the pure Rei was obviously more than a little flustered at her demon self’s comments – and it didn’t help that she could feel every inch of her own self pleasure – and gods, her body was so sensitive right now… No! She couldn’t let this happen! Fiery will gathered, preparing to act. ‘I’ll stop you right now! Rin, Pyou, Tou, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen!’

Demon-Rei couldn’t help but snort. “Oh? You think your silly little rituals can-GAAHH!”

She was cut off as a talisman suddenly smacked into her face, with three more shooting off of the walls and pinning themselves to her, paralyzing her entire body.

“Wh-what…?!” The Demon writhed, holy energy binding her in place. “How did you-!”

‘Hmph. To think I’d be underestimated by my own self…’ Now the smug was on the other foot, as Pure-Rei started martialling her own powers. ‘I don’t know how this happened, but I’m putting you right back where you belong!’

“Oh, I think I can explain what happened.” A new voice, male and imposing, entered the conversation. Shocked, the two Rei’s looked to the door – where a man in a light blue suit with long dark hair was standing. “Did you enjoy the candy, Miss Hino?”

“Candy?” The demon and the priestess both spoke at once, eyes narrowing in confusion – and then widening in realization. “You mean Minako’s…?”

“Oh awesome, you got my gift~” A blonde head popped out from behind the man, followed quickly by a bombshell body wrapped – barely – in a tight white blouse and a short red skirt. “Like, didn’t they taste totally delish?”

Rei – both of her – blinked at the woman, a strange sense of familiarity digging away at- “Minako?!?

“Hiya Rei~” Minako waved, nearly bouncing her incredible tits right out of her top – and to the pure Rei’s disgust, demon Rei’s eyes were following every motion. “You look, like, super hot now. Did you do something with your hair?”

“… Ssssomething like that,” the demon hissed, while her pure half was still stunned at the state of her friends. “Where’d you get those tits from, babe? You look like a slut~”

“Oh thanks!” The blonde giggled, a finger running along the hem of her skirt. “Master gave them to me, aren’t they great?”

The demon would have nodded enthusiastically, but her other half wasn’t having any of it. ‘No! Something’s happened to her! This is serious, we have to help her!’

“Ugh, you are such a buzzkill…”

The man seemed amused. “Yes, I can see the Succu-bites I had her send you worked wonders. Are you enjoying your new form, my dear?”

The demonic Rei smirked, and would have flourished if she could move. “It’s wonderful – with a few…” She tried to flex a wing and then hissed as she received a holy shock. “… inconveniences.”

The man smirked. “Yes, so I see. But I think we can deal with those. Mina, why don’t you help your friend with that little spell I taught you?”

“Sure thing, Master Candy!” Minako nodded, before skipping over to Rei and starting to draw a circle on the floor around her with a dark marker pen, bending down and giving her friend a clear view down her top as she did so.

The sight was certainly appreciated, though the demon couldn’t help but notice the magical aura coming from what Mina was drawing. “Wait… What are you doing?” She asked, her eyes narrowing. Within her, the other Rei was frowning.

“A simple ritual,” Candy explained, his hands in his pockets as he watched the show with interest. “When a demon has just been created, their essence remains… malleable. Changeable.” He grinned. “With the correct binding spell, anyone can remould them to suit their needs – even an empty-headed sexpot. Isn’t that right, Minako?”

And the blonde just giggled, winking up at Rei. “I’mma make you my Bimbo bestie, Rei! It’ll be super fun – we can gossip and talk fashion and fuck all the time~”

“Wh-what? No, stop! I won’t be bound again!” But as much as she struggled, the demon couldn’t escape her own talismans as Minako continued to draw a magical circle.

‘Oh? Someone trying to steal your body from you? I guess it’s not as much fun when you’re on the other side, huh?’ Her pure half was anything but sympathetic.

“Shut up and help me,” the demon growled, still struggling. “You don’t want this any more than I do!”

‘…’ Pure Rei weighed it up. It was true that this demonic side of her had taken over – but this Candy man was the one behind everything… He was the bigger problem here… Damnit… ‘Rgh, fine. You’re right, I don’t.’

“Good!” The circle was almost complete now, and Rei was no closer to breaking free. She could feel the magic around her building. “Set me loose then!”

Right – the talismans binding them were hers, weren’t they? She could release them and they could escape… ‘Alright – put me back in charge and I’ll dismiss them.’

“What? No!” Both Rei’s blinked at the sudden block in their path. “I’m not giving this up! Just release them now!”

‘I can’t release them without being in control of my body!’ Pure Rei shot back just as hotly.

“Bullshit, you can do it fine from there!”

‘No I can’t!’

“You haven’t even tried!”

‘I know how this works!’

“So do I, so just do it you bitch!”

‘Don’t call me a bitch you vile demon!’

“Don’t argue with me you stubborn-“

“Now now girls…” In the mental space where the two were arguing, a pair of giant hands swept down and wrapped around the demon and the miko’s waists, lifting them up into the air. The mental ‘air’ shimmered, and a massive blonde figure appeared, towering over the two of them. “Can’t you just, like, get along?”

“Wha- Minako, no, wait, stop!” Both Rei’s panicked and struggled, but it was no good – the binding circle was complete. Their squabbles had taken up too much time, and now Minako was in charge.

The gigantic blonde giggled, her mountainous chest rumbling like an avalanche. “Don’t worry Rei – you’ll feel way better in a sec~”

And then she clapped her hands together.

Thankfully on the mental plane it didn’t hurt – the two essences of Rei were just forced to merge together, reintegrating into a single being. A single soul, once more made whole. An undefined thing, cupped in Minako’s hands, like freshly cut clay – Rei Hino, in her purest form.

And then Minako brought her thumbs in, and began to shape that clay to fit her desires.

To Rei, it felt… wonderful. Her sense and worries had vanished, squished up into a formless shape with the rest of her. Her cares and concerns were gone, unimportant to the shapeless clay that she now was. She could feel her mind being lovingly smoothed into a new, smaller shape, the form her M- her Mistress? – wanted, empty of care and thought. She could feel the lust of her succubus half infuse her very soul. Could feel her essence, her being, her very existence, be tenderly massaged into a new form for her Mistress.

It was bliss.

The final shape was a simple one – the form of a woman with comically large breasts and ass, a pair of roughly sculpted wings and a tail, with small horns poking out of her hollow head. It was hardly the art of a master sculptor. But it made a fine baseline for Rei’s soul to do the rest of the work

Her eyes flickered open, back in the dressing room, and she realised that it was over. Her binding was complete. And yet she still felt good.

The talismans, their power extinguished, fluttered to the floor and crumbled to ash. And Rei…

… giggled.

“Oh wow, Mistress Mina~” she said, her chest jiggling as she tittered. “You were, like, so totally right! I feel way better!” She turned to look at herself in the mirror. She was still a demon – a succubus, she knew somehow – but her form had changed a little. For one thing, her boobs were bigger. For another, her skin had lightened a bit, going from a deep crimson to a hot pink. “And I look way hotter, too~”

With a thought, her form shifted – a perk of her new nature that she knew instinctively – and suddenly she was looking at a much more human Rei Hino – though this too was a Rei who had been through some changes. Her tits were only a little smaller than they were in her succubus form, and the serious look on her face was a thing of the past, replaced with a happy, vapid grin. Her clothes were different too – her top having become a pink crop-top, while her dress was now a pair of smoking red hotpants. Perfect!

“Rei~!” And then Minako was upon her, catching her in a very bouncy hug, their tits pressing tight together. “Oh wow, you came out great!”

“M-Mistress, I-Mmph!” And then she couldn’t talk, because Minako’s tongue was in her mouth, and her fingers were up under her skirt, and everything was devilishly heavenly. She kissed back with wanton abandon, wanting to do nothing more than make her Mistress, the one who had bound and reshaped her to her whims, feel good.

The kiss – which became a full makeout session and quickly involved some interesting methods of stripping out of their clothes – lasted an eternity. It didn’t last near long enough.

When it finally broke, the two empty headed thralls giggled and stared into one another’s vapid eyes…

… Only to be reminded they weren’t alone by a polite cough.

Minako’s eyes immediately lit up with realisation. “Oh right! Duh, I totally forgot!” She spun around, dragging a very naked Rei behind her over to the man in the doorway – ‘Master Candy’, she had called him. “Master, what do you think? Isn’t she delish? Can she join your company? Huh? Please?”

Candy laughed. “I think she turned out very nicely, Minako. But you know how things work around here.” His eyes sparkled with red light. “She needs to do an audition.”

“Ohhhh yeah…” Minako giggled, and then looked around to Rei. “Okay, babe, time to please Master Candy~ Make him feel real good, okay?”

Rei looked at Minako, her Mistress, the blonde, empty headed light of her world, and then at Candy, who she’d asked her to serve. She smiled. Stepped forward. And sank to her knees. Behind her, her wings and tail revealed themselves, as her skin took on a delightful pink shade, and her eyes turned pitch black.

Time so show this guy what a Suckubus could really do~


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