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And the votes are in! Man, this was a close one, the numbers were shifting right up to the very end! But now that it's over, the winner is:

Status Effect: Mook - There are a number of hazardous status effects that can end up befalling the protagonist of a video-game. Poison. Sleep. Confusion. Usually easilly cured with the right item...but what about this one? The one that reduces all their hard earned stats like free will to Zero and gets rid of all the precious gear. That reforms their bodies and minds to match that of the weakest, most basic enemies of the game, eternally loyal to the villain of the setting. I'm sure a cure will be found eventually.

This is going to be fun~ But who's going to be dealing with the Mook Effect? Let's see who's story this is going to be... With our standard setting setup poll! (If you have other ideas for settings this fic can use put them in the comments, and if an idea in the comments appeals to you, hit like and I will count that as a vote! Don't be shy - there's a lot of series out there, and every time I do one of these polls I try to include the stuff I missed last time!)

Here we go!


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