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Hey folks! Posting a little early today, apologies, but with my sleep schedule currently trying to eat itself I figured it was best to get the story up while I'm still reasonably awake!

This one's a commissioned piece involving Ganguro TF, which is something I've seen about but never been too certain about what it was until I did research for this fic, so I hope I got it right! Lemme know how it works in the comments - hope you enjoy!


(Contains Ganguro, Whorification, Mind Control)

There are a few rules in Chaldea.

Do not have a staring contest with Gorgon (or any Medusa, if she’s having a bad day).

Don’t compliment Liz in front of Carmilla.

Don’t get between any Artoria and food.

Don’t praise god in front of Jalter.

Don’t be a Saber around MHX.

… In truth, it is more accurate to say there are many, many rules in Chaldea, a list which seems to grow with every new summoning. The condensed rulebook is available from the Chaldean helpdesk for the low low price of five million qp, though the actual full set of rulebooks (Currently from volume one to twelve) will require extensive farming of ascension materials.

Da Vinci is a shrewd saleswoman.

But even so, there are some rules which everyone is aware of, without even the need for speech, without the need for anyone to write them down, so obvious, so ingrained in the human instinct, that they are. They need not even be written here, for you are doubtless already aware of them.

Such rules could only ever form an irresistible bait to a woman like Sesshōin Kiara. The Demonic Bodhisattva may have been more… restrained, than her alternative incarnation, but she still operated on similar ideals. Lust, carnal satisfaction, the innate urge of the self, such things should not be denied. Indeed, they should be embraced! Her nature had not changed at all with her summoning. Merely her methods.

Which is why it should have come to no surprise, not to anyone, not to any single person whatsoever, that she eventually decided to set up shop in Chaldea with a very obvious purpose. Her room, once like the other quarters offered to servants, warped and twisted, becoming a smoky, sultry establishment – a private, quiet place, where one could conduct business of the most discrete variety.

Or bang a whore as loudly as they may desire. Fear not, the walls were quite soundproof.

Yes, a brothel had been established in Chaldea, much to the delight of many a servant, and much to the exasperated irritation of many others. Da Vinci had ruled that this was entirely fine after a suitably large donation to the workshop (extortionately large, in fact – she really was a very shrewd saleswoman) and had blocked any complaints with a mysterious laugh and a quick retreat. And of course, Chaldea’s Master saw no problem with it, for she was a very accepting soul, for good or for ill.

But naturally, even though no one should have been surprised… There were always exceptions. Chaldea was a place filled with exceptional people, after all. And near the top of that list, among the most exceptional of exceptional, was-

“I forbid it!” Minamoto no Raikou glared at the brothel with power that should have reduced the entire establishment to ashes, were she to actually unleash it. “Something so lewd has no place so near to my child!”

… Yes, Minamoto no Raikou, the possessor of Madness Enhancement EX rank, could never accept such an arrangement. Even as a berserker and not a lancer, her morality was as strong as iron. There were certain things that she could not tolerate – no, not at all! And this, this was so far beyond the pale that even she, the paragon of self-restraint and reasonableness, could not stay silent!

Well, that was something akin to how her thought processes worked. Certainly there was no one who could stop her from striding in, weapons already in hand, ready to deal with the problem – save, of course, her Master, who was currently otherwise indisposed. No, this was the perfect time to put an end to this indecency!

And waiting to greet her as she entered was…

“My my…” Dressed in white robes that concealed nothing, the demonic horns she bore proudly presented atop her head, Kiara greeted her would-be destroyer with her customary open arms and genial tone. “To think that such a noble heroic spirit would come to seek my services. Welcome, General. Heaven’s hole is at your disposal~”

“Then dispose of it is what I shall do!” Raikou declared, drawing her blade. There was no hesitation in her movements, no sign of mercy in her frame. She fully intended to destroy this interloper here and now, with but one decisive blow. Some might have considered this sudden – that was Madness Enhancement EX for you. Direct and to the point.

But she had made a mistake. Blinded by her rage, and not a small amount of madness, she had stepped boldly into another’s territory – and she had failed to realise the consequences of this act. A fact that Kiara was all too aware of. In fact, it was exactly what she had been waiting for. As the heroic spirit lunged, drawing their famed blade back to swing, a tentacle emerged from a portal behind her, striking with lightning speed to coil around her arm and hold her back.

Naturally, of course, no warrior who qualified for the moniker of Heroic Spirit could be stopped so simply, least of all Minamoto no Raikou. Indeed, she barely slowed, pivoting into a spin with ease, her blade switching hands so that she could continue the strike. Sadly, that too was as anticipated, for Kiara was just worthy of the throne as any other Servant. Another tentacle slide around the General’s free arm, and then another pair seized her legs, holding her tight. She growled and struggled, of course, her great might more than enough to escape if she had the time - but for a moment, she was held firm. And that moment was all the wanton nun needed.

“Oh, foolish hero…” She giggled, moving forwards. “So conflicted. So torn…”

“Ngh!” The great Oni Slayer grunted as she was pulled into the air, straining with her sword arm. In a second, she would be free, and her blade would cut down this impudent whore and her tentacles without remorse. “I am not conflicted at all! I will never allow a creature like you to ply your wicked ways around my child!”

“Oh, but General…” She slid closer still, rubbing up against the bound Servant’s body, unbothered by her struggles. “It is conflict I sense. Confusion. The instincts that drove you here, are they really so protective…?” Her eyes glinted, filled with certainty. “Or are they based in a more… carnal emotion?”

“Y-you dare-!!”

The sinful Servant reached up and grabbed Raikou by the back of the head, her fingers softly tangling in her hair. “Poor thing. Allow me to guide you to enlightenment.” And then she pulled, yanking the General’s down, her tentacles shifting her body around so that she was laying flat, and shoving her face beneath her white robes and between her legs.

Drip. Drip.

“Wh-wha…?” The great hero sputtered, blinking as something wet splashed against her cheeks. It wasn’t really her fault that she was momentarily stunned – sexuality had always been a rather tricky area for her. Her combination of oni blood and a shame filled upbringing had left her with odd tendencies and reactions. Certainly, the sight of a drippingly wet cunt, bare and on display above her was not something she was prepared for.

And in that second of hesitation, Kiara struck. Her sex began to glow with dark purple light, power peeking out from the depths of her womb. “Just relax, General. Let me handle everything~”

“…” Raikou would have responded – would have resisted, would have fought to break away – but there was something strange about that light. As it hit her eyes she was struck by a feeling of warmth and familiarity… It was as though her thoughts were slipping into a deep, warm bath, as if all of the stress and worries that she’d been carrying were sliding away, as though she was being taken to somewhere nice and steamy and relaxing to just… rest…

And in a way, she was. For the moment she had laid eyes upon Kiara’s slit, the twisted nun had activated her Noble Phantasm, Heaven's Hole, and begun to draw the maddened General in. But not all of her – no, not all. Instead, she’d decided only to accept her captive’s mind and soul into her divine passage, leaving her body behind…

Perhaps in different circumstances, the great hero could have resisted. Had she been a Lancer or a Saber, she certainly would have had a chance. But as a Berserker, the elements of her personality brought to the fore were the worst ones possible against this opponent – Love and Lust, wrapped up in confusion and loneliness.

How could a woman like her, caught in such a maelstrom of emotion, deny the paradise that Kiara offered?

And so she didn’t. No, as the feeling of peace and comfort took over her mind, Raikou couldn’t offer even the smallest of struggles. Flecks of light, sparks of her mind and soul, emerged from her eyes and mouth, twirling up into the twisted nun’s sex, flowing faster and faster as her mind grew emptier and emptier… Until her head was fully hollow, and the stream stopped entirely. The great General’s soul now nestled firmly between Kiara’s legs, a small ball of purple light in a sea of depravity.

“There. What a good girl,” the woman giggled, rubbing her body just above the womb. “Are you comfortable in there? Then let’s begin…”

She stepped back, sitting down in an empty chair with her legs spread as wide as they could be, gazing into Raikou’s blank face. The hollowed out servant’s empty eyes were still staring at the place where her mind had vanished from her sight, her jaw hanging lightly slack, still held up by Kiara’s tentacles. With a grin, the nun stroked the mindless general’s face tenderly… and then, without a single hint of shame or hesitation, she dipped her fingers down and slid them inside of herself, her already damp nethers easing their passage.

Within her, the core of Raikou’s essence… drifted. She wasn’t entirely sure where she was, or what was happening, but the calm, warm atmosphere eased her worries and the soft, gentle currents relaxed her concerns. She was content, and at rest, undisturbed by this strange situation.

But then something changed. The current shifted. The heat intensified, grew hotter. The warm bath began to boil.

And like a frog in slowly heating pan, the General’s essence was left oblivious to the turn. She was just too relaxed, too empty of worry to notice as the gentle comfort wrapped around her soul began to turn into something else, small waves of pleasure starting to crest over her and fill her with delight. Mmmm, this was nice… In fact, she was starting to feel a little horny…

Kiara giggled as she felt the soul inside of her start to buckle. This wouldn’t take long. Long enough, though - she would still have time for the second part of her gift for her newest client. Raikou’s body still hung limply in the air, bound in the nun’s naughty tentacles. Of course, they had already divested the woman of her armour and clothing, leaving the mighty Oni Slayer quite nude and receptive to their touch. But that wasn’t all they were going to do for the great hero! No, perish the thought.

Indeed, Kiara watched as, under her guidance, a tentacle slid up the General’s legs, slickly probing at the woman’s own cunt before diving straight in and beginning to pump. Another did similar, except it targeted her ass. Two more, tipped with suction cups, wrapped around her chest before capping her teats, and began to suck. And then a fifth, final tentacle, wetly made its way up Raikou’s limp body, over her hips and around her chest, rising up her neck to gently explore her face, tenderly testing her slack and drooling lips… before drifting back and sliding into her ear, another steady pump starting up.

Just as before, there was no difference. Even if Raikou hadn’t understood it as lust, her body had been completely saturated in sin – and Kiara had no difficulty in remodelling it as she pleased. She had just the image in mind, in fact…

Quickly, a wave of darkening skin spread out through the captive Servant’s body from her sex, her pale shade turning tanned and exotic, each pump of the tentacle buried inside of her pushing the wave further and darker until she was thoroughly browned from head to toe. And that was far from the only change sweeping through her. Indeed, even as her tan thickened, so too were her hips, plumping and rounding out larger and larger with every thrust into her bouncy behind. Her chest was already large… But Kiara shrugged – why not go even bigger? It wasn’t like she’d be fighting anyone once she was through with her~ And so they swelled, and grew even larger, suck by suck.

The biggest change, though, was also the least visible – the tentacle in her ear, steadily pumping in, and sucking out… pumping in yet more lust, more heat, more desire, while sucking out the useless junk that it replaced – Raikou’s intelligence and sense. It wasn’t like she’d be needing those anymore! And as it went, slowly its corruption began to leak out in other ways - such as the long, regal purple hair of which the General had been so proud starting to lighten, with streaks of blonde and red starting to become pronounced…

And as her body morphed, was twisted and resulted into something unrecognisable, her mind and soul were still stewing within Kiara’s Heavenly Hole. By now the heat had risen dramatically, Kiara’s fingers now pumping just as rapidly as her tentacles, and the essence contained inside of her had not been immune to the steady flood of lust. Indeed, the purple light of her soul was starting to take on a deeply pink shade. The woman within, had she been possessed of a body, would have been happily panting away as she pumped her fingers inside of her soaking pussy, groping her tits with fierce abandon… But as she was lacking in the flesh department at the moment, all she could do was obsess over such lusty thoughts, imagining a cock pounding into her snatch, or her tongue shoved into another woman’s pussy.

Other thoughts couldn’t exist here, they simply boiled away, steamed out of the righteous soul completely and drowning in Kiara’s juices. Ideas like justice, or love, or hatred, all of them dissolved in that lusty soup, purged from Raikou’s soul completely as she turned a deeper and deeper pink. Her memories of life and war vanished. Her hatred for Oni and Shuten Doji was erased. Her skill with a blade was reduced to nothing. All of it was cast out, carried away on a tide of wanton slutish pleasure, never to be seen or thought of again. Drowning in lust, all Raikou could think of was sucking cocks and pounding pussies and being rammed from behind and groping her tits and fucking and fucking and fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!!!!

In the outside world, Kiara smiled. It was time. Before her, the body of Minamoto no Raikou hung limp. Her eyes were but empty windows, lined thick with pink mascara and eyeshadow. Drool dripped from her thick, painted lips, down onto her absurdly pumped up chest, which was held snugly in the tightest pink halter top one could imagine. It was matched only by the short pink skirt that was practically painted around the woman’s hips, and the shade was linked by the long pink and blonde hair that cascaded down from her head. The deeply tanned curves on display were big enough to smother even Tiamat, the twisted nun would wager. There was no question that the figure in front of her was a whore, made up, tanned and inflated to bring pleasure to any client that would use her. All she really needed was a suitable mind to give her life.

Kiara stroked her womb. She knew just where to find one. And she knew just how to lock it in place, too.

With a snap of her fingers, the tentacles lowered their captive again, gently positioning Raikou on her knees. Then they pushed her forwards, once again shoving her face beneath the nun’s robes and between her legs. Then, finally, the tentacle in her ear gave one last pump, before pulling back. One last payload of lust delivered right into whatever the whore had that might have counted for a brain. One last instruction, just to get the ball rolling.

Her empty eyes focused on the dripping cunt before her. Instinctively, she leaned in, and began to lick.

Kiara was a veteran of pleasures. She knew exactly how to control herself, how to hold herself back from orgasm for as long as it suited her. But she also knew how to drive herself right to the edge with but a finger alone – and she’d done no less for the soul trapped inside her.

The single touch, the rough stroke of a mindless tongue, was all it took for her to climax, a roar of pleasure rushing through her as she screamed out in satisfaction. It hit Raikou’s essence dead on, flooding her utterly with mindless, senseless pleasure, driving her wild and making sure to burn out any last traces of the woman she had once been. Justice, righteousness, the very concept of heroism itself… all of them were destroyed, snuffed out as though they had never been, as Raikou’s soul poured out of Kiara’s snatch, and shot back home.

The whore between her legs blinked stupidly for a moment as the nun’s essence dripped down onto her face… and then giggled, and went right back to lapping away at the soaking cunt before her. Her eager tongue was delightfully quick, and worked with the precision of a servant of pleasure and service, nothing more.

Kiara was almost sorry to cut her off – but there would be plenty of time for enjoying the new hire later, after she’d made a bit of money. “That’s enough, Raikou,” she commanded, gesturing for the Servant to get back to her feet. No need for titles, now that the knowledge of them had been sucked out of the woman’s head. “How do you feel now?”

“Ohhh… Mmm, I feel wonderful~” The new whore answered, rising to her feet with ease, tittering as her titanic tits trembled. “And, oh, so horny! Mmm…” She lifted her chest a little, offering it up to the nun. “Wanna fuck?”

“Not right now,” Kiara said, still feeling sorry to deny her – but business came first. “But if you want, I’ll let you work in my brothel – then there will be plenty of clients to fuck, all day long~”

Raikou’s dim eyes lit up. “Ohhh…” Her legs rubbed against one another as she bit her lip and moaned at the thought. A single finger rose to her pink painted lips to suck on it for a moment. “That sounds… mmm, yes~ That’d be perfect… Maybe they’ll suck my tits and…” She trailed off into lusty fantasies.

Kiara smiled. “Wonderful. Then come with me. I’ll get you a room, and a client to fuck your brains out, just this way…”

And as she led the woman who had come to destroy her and her business deep into the depths of her den of sin, Raikou half skipping, half masturbating all the way, she couldn’t help but notice the other empty rooms that her brothel still held, and wonder for just a moment who else she should get to fill them all.

After all, Minamoto no Raikou had been irresistible bait for Sesshōin Kiara… But in Chaldea, there were plenty more just like her. Just as impossible. Just as irresistible.

Who would be the next to sign on as a whore, spending the rest of her days fucking her brains away as a worker in her brothel? Kiara couldn’t wait to find out~


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