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Hey folks! Today, I'm doing a special bonus update, as someone kindly commissioned me to do an epilogue for the Rwby Merchandise story - so, you get two updates today! Hope you enjoy!


The sex toy – the pocket pussy that had once been Ruby Rose, in fact – rested comfortably in her box. This was natural – after all, there was no position in which such a sex toy could be uncomfortable. Discomfort was an alien concept to such a thing. She was just an object, an item to be used, or be stored when not in use, not a person with thoughts, desires or wants of her own!

Well, no, that wasn’t quite true – oh, no, not the person part, she definitely wasn’t one of those, obviously – but she did have a desire. A single, simple desire, a want that pulsed through every inch of her cylindrical form.

Use me…

More than just a want, in fact, this was a need, a desperate, all-consuming need.

Fuck me…

A need to be used. A need to be fucked. A need for cock! A need for an owner, a master, to take her up, to grip her tight, and to ram her hole and use her for their pleasure! To wrap her lips around their dick and fuck her like the personal pocket pussy that she was!

Oh yes, she needed that. It was the core of her being, her only thought, if such a mindless desire could be called a thought. But there was nothing she could do to sate herself. After all, she was nothing more than a well-crafted plastic tube, with plump, red lips at one end and an interior designed to please any cock that entered. She couldn’t move, or think, or do anything useful, really. All she could do was wait. But that wasn’t so bad. For while she desired only one thing, she desired it with a certainty, an unwavering faith that one day she would indeed be used for her purpose – she would be fucked, and fucked hard. She never questioned it, she never doubted it. She simply knew, in her vague, empty headed little way, that she was simply too perfect a pussy to not be used.

And so she waited in quiet, confident anticipation, waiting for that wonderful day…

… The day when her box finally began to move, jostling her rounded form around. It was happening! The perfect plastic sex toy was about to be owned, about to be used! A pulse of excitement flowed through her. Soon…

Time had no meaning to a toy, and so from her perspective it wasn’t long before the box open, light spilling into her world at last… before she spilled out of her box, slipping and tumbling out onto the covers of a soft bed, missing her owner’s hand completely on the way down.

“Oops.” A voice! Owner’s voice? Could it be?

Once upon a time, Ruby Rose would have recognised the blonde man standing over her. She couldn’t have failed to recognise her old friend and schoolmate Jaune Arc, the leader of RWBY’s sister team JNPR. But Ruby Rose was gone, and the plastic pocket pussy saw only a man – a man with a dick for her to suck!

And as for Jaune, of course there was no way he could have recognised his former friend as he picked her up and laid down on the bed. There was a flash of familiarity, something about the shade of her tube, about the shape of her lips… But it passed quickly. No, this was just a sex toy, obviously – a Scarlet Sucker, according to the site that he’d ordered it from!

“Huh…” He muttered, glancing around one last time. The door was locked, he was alone in the house… It was just him and this thing. “I’ve never used one of these before, but… I guess I’ll give you a try…”

He unbuttoned his jeans and hooked a thumb under the waistline, pulling them down to mid-thigh, along with his underwear, and freeing his already erect…

… dick! If the pocket pussy could have jumped for joy, she would have. Yes, yes yes yes! It was so close; it was so close now! Anticipation filled her – the entirety of her existence was focused completely on the cock in front of her – the promised shaft that she was now being carried towards…

There was a pause. She hovered, hanging in her owner’s hand, poised over the tip of his dick. Jaune was hesitating. His grip tightened, aligning her. “Alright, so I… do it like this…?”

Then her lips slid over his tip, and her ‘mind’ exploded as she ascended to nirvana. Cock was inside her, filling her, completing her. She had entered paradise at long last – fulfilled her purpose, wrapped herself around a shaft. She was being used. She was being fucked! And now there was only one thing that she could do.


So she did, the contours of her interior shaping themselves around the dick inside her, transforming herself as completely as she could for his pleasure. She stroked, and licked, and sucked in the way that only a plastic pocket pussy could…

And she quickly drew results. “Ah! Ngh!” Warmth, wonderful wet warmth, flooded her as her owner came, his sticky essence filling her as her ultimate reward. If her lips could have moved she would have sighed in bliss.

But instead they just quietly popped as his softening shaft slid free. Jaune looked down at her, balanced on his palm, with embarrassed respect. “W-wow… It really felt like you were… Um. Nevermind.”

Hee hee. Silly owner. The pocket pussy was pleased. She’d been used. She’d been fucked. She’d brought her owner pleasure. She was a good sex toy. The ‘thought’, such as it was, contented her as she was thoroughly washed out and quickly dried, before being shoved into a drawer under a pile of magazines, hidden between some dusty boxes. This was fine. She was a sex toy – she wasn’t for display. She was supposed to be used in private, not seen or heard. She would wait silently, mindlessly, here in the dark, until her owner came to use her again.

But she couldn’t wait to taste that cock once again~

Weiss Schnee had been graceful, powerful, intelligent and decisive. An heiress, a singer, a prodigy, a hard worker, a teammate, a huntress, a warrior and a powerful figure in the fight against evil. Strong, smart, and sincere, despite her flaws she was an icon, the very model of what a huntress was supposed to be.

Now, Weiss Schnee was a dildo, her former self long forgotten. She had no wealth, no grace, no thoughts of her own – and she missed none of them. No, in fact, if she were to be asked – and if she could be given a way to answer, which a mindless sex toy didn’t really have – she would say that she had ascended to a higher level of being. The thoughts and concerns that had once run her life now seemed completely and utterly meaningless to her now. Why should she care about her family name when she could be granting her owner pleasure instead? Why should she work hard to train her skills as a fighter when she could just do nothing and grant her owner bliss? Why should she try so hard to think and grow when her empty head could be used as a fuck stick? It was all so silly. She would have giggled at the thought, if she could giggle, or think thoughts. But since she couldn’t do either, she just lay in the dark drawer, the faint outline of her face laying flat on the floor, her perfectly shaped cylindrical body resting, waiting for use.

Oh, how she did love to be used.

She’d serviced three cunts so far, she knew, with a hint of pride. That was pretty good for a cheap little dildo like her. In fact she had barely been made before she’d been used the first time, on the floor of some empty Atlas factory. Her user then had said she needed to be properly broken in for her new existence.

The dildo was ever so grateful to her for that. She’d done her absolute best to offer the woman as much pleasure as she could give, vibrating away inside of her dripping wet snatch and savouring the explosion of juices that came with her well-earned climax.

Then she’d been handed over to the woman’s shorter partner, and was used again in just the same way, with just as much determination to pleasure. That was her purpose now, after all – she would always give her users as much pleasure as she could. Her plastic body didn’t tire, her batteries would never run out – she was the epitome of dildo design! And though that time the climax she’d caused had been silent, it tasted just as sweet.

She had been wrapped and boxed, and then… darkness. For a long, long time. But to a dildo like her, time meant nothing. The concept of impatience didn’t exist inside of her plastic head. She simply waited, silent, mindless, until eventually, after an unknown period of time, her box was finally opened, and her owner pulled her out, back into the light, for a proper examination.

“Hm.” Winter Schnee had peered at her with a critical eye, still dressed in her pristine, if somewhat dishevelled, Atlas Specialist uniform. The dildo had felt the inspection down to her very core, being turned over, turned on and off, and just generally felt over, until… “Acceptable.”

The word had filled the sex toy with delight. She had passed the test! Now her new owner would use her, and get to experience just how good she really was~

There wasn’t a flicker of recognition in either sister – of course there wasn’t. There was no way that Winter could confuse her painfully vanished sister with a dildo, even if its colours were kind of similar, and that pattern on its tip might be sort of similar to the shape of her absent sibling’s face. And just as obviously, the dildo didn’t even recognise the concept of a sister, or understand she had ever been anything but a sex toy. Their relationship was simple and fully mutual – a toy and her owner. Nothing more.

So neither thought that anything strange or off was happening when Winter lay down, stripped out of uniform, and slid her former sister through her lower lips. No, in fact, both were very quickly convinced that this was exactly how things would be, as the dildo began to vibrate, and Winter had to bite her lip to stop herself from gasping out loud with pleasure. Climax hadn’t taken long after that, and the dildo had been rewarded with a veritable flood of juices washing over her as her reward for her service.

She’d then been efficiently cleaned, and shoved into the bottom of Winter’s bedside cabinet. The natural resting place for a dildo when it wasn’t being used.

Since then she’d been getting used regularly, to her continued joy. Winter Schnee was a predictable owner – disciplined even in her own self pleasure. She kept to a strict schedule, and the dildo only saw use at specific times a couple of days a week…

… But those times were growing more and more frequent as time wore on. The dildo was doing a good job~ In fact, she was doing an excellent job, she realised, as the drawer opened and she was pulled out on a non-standard day. Winter was smiling at her. “I don’t know what it is about you,” she mused, already lowering her pants, “but you’re better than expected. In fact… you might just be the best sex toy I’ve ever had.”

And though she didn’t understand why, the words made the dildo feel warm, right down to her core – and as she slid between already dripping lips, she buzzed harder than she ever had before.

Weiss Schnee had been an incredible huntress – but she found her true purpose as a buzzing shaft buried deep inside her sister’s cunt.


“That’s two boxed up and shipped,” Cinder chuckled, still caught up in the thrill of her victory over RWBY. Neo had been working with her long enough to know that she wouldn’t be letting that particular high go any time soon. “I’m sure their new owners will appreciate them. I’ll certainly appreciate having them gone~”

Cinder, Neo had decided, had gone a little loopy over the years that they’d spent trying to deal with these hunters. It wasn’t unexpected – she’d always been rather high strung when things weren’t going her way. That type always snapped if they kept it up for long enough. Eh, whatever. Not her problem.

Suddenly, a hand clapped down on the criminal’s shoulder, shaking her out of her thoughts and forcing her to look up at her ‘boss’. Cinder was smiling at her. “I wanted to thank you, Neo,” she was saying, “for sticking with me through all of this. I know it took a long time, but finally, finally, we’ve done it. Without these pests…” She raised the onahole that had once been Blake Belladonna in her hand and gave it a squeeze. “We’re finally ready. Ozpin has lost his greatest agents, Salem’s lot is already crippled – we’re the last ones standing, and soon, all the power in the world will be ours. I just wanted you to know I’m grateful for all that you’ve done.”

Huh. Thanking someone else? Cinder really must have lost it – she never did that. Neo raised an eyebrow, but nodded in acceptance. Whatever.

The dark-haired maiden just nodded in turn, and then walked away, trying to conceal her smirk. All of that had been total bullshit, of course, but she’d needed to get close for a moment. Neo had been a very useful minion, but she had absolutely no intention of sharing power. No, thanks to the catalysation field she’d just used her body to carry over to the other woman, she’d be taking all the glory here. The small criminal would soon find herself encountering an unexpected hail of ST dust – and Cinder couldn’t wait to see what kind of humiliating form she ended up in.

Of course she’d been zapped as well, so she’d have to be careful not to encounter any of the dust herself, but obviously, that wouldn’t be a problem. She was far too sensible for anything like that to happen to her.

Neo, meanwhile, had returned to her new favourite resting place – laying atop the former Yang Xiao Long, who made for such a comfortable cushion now she didn’t know how she’d ever gotten by without one! She’d definitely be keeping her now. In fact…

Rolling over, the ice-cream haired thug couldn’t help but taunt her supposed ‘rival’ one last time, sliding her fingers into the doll’s well lubricated lower holes, while plunging her tongue into the O where her mouth had been, savouring the way her toy submissively accepted her attentions. Mmm, to have the fiery blonde at her mercy like this… Oh, it was just way too good. Snorting, the criminal rolled over, resting her head between Yang’s blown up boobs, and popped a few sticks of gum into her mouth as she resumed plotting Cinder’s downfall. Ahhh, this was the life…

As for Yang – or the doll who had once been Yang – she was anything but humiliated. Humiliation wasn’t a concept that existed for sex toys! They existed to be used however their owner desired, and the doll was currently happily serving her purpose. Sure, her owner wasn’t likely to fuck her properly any time soon, but her fingers and tongue had been oh-so delightful, and knowing that she’d pleased the woman made the doll ever so happy. The only ‘thought’ in her head, if it could really be called a thought, was ‘use me’ – and Neo was doing just that.

In fact, if the doll had been a little more aware, she might have been worried. She would probably have been aware of just how much ST dust had managed to settle into her holes while she’d been dragged around the factory. And she could have been concerned for her owner as the criminal obliviously began to blow a bubble that looked far more plastic than gum, and coloured brown, pink and white in a familiar pattern, while Neo’s skin began to take on an even pinker sheen as her bubble began to look more and more like a different sort of rubber altogether…

But she wasn’t, so she couldn’t. All that Yang could think, all that she could ever think, was Use me Use me Use me…

And thus she’d be forevermore.

Neo, though, she was starting to feel a touch of jealousy. After all, Ruby and her friends had it easy now. Their lives were dedicated entirely to pleasure. Surely that was too kind to a group that had caused her so many problems? Why were they getting a passport into bliss, while she was left with a crazy woman?

The bubble she was blowing popped, taking a little more effort than usual, and she sucked the gum back into her mouth and resumed chewing.

Weren’t they the lucky ones? Getting used and used and used again? Fucking endlessly in a parade of pleasure? Never having to worry about anything ever again? Hm. That really didn’t feel right to the small criminal. Why did they get all the fun? Shouldn’t that be her?

She blew another bubble, this one even more rubbery than the first, and taking on a weird shape. It took even more effort to burst, almost the full force of her lungs at work. Her lips were starting to tingle as she drew the gum back in to chew once more.

The fact that she was thinking like this didn’t alarm her. Why should it? It only made sense she’d be jealous. After all, her enemies were going to get used! She wanted to be used. Who wouldn’t? The idea of being wrapped around some guy’s dick as he pounded into a wet slit, filling with his cum, being drenched in hers… How delightful. She’d love to be used like that…

Another bubble. This one was so thick it just didn’t want to burst at all. Instead it just grew bigger and bigger as she poured more and more air in, the rubber taking on a rather phallic shape as her lips began to merge with the bubble, and her skin continued to develop a latex shine as the small woman began to grow even smaller…

Cinder was completely unaware that her plan was gaining such quick success. She’d retreated to another room, and was currently playing with her newest trophy – once known as Blake Belladonna. It was just satisfying to do so. Ruby and Weiss had been too firm, and Yang had ended up too soft, but Blake never lost her shape, and was just endlessly squeezable. From faunus rebel to executive stress toy in every single way – the thought deeply amused the maddened maiden.

Naturally, she was unaware that every squeeze was an explosion of pleasure to the onahole’s senses. It was being used, even if not quite for its intended purpose. That was all that mattered. Just like the doll that had been Yang, the toy that had been Blake only had one thought.

Use me Use me Use me…

Certainly, she had no thoughts about the amount of ST dust she’d picked up in her inner cavities as she’d been carried through the factory, nor did she think anything of how every squeeze coated Cinder in more and more of the stuff. That kind of thing required far more of a mind than a sex toy could ever need. She was content just being used – and perhaps, one day, of being fucked like she should be.

Cinder also had no thoughts about those troubling facts – though that was simply because she was unaware of them. She was aware of something, though. An odd growing need, starting to make itself known within her. A need for… for… something…

She looked down at her toy, rolling it over in her fingers, which were starting to turn a deep shade of crimson. She was staring at its thick, juicy booty and licking her lips. Yes, something like that. That kind of hole was just waiting to be… plugged

That was just the kind of thing a sex toy like her could be used for.

“You know, Blake,” she said, starting to feel very warm indeed. Her back was stiffening, her legs starting to blend together as the crimson wave spread over her body. Already her arms were starting to merge with her sides as her hips began to widen and her head started to narrow. “You really were a pain in the ass… Maybe I should return the favour.”

Yes, she thought as her mind began to plummet into a simple mess of lust and desire, images of perfect asses flooding her imagination. The idea of being squeezed between warm, slicked cheeks, of her smooth, sleek body penetrating deep and granting her owner just so much pleasure…

Mm. Cinder smiled as she started to shrink down. That would be the perfect use for a sex toy like her…

The onahole quivered. Maybe she was going to be fucked after all~


The next day, when someone finally came to check out what was going on in the factory with the broken gate, they found a surprising horde of sex toys. A black onahole with cat ears. A cheap sex doll with blonde hair. A multi-coloured condom in a pink and white wrapper. And a red butt plug with a glowing hilt.

All of them were sold for a pretty penny – and all spent the rest of time giving pleasure and being used.

A happier fate, they never could have imagined~ 


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