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Do you guys think I write too many Fate fics?


(Contains futafication, brain drain, and petrification)

Chaldea was an odd organization. A collection of the world's greatest heroes assembled from across history, organised by some of the brightest minds humanity had ever produced, given virtually infinite funding and magical power and then pointed at world endangering threats.

Well sure, it sounds good when you put it on paper, but it was a rather more complicated affair than most people involved would like to admit. The staff were constantly working overtime to keep things running in a way that might be considered smooth if you squinted at it from a very, very long way away, the heroes tended to either be goofing off, trying to kill each other, or both at the same time at all times, and the cafeteria coffee machine had always broken down by noon.

This meant that, on occasion, mistakes got made. Surely that was understandable? But when you were dealing with such... eccentric, and above all, powerful individuals, sometimes mistakes could get very out of hand, very quickly...

Like, for example, someone deciding that the hero best suited for monitoring one of the organization's most troublesome servants today would be one with a class disadvantage...


"You're certainly a bold one..." Said the voice in the dark. Artoria rolled her eyes and advanced into the room anyway. She was never one to shrink from danger, whatever class she found herself in - and as a Ruler, she was perhaps one of her most powerful incarnations (Maybe most powerful, given how oddly limited her Saber self seemed to be - really, it had taken how long for her to fix her instincts?). There was no way she was going to back down from any opponent.

And least of all one like this - she had some access, as a heroic spirit, to versions of her who had fought versions of the servant ahead of her. Each one ended in her victory, or at least a draw. There was nothing to fear here.

"And you speak loudly for one who cowers in the dark," the Ruler said, arms crossing under her ample chest, her jacket swaying in the breeze as it hung from her shoulder. "Do you intend to hide back there all day?"

There was a crunching noise - the sound of scales slithering over rock. The shadows moved. "I'll do as I please, little rabbit." Gorgon's voice held a note of amusement. "Did no one ever tell you that snakes eat your kind?"

Artoria sighed. Petty references to her outfit - as the owner of a casino, it was only natural that she dress as a casino bunny. She didn't see why others felt a need to harp on about it. "You'll find me rather harder to swallow than you imagine," she said simply. "Now enough games. You have been lurking in these chambers for days, and neglecting all training responsibilities. Our Master might call for you at any moment, and I'll not permit you to be weakened by sloth if she ever does." Her green eyes flashed and she snorted. "Not that they are likely to have need of you with other powerful servants around, but none the less."

"Other servants...?" The shadows shifted again, and the great beast finally loomed from within them, her purple hair and golden scales catching the light. "Ones like you, you mean?"

"Well..." The bunny girl examined her nails casually. She couldn't help a slight smirk - she had a savage side of her own, after all. "Perhaps you might say so. I'll accept the compliment."

"Hmm." Gorgon slid closer, smiling herself. "In that case, perhaps I should strip myself of your competition."

The ruler was anything but impressed. "You amuse yourself, but foolishly. The safety systems of Chaldea will not allow any form of violence, let alone for us to destroy one another."

And Gorgon smirked. "Who said anything about violence?" And her eyes flared with pale purple light...

Artoria stiffened. "What are you-Ngh..."

Yes, Gorgon possessed the mystic eyes of petrification, but both her class and her anti-magical ability should have protected her from their effect. So why did she suddenly feel so hot and uncomfortable...

"Are you alright there, foolish little rabbit?" The avenger giggled, sweeping in closer, her eyes back to normal. "Feeling a little... stiff?"

"H-hardly," the king managed, though her stutter betrayed her attempt at nonchalance. She could feel herself starting to sweat despite the cool air. What was this, what kind of curse had she been inflicted with? "Whatever p-paltry magic you've tried to cast will not affect me."

"Oh no?" The snake was close now, circling around her, her tail starting to coil around her legs. "Then I'm sure that, why, if I put my hand down here..." She said, reaching down between them. "And stroke up your... smooth little legs, I won't find... Oh, now whatever might this be?"

Artoria's eyes widened as Gorgon's taloned fingers ran up her inner thigh, and came to rest cupping a large bulge between the bunny girl's legs, standing out under her white leotard. "W-what? Ah!"

Then she gasped as the avenger's thumb slid through the window in her costume's belly and rubbed against a very sensitive, and very stiff organ that the King hadn't realized she had.

"My my, little rabbit, you have gotten hard, haven't you?" With a light shove, Artoria found herself stumbling backwards, sitting down heavily on Gorgon's coils as they slid around behind her. Desperately she tried to regain her footing, but instead she found herself struggling not to rip her costume away and tend to her new appendage herself - her blood boiled as it throbbed between her legs, pulling all her will and thoughts down into it.

And though she succeeded at resisting, Gorgon felt no need to do the same, leaning in with a smile and pulling her prey's costume apart with her bare hands, leaving her in just her bunny ears. Unrestrained, the King's new cock bounced out like a mast strung over a ship, hard as stone. "Mmm, I thought so. We are rather weak to things that affected us in our legends, aren't we?" Gorgon laughed, reaching down and stroking along its length, forcing the King to gasp and shudder helplessly. "And this isn't the first time you've had one of these, is it little rabbit? Hmm, such a silly thing, standing before me so proud and aloof, when all it takes to make your brains melt is a few soft touches~"

The avenger leaned down, dropping low enough that she had to look up to meet the bunny girl's eyes - but, of course, her vision was totally taken up by the monster cock she had unleashed. "And I have the softest touch... Well, when I want to. Would you like that, little rabbit? Would you like this lesser servant to help you out, hm?"

"N-ngh..." Artoria gasped, her face red, sweat pouring down her naked body as she tried, and utterly failed, to regain control. "P-please..."

And Gorgon smirked. "Ahhh, since you asked so nicely... Here..." She moved her body forward, and caught the King's cock between her breasts. "There. Doesn't that feel nice?" Her tone was sweet, but her smile was savage - and it didn't matter one whit to Ruler, who only moaned as she felt her cock get the treatment it needed. Gorgon could do anything she liked - so long as she kept going.

"Here you go dear, now just relax. You're so hard - let me massage away all this stiffness..." The Greek demigod didn't rush, using her arms to bring her tits together, wrapping around the King's cock and squeezing, before starting to move up and down, enjoying the moans and gasps she drew from her victim every step of the way. And before long, she could feel them start to quiver, drawing her to pause. "Oh dear, so close already? Mmm, I can tell - you're about to splurt all those brains of yours out over my nice soft tits, aren't you?"


"Shhh, don't try to resist..." The beast resumed pumping, her breasts rising up and down, inflicting the King with inescapable pleasure. "Just be a good girl... And cum for me, little rabbit~"

With that, she gave one last pump, finishing with a tight boob filled squeeze -

- And the King felt something snap in their head, a loud gurgling sound like water swirling down a drain filling her senses as the last of her thoughts were sucked down into her cock -

- And then with a high pitched cry she erupted, her brains splurting out of her cock and landing all over Gorgon's tits.

The purple haired fiend laughed, savoring the fall of her enemy, before leaning back in, seeking to look her prey in the eye. "Mmmm, there you go~ Was that so bad?" She giggled, licking her fingers.

And then her grin widened as she saw the ruler's face. No longer was the bunny girl's expression calm or regal. Now her mouth hung open, drool dripping out onto her far-from-insubstantial breasts, while her eyes were all but rolled up in her head, dim and brainless. She was utterly defeated.

"Oh? Can't speak?" The avenger tried to talk through her laughter. "Silly me, you need brains for that, don't you? Well don't worry. I know just what we'll do with our sweet little rutting rabbit."

She pulled back, and lifted the helpless servant to her feet. Then, with the care of a woman with a surprising amount of experience at this sort of thing, she began to pose her. Sticking the woman so that she was stood up straight, her chest stuck out boldly, her massive cock still hard and pointed straight out like an arrow, with both of the ruler's hands wrapped desperately around the shaft, pumping it up and down - despite her lack of a brain, Artoria needed no encouragement for that part.

"Yes, that's the way," Gorgon purred, endlessly amused at her victim's lack of modesty and control. "You just keep playing with that big stiff rod of yours like that, keep it good and hard..." She leaned down once more. "And look me in the eyes."

There was another pink flash, and Ruler went still, her body instantly converted from flesh to stone. Perhaps if she had still been in her right mind, she could have resisted - but brainless, and too focused on her dick to worry about the enemy before her, she didn't stand a chance. And now, there was no Artoria Pendragon - Bunny girl of knights.

There was simply a statue of a large chested drooling fool of a woman, hands wrapped around her cock, smiling blank and happy - an eternal monument to stupidity and depravity.

Gorgon couldn't be happier.

"That's one 'powerful servant' down," she chuckled, scooping her new statue up in her coils. "You'll make for a fine helper on cold nights when I need a good cockstand, hm? And in the meantime... I think I'll leave you with the collection. You'll fit right in."

And with that she carried the rock deeper into the cave - and deposited her amongst a collection of other stone monuments of similar women, all caught in amusingly depraved positions. "So long, little rabbit," she said, waving as she left. "You were right - you would be hard to swallow. I guess this is your win after all~"

Then she was gone, her echoing laughter the only company for the horde of helpless stone statues as they vanished into darkness forevermore. 


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