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I meant to post this Wednesday, but forgot as I was busy. Then I was going to post it yesterday, but same thing. Finally I have got time and remembered to post it, so hi! Here's the first update on what's happening with V0.26.

First of all, the polls. They've got one day left, but it seems clear who is going to win each one. If you want to get some last minute votes in, find them here:


As it stands as of writing this, it seems Imry won't be getting content in V0.26 while Serena will be getting extra content. Poor Imry getting no love, as is the curse of being a late joining character. She's actually been my favourite to write for recently, I find her really cute! The upside is with Serena winning the focus poll, we'll be getting some extra content to progress the main story!

I'm not 100% sure yet if V0.26 or V0.27 will be the final update for episode 1. There's still some things I want to do before hitting that point, but we'll see how development of V0.26 goes and what time I have. 

Speaking of Episodes. Normally between releasing the supporter build and releasing the public build, I use that time to plan out the details of the next update and take a couple of days to rest or work on other things (like Saviour), but this time I started working on the framework for episode 2 and I'm really excited for how it's turning out! I think you guys are going to love it!

Anyway, that's all for this update. Keep your eyes peeled for some preview images coming soon!


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