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Just a quick update to let you know what's happening. First, I'm feeling much better. Still waiting on some test results, but overall feeling alright at the moment which is nice. Just in time too, since I'm off abroad tomorrow for a few days to look at wedding venues, so that'll be fun. It will also mean I'll be rather MIA for a bit.

As for what's happening with the game, I've now finished all story progress for Amy, Amber and Claire for this update. I still have the additional content for Amy to do since she won the poll. I've also now completely finished the ability to sleep with Claire at night, which means you can now spend the night with over half of the main ladies. The rest will be coming in time.

As a reminder, Serena "won" the no content poll, so she won't be getting any story in this update. 



It'll be interesting to see Megs Bed chamber when your going to be able to sleep in her sanctum