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The first beta released last week and since then progress has been slow because I'm ill again. Hopefully nothing too serious, but awaiting test results to find out what's going on. As a result, I've been dealing with that and not had much chance to work on the game this week. Likely not going to get a huge amount done and take tomorrow and the weekend to rest. 

I have managed to get through a bunch of bugfixes and typos, as well as create two new animations for a scene with Amy, so some progress is being made, it's just slow. I also meant to be going away for a few days at the end of the month to look at wedding venues, so that's going to eat even more time up from this update. I may have to make this update slightly smaller than usual, but we'll see what time permits once all of this life stuff is out of the way.


david anderson

good luck on your wedding although still think his soon be wife sshouuld stand over him with whip on honeymooon working on game hehe.

Jim K

Good luck with your wedding. Take care of yourself and rest.