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It's hot. The temperature, not the update. My office is getting back to gross temperatures due to the surprisingly nice weather we're having at the moment. Which is making working hard.

On top of that, burn out is a real thing. This week I've been so unmotivated to work on anything. Think it's a combination of overworking, not sleeping well due to the heat and my office being so warm. So, I'm going to take the next 10 days or so to relax. I'll still get some work done, but it'll be less intense than usual. 

But that won't matter for V0.24, since that update is already basically finished. The final beta will be next Friday, with the supporter build sometime after that. There's still one more set of preview images to go, which will be going out on Monday, so keep your eyes out for that!



Nice, I know the heat issue, my wife and computers hate the heat here. We have to keep the blinds closed and ac down or this place turns into a furnace.


Take the time you need mate, mental health is more important