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It's that time again, so here's the latest progress update. It's good news! The update is now story content complete. Which means all the main characters story is done, but there's still some side events left to add. I also want to go back and redo a couple of the early game animations as they are, let's just say lacking...

Unfortunately I'm going away this week. So that stuff will all need to wait. Luckily the few days away shouldn't impact the update schedule, I'm still aiming for the next beta to be out in 2-3 weeks, which will hopefully be content complete by then. 

As many of you know, I've been tinkering with a second project during my free time. As part of that, I had an idea of a minigame as a new way to make money in that project that wasn't just another photography career, as I wanted it to be different from Lunar's Chosen. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your viewpoint), that minigame idea grew exponentially. 

So now I have a third project I want to work on. Don't worry, neither of these projects are taking time away from working on Lunar's Chosen. They're being done in my spare time, which means they won't see the light of day for a long long time when Lunar's Chosen is finished. 

But yeah, it does mean I'm incredibly busy at the moment and I also got engaged just before Christmas, so there's wedding planning happening on top (that's why I'm going away, it's not a holiday unfortunately). Luckily it's all exciting stuff, so it's both exciting and stressful!


david anderson

so when can we send the funer er wedding flowers

david anderson

let's vote on chain him to his computer desk so can finish all three projects before honeymoon hehe