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There is still currently over 100 people pledged to the $1 tier. This is your reminder that the $1 tier will be deleted at the end of this month. If you don't want to lose access to Patreon updates, make sure to switch your pledge as once that tier is deleted, your pledge will be deleted too if you are still on that tier!


Princess Narii

I am member of that tier from like the start of the games development. Would have prefered something that the secretary did and allowed for the original members of the tier to be locked in to that tier until they leave. Im not increasing the price. Game is fun and interesting but not worth 3,50 a month... If ill get kicked out then thats it!


I did consider this, but then decided it'd be unfair to have two groups of people paying different amounts for access to the same content. While it sucks for long term supporters, it's the most fair option overall to delete the tier.


I'll save a bit of money in that case. Good luck with everything.