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I haven't posted anything this week, which is unusual for me, but that's because it's been an unusual week. Usually between the Patreon release and public release of a game, I spend time tinkering with bugs, planning the next update and getting a head start on renders. This week though, I've done none of that, which is why I have no progress update for V0.18 and nothing else to tell you about it.

Instead, I've been working on setting up the game to release on Steam! Releasing a game on Steam is far more complicated that it might seem. At least, it was for me. It's taken me ages to get everything in place, it's actually something I've been setting up on and off for over two months. Finally though, everything is in place and the game in waiting for review before going live! That can take a while, even longer for adult games, so no ETA yet, but hopefully soon!

Anyway, that's all I have to say. The public release will be coming on Friday, along with the cheat codes for $5 Patreons. I'll try to remember to do a roundup of everything from V0.17 next week. 


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