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It's hot. Not the update content, although that's pretty hot, no the weather. We're currently in the middle of a heatwave and it's insanely hot which means that work on the game has slowed due to it being far too hot to have my PC running renders all day every day.

Luckily I have a couple of scenes already rendered, so I'm working on those and it should hopefully cool down to more bearable temperatures tomorrow, so I'll be back to rendering. The next beta is due for Friday, but due to the weather, I may delay it to next week so I can get the scenes I want done finished.

There's also been two polls running, first one to decide who would be the 4K wallpaper this month and the winner was Darla, so I'll be working on that once the weather has cooled as well. The other poll was for Amy on Amy content, which passed and will be coming with the next beta.

The Amy on Amy scene will actually be the first skippable scene in the game. Normally for story scenes, if I offer content it's only part of the scene and I make it so you get alternate versions, but between doing futa and none futa versions of the scene, offering additional alternatives would just be too much of a headache and waste far too much time.  Don't worry, you won't miss any story content if you skip the scene!

That's pretty much all I have to say this week, now excuse me while I go and melt into a puddle...


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