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I had an idea and I wondered if it'd be worth the time. Should you be able to redecorate the MC's bedroom? This would involve things like changing the art on the walls, buying items you can display in the room and any other miscellanious things I think of adding.

This would take some time to do, but I think it'd be fun. What do you guys thinks?


Connor Boetzkes

It sounds fun, but I think it would be better to start implementing it after the next update at least. (I don't know if that was your plan from the start)


I'll likely implement the basic framework so it can be tested, then work on it in the background for an update or two then release a whole bunch of stuff in one go

Wild Bill

It might be nice to be able to put the pictures from the photoshoots on the walls, considering the game has that as a theme.

Robert Tucker

Anything that gives us players more to do is ALWAYS a good thing, there's no need to even ask. That said, everything added is more work for you and therefore less "work units" you have available for the rest of the game to move things forward. In other words, the only real vote that counts here is PTGames and whether he/she/they can implement something new without slamming the rest of development.


That's why I put it to a vote, if it's something people really want, I'm happy to spend some time adding it. If people voted against it, even if I would like to add it, I wouldn't waste dev time adding something people aren't interested in :)


I might add one or two, but not all, the way I'd have to do it would be way to much work to add every picture/shoot