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It's been a good week. Busy, but good. Except for the fact I forgot to post the preview images I planned to post this week, so they'll be coming soon. Progress is being made and is going well, I've done the majority of the story content. There's a couple of scenes left to do. I've not started on the photoshoots, but I have made a start on the first mind reading events in the club.

Since I forgot to post them earlier in the week, I'll be posting the preview images soon. As for the beta, that will hopefully be coming this weekend. 

For the future of the update, I can't say when or how long it will be until a Patreon or Public release will be ready at the this point. For those of you who will play the next beta, you'll maybe understand why once you do Amber's scene and what's going to be coming after. I've once again created a lot of work for myself, but I think the payoff will be worth it.

If you haven't already and you're pledged to the $15+ tier, go vote in the poll here to vote on what events will happen for the club mind reading scenes.

Finally, the last thing I hope to work on and get out before the end of the weekend is the 4K wallpaper. Caroline won the poll, so she will be the star. I've got an idea of what I want to do with her, so hopefully I'll be able to share that with you all soon.


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