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Time for this weeks progress update for V0.14! I try to do these weekly, but I often forget...

Anyway, progress is going well. Unfortunately this weeks gone a little slower than planned due to being ill. I'm fine now though and I've managed to get most of what I wanted to do done. I did say I wanted one scene for each character before releasing a beta, but due to being ill and the fact I'll have plumbers here fixing the boiler and the radiator in my office, I'm not likely to get the scene for Amber done before the weekend.

So, I think I'll just skip the Amber scene and release the beta this weekend if I get everything else done!

In other news, there are two polls currently running. One for Katie to decide some fetish content for her and a second for deciding who will be the 4K wallpaper this month. There's only twenty three more hours left on the wallpaper poll, so if you want to vote, hurry!

I'm also going to be running a couple more polls this month for other content. Serena won the poll of who should be getting extra content this update, so that's allowed me to create some fun stuff with her. This update will be a lot of set up for future storylines. The last few updates have been very sex heavy, so I want to get back to more story focused stuff to balance it out. Don't worry, that doesn't mean there won't be no sex though!


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