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First of all, Happy New Year everyone! Hopefully this year is far better for everyone than last year was. Now onto what's been happening with the game. Well as you can imagine, over the holidays work slowed down a fair amount. It didn't stop completely, but I got far less done than I usually would do in the last week or so.

I luckily had a chance to spend some time with my girlfriend. She works in a school, so before the holidays, we decided to stay apart to try and stay safe as her job is a huge risk and my housemate is considered vulnerable for COVID. After 10 days or so on holiday, we have spent as much of the last week as we could together, so work had to take a back seat for a while, which was weird as I've not taken a break from working on the game that long before.

The bonus of that is I'm pretty refreshed and excited to start working on the game again. As I said, all work didn't stop and what I was working on was a new main menu. I'm probably half way through what I want to do and anyone that's seen the last preview will know what it is. This is something I've been wanting to update for a long time, so I'm excited to be able to do it. I'm just hoping Ren'py can handle the file size I'm going to be using.

As for releases, well right now I'm not 100% sure. I've got a couple of story scenes left I'd like to add, so I'll likely release a beta in the next week or so with the new main menu as that will need testing to make sure it works on a variety of systems without breaking the game. Then after that, I'll finish up the scenes I need and hopefully be able to release sometime this month.

Also, it's my birthday this month, so if you could all form an orderly queue to deliver all the gifts you have obviously all bought me, that'd be great! :D


Julian Harper

Gifts? Oh... well that’s awkward... do you accept half eaten Christmas chocolate? :)